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Legal control for anti-competition

It is for not being dominated by one individual enterprise.

It is removing some controls of government.
Providing finance
Providing interest free loan and less interest loan.

Product development
Adding features to the existing product or making new product
Reduce price
Reduce cost for the item, and then reduce a price will make u get into the big
competition in the market.

Geographic segmentation-based on the region weather and the position

Demographic segmentation-based on the characteristics of the consumers

Able to survive-because target on each sector

Price discrimination-adding some features will able the business to add the values
on the products

Reduce the mistake

Since they understand well, less mistake will be seen
Faster decision
If they understand each other easily the communication will be faster, so the
decision will be faster.

Oral-adv-can receive the response in instance

-dsv-no record for the talk
Written-adv-have permanent record
dab-can be boring if the letter is too long
Electronic-fast ,have permanent record
-need devices
Visual-easy to understand
- some data might be lost

Three points of communication barrier

Problems with channel of communication
Problems between sender and receivers
Problems with physical environment

Job analysis
Job description
Person specification
Job advertisement
Application sent out

Induction training
Adv- quickly familiar to the workplace because they quickly feel part of the
They can perform easily because they can finish it easily from the start
Dsv-Doesn’t take part in the productivity because they spend time training alone

On the job training

Adv-Cheap because they don’t need separate training
Ddv-might pick up the bad habits of the old employees

Off the job training

Ade-learn latest tech because they learn with the trainers
Ddv-Expensive since they need special place for training

Span of control- subordinates under one manager or supervisor

Wide span- adv -less cost beacause less manager
Dsv- more waste, so employee make mistake and they aren’t
Narrow span- adv -more cost because more managers
dsv - more supervised so employee become stressed

Hierarchy -levels of organisation

Chain of command- the route where the authority is passing down

Delegation-passing authority to the employee for the task and let the employee make
They do not trust employees because they don’t trust the ability of the employees
and might scare of them not finishing the task
They feel threatened ,if the employees do better the employees might take over the

Adv- Managers have more spare times so they can focus on the important ones
Employees’ skills improved-sone they are given permission and the authority,
they feel valued by the employers and they become enthusiastic about the job, so
they learn new thing and they become multi skilled.

Delayering-reduce cost because less salary to pay

Faster communication because less step to go through
Dsv- Redundancy cost increase because they have to pay for the employees
that they terminated
demotivation because other employees might think when will be
their time

Centralised -Adv-Faster decision since all of the decision are made by the
Dsv-Slower communication because all of the response will be
needed to post to the headquarter
Decentralised-adv - Faster communication because they can do their decision
Improve motivation because they are not
Dsv- Decision wrong because the manager are not experienced


Autocratic-managaer makes all decisions

Adv-Decision making is firm because the manager only make what is best for the
Dsv-demotivated because the employees cannot tell their ideas

Democratic - employees can take part but final decision is on manager

Adv-Employees decision making skill improved and can be able to lead later, and no
decision mistake because manager does the final decision

Laissez Faire- employees can make decisions and manager only gives advices
Adv-motivated because they can make decision and increase productivity and new
ideas will come out
Dsv-increase cost because of the mistakes and watses

How they decide leadership style

-depend of the manager because they will only lead the style that will suit them
-Time availability - if the manager don’t have much time democratic or laissez
Organisational structure- The formal informal framework of the business how they
work and managed

Low labour turnover

The employees are happy at work so they will not quit the job
Low absenteeism
The employees will not absent without any good reason
Increase productivity
They are happy so they will enthusiastic about the job , they increase

Financial methods
Hourly rage-the employees are paid for the hour they work
Adv-Only pay for the hour they work
DSV-doesn’t depend of the output
Commission-The pay based on the value of goods the employee sold
ADV- only need to pay the percentage of the value of goods
DSV-Don’t know how much the employees will earn each day
Salary-The employees are paid annually
ADV-no need to pay for the extra hours
Piece rate-pay for the piece the employee produced
ADV-depend on out put
DSV-low quality because the employees will try to make more items
Bonus scheme-Depend on performance
ADV-only need to pay of the employees reach the target
DSV-if the target is impossible the employee will become demotivated
Profit sharing-sharing a percent of the profit depending on the performance
ADV- Increase productivity
DSV-Divident for shareholder decrease
Fringe benefit-alternate cash payment for employees such as discount
ADV-Try to achieve the higher rank so increase performance
DSV-depend on status not performance

Giving authority and full capacity for the task
ADV-motivate employees cuz they will feel valued
Giving larger variety of tasks so employee will not feel bored
Giving the different job so employee will be multi skilled

SOLE TRADER- business owned and controlled by one person taking all the risk and
benefitsPARTNERSHIP-business owned by two or more people, they invest together and
work together\
Private Limited Company-small or medium business that shares are not sold to public
Private Limited Company-Large business that shares are sold to public

Franchise-business selling other business for the usage of their company logo
ADV-Franchisor give information , low chance of failing

DSV-royalty fee is expensive, have to advertise ur own for ur shop

Join venture-two or more business joining for working on the project or forming a
ADV- Low risk of failure
DSV-If one bs reputation is damaged it will affect another

Innovative-have good new ideas

Initiative-have ideas and can work out on it
Self confident-Can make their own decision
Good at networking-can find connections and make their business bigger

To create jobs-they will have to pay less for jobless people’s they can invest more
in the country
Greater choice in the market -more choices—>less price-consumers gains power

Revenue made-total income

Market share-the bigger the market share the bigger the business

To increase profit-bigger business mass production-gain economics of scales less

To increase market share-if they gain more ms they can control the market

External growth
—>horizontal growth-merging with same industry
—>vertical integration-merging with different industry
Forward-one is manufacturer one is retailer
Backward -one is manufacturer one is one is producer
Different industries

Adv- gain new tech

gain new ideas
DSV-when one is damaged other one is also damaged.

Higher income
Prepare to give more money for better quality
Willing to give more money for the things that will make them relax

Increase productivity since the employees spend their times doing that one job so
they are skilled
Less waste since they are skilled at what they are doing

Branding - more loyal consumers so they will buy even if it is expensive

Convenience -they can add value or the convenience service
Service quality -The value will be increased because of the quality of the service
the consumer get.

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