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T he C orrect C reed that Every M uslim M ust K now

Shaykh 'A b d u s-Salaam Ibn B urjiss

W ith N o te s F ro m S h a y k h M u h a m m a d Ib n R a m z a a n a l-H a a ju re e
T ra n sla te d By 'U m a r B ry a n t
“They are saved from the Fire
on the Last Day, and they are
safe from innovations in this
world. They are the aided
sect as the Prophet ( $ ) said
about them, “There shall not
cease to be a group from
my Ummah who will remain
victorious until the order of
Allaah (the last hour)
comes and they are still
Z U L H io J I - % n V o D l l

the Correct
that Everq Muslim Must Know
Shaykh 'Abdus-Salaam Ibn Burjiss
W ith Notes by Shaykh M uham m ad Ibn R a m za an al-H aajiree
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1st Edition: A pril 2013

ISBN : 978-1-927012-06-2 I Printed in H ong Kong

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T R (p ) I D pW ^lsLAAM .CA
C (f 'the religion of all the prophets'

T a b le O f C o n t e n t s

T ran slato r's P re fa c e .......................................................................................................VII

A B rief B iograp h y of Sh aykh D r. 'A b d u s-S alaam Ibn B urjiss Ibn

N aasir A ali 'A b d il-K a re e m ..........................................................................................IX

H is N am e and L in e a g e ...................................................................................................................X

H is Early S tu d ie s ............................................................................................................................... X

H is P ositio n s and A d v an ced S tu d ie s ...................................................................................XII

H is B o ok s and W ritin g s ............................................................................................................ XIV

H is V e rific a tio n s ........................................................................................................................... XIX

A u th or's In tro d u ctio n ............................................................................................. XXIII

T he C orrect B elief R egarding: T aw heed a r-R o o b o o b iy y a h ..........................1

T h e P oly th eists N ever D isp u ted T aw heed A r-R o o b o o b iy y a h .......................................... 2

T h e B elief o f the P oly th eists that T h e ir G o d s In terced e for T hem b efore

A llaah and N ot B ecau se T h ey C reate and P ro v id e .......................................................... 3

T h e B en efits o f A llaah A ffirm in g T aw heed a r-R o ob oo b iy y ah .......................................... 5

T h e Inv alid ity o f Shirk in R ooboobiyyah, In tellectu ally and T extu ally (Based
up on the V e r s e s ).................................................................................................................................8

Th e C orrect B elief R egarding: T aw heed a l-A sm a a ' w a s -S ifa a t 11

The First P r in c ip le ........................................................................................................................... 11

T h e Second P rin cip le ...................................................................................................................... 12

T h e T hird P r in c ip le .........................................................................................................................13
D escrib in g H is A scen sio n abov e the T h ro n e .............................................................. 14
T h e M ean in g o f 'Istiw aa'.........................................................................................................14
N ot K n o w in g H ow this Istiw aa T o o k P la ce .................................................................. 14
T h e A ttribu tes o f H earin g and S e e in g ............................................................................ 14
T h e M ean in g of the A ttrib u te o f H e a r in g .................................................................... 15
T h e M ean in g of the A ttrib u te o f S e e in g ........................................................................ 15

Th e C orrect B elief R egarding: Taw heed a l-Ila ah iy ya h ................................17

T h e O p p o site o f T aw heed Is A sso ciatin g P artn ers w ith A lla a h .................................19

W h o Is a P o ly th e is t? .......................................................................................................................21

D u'aa Is N ot to be D irected to A n yo n e E xcep t A lla a h ..................................................21

M essen g ers W ere S en t for the Sake o f T h is A sp ect o f T a w h eed ............................... 25

T h e P oly th eists H av e no A rg u m en t S u p p o rtin g T h eir S h ir k .................................... 27

The C orrect B elief R egarding: The Six Pillars of E em aan (F a ith ) 31

B elief in A lla a h ..................................................................................................................................31

B elief in the A n g e ls......................................................................................................................... 31

D escrip tio n o f the A n g e ls ..................................................................................................... 32
D escrip tio n o f the C reatio n o f the A n g e ls .................................................................... 34
A llaah R efu tes the P oly th eists W h o Say, "T h e A n gels are A llaah 's
D a u g h te r s " ................................................................................................................................... 35
J ib r e e l,' A la y h is-S a la am ............................................................................................................37
M ik aa'eel, ‘A la y h is-S a la am .................................................................................................... 39
Israafil, ‘A la y h is-S a la am .......................................................................................................... 39
T h e A ngel o f D eath, ‘A la y h is-S a la am ............................................................................... 40
The G u ard ian A ngels, 'A la y h im u s-S a la a m .................................................................... 40
The H o n orab le Scribes, ‘A la y h im u s-S a la a m ..................................................................41
W h o ev er R ejects the E xisten ce o f A n gels H as D isb e lie v e d ................................ 42

B elief in the R evealed B o o k s ..................................................................................................... 42

T h e Revealed B o ok s A re the S p eech o f A llaah T a 'a a la .......................................... 45
T y p es o f R e v e la tio n ..................................................................................................................46
T h e B ook s C on firm O ne A n o th e r..................................................................................... 47
T h e N am es o f A lla a h 's B o o k s .............................................................................................48
T h e N oble Q u r'a n Is the Final B o ok and It A b ro g ates A ll O th er B o o k s ...... 49
T he Q u r'a n Is a M ir a c le ......................................................................................................... 50
The Q u r'a n Is P ro te cte d ......................................................................................................... 50

B elief in the M e s s e n g e r s .............................................................................................................. 51

V irtu es o f the P ro p h e ts .......................................................................................................... 51
T h e C all o f the M essen g ers A greed in the Fo u n d atio n o f the R e lig io n ......... 52
The N u m ber o f P ro p h ets and M e sse n g e rs................................................................... 54
The D ifferen ce b etw een a P ro p h et and a M e sse n g e r..............................................54
N am es o f the P rop h ets and M e s s e n g e r s .......................................................................55
The P ro p h ets and M essen g ers W ere M en W h o m A llaah B lessed w ith
P ro p h eth o o d and the M e s s a g e ...........................................................................................55
O u r P ro p h et M u h am m ad (S allallaahu ‘A lay h i w a Sallam ) Is the Seal of
the P ro p h e ts ................................................................................................................................. 58
T h e Sacred Pact o f the M essen g ers w ith O u r P rop h et (Sallallaahu
‘A lay h i w a S allam )....................................................................................................................... 59
W h o ev er D en ies the M essage o f M u h am m ad (S allallaahu ‘A layhi wa
Sallam ) H as D is b e lie v e d ........................................................................................................ 61
W h o ev er C laim s P rop h eth o od after M u h am m ad (Sallallaahu ‘A layhi wa
Sallam ) H as D is b e lie v e d ........................................................................................................ 62
W h o ev er D en ies the M essage o f A ny o f the P ro p h ets and M essen gers
H as D isb e lie v e d ..........................................................................................................................63

B elief in the L ast D a y .....................................................................................................................64

T h e R e su rrectio n ........................................................................................................................ 65
Book o f D e e d s ............................................................................................................................. 66
T h e S c a le s ......................................................................................................................................67
T h e In te rce ssio n ..........................................................................................................................67
T h e F o u n ta in ................................................................................................................................68
T h e B r id g e .....................................................................................................................................69

B elief in the D ivin e P red estin atio n — Its G o od and Its Bad: Q adr and
Q a d h a a '.................................................................................................................................................. 69
P rin cip les o f a l-Q a d r ................................................................................................................. 70
T h e S e rv a n t's D e e d s ................................................................................................................. 76
T h at W h ich H as B een W ritten (D ecreed ) Shou ld N ot P reven t O ne
from A c tio n s ................................................................................................................................78

T h e C orrect B elief R egarding: Eem aan (F a ith ).................................................. 81

T h e In creasin g and D ecreasin g o f F a i t h .............................................................................. 81

Faith Is N o t Sim p ly B e lie f............................................................................................................84

Faith Is N ot Sim p ly R e c o g n itio n .............................................................................................. 84

T h ere Is N ot Faith w ith o u t D e e d s ...........................................................................................86

T h e R u lin g o f A c tio n s ................................................................................................................... 87

T h e R u lin g o f T a k fe er......................................................................................................................87

Th e C orrect B elief R egarding: Th e R ulin g of O ne W ho H as Fallen

into M ajor S in ..................................................................................................................... 91
T h e O ne W ho C o m m its a M ajor Sin H as W eak F a ith ...................................................92

