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Steadman, Ralph.

A: “A New Understanding of Life”; 2010

Intro to book: channeled work, over a 2 year period (prompted by several mediums) - 15
different beings, began 2007.

“Pinch of salt”

Modern Science and Ancient Wisdom

The Earth is a sentient life-form in its own right and is evolving. The earth and all its components
and denizens receive energy in the form of intelligent energy (not yet discovered by human
science) via a series or meshwork of receptors. This intelligent energy forms the basic particles,
which form the basic atoms and molecules of all existence. In fact, most of life - whether
self-aware or not - is not currently visible by humanity at all, as it exists within different
dimensions to ours, of which there are many.

Humanity currently believes that the number of life-forms & species upon the Earth is
decreasing, when in fact the opposite is true. For as the earth evolves, it changes and many of
the species which disappear are replaced by others which exist in different dimensions. But as
humanity itself evolves to states of higher consciousness and awareness, and accrue greater
abilities to interact with these other dimensions, many of these life-forms will become
increasingly perceivable to us and humanity will gain a greater understanding of what Reality
truly is. For humanity is rapidly approaching a time where there will come a true recognition of
the reality of Creation and a greater understanding that we are a part of it and are, in fact,
co-creators of our own reality.

Intelligent Energy
The universe, in fact all of creation, is derived from and composed of Intelligent Energy; which,
for sake of ease, I shall refer to as intelligent particles. The creative force itself, which caused
the BIg Bang, did so in a drive to experience itself and so curiosity is the primary driving
motivator of these intelligent particles. These particles exist in different dimensions to our own
and so can operate and behave in seemingly inexplicable ways and this explains much of the
seemingly odd behavior of the subatomic world which humanity is only beginning to discover
and understand. For example, science has shown how atoms, which are comprised of this
same intelligent energy, can be influenced by thought alone - even across vast distances and at
different times; or how these subatomic particles can appear & disappear at will; or seem
connected to each other so that an influence on one can have a corresponding effect on
another, despite being distanced from each other and lastly, how they can operate either as
particles or wavelengths - depending upon whether they are observed or not.

This intelligent energy, in the form of intelligent particles, has the desire to experience existence
in all of its many forms and facets. As a result, they begin, by experiencing existence as the
basic building blocks of inanimate matter - such as a mineral. Eventually, they then choose to
experience existence as a larger component of the same structure - a molecule perhaps, and
eventually the entire form, such as an entire crystal. Once they have experienced all facets and
forms of the inanimate world, they move onto simple plant-life - beginning as components of
atoms, then atoms themselves, then molecules of various forms, then cells and larger structures
within the plants until eventually, they experience being the entire plant itself. Once they have
done this for all species of plant-life, going from least to the most complex, the process is
repeated for the animal kingdom. And although each of these intelligent particles is existing
independently from each other at some level of awareness, they are also all connected deeply
at other levels, forming a whole structure or being with its own awareness. To put it simply, the
consciousness of an entire organism is comprised of the consciousness’ of its constituent
intelligent particles - with some existing at a level of awareness of the whole, whereas others as
a part thereof. Now because these particles are INTELLIGENT, when they exist as an entire
organism or the most complex form of the inanimate object, they are then able to slowly
INFLUENCE the nature and change within that organism i.e they are able influence its
EVOLUTION over time. Evolution being a process of thought - ney, INTELLIGENCE - affecting
the material of a species or form, and based upon its experience as being that form and all its
constituent parts. Evolution is NOT a random process of chance, as many humans believe
today and nor is it the driving force of a single mind - it is the result of the subtle influence of an
infinite number of Intelligences Particles which together, form a single, connected
consciousness. The Earth itself is sentient in this way - as it has its own consciousness
composed of the enormous number of consciousness’ of its constituent intelligent particles
across all of the dimensions in which the Earth exists.

Now, after each period of existence, and later lifetimes, at the moment of physical death, the
constituent intelligent particles dissociate and move on to their respective levels of complexity of
existence: some repeating the same level of complexity, some moving onto higher levels of
complexity, some moving onto a more complex life form entirely and this process continues on
and on and on - until at some point, these particles have experienced all there is to experience
on this planet and in this dimension and move onto another. But then we come to the creation of
humanity, where things become a little different.

Visitors from space

Humans ARE animals and therefore did evolve like all the other life-forms on our planet.
However, their evolution was INTERRUPTED and DIRECTED by creationist scientists - from
other dimensions!

A very long time ago, these scientists decided to experiment in our dimension, with the view to
create a sentient species, with RATIONAL THOUGHT, which could directly connect to their
cosmic origins and source energy and thereby vastly speed up the process of the evolution of
the earth and its inhabitants. Remember that their level of knowledge & expertise vastly
surpasses our own today, and that they were operating from other dimensions and into our own
for the most part. Many mistakes were made, as is to be expected from such a complex project
and there were many objections from amongst themselves along the way, but eventually, they
succeeded and it is for this reason that humanity is different from all other species and forms
which exist on this planet.
How are they different? Well, let us start with emotion. All animal life has a rudimentary form of
emotional intelligence which is derived from, and in some, no different from, INSTINCT.
Humans, however, have a much more advanced form of emotional intelligence (albeit still
derived from instinct) because it was created by our cosmic creators. This is what we call our
EMOTIONAL BODIES. We were also endowed with a MENTAL BODY and therefore we
possess something called: RATIONAL THOUGHT. In addition to this, we possess, like all life
forms have to, to inhabit our dimension, a PHYSICAL BODY and, lastly and most importantly,
what we will call a SPIRITUAL BODY. THis last body is key to the success of the project - for
this body is what allows us to connect to higher dimensions and give and receive information -
and energy - between them. It is this final body - the spiritual body - which allows The Human
Experiment to achieve its goal - to speed up the evolution of the intelligent particles throughout
this dimension and this planet.

I won’t go into the many mistakes that were made - one only has to peruse some of humanity’s
ancient tales of strange chimeric creatures to have some idea - but will explain this: humans
actually have SEVEN energetic bodies, rather than just the three mentioned above (emotional -
mental - spiritual) and for this reason. Ultimately, the creationist scientists found that they could
not attach the four main bodies together without using an intermediate layer to, for want of
further explanation here, MESH them together. The result is that humanity has a SEVEN
LAYERED energetic matrix, which is attached to and communicates with the densest and base
layer, the physical body, by what many have called, THE SILVER CORD. At the moment of
death this cord separates from the physical body and dissolves away (its constituent energetic
particles separating and going their separate ways), as does its intermediate layer, called the
physical blueprint; leaving behind, still integrated with each other, the remaining 5 bodies:
emotional body - intermediate layer - the mental body - intermediate layer - the spiritual body.
Eventually, for reasons I won’t go into here, there comes a time when the spiritual body also
dissociates from the emotional and mental bodies and goes on to repeat the cycle again
elsewhere, in other dimensions or chooses to remain behind to assist others in their cycles here
on Earth.

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