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National Conference on Contemporary Advancements in Computers,

Networks in Machine Learning (NCACNM)- January-2017

Big Data Analytics: A Classification of Data

Quality Assessment and Improvement Methods
Dr. Akella Amarendra Babu
Professor, Dept. of CSE, St. Martin’s College of Engineering College, Secunderabad
Dr. G. Dileep Kumar
Professor, Dept. of CSE, St. Martin’s College of Engineering College, Secunderabad
Dr. R. BalaMurali
Professor, Dept. of CSE, St. Martin’s College of Engineering College, Secunderabad
Dr. K. Kondaiah
Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, St. Martin’s College of Engineering College, Secunderabad

The categorization of data and information requires
The Big Data technology involves
re-evaluation in the age of Big Data in order to
ensure that the appropriate protections are given to collecting data from different resources
different types of data. The aggregation of large merge it that is becomes available to deliver
amounts of data requires an assessment of the harms a data product useful for the organization
and benefits that pertain to large datasets linked
business. The process of converting large
together, rather than simply assessing each datum or
amount of data i.e unstructured raw data
dataset in isolation. Big Data produce new data via
inferences, and this must be recognized in ethical received from different sources to produce a
assessments. We propose a Classification of Data data product useful for the organizations
Quality Assessment and Improvement Methods The and the users.
use of schemata such as this will assist decision-
Most big data problems can be categorized
making by providing research ethics committees and
in the following ways −
information governance bodies with guidance about
the relative sensitivities of data. This will ensure that
 Supervised classification
appropriate and proportionate safeguards are
provided for data research subjects and reduce  Supervised regression
inconsistency in decision making.
 Unsupervised learning

 Learning to rank

Big data analytics; Massive data; Structured

Let us now learn more about these four
data; Unstructured Data; DQ concepts.
Supervised Classification department to develop products for
Given a matrix of features X = {x1, x2, ..., different segments. A good approach for
xn} we develop a model M to predict developing a segmentation model, rather
different classes defined as y = {c1, c2, ..., than thinking of algorithms, is to select
cn}. For example: Given transactional data features that are relevant to the
of customers in an insurance company, it is segmentation that is desired.
possible to develop a model that will For example, in a telecommunications
predict if a client would churn or not. The company, it is interesting to segment
latter is a binary classification problem, clients by their cell phone usage. This
where there are two classes or target would involve disregarding features that
variables: churn and not churn. have nothing to do with the segmentation
Other problems involve predicting more objective and including only those that do.
than one class, we could be interested in In this case, this would be selecting
doing digit recognition, therefore the features as the number of SMS used in a
response vector would be defined as: y = month, the number of inbound and
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, a-state-of-the- outbound minutes, etc.
art model would be convolution neural Learning to Rank
network and the matrix of features would
This problem can be considered as a
be defined as the pixels of the image.
regression problem, but it has particular
Supervised Regression characteristics and deserves a separate
In this case, the problem definition is rather treatment. The problem involves given a
similar to the previous example; the collection of documents we seek to find the
difference relies on the response. In a most relevant ordering given a query. In
regression problem, the response y ∈ ℜ, order to develop a supervised learning
this means the response is real valued. For algorithm, it is needed to label how
example, we can develop a model to relevant an ordering is, given a query.
predict the hourly salary of individuals It is relevant to note that in order to
given the corpus of their CV. develop a supervised learning algorithm, it
Unsupervised Learning is needed to label the training data. This

Management is often thirsty for new means that in order to train a model that

insights. Segmentation models can provide will, for example, recognize digits from an

this insight in order for the marketing image, we need to label a significant
amount of examples by hand. There are The best way to find sponsors for a project
web services that can speed up this process is to understand the problem and what
and are commonly used for this task such would be the resulting data product once it
as Amazon mechanical tuck. It is proven has been implemented. This understanding
that learning algorithms improve their will give an edge in convincing the
performance when provided with more management of the importance of the big
data, so labeling a decent amount of data project.
examples is practically mandatory in
supervised learning.

In large organizations, in order to

successfully develop a big data project, it is
needed to have management backing up
the project. This normally involves finding
a way to show the business advantages of
the project. We don’t have a unique
solution to the problem of finding sponsors
for a project, but a few guidelines are given
Figure 1: Big Data Properties with
below −
Dataware Houses
 Check who and where are the
sponsors of other projects similar to Big Data Challenges

the one that interests you. Adaptability

 Having personal contacts in key The information is developing and is being

management positions helps, so any created as terra bytes of information. How
contact can be triggered if the would I Store it? Where do I keep the
project is promising. information? What calculations will be