N o C o n trad iction b etw een O n e B eing an E v il-D o er and a M u s lim ...................... 93

T h e C ateg ories o f D isbelief, Shirk, O p p ressio n , Evil, and A p o sta s y ..................... 94

M ajor D isb e lie f..................................................................................................................................94

M in o r D is b e lie f.................................................................................................................................95

The C orrect B elief R egard in g: Th e C om p an ion s of the M essen ger

of A llaah (Sallallaahu 'A layhi wa Sallatn).......................................................... 99

The V irtu e o f the M u h a a jiro o n .................................................................................................100

T h e R u lin g o f the O n e W h o H ates the C o m p a n io n s................................................... 102

T h e V irtu e o f the C o m p a n io n s................................................................................................103

P ro h ib itio n o f In su ltin g the C o m p a n io n s ......................................................................... 103

The M essen g er o f A llaah (Sallallaahu ‘A layhi w a Sallam ) B ears W itn ess to

T h eir R ig h te o u sn e s s .....................................................................................................................104

V irtu e o f the A n s a a r.................................................................................................................... 104

V irtu e o f T h o se W h o G av e T h eir A llegian ce at R id w a a n ........................................ 105

C lassification o f the C o m p an io n s by V ir tu e ................................................................... 105

T h e C orrect B elief R egarding: The Fam ily of the P rophet

(sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m ) ...............................................................................107

H is (Sallallaahu ‘A layhi wa Sallam ) W ives A re from A h lu l-B a y t.............................. 108

The C orrect B elief R egarding: The B lessings of A llaah 's F rien d s Ill

D efin itio n o f W alee........................................................................................................................ I l l

So m e o f the B lessin g s that A llaah H as G iv en to H is A w liy a a ’ ................................112

T h e C orrect B elief R egarding: The O bligation T ow ard s and

R esp ect G iven to the Leaders of the M u slim s.................................................115

P roh ibitio n o f O v erth ro w in g the R u le rs............................................................................115

T h e P u n ish m en ts o f O ne W ho O v erth ro w s the R u le r ............................................... 116

S u p p licatin g for the R u le rs .......................................................................................................117

P ro h ib itio n o f In su ltin g the R u le rs ....................................................................................... 117

P rohib ition of D isputing A b out the R e lig io n .................................................119

B lam ew orth y A rg u in g ................................................................................................................120

D ebates from the S h a re e'a h ....................................................................................................... 122

Prohib ition of S ittin g w ith the Peop le of D e s ire s ........................................ 123

C lassification o f the P eop le o f D e s ir e s ................................................................................123

P erm issibility o f A v o id in g S ittin g w ith T h e m ................................................................123

C o n c lu s io n ......................................................................................................................... 125

G lossary of Im p ortan t A rabic W ord s and P h ra s e s ......................................127

In d e x ...................................................................................................................................... 133
Translator's Preface

C_Jj 4 ji x^~\

U pon com p letin g the translation o f th is trem end ou s book, the translator,
m y beloved brother, teacher and com p anion, 'U m a r Bryant, requested
that 1 w rite the tran slator's preface for the book. M uch like our Shaykh,
Dr. 'A bd u s-Salaam Ibn Burjiss, 'U m ar passed aw ay at a you n g age; he
died at the age o f thirty-eigh t on 6 R ajab 1431/18 Ju n e 2010. M ay A llaah
have m ercy upon them both and upon all the M uslim s.

T his book clarifies the belief o f A hlus-Sunnah uml Jam aa'ah con cern in g an
assortm ent o f essential topics, from the six pillars o f faith, T akfeer upon
the M uslim , b elief concerning the C om p an ion s o f the Prophet (peace be
upon him ) and h is fam ily, and the obligation tow ard s the M uslim rulers.

The notes to this book w ere w ritten by ou r Shaykh, M uham m ad

R am zaan, one o f the m ashaayikh 'U m ar w as blessed to sit at the feet of
and ben efit from.

T ran slator notes are indicated as such.

The M uslim s are in need o f such a book to protect th em selves and their
fam ilies from the callers to m isguidance.

The M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi um sallam) said, "T h e re w ill

be callers at the doors of the Fire, w h oever respon d s to them w ill be
cast th e re in ."1

This book is an ideal study guide for the M uslim w ho w ishes to teach his
fam ily the creed of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah.

I ask A llah to rew ard the fam ily o f 'U m ar, B ashan 'A b d u llaah and
A m anda Brow n.

I ask A llah to preserve 'U m a r's children, 'A bd u llaah , Janaan, M u'aad h,
H anaa, Saara and D aania, upon the creed o f Ahlus-Sunnah iml-jamaa'ah
until the day w e all return to A llaah.

py- (’- r i P C f-^ J ^

/c , ' -
bu r Crf (’- S ^ 1 k ?

A nd those w ho believe and w hose offsp rin g follow them in faith, W e

shall join them tog eth er w ith their o ffsp rin g [in paradise] and W e shall
n ot decrease the rew ard of their d eeds in anything.
[Sooratut-Toor, 52:21]

R asheed Ibn Estes Barbee

1 Hndeeth o f H u d a y fa h Ibn Y a m a a n ; co lle cted by Ib n M aajah in "T h e B o o k o f T ria ls "

(hndeeth, 3 979).

A Brief Biography of Shaykh Dr. /Abdus-Salaam
Ibn Burjiss Ibn Naasir Aali 'Abdil-Kareem2

A hlus-Sunnah w al-]am aa'ah w ere shocked w hen the n ew s reached them of

the death o f the noble shaykh, Dr. 'A b d u s-Salaam Ibn B u rjiss Ibn N aasir
A ali 'A bd il-K areem w ho died on Saturd ay night, the 3 rd o f D hul-H ijjah
1425 (14th January 2005) in a terrible car accid en t w h ile on his w ay from
A hsaa to Riyadh.

Shaykh 'A bd u s-Salaam w as w ell k now n to the scholars and shuyookh of

this blessed country (Saudi A rabia). T he p roof for th is w as the large
nu m ber of scholars and teachers w ho attend ed his funeral prayer. And I
have heard som e o f the peop le o f kno w led ge and virtue say abou t him :
"T h e level o f know led ge of Shaykh 'A bd u s-Salaam su rpassed his a g e ."3

And it w as also said about him : "H ad he lived long, he w ould have been
an ayah (proof/sign)." A nd I have seen a large nu m ber of scholars and
stud ents of k now led ge affected by his loss. T h is w as since he w as a
d efend er of the Sunnah, safeguard ing it w ith his life, pen, and w ealth.
A llaah blessed m e by allow ing m e to be close to the Shaykh for a period
of tim e, w hich is considered short in com p arison to the nu m ber of close
friends and loved on es he had. D urin g m y closen ess to him , w h en ev er I
w ould hear anything from him concern ing his biography and personal
inform ation, I w ould w rite it dow n. So after a w hile, I had collected

2 T h is b io g ra p h y w a s w ritte n b y H a a n ee Ib n Sa a lim a l-H u sa y n e e a l-H a a rith e e in Je d d a h

an d w as d istrib u te d in th e Sa u d i n e w sp a p e r, al-]azeerah .
1 T ra n sla to r's n o te: T h is m ea n s h e h ad m o re k n o w le d g e th a n w a s ty p ica l a t h is y o u n g age.

several pieces o f in form ation about him . And every tim e I w ould sit w ith
him , I w ould rem ind him about that, and he w ould say to m e: " I am not
one w hose biography should be recorded. I am less (significant) than
th at."

H ow ever, I now feel that it is the least of my d uties to him that I w rite
this biography even though it has d eficiencies in it. So I say, w hile
seeking assistance from A llaah:

H is N am e and Lineage

H e w as Abu 'A bd ir-R ah m aan 'A bd u s-Salaam Ibn B urjiss Ibn N aasir Aali
'A bd il-K areem . H e w as born in R iyadh in 1387H as confirm ed in his
personal identity card. H e w as raised u nd er the care of his parents, and
their hom e w as a place of religiou sness and righteousness. Ever since his
youth, the Shaykh w as intelligent, determ ined, d iligent, and h ard ­
w orking.

H is Early Studies

Shaykh 'A bd u s-Salaam m em orized the Q u r'an and began seeking

know led ge at the age o f thirteen. H is teach ers observed d istinctive signs
in him ; thus, they gave him special atten tion and im portance.

