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1. What was the occupation of Bheki Mseleku’s father?

2. What is Bheki’s full name?

3. What did Alice Coltrane give to Bheki as a gift?
4. Who did Bheki co-found Spirits Rejoice with??
5. What special occasion did Judith Sephuma perform at in June 1999?
6. Who did she perform with?
7. Name two songs of Judith Sephuma.
8. Which artist was part of the Jazzwerkstatt Bern curation team?
9. Name 3 artists in MABUTA.
10. Name 2 albums by MABUTA.
11. Name the album by ‘Feya’ Faku that was recorded following a cultural exchange in
12. What is the name of Bheki’s 3rd album?
13. What year was it recorded in?
14. Name 3 songs by Bheki Mseleku.


1. What was the occupation of Bheki Mseleku’s father? A teacher

2. What is Bheki’s full name? Bhekumuzi Hyacinth Mseleku(1)
3. What did Alice Coltrane give to Bheki as a gift? John Coltrane’s mouthpiece
4. Who did Bheki co-found Spirits Rejoice with?? Sipho Gumede
5. What special occasion did Judith Sephuma perform at in June 1999? Thabo Mbeki’s
Presidential Inauguration
6. Who did she perform with? Jimmy Dludlu
7. Name two songs of Judith Sephuma. A Cry; Iya. Iyo, Mme Motswadi
8. Which artist was part of the Jazzwerkstatt Bern curation team? Shane Cooper
9. Name 3 artists in MABUTA. Shane Cooper, Bokani Dyer, Sisonke Xonti, Robin Fassie,
Reza Khota
10. Name 2 albums by MABUTA. Welcome to the World; Finish the Sun
11. Name the album by ‘Feya’ Faku that was recorded following a cultural exchange in
Holland? Hommage
12. What is the name of Bheki’s 3rd album? Timelessness
What year was it recorded in? 1994
13. Name 3 songs by Bheki Mseleku. Mamelodi; Angola; Timelessness

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