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Pillar 4 organization

1. Best partice area : Performance efficiency Pillar

Question text : (Tradeoffs) How do you use tradeoffs to imporove performance?
Question context : Tradeoffs play a crucial role in improving performance across various
Domains, including technology, decision-making,and resource
allocation. Here are some ways in which tradeoffs can be utilized to
enhance performance:

Pengorbanan memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan kinerja

diberbagai Domain, termasuk teknologi, pengambilan
keputusan, dan sumber daya alokasi. Berikut adalah beberapa
cara di mana
pengorbanan dapat digunakan meningkatkan kinerja:

Best practices :

 Prioritization
 Performance optimization
 Risk management
 Design considerations
 Decision-making
 Resource allocation

Praktik terbaik :

 Prioritas

 Pertunjukan pengoptimalan

 Manajemen risiko

 Pertimbangan desain

 Pengambilan keputusan

 Alokasi sumber daya

2. Best partice area : Performance efficiency Pillar
Question text : (Selection) How do you select your database solution?
Question context : When selecting a database (DB) solution, there are several factors to consider
depending on the specific requirements of your project. Here are some
important considerations:

Ketika memilih solusi basis data (DB), terdapat beberapa faktor yang
perlu dipertimbangkan tergantung pada persyaratan khusus dari
proyek Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa pertimbangan penting:

Best practices :

 Data Model
 Scalability
 Performance
 Data Integrity
 Durability and Fault Tolerance
 Security
 Tooling and Ecosystem
 Cost

Praktik terbaik :

 Model Data
 Skalabilitas
 Performa
 Integritas Data
 Daya Tahan dan Toleransi Kesalahan
 Keamanan
 Alat dan Ekosistem
 Biaya

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