T he Shaykh studied at the hand s of a nu m ber o f scholars in this blessed

country, such as:

T he Im aam and great scholar, Shaykh 'A b d u l-'A zeez Ibn 'A bd illaah Ibn
Baaz (D. 1420H ), m ay A llaah have m ercy on him , w hom he accom panied
for a period o f tim e, attend ing a nu m ber o f his lessons, particularly his

classes on Bulooghul-Maraam o f Ibn H ajr, Tafseer Ibn Katheer, and other

Also, the scholar o f Fiqh and Usool, M uham m ad Ibn Saalih Ibn
'U th ay m een (D. 1421H), m ay A llaah have m ercy on him . Shaykh
'A b d u s-Salaam travelled to him betw een the years 1401H and 1403H
d uring the regu lar school breaks. H e also m aintained close con tact w ith
him w hen Shaykh M uham m ad beg an his classes in al-Masjidul-Haraam in
M akkah in 1402H . H e also lived w ith him befo re he accom panied the
Shaykh and his fam ily to M akkah. T his also inclu d es the other tim es he
spent w ith him . H e studied Kitaab at-Tawheed w ith him , as w ell as Al-
'Aqeedah al-W aasitiyyah and som e statem ents from Zaad al-Mustaqni' on
Fiqh, al-Ajaroomiyyah on gram m ar, Shaykh M u h am m ad 's abrid gem en t of
Al-Qawaa'id of Ibn Rajab, and alm ost half o f Saheeh al-Bukhaaree.

Shaykh M uham m ad had g reat respect and esteem for Shaykh 'A bd u s-
Salaam . I even saw this for m yself.

He also kept close com p any w ith Sh aykh 'A b d u llaah Ibn 'A b d ir-
R ahm aan Ibn Jibreen, w hom he accom panied for a period o f four years
in w hich he read and studied the book At-Tawheed o f Ibn K hu zaim ah
u nder him , as w ell as An-Nooniyyah o f Ibn al-Q ayyim along w ith its
explan ation by Ibn 'E esaa. Shaykh 'A b d u s-Salaam m em orized alm ost
one thousand lines from it. H e also studied Zaad al-Mustaqni' along w ith
(its explanation) Ar-Razvd al-M urabbi' and Ma'aarijul-Qabool o f Shaykh
H aafidh al-H akam ee. Shaykh 'A b d u s-Salaam ben efited im m en sely from
Shaykh Ibn Jibreen.

A lso am ongst his teachers w as the g reat scholar and Muhaddith,

'A b d u llaah Ibn M uham m ad ad -D u w aysh (D. 1409H ). H e studied the
Alfiyyah of al-'Iraaqee and a portion o f Sunan Abee Daawood u nd er him
d uring his scheduled school breaks in Buraydah.

H e also studied u nd er Shaykh Saalih Ibn 'A b d ir-R ah m aan al-A tram in
the C ollege o f Sh aree'ah of Im aam M uham m ad Ibn Sa'oo d U niversity.
H e studied the notes on Ar-Rawd by Ibn Q aasim and attended his lessons
in the masjid.

H is teachers also included Fahd al-H um ayn, m ay A llaah preserve him ,

u nd er w hom he studied Tawheed and Fiqh.

H e also studied u nd er Shaykh 'A b d u llaah Ibn Q u 'ood , w ith w hom he

read FathuTMajeed.

A lso am on gst his teachers w as the scholar of Fiqh and Usool, 'A b d u llaah
Ibn 'A bd ir-R ah m aan Ibn G hud ayaan, w hom he studied u nd er w h ile in
the H igher Institute o f Jud icial Education.

Saalih Ibn Ibraaheem al-Baleehee (D. 141 OH) w as also one of his teachers.
H e attended his classes on Zaad al-M ustaqni' along w ith his notes to it,
w hich is called As-Salsabeel fe e Ma'rifatid-Daleel.

A nother o f his teachers w as the Shaykh, Dr. 'A b d u l-K areem al-K hudayr,
u nd er w hom he studied NayluTAwtaar o f A sh -Sh aw kaan ee and the
Alfiyyah of al-'Iraaqee on hadeeth term inology.

H is teachers also included Dr. 'A bd u l-M u h sin Ibn M uham m ad al-
M uneef, u nder w hom he studied Ar-Rahbiyyah on the L aw s of
Inheritance w hile in M akkah in 1405H d uring R am adaan.

H is P osition s and A d vanced Studies

T hese are ju st som e of the teachers the Shaykh studied under, and he did
so w ith the d eterm ination of the people o f know led ge. As for his

organized studies, the Shaykh acquired his ed u cation in the city of
Riyaadh. There, he beg an h is prim ary level studies. Then he join ed an
ed u cation al in stitute under the au sp ices o f Im aam M uham m ad Ibn
Sa'oo d U niversity. A fter that, he m oved on to the C ollege o f Sh aree'ah at
the sam e university and g rad uated in 1410H . U pon his g rad uation, he
w as appointed as a teacher in the ed u cational institute in Q aw ay 'iyy ah ,
w hich is located about 170 k ilom eters w est of R iyadh on the road to
M akkah.

H e then aspired to con tinu e his ed u cation w ith h ig h er studies, so he

joined The H igher Institute for Ju d icial E ducation and com p leted his
M asters there. T he title of his M aster's thesis w as " At-Tawtheeq bil-'Uqood
fil-Fiqhil-Islam ee (N otorizing D ocu m ents o f Islam ic Ju risp ru d en ce)."

H e w as then appointed a ju d g e in the M in istry o f Justice, bu t he asked to

be excused from this position. H e w as finally granted his request after
m uch struggle. He w as then nom inated to w ork in the B ureau of
C om p laints and Injustices in the city o f Jed d ah . H ow ever, he only stayed
in that position for one w eek. H e then abandoned the bureau ou t of
d islike for it, and ou t of looking to absolve h im self from it. H e returned
to R iyaadh as a lecturer for T he H igher Institute o f Ju d icial Education.
He obtained his D octo rate's degree in 1422H due to his verification o f the
book A l-Faw aa’idul-Muntnkhabaat Sharh Akhsarul-M ukhtasaraat of
'U th m aan Ibn Jaam i' (D. 1240H ) in collaboration w ith others. T he person
w ho su pervised him in this project w as the cu rrent head M uftee o f Saudi
A rabia, Shaykh 'A b d u l-'A zeez A alush-Shaykh.

A fter this, he w as appointed as A ssistant P rofessor, a position he held up

until his death; m ay A llaah have m ercy on him .

H is M anners

H e had profound ly good m anners and hum bleness, and he w as know n

for his gentleness, am iability, and ch eerfu lness w ith his parents, teachers,
fam ily m em bers, and colleagues. Everyone w ho associated w ith him
knew him to be this w ay. T his is w hy there w ere so m any peop le w ho
w ere affected and grief-stricken upon hearing new s o f his death. W e ask
A llaah to unite us w ith him in H is h onorable abod e.4

Shaykh 'A bd u s-Salaam w as also an excellen t poet. H is poetic verses

w ere of the highest quality and at the u pperm ost level o f precision. He
has recorded poetic talks. H is poetry show s his innate talent and that he
had no need for w riting it dow n (i.e. he w ould m ake poetry o ff the top of
his head). He w ould use poetry in his regular con versation s and it w ould
be lim ited to his friends and loved ones. If w e w ere to try to collect all
these poem s, they w ould fit into a m od erate-sized v o lu m e—m ay A llaah
assist the one w ho com p iles it.

H is Books and W ritings

Shaykh 'A bd u s-Salaam possessed a fluent w riting style and used elegant
expressions. He has authored num erous books w hich have spread far
and w ide, going to the east and the w est, and prod ucing m uch benefit.
He w rote his first book before reaching age eighteen. H is books are
valuable and of great benefit. I w ill now m ention those b ooks he w rote
that I am aw are of, inclu ding both those that are printed and those that
are not:

4 T ra n s la to r's n o te: It is im p o rta n t to n o te th a t th e Sh a y k h w as a lso d ilig e n t and a c tiv e in

th e field o f d a'w ah as h e w o u ld travel th ro u g h o u t Sa u d i A rab ia to p a rticip a te in c o n fe re n c e s

and sem in a rs. T h is a lso in c lu d e s h is trip to th e U n ited K in g d o m in w h ich h e d e liv ere d

sev era l lectu res an d lesso n s for th e b e n e fit o f th e M u slim s th ere.

0 Al-Qawlul-M ubeen fee Hukmil-Istihzaa bil-Mu'mineen (The C lear
Statem en t on the R ulin g of M ocking the B elievers) —printed in a
concise treatise.