 Who would benefit from your utilized for handling it? Will any Data

project? Who would be your client Mining method have the capacity to deal

once the project is on track? with such tremendous information? A few

versatile systems are being utilized by
 Develop a simple, clear, and exiting
associations, for example, Microsoft. The
proposal and share it with the key
exchange of information onto the cloud is a
players in your organization.
moderate procedure and we require a several data maybe pertaining to health
legitimate framework that does it at an records purchases etc. these might lead to,
extensive speed particularly when the identification issues, profiling, loss of
information is dynamic in nature and control, location whereabouts of a person
immense. Information rebalance related to purchases in supermarkets and
calculations exist and depend on stack many more. Thus anonymization of this
adjustment and histogram assembles up. data or its encryption comes as solutions to
this issue. Privacy approaches can be dealt
Versatility exists at the three levels in the
with user consent over its usage or sharing
cloud stack. At the Platform level there is:
on the globe. Several privacy and
even and vertical versatility.
protection laws exist for this which is a
Security and Access Control: Security is a
part of regulatory framework.
viewpoint that emerges as an issue from
inside an association or when an individual Big Data Difficulties

uses a cloud to transfer "its own particular 1. Information Protection:

information". At the point when a Client
Information Security is a significant
transfers a data and pays too for the
component that warrants examination.
service, so who is responsible for access to
Undertakings are hesitant to purchase a
the data, permissions to use the data, the
confirmation of business information
location of the data, its loss, authority to
security from merchants. They fear losing
use the data being stored on clusters, The
information to rivalry and the information
right of the cloud service provider to use
privacy of buyers. In many occurrences,
the client’s personal data and many others.
the genuine capacity area isn't unveiled,
One of the major solutions was encrypting
including onto the security worries of
the data.
endeavors. In the current models, firewalls
Privacy and Integrity Issues: crosswise over server farms (claimed by

The data being generated might be too undertakings) ensure this touchy data. In

personal for an individual or an the cloud show, Service suppliers are in

organization. This big data might be charge of keeping up information security

collected from Facebook accounts, and undertakings would need to depend on

WhatsApp applications each of these being them.

more personal as compared to other

applications. In addition to this online data,
2. Information Recovery and individual data and other delicate data to be
Availability physically situated outside the state or
nation. Keeping in mind the end goal to
All business applications have Service
meet such prerequisites, cloud suppliers
level assertions that are stringently taken
need to setup a server farm or a capacity
after. Operational groups assume a key part
site solely inside the nation to conform to
in administration of administration level
directions. Having such a foundation may
assertions and runtime administration of
not generally be practical and is a major
uses. Underway conditions, operational
challenge for cloud suppliers.
groups bolster proper bunching and Fail

 Information Replication Proposed System: A Classification of

Data Quality Assessment and
 Framework observing (Transactions Improvement Methods
checking, logs checking and others)

 Support (Runtime Governance)

 Limit and execution administration

3. Administration Capabilities

Regardless of there being numerous cloud

suppliers, the administration of stage and
foundation is still in its earliest stages.
Highlights like „Auto-scaling‟ for instance,
is urgent prerequisite for some ventures.
There is colossal potential to enhance the
versatility and load adjusting highlights
gave today.

4. Administrative and Compliance

Restrictions Figure 2: Data Quality Problems

In a portion of the European nations, DQ Assessment and Improvement

Government directions don't permit client's Methods To obtain a list of DQ methods we
reviewed the existing software tools for practitioner’s experience of current
both DQ assessment and improvement and practices in the data quality industry. The
extracted the different methods provided resulting methods are described in the
within these tools. The landscape of DQ following two subsections and have been
software tools is regularly reviewed by the split according to whether they are for DQ
information technology research and assessment or improvement.
advisory firm Gartner, and we used their DQ Methods for Assessment As noted
latest review to scope the search for DQ before, the aim of DQ assessment is to
tools from which to extract DQ methods. inspect data to determine the current level of
The list of DQ tools reviewed is as follows: DQ and the extent of any DQ deficiencies.
The following DQ methods, obtained from
the review of the DQ tools above, support
this activity and provide an automated
means to detect DQ problems.
Column analysis typically computes the
following information: number of (unique)
values and the number of instances per
value as percentage from the total number
of instances in that column, number of null
values, minimal and maximal value, total

To perform the extraction of methods, we and standard deviation of a value for

reviewed the actual tool (for those that were numerical columns, median and average

freely available) and any documentation of value scores, etc. In addition, column

the tool including information on the analysis also computes the inferred type

organizations’ websites. We also augmented information.

this review with a general review of DQ For example, a column could be declared

literature that describes DQ methods, and as a ‘string’ column in the physical data

have cited the relevant works in our model, but the values found would lead to

resulting list of DQ methods in the the inferred data type ‘date’. The frequency

following section. Once we had reviewed distribution of the values in a column is

each tool and extracted the DQ methods, the another key metric which can influence the

methods were validated (for completeness weight factors in some probabilistic

and validity) by an expert with 10 year’s matching algorithms. Another metric is

format distribution where only 5 digit
numeric entries are expected for a column verification against the postal dictionary
holding German zip codes. Some DQ will only produce good results if the address
profiling tools (for example, Talend information has been standardized.
profiler) differentiate between analyses that
are applicable to a single column compared Conclusion
to a “column set”. This paper describes the data DQ problems,

Column set analysis refers to how values despite the fact that some problems can be
automatically detected and that the correction
from multiple columns can be compared
methods can also be automated, the whole process
against one another. For this research, we
cannot be carried out automatically without human
include this functionality within the term intervention in most cases in finding a common
“column analysis”. spelling error in many different instances of a word,

Cross-domain analysis (also known as a human is often used to develop the correct regular
expression to automatically find and replace all the
functional dependency analysis in some
incorrect instances. So between the application of the
tools) can be applied to data integration
automated assessment and improvement methods,
scenarios with dozens of source systems. It there often exists a manual analysis and
enables the identification of redundant data configuration step. The aim of this research was to

across tables from different, and in some provide a review of methods for DQ assessment and
improvement and identify gaps where there are no
cases even the same, sources. Cross-domain
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