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20 Kossuth utca

8000 Székesfehérvár

To the Editor of The Times 09 04 2016

Dear Editor

I have been a faithful reader of your paper for a long time. The article on social networking sites
published in your latest edition raised my interest indeed so I would like to share my opinion with

Facebook is the most used social networking website in the world. If you are searching for a former
college roommate or a friend, there is no easier or faster way to find them than social media. That is
why I logged into it four years ago and I use it frequently. Obviously, it has many benefits but many
disadvantages of visiting social websites as well.

One of the biggest Facebook disadvantages is that it can become addictive. Once you get connected
with your Facebook friends you can spend much time in commenting, viewing others’ pictures,
playing games or doing other stuff. What is more, Facebook eats up your time so quickly that you do
not even notice how much time you have spent using it. For example, Facebook is one of the main
reasons why children postpone their school work, social and sport activities. Finally, through
Facebook ads, friends’ and other people’s comments, status updates, you get to access all sort of
videos, pages, violent images, videos, horror scenes that are not suitable for children.

On the other hand, Facebook undoubtedly has some advantages. First, it is the fastest way to share
information, documents or photos in a group. Furthermore, Facebook offers an application that you
can use to chat with your friends while you are travelling or waiting or when you are simply bored.
Through Facebook ads and fans pages you can advertise your business. Finally, Facebook provides
tons of gaming possibilities and other applications.

To sum up, although you have to be very careful while using it, I think Facebook is an invention that
has revolutionised communication on Internet.

Thank you for taking time to read my point of view and I remain your wedded subscriber

Yours Faithfully, Adam Smith

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