0 Eeqaafun-Nabeel ‘alaa Hukmit-Tamtheel (A lertin g the N oble Person

on the R uling of Plays) — published in an av erage-sized
p aperback.5

® At-Tamannee (H ope) — published.

® 'Awaa'iqut-Talab (O bstacles in the Path o f Seeking K now led ge) —


® Al-I'laam bi-Ba'adi Ahkaamis-Salaam (A N otification o f Som e o f the

R ulings on G reeting w ith Salaam) — published as a sm all treatise.

® Al-Hujajul-Qawiyyah 'alaa annaa Wasaa'il ad-D a’wah Tawqeefiyyah

(Sound Proofs that the M eans of Da'wah are Based on
R evelation) —published as a short paperback.

5 T ra n sla to r's n o te: In h is in tro d u c tio n to th is trea tise , S h a y k h S aalih a l-F a w z a a n said:

I h a v e re v iew ed th e v a lu a b le b o o k w ritten by S h a y k h 'A b d u s-S a la a m Ib n B u rjiss

Ibn N a a sir A ali 'A b d il-K a re e m w ith th e title E eqa a fu n -N ab eel ‘a laa H u km it-

T am theel, w h ich c o n sists o f e v id e n c e s fo r th e p ro h ib itio n o f su ch an act. In it he

m en tio n s th e a rg u m e n ts u sed b y th o se w h o a llo w it, so I fo u n d it, all p ra ise b e to

A lla a h , to b e a v a lu a b le trea tise , c o m p re h e n siv e in its su b ject. It w ill so lv e a

c u rre n t p ro b lem th a t h a s a ffected m a n y sc h o la rs an d teach ers. S h a y k h 'A b d u s-
S a la a m , m a y A llaah rew a rd h im , h a s c la rifie d th e tru th in it, lea v in g n o ro o m for

d o u b t c o n c e rn in g th e p ro h ib itio n o f p lays.

Sh ay k h R a b ee' a l-M a d k h a le e said : " I re v iew ed th is v a lu a b le k n o w le d g e -b a se d research ,

w h ich w a s a c tiv e ly p u t to g e th e r by a n o b le y o u n g m a n , o n e w ith e n th u sia sm fo r th e

relig io n , S h a y k h 'A b d u s-S a la a m Ibn B u rjiss ."

0 DarooratuTIhtimaam bis-Sunan (The N eed for G iving Im portance
to the A spects of the Sunnah) — published as a sm all paperback

0 Al-Abyaat al-Adabiyyah al-Haasirah (C onfined P oetic V erses on

Ethics) —published tw ice.

0 Al-Abyaatul-‘llmiyyah al-Haasirah : T he Shaykh m entioned it in his

introd uction to his aforem ention ed book, stating that he has yet
to finish it. I asked him five m onths befo re his death abou t it and
he told m e it w as still incom plete. If it w ere to be com pleted it
w ould indeed be som eth ing am azing. T he Shaykh let m e review
tw o sections from it. If it w ere to be printed in the m an n er that
the Shaykh left it, it w ould still be very beneficial.

0 Al-Mu'taqidus-Saheeh al-Waajib 'alaa Kulli Muslim I'tiqaadu (The

C orrect C reed that Every M uslim M ust B elieve in): O riginally,
this treatise w as a lecture that the Sh aykh gave in the C entral
M osque. Shaykh 'A b d u l-'A zeez Ibn Baaz com m ented on this talk
and praised Shaykh 'A bdu s-Salaam , m ay A llaah have m ercy on
both o f them . O ne o f the noble mashaayikh suggested to the
Shaykh to print the book, so he did. It w as published several
tim es and m uch ben efit cam e from it.

0 Ibtaal Nisbatud-Deewaan al-M ansoob Li-Shaykhil-Islam Ibn

Taymiyyah (The Falsehood of A scribin g ad-Deeivaan to Ibn
Taym iyyah) —published in a sm all paperback.

0 Majmoo' Shi'r Shaykhil-Islatn Ibn Taymiyyah (A C om p ilation of

P oem s from Ibn T aym iyyah) —published as an append ix in the
aforem entioned book.

0 M u’aamalatul-Hukaam fe e Daw'il-Kitaab ivas-Sunnah (Interacting
w ith the R ulers in L ight o f the Qur'an and Sutmah): T his book
w as printed several tim es. M uch b en efit cam e from it; it is a book
that is u niqu e in its subject.

0 Al-Amr bi-Luzoom Jamaa'atil-M uslimeen wa Imaamihim wat-

Tahdheer min Mufaaraqatihim (The O bligation o f Stickin g to the
U nified Body o f M uslim s and T h eir Im aam and a W arn in g on
Splitting from Them ): T he source for this bo o k is a ch ap ter in the
aforem entioned book. O ne o f the tnashaayikh close to him
ad vised him to pu blish it sep arately due to its im portance.

0 Bayaan al-Mashroo' wal-M amnoo' min at-Tawassul (A C larification

o f the Legislated and P rohibited F orm s o f Tawassul) — published.

0 At-Taivtheeq bil-'Uqood fil-Fiqhil-Islam ee (A u th en ticatin g C ontracts

A ccord ing to Islamic Ju risp ru d en ce): T his w as a scholastic
research w hich the Shaykh presented in ord er to receive his
M aster's degree in the H igher Institute for Ju d icial Education. It
has not been published.

0 Q at’ul-Miraa fe e Hukmid-Dukhool 'alal-'Umaraa (R em oving

A rgum ents on the R ulin g o f E ntering in the P resen ce of Rulers):
T he Sh aykh w rote th is bo o k at the requ est o f one o f the noble
tnashaayikh. It has been p u blished in a sm all volum e.

0 Al-Ahaadeeth an-Nabawiyyah fe e Dhammil-'Unsuriyyah al-

Jaahiliyyah (The P rop h etic Ahaadeeth on the C en sure of the
N ationalism o f the D ays of Ignorance): T h is w as p u blished in a
m edium -sized booklet.

0 Al-Khiyaanah: Dhammuhaa wa Dhikru Ahkaamihaa (D eception: Its

D isapproval and a D iscu ssion on its R ulings). This bo o k has

been form atted and is ready for printing. T he Shaykh told m e
this about four m onths before his death.

® Mashroo'iyyah Hibbatith-Thawaab (The L egality o f P resenting

R ew ards): It is form atted and ready for print.

® Al-M uhaadharaat fid-D a'wah ivad-Du'aat (Lectures on the Call and

the C allers): T he book consists o f nearly thirteen lectures the
Shaykh delivered, w hich I took the task of tran scribin g along
w ith a brother, M an soor Ibn M ubaarak as-Safaree. T he Shaykh
then review ed it and m ad e corrections to it. It w as then
form atted and is now ready for publication.

® Shark al-M uharrir fil-H adeeth li Ibn 'Abdil-Haadee (D. 744H ): The
Shaykh devoted a lot o f tim e to this book, loved it, and had a
strong desire to com p lete its explan ation . H ow ever, A llaah
w illed that he not com p lete it. H e w as only able to finish the
chap ter on pu rification and m ost of the ch ap ter on prayer.

® Tadweemd-'Aqeedah as-Salafiyyah: Juhood A'immatil-Islam fee

Nashril-'Aqeedatil-Islamiyyah (The R ecord in g o f the Salafee C reed:
The Efforts o f the M uslim Im aam s in Spread in g the Islam ic
C reed): It is a w onderful book contain ing lots o f benefit. It
consists o f a list of the books o f the Salaf on creed along w ith
b rief biograp hies for each o f their authors. Th e Shaykh o rigin ally
intended to m ake the book tw o volum es, the first one consisting
o f books from the first century to the end o f the sev enth century,
and the second one from the beginn in g of the eighth century to
m odern tim es. T he Shaykh com pleted the first volum e. A s for
the second volum e, he did not begin w riting it, accord in g to my
lim ited know ledge. T he first volu m e is form atted and ready for
publication. I have a photocopy o f it in m y library.

® A bo o k on Ficjh: T he Shaykh w ould m ention it often and he said
he w as revising it and exam ining it in depth. I d o n 't know how
m u ch he cut o ff from it.

® Taraajim Li Ba'adil-'Ulamaa (Biograp hies o f Som e o f the Scholars):

I do not have any inform ation on this bo o k oth er than th at the
n oble Shaykh, 'A bd u l-K areem Ibn M uham m ad al-M uneef,
m entioned it to m e and told m e that Sh ay kh 'A b d u s-Salaam told
him about it.

