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Introduction: Dreams are a nice thing that we have when we fall into a deep sleep after a long and

exhausting day. It's like giving our body a little vacation. Well, today I'm going to tell you about my
dream, which is a bit weird, but interesting.

In the dream I was in a beautiful, and very well-groomed house for a house in the middle of the
forest. A lady was sitting on a chair, but I ignore her. In 5 or 7 minutes, suddenly, I heard someone
calling me with a sweet voice "Sarah! Come to eat!" and I go to where the voice. It was the lady
who had prepared the food, and stirring the soup a little, I saw a human finger in the soup, I got
scared and asked the lady about it and she told me "Now don't tell me you don't like it, you've
been eating it and you always say that you loved" then, I got scared and left the house. I heard
screams of people suffering inside the house and I saw how it crumbled little by little.

Once the house was in ruins I went to seek help or report what had happened, and I found a
policeman and as soon as he saw me he took me to the police station. In the pólice station they
told me that it was a missing girl, one of the feel missing girls from that city. After that they told
me that my sister had reported me missing and had spent 5 years without appearin. A few
minutes later they asked me what the person who kidnapped me was like and I told them the
lady's face, they told me that she was a highly sought-after cannibal throughout the country, when
I heard that I passed out for some reason. I woke up I was in the hospital, they told me I had been
in a coma for 10 years. Therefore, all the story was a dream that lasted 10 years, the strange thing
is that the nurse who told me was exactly the same as the cannibal lady, she whispered in my ear
"You are not excited to see me again new?” When I heard that I wake up inmediatly of the dream.

In conclusion: This was one of the craziest and weirdest, but at the same time interesting dreams
I've ever had. I remember dreaming about that girl other times, but those are other dreams and
each one is weirder than the other. Anyway, thanks for reading.

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