® Bayaan Mashroo'iyyatid-Du'aa 'alal-Kaafireen bil-'Umoom (A

C larification on the L egality of Su p p licatin g again st the
D isbelievers in G eneral): T h is is a sm all b o o klet on this subject,
printed in eight pages and w id ely available.

® Darbul-Mar'ah bayna Hukmish-Shara' iva W aaqi’in-Naas (H itting

W om en betw een its L egal R uling and the A ction s o f People).

T here m ay be other b ooks that I am not aw are of.6 T he Sh aykh has also
w ritten n um erous articles w hich have been d istribu ted in n ew spap ers
and m agazines.

H is V erifications

T he Shaykh also gave special im portance and tim e to verifying,

spreading, and w orking hard to d istribu te the b o o ks o f the scholars of
N ajd. He d eserves credit, after A llaah, for reprin tin g the book:
Majmoo'ur-Rasaa'il wal-Masaa'il an-Najdiyyah. T h is book w as originally

<■ T ra n sla to r's n o te: T h is d o e s n o t in c lu d e th e m a n y le c tu re s h e g a v e w h ich w e re later

tran scrib e d an d p u b lish ed in to b o o k le ts. S o m e o f th ese tra n scrib e d trea tise s w e re a v a ila b le

on th e A l-Ib a a n a h o n -lin e B o o k sto re (n o w d e fu n ct).

published in 1346H . He, m ay A llaah have m ercy on him , also took on the
task o f verifying m any of the treatises that w ere published in tw o
volum es, the first w ith the title Silsilaat Rasaa'il wa Kutub ‘Ulatnaa Najdil-
A'laam, and the second w ith the title Min Rasaa'il ‘Ulamaa Najd al-
Fiqhiyyah. They are as follow s:

® "Dahd Shubuhaat ‘alaat-Tawheed" o f Shaykh 'A b d u llaah Abaa

® " Al-Fawaa'idul-' Udhaab" o f Shaykh H am ad Ibn M u 'am ar
® "Ar-Radd ‘alal-Qubooriyeen" o f Shaykh H am ad Ibn M u 'am ar
® “Ad-Diyna-ush-Shaariq" of Shaykh Su laym aan Ibn Sahm aan
® " Su'aal wa Jawaab fe e Ahammil-M uhimmaat" of Shaykh 'A b d u r-
R ahm aan Ibn Sa'd ee
® " Tuhfatut-Taalib wal-Jalees” o f Shaykh 'A b d u l-L ateef A ali Shaykh
® " As-Sawaa'iqul-Mursalah ash-Shihaabiyyah" o f Shaykh Su laym aan
Ibn Sahm aan
® "Ar-Radd ‘alaa Shubuhaat al-M usta’iyeeneen bi-Ghairillaah" of
Shaykh A hm ad Ibn 'E esaa
® " Kashfush-Shubhatain " of Shaykh Su laym aan Ibn Sahm aan
® "Iqaamatul-Hujjah wad-Daleel" of Shaykh Su laym aan Ibn
Sahm aan
0 "Shifaa-us-Sudoor fir-R add ‘alal-Jawaabil-M ashkoor" of Shaykh
M uham m ad Ibn Ibraaheem
® "Ar-Radd ‘alaa Jareedatil-Qiblah" o f Shaykh Su laym aan Ibn
Sahm aan
® " At-Tuhfat-uI-Madaniyyah f i l - ‘Aqeedat-is-Salafiyyah" of Shaykh
H am ad Ibn M u 'am ar
® "Usool wa Dawaabit fit-Takfeer" o f Shaykh 'A b d u l-L ateef Aali
® "Naseehah Muhimmah fe e Thalaatha Qadaayaa" o f several scholars
® "M inhaaj Ahlul-Haqqi w al-Ittibaa” o f Shaykh Su laym aan Ibn
Sahm aan

0 " Ar-Rasaa'ilul-Hisaan" o f Sh aykh 'A b d u llaah Ibn H um ayd
0 "Naseehah fit-Tahdheer min al-M adaaris al-Ajnabiyyah" o f Shaykh
'A bd u r-R ah m aan Ibn N aasir as-Sa'd ee
0 "At-Ta'sees wat-Taqdees fee K ashf Talbees Duivaad Ibn Jarjees" of
Shaykh 'A bd u llaah A baa B utayn
0 "Al-Jahr bidh-Dhikr ba'adas-Salaat" of Sh aykh Su laym aan Ibn
Sahm aan
0 "Munaasahatul-Imaam Wahb Ibn M unabbih" o f Shaykh Su laym aan
Ibn Sahm aan
0 "Al-Fawaa’idul-M nntakhibaat fe e Sharh Akhsar al-M ukhtasaraat" of
Ibn Ja a m i' an-N ajdee: T he Shaykh verified this b ook and
presented it to the A dvanced Ju d icial In stitute to obtain his
D octo rate's degree in C om p arative Fiqh. H e verified the book
from the begin ning to the end of the ch ap ter on gifts. Th e person
in charge o f su pervising this treatise w as the cu rren t M uftee,
Shaykh 'A b d u l-'A zeez A alu sh-Sh ay kh; m ay A llaah prolong his

T here are other books that the Shaykh verified bu t w h ich have not yet
b een printed.

Shaykh 'A bd u s-Salaam w as eag er to spread the b ooks o f know led ge in

general and the books o f the scholars of the Salafee da'wah in particular.
H e w ould at tim es m ake ph otocop ies o f m anu scrip ts or strive to obtain
them for those w ho w ould take on the task o f verifyin g them . M ore than
thirty b ooks and treatises w ere counted in w hich the verifiers m entioned
that they used som e o f the m an u scrip t copies th at w ere found in the
Sh ay k h 's library for their verifications. T here are m any other stories and
reports w hich are hard to en u m erate here; m ay A llaah facilitate their
com p ilation and arrangem ent.

Author's Introduction

All praise is due to A llaah, and m ay peace and b lessings be u pon the
M essen ger of A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and upon his fam ily
and those w ho follow them .

Indeed, the b elief of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah is the religion o f truth

that every M uslim is obligated to believe in. For it is the belief o f the
M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and his noble
C om p anions (radhiyyallaahu 'anhum ). So w h oever o pposes them in that
has set h im self up for the anger o f A llaah and H is extrem e punishm ent.
T he P rophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said abou t the seven ty-th ree
sects that shall appear in his Ummah, "A ll of them are in the Fire except
one, an d they are the Ja m a a ’a h ."7

T he P rophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) has described this group that

w ill be safe from the threat o f the Fire w hen he (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam) said, "T h o se w ho are u pon w hat I and m y C om p an ion s are
up on to d a y ."8

So this is the stand ard of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah. They stick firm to

the Sunnah o f the M essen ger o f A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and

7 T ra n sm itted by Im a a m A h m a d , A bu D a a w o o d , fro m th e h a d eeth o f M u 'a w iy y a h , Ibn

M ajah , an d Ibn A b ee A asim in th e h a d eeth o f A n as.

8 N arra ted b y a l-A a ju re e in A sh -S h a ree'a h o n th e a u th o rity o f 'A b d u lla a h Ib n 'A m r, at-

T a b a ra n e e in A s-S ag lieer, an d a l-A w sa a t, o n th e a u th o rity o f A n as Ib n M aalik .

the Sunnah of his rightly-guid ed pred ecessors. They hold on tigh t to it
w ith their m olars and for this, they are the saved sect.

They are saved from the Fire on the Last D ay, and they are safe from
innovations in this w orld. They are the aided sect as the Prophet
(sallallaahu 'alayhi urn sallam ) said about them , "T h e re shall n ot cease to
be a group from m y Um m ah w ho w ill rem ain v ictoriou s until the ord er
of A llaah (the last hour) com es and they are still v icto rio u s."9

V ictoriou s here m eans aid and assistance (of A llaah).

A llaah says:

4 CX;' ^ ^ ^ -CC- i \C lj -Lis #

So W e gave pow er to those w ho b elieved again st th eir en em ies, and

they b ecam e the u pperm ost.
[Sooratus-Saff, 61:14]

And A llaah says:

A nd that O ur hosts, they verily w ou ld be the victors.

[Sooratu s-Saffat, 37:173]

They are the victors w ith the sw ord and the ton gue or w ith the
irrefutable argum ents and proofs. They are one group, that d oes not
divide, and for this reason they are know n as the 'Jamaa'ah.'

A llaah says:

9 N a rra ted in th e tw o Sah eeh s o n th e a u th o rity o f a l-M u g h ira h Ibn S h u 'b a h .

4 ifS) j fyaj '5 j(_^xjT J j j liL»i

So after the tru th , w hat else can there be, save error?
H ow then are you turned aw ay?
[Soorah Y oon us, 10:32]

They do not have a nam e that they are k now n by oth er than Islam and
the Sunnah and other nam es that are d erived from the above tw o .10

Im aam M aalik ( rahimahullaah ) said, " Ahlus-Sunnah do n ot h ave a title

that they are know n by (except those d erived from the Islam and the
Sunnah), n ot jahm ee, n ot Qadree, and n ot Raafidhee.” H e ( rahimahullaah )
w as asked abou t the Sunnah. H e replied, "T h e y do n ot have a n am e other
than the Sunnah.” M eaning Ahlus-Sunnah does not h ave any other nam e
that they are recognized by excep t for this.

The creed o f the Salafus-Saalih is preserved by evid en ces and the various
exp lan ation s that h ave been pu t forth by m any o f the m ajor scholars in
num erous w ritin g s—sm all and large. M any of these w ritin gs begin w ith
'As-Sunnah' w hich in this con text m eans, the creed. T h ere are m ore than
tw o hund red and fifty titles beg in n in g w ith As-Sunnah.
From these m agnificent w ritings:

® The Sunnah o f Ibn A bee Shaybah

10 Sh ay k h M u h a m m a d Ibn R a m z a a n : A n d th is is c o rre ct; th ey a re n o t k n o w n b y an y th in g

o th er th an Isla m and th e S u n n ah . L ik ew ise, th ey a re ca lle d A h lu l-H a d eeth in c o n tra st to

A h lu r-R a 'i (th e p e o p le o f o p in io n s). T h e y a re a lso ca lle d A h lu l-A lh a r in c o n tra st to A h lu l-

K alaam (th e p eo p le o f p h ilo so p h ica l false sp e ech ). A n d th ey a re a lso called F o llo w e rs o f the
S a la f in c o n tra st to th o se w h o o p p o se (th e m ) fro m th e fo llo w e rs o f th e K halaf. L ik ew ise, th ey

are called S alafiy y oon b e c a u se o f th eir c o m p lia n c e w ith th e S a lafu s-S aalih an d b e c a u se they

fo llo w th eir p re d ecesso rs.

The Sunnah o f Im aam Ahm ad
The Sunnah of Ibn A bee 'A asim
The Sunnah of 'A bd u llaah Ibn A hm ad
The Sunnah o f al-K halaal
The Sunnah of A hm ad Ibn al-Fu raat A bee M as'o o d ar-R aazee
The Sunnah o f A sad Ibn M oosaa
The Sunnah of Ibn Q assim (com panion o f Ibn M aalik)
The Sunnah o f M uham m ad Ibn Salaam al-B ikand ee
The Attributes and the Refutation against the Jahmiyyah by N a ’eem
Ibn H am m ad
The Sunnah of al-Athram
The Sunnah of H arb Ibn Ism aeel al-K harm aan ee
The Sunnah of Ibn A bee H aatim
The Sunnah of Ibn A bee D unyaa
The Sunnah of Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree
A t-T abseerfee Ma'aalim ad-Deen by Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree
The Sunnah of at-Tabaraanee
The Sunnah of A bee Shaykh al-A sbahaanee
The Sunnah o f A bee al-Q assim al- L aalakaaee
The Sunnah o f M uham m ad Ibn N asr al-M arw azee
The Creed o f the Salaf and the People ofH adeeth by as-Saaboonee
Al-Ibaanah by Ibn Battah
At-Tawheed by Ibn K huzaym ah
At-Tawheed by Ibn M andah
Al-Eemaan by Ibn A bee Shaybah
Al-Eemaan by A bee 'U bayd al-Q aasim Ibn Salaam
Explanation o f the Sunnah by al-M uznee, a com p anion o f Im aam
Explanation o f the M adhaahib o f Ahlus-Sunnah by Ibn Shaaheen
The Su nnah know n as The Argument in Clarifying The Dispute and
an Explanation o f the B elief o f Ahlus-Sunnah by the great defender
o f the Sunnah, A bu Q aasim at-T ay m ee al-A sbah aan ee
® Usoolus-Sunnah by A bu 'A b d illaah Ibn A bee Z am neen
® Ash-Sharee'ah by al-A aju rree
® The B elief o f Ahlus-Sunnah by A bu Bakr al-Ism aa'eelee
0 Al-Eemaan by Ibn M indah
0 Al-Eemaan by al-A d anee Sh aybah
0 The Qadr by Ibn W ahb
0 The Throne by M uham m ad Ibn A bee
0 The Qadr by Abu D aaw ood
0 The R u ’ya, As-Sifaat, and An-Nuzool by A d -D arqutnee
0 The Sijzee Letter to the People ofZ abeed by A bu N asr as-Sijzee
® The Sunnah of al-B arbah aaree
® The Sunnah o f A bee A hm ad al-A sbah aanee (know n as al-A saal)
0 The Sunnah o f Y aaq oob al-Fasaw ee
® The Sunnah of al-Q assab
0 The Sunnah of H anbal Ibn Ishaaq
0 The Answer to the People o f Damascus Regarding the Attributes by al-
K hateeb al-B aghd ad ee
0 Principles o f the Sunnah by A bu B akr Ibn 'A b d illaah Ibn az-
Z u bayr al-H um aydee
0 The Principles by Abu 'A m r at-T alam ankee

And there are m any others. Likew ise, there are the books that cam e after
them from Ahlus-Sunnah, such as the books of:

® Ibn 'A bd u l Barr

0 'A b d u l-G h an ee al-M aqd isee
® Ibn Q ud am ah al-M aqd isee
® Ibn Taym iyyah
0 Ibn Q ayyim
0 Im aam ad h-D hah abee
0 Ibn K atheer
0 M uham m ad Ibn 'A bd u l-W ah h aab

And other than them , w ho have clarified the correct belief, defended it,
and exposed the m iscon ceptions o f the peop le of desires.

W e shall m ention in general the b elief o f these great exam ples in an

abridged fashion, and m y su ccess is only due to A llaah, and on H im I
rely upon, and to H im I shall return.

The Correct Belief Regarding:
Tawheed ar-Rooboobiyyahn

A hlus-Sunnah w al-Jam aa'ah believe that A llaah ta'aala is one and alone in
H is creation, dom inion, and arrang em ent o f affairs.

A llaah says:

t_rv*-^ <-£r^ (*^h 3 ^ • j ! ^

4J J -»<cdjaj jly J I ^
' ' r-

# O j 4jL)I J] j L5

In deed you r Lord is A llaah, W ho created the h eaven s and the earth in
six D ays, and then H e lsta w a a [rose over] the Th ron e [really in a
m an n er that suits H is M ajesty]. H e b rin gs the nigh t as a cover o ver the
day, seek in g it rap idly, and [H e created] the sun, the m oon , the stars
sub jected to H is C om m and . Surely, H is is the C reation and
C om m andm en t. Blessed be A llaah , the Lord of the 'Alam een [m ankind,
jin n s and all th at exists]!
[Sooratu l-A 'raaf, 7:54]

A nd A llaah says:

l£lj I c Lio i*t~Y * l3 ^ ' u *3'J J I ai) ji>

11 S in g lin g o u t A llaah a lo n e in h is lo rd sh ip an d a ctio n s.

To A llaah b elon gs the kin gd om of the h eaven s and the earth. H e
creates w hat H e w ills. H e b estow s fem ale [offspring] upon w hom He
w ills, and b estow s m ale [offspring] upon w hom H e w ills.
[Sooratush-Shooraa, 42:49]

And he says:

H is is the kin gd om of the h eaven s and the earth. A nd to A llaah returns

all the m atters [for decision].
[Sooratul-H adeed, 57:5]

The P olyth eists N ever D isputed T aw heed A r-R ooboobiyyah

T his category of Taw heed is called Taw heed ar-R ooboobiyyah. It is

som ething that is inherently natural in the souls o f hum an beings, and no
one from m ankind disputes this w hether he is a M uslim or a
d isbeliever12 as A llaah says:

^ ■+ A ■» Z"* t S i J ^ ' c ^ ^ ^- , , < f „ -

4i) Ji *1)1 ^ #

_ ^^ ' * f, "* &

# ;']p V

And if you [O M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )] ask them :

"W h o has created the h eaven s and the earth ," they w ill certain ly say:

12 T ra n sla to rs n o te: Y ou w ill find th at ev en an a lleg ed ath eist c a n n o t ev en d en y th is fact.

W h en an a th e ist is c a u g h t in a situ a tio n o f d ire n eed — su ch as an a u to m o b ile a c c id e n t—you

w ill find him ca llin g u p o n h is C re a to r say in g , "O h G o d !" D u e to h is in g ratitu d e, he ch o o se s

to d e n y h is Lord.

"A lla a h ." Say: "A ll the p raises and th an k s be to A llaah !" But m ost of
them k n ow not.
[Soorah L uqm aan, 31:25]

A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, also says about them :

A nd m ost of them b elieve n ot in A llaah excep t that th ey attrib u te

partn ers unto H im .
[Soorah Y oosu f, 12:106]

M ujaahid, rahim ahullaah, said, "T h e ir b elief is their saying that A llaah is
our C reator, H e provides for us, and He cau ses us to die. T h is b elief is
[accom panied] w ith shirk in their w orship o f other than H im ."13

T h e Belief of the P olyth eists that T h eir G ods In terced e for T hem
b efore A llaah and N ot B ecause T h ey C reate and Provide

T he poly th eists14 did n ot believe that their god s participated w ith A llaah
in H is creation. R ather, they used to believe that A llaah w as one and
their god s w ere beseech ed u pon on th eir beh alf befo re A llaah. They w ere
taken as in term ed iaries w ith A llaah ta'aala; as A llaah says:

13 A t-T a b a re e , Ja a n ii’ a l-B ay aan (78-8/13/77).

14 T ra n sla to r's n o te: M ea n in g th e p e o p le o f M a k k a h in th e tim e o f th e P ro p h e t (snllallaahu

'alayhi w a sallam ) w h o did n o t b e lie v e th a t o th e rs crea ted , (i.e. o n ly A llaah crea tes), and

th o se o f to d a y fro m th e M u slim s w h o h a v e fa llen in to m a jo r s h irk (d esp ite a ffirm in g A llaah

as th e crea to r).
S urely, the religion [i.e. the w orsh ip and the obedience] is for A llaah
only. A nd those w ho take A w liyaa' [protectors and helpers] b esides
H im [say]: "W e w orsh ip them only that they m ay b rin g us near to
A llaah ." V erily, A llaah w ill judge betw een them co n cern in g that
w herein they differ. Truly, A llaah guides n ot him w ho is a liar and a
[Sooratuz-Z um ar, 39:3]

And He says:

i sp

Say [O M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )]: "T e ll m e or

inform m e [what] do you thin k about y ou r [so-called] p artner-god s to
w hom you call up on b esid es A llaah ; sh ow m e, w hat they have created
of the earth? O r have they any share in the h eaven s? O r have W e given
them a Book so that they act on clear p ro of therefrom ? N ay, the
Zaalimoott [polyth eists and w ron g-d oers, etc.] prom ise one an oth er
n oth in g b u t d elu sio n s."
[Soorah Faatir, 35:40]

A llaah says about the polytheists o f Q uraysh:

_ r ' . ' ' * * J* '\ < i ' %
4 C25
“ f, X'
^*: 61'c 'j"

Truly, w hen it w as said to them : L aa ilaaha ill-A llaah "[n o n e has the
righ t to be w orsh ip p ed b u t A llaah ]," they p u ffed them selves up w ith
p ride [i.e. denied it]. A n d [they] said: "A re w e goin g to ab an d on our
aaliha [gods] for the sake of a m ad p o et?"
[Sooratu s-Saffat, 37:35-36]

^ - t
ifTji <L>\s*S- t 1-AiA (jl I_U> j 4-^! '?

H as he m ade the aaliha [gods] [all] into O ne Ilaah [G od - A llaah]?

V erily, this is a cu rious thing!
[Soorah Saad, 38:5]

The Ben efits of A llaah A ffirm in g T aw heed ar-R ooboobiyyah

A llaah has established this (category of) Taw heed as p roof and certainty
(of H is existence) and as an establish ed evid en ce in d icatin g the
obligation of Taivheed al-U loohiyyah. Thus, Taw heed ar-R ooboobiyyah
necessitates that one w orsh ips n one bu t A llaah alone.

He, T he M ost H igh says:

4 :2): ij* < y -$ j p&d*-1_$ j]T ^ - u 4

O M an k in d! W orsh ip you r Lord [A llaah], W ho created you an d those

w ho w ere before you so that you m ay b ecom e al-M uttaqoon [the pious
- s e e V .2:2].
[Sooratu l-Baqarah 2:21]

And H e says:

...s u c h is A llaah you r Lord. H is is the k in gd om , Laa ilaaha ilia H uw a
[none has the right to be w orsh ip p ed b u t H e]. H ow then are you
turned aw ay?
[Sooratuz-Z um ar, 39:6]

And The M ost H igh says:

, m 9 % \- ■'u m ^'"u I ** " 4 ' \ ^Ir \

4 3y>- V_J' O j IJ J-OCJlS

So let them w orship [A llaah] the Lord of this H ou se [the K a'bah in

M akkah]. [He] W ho has fed them again st hun ger, and has m ade them
safe from fear.
[Soorah Q uraish, 106:3-4]

So A llaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala, m entions that He is their only C reator

and their only Provider. T here is no d oubting this. H e has m ade this an
argum ent against them in m aking sincere w orship to H im alon e and not
associate any partners to Him.

A llaah says:

Say [O M uh am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )]: "P ra ise and
than k s be to A llaah , and peace be on H is slaves w hom H e has chosen
[for H is M essage]! Is A llaah better, or [all] that you ascrib e as partners
[to H im ]?" [O f course, A llaah is b etter]. Is n ot H e [better than you r
gods] W ho created the heavens and the earth, and sends d ow n for you
w ater [rain] from the sky, w h ereby W e cause to grow w onderful
gard ens full of b eauty and d elight? It is not in y o u r ab ility to cause the
grow th of th eir trees. Is there any ilaah [god] w ith A llaah ? N ay, b ut
they are a people w ho ascrib e eq u als [to H im ]! Is not H e [better than
y ou r gods] W ho has m ade the earth as a fixed ab od e, an d h as placed
rivers in its m idst, and has p laced firm m ou n tain s therein , and h as set
a b arrier b etw een the tw o seas [of salt and sw eet w ater]. Is there any
ilaah [god] w ith A llaah ? N ay, b ut m ost of them k now not. Is not He
[better than your gods] W ho resp o n d s to the d istressed one w hen he
calls H im , and W ho rem oves the evil, and m akes you inh eritors of the
earth, g eneration s after g eneration s. Is there any ilaah [god] w ith
A llaah ? Little is that you rem em b er! Is not H e [better than y ou r gods]
W ho guides you in the d ark n ess of the land and the sea, and W ho
sends the w inds as heralds of glad tid in gs, g oin g b efore H is M ercy
[rain]? Is there any ilaah [god] w ith A llaah ? H igh Exalted be A llaah
above all that they associate as p artn ers [to H im ]!
[Sooratu n-N am l, 27:59-63]

So, in all of these verses A llaah renou nces the p o ly th eists— those w ho
affirm that H e alone is the M ost H igh, that H e is the one and only
C reator o f the h eavens and earth, and that He alone brin gs ben efit and
(allow s) harm —by inform ing them that this affirm ation does not benefit

them due to them jo in in g an oth er partner w ith H im and calling u pon it
as they call upon A llaah. This is nothing m ore than a m ajor con trad iction
to the divine law, as w ell as to the intellect. Thus, the one w ho is singled
out in actions, such as creation, provision, re-creation, cau sin g creation to
die, is naturally the sam e one w ho should be singled ou t in all areas of

Thus, A llaah, T he M ost H igh refutes them (the polytheists) w hen H e

said: "Is there any ilaah (god) w ith A llaah ?" He did not say "Is there a
C reator w ith A llaah ?" since they do n ot d isp ute this point.

T he In valid ity of Shirk in R oo bo obiy ya h, In tellectu ally and T extu ally

(Based upon the V erses)

A llaah clarifies the falsehood o f shirk in ar-R ooboobiyyah and clarifies that
if such (shirk) w ere to be correct, then the heavens and earth w ould have
been corrupted. T his is also u nd erstood through one's innate intellect.

A llaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala, says:

s' s ' s s ' I s ^ " t % s s . '

4j J j ^ • J 1^=3 I j O j ^j A 4j j l J l£ - \ Lo
, __ ’ - . ST' C \
4 ;-'vJ ^ j L*_P aJJI -£• ^ gr** * i

No son [or o ffsp rin g or children] did A llaah b eget, n or is there any
ilaah [god] along w ith H im ; [if there had b een m any gods], behold,
each god w ou ld have taken aw ay w hat he had created , and som e
w ould have tried to overcom e others! G lorified be A llaah ab ove all
that they attrib ute to H im !
[Sooratu l-M u ’m inoon, 23:91]

And H e says:

# ;f^y) L-Lp ^*J I C->J 4JJ I ^jL>t^>3 Ij -L^jsJ I 2 j A^A1* 0^ ^

H ad there b een therein [in the h eaven s and the earth] gods b esides
A llaah , then verily both w ould have b een ru ined . G lorified be A llaah,
the Lord of the T h ron e, [H igh is He] ab ove w hat they attrib u te to H im !
[Sooratu l-A n biyaa', 21:22]


The Correct Belief Regarding:

Tawheed al-Asmaa' was-Sifaat15

From the general belief o f Ahlus-Sunnah w al-]am aa‘ah is that they affirm
for A llaah the M ost H igh that w hich he affirm s for H im self and that
w hich the M essenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) has affirm ed for H im
from H is perfect N am es and gloriou s A ttributes. They do n ot exceed the
lim its o f the Q u r'an and the sound hadeeth of the M essen ger o f A llaah
(sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).

They affirm the term s used and know their m eaning in the tongue o f the
A rab in w hich the Q u r'an w as revealed. They leave the m eaning of how
these attributes are w ith A llaah alone. A llaah, ta'aala, is distinguished
and characterized by how these attributes are and has not inform ed
anyon e from m ankind (concern ing their details).

Ahlus-Sunnah are the ones w ho approach this dan gerous chap ter upon
the follow ing firm ly-established p rinciples of the Sharee’ah. W hoever
sticks firm to them is indeed safe from corruption:

The First Principle

A ffirm ation o f that w hich A llaah affirm s for H im self or that w hich His
M essenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) has affirm ed, w ith ou t any

15 S in g lin g o u t A lla a h a lo n e in H is n a m e s an d attrib u tes.

ad d ition to or lessening of them : T his is because there is no o n e m ore
know led geable about A llaah than H im self.

He, T he M ost H igh says:

r r

...S a y , "D o you k now b etter or does A llaah ?..."

[Sooratul-Baqarah, 2:140]

L ikew ise, there is no one m ore know led geable about A llaah after A llaah
than the M essenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi um sallam ).

A llaah says:

4 £ o! £ \ Lftj 'J': CSyf- ^

Y o u r com pan ion [M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )] has

n eith er gone astray n or has erred. N or does he speak of [his ow n]
desire. It is only an In spiration that is inspired.
[Sooratun-N ajm , 53:2 -4 ]

The Second Principle

E xalting and freeing A llaah, subhaanahu urn ta ’aala from resem blin g the
creation in His A ttributes.


A llaah subhaanahu w a ta'aala says:

l La S ' a - ..l #

.T h ere is n oth in g lik e unto H im , and He

is the A ll-H earer, the A ll-Seer.
[Sooratu sh-Shooraa, 42:11]

And A llaah says:

_ '> '
■i jj»-

A nd there is none co-equ al or com p arab le unto H im .

[Sooratu l-Ikhlaas, 112:4]

Th e T hird Principle

N ot attem p ting to com prehend how A llaah 's A ttributes are.

A llaah says:

/ % %*
^ Ulf- ^ • _) # ■

...A n d they w ill n ever en co m p ass an yth in g of H is K n ow ledge.

[Soorah Taa H aa, 20:110]

And H e says:

Do you know of any w ho is sim ilar to H im ?

[Soorah M aryam , 19:65]

D escrib in g H is A scen sion ab ove the Th ron e

So from His exalted A ttributes is that w hich H e has m entioned in

several places o f the Q u r'an w hen H e said:

The M ost Beneficen t [A llaah] istaw aa [rose over]

the [M ighty] T hrone.
[Soorah Taa H aa, 20:5]

From this w e learn: affirm ation that A llaah rose above the th rone in
reality. W e know its m eaning, bu t w e do not know the k a y f (how -

The M eaning of 'Istiw a a '

As for its m eaning, then it is synonym ous w ith elev ation and
ascension. This is w hat the A rabic tongue has com e w ith, and it is
the definition that A hlus-Sunnah has agreed upon.

N ot K now ing H ow this Istiw aa T ook Place

A s for how this istiw aa (ascension) took place, then no on e know s

this except A llaah alone w ho has no partners.

The A ttributes of H earin g and Seeing

Likew ise, (from these exalted attributes) is the saying o f Allaah,

subhaanahu wa ta'aala :


...T ru ly , A llaah is E ver A ll-H earer, A ll-S eer

[Sooratu n-N isaa', 4:58]

W e g ather from this verse, and oth ers sim ilar to it, the
affirm ation o f the attribute o f hearing for A llaah. H earing in the
A rabic language m eans to grasp sounds.

The M ean in g of the A ttrib ute of H earin g

Thus, it is affirm ed that A llaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala hears. H e hears

in a m anner that does not resem ble his creation. W e leave the
m eaning of how this is done w ith A llaah ta'aala. So w e do not say,
"H o w d oes He hear?" N or do w e attem p t to d eciph er it, as He, The
M ost H igh, has not inform ed us o f these m atters. R ath er He, The
M ost M agnificent, has given us w hat He has w illed from His
know ledge.

The M ean in g of the A ttrib u te of Seeing

Likew ise, seeing or the ability to view things has been narrated in
Saheeh Muslim on the au th ority of Abu M oosaa al-A sh 'aree,
radhiyyallaahu 'anhu, w ho stated that the P roph et (sallallaahu 'alayhi
wa sallam) said:

Ind eed , A llaah does not sleep and it is n ot b efittin g for him to
sleep. H e low ers the scales and raises them . The deeds of the
day are resurrected in fron t of H im before the deeds of the
night, and the deeds of the n igh t b efore the deeds of day. H is

veil is light, and if H e rem oves it, the rays from H is face w ould
b u m w hatever H is sight reaches of H is creation.

So, actual sight is affirm ed for A llaah in w hich He sees in a

m anner befitting H is m ajesty. H ow this vision is, w e do not
know ; rather, w e know w hat A llaah has tau ght us w hen H e said:

% j| j ^ ^ x ^ / “y✓

...T h e re is n oth in g like unto H im , and H e is the

A ll-H earer, the A ll-S eer
[Sooratush-Shooraa, 42:11]

These exam ples are from the m ethodology o f A hlus-Sunnah regard in g the
N am es and A ttributes of A llaah the M ost H igh.


The Correct Belief Regarding:

Tawheed al-Ilaahiyyah16

From the b elief o f A hlus-Sunnah is that w e sing le ou t A llaah, subhaanahu

wa ta'aala, alon e in w orship. Thus, w e do not w orsh ip any god along
w ith H im . R ather, all acts of o bed ien ce in w hich A llaah 's co m m an d s are
to b e acted u pon and an sw ered are for A llaah alone.


w e do not m ake prostration to anyone excep t A llaah;

w e do not circle the Ka'bah, his blessed house, for anyon e except
A llaah;
& w e do n ot slaughter excep t for A llaah;
w e do not sw ear by anyon e excep t A llaah;
w e do n o t m ake an oath by anyone excep t A llaah;
$ w e do n ot depend upon anyone excep t A llaah;
® and w e do n ot call u pon anyon e excep t A llaah.

This is singling ou t A llaah alone in w orship.

A llaah says:

16 S in g lin g o u t A lla a h in w o rsh ip . N o te: T h e sc h o la rs u se th e te rm s 'U looh iy y ah ' an d

'llaah iy y ah ' in terch a n g ea b ly .


^ i .~w I ^ l y ^

W orship A llaah an d join n on e w ith H im in w o rsh ip ...

[Sooratu n -N isaa', 4:36]

^ oLjI ^fl “^1 dX ij

...A n d you r Lord has decreed that you w orsh ip none b ut H im

[Sooratu l-Israa', 17:23]

# jjh sij ^ i 3 j ij Sii i ^

... w hile they [Jew s and C hristians] w ere com m an d ed [in the T aw raat
(Torah) and the In jeel (G ospel)] to w orsh ip none b ut O ne Ilaah (G od —
A llaah). N one has the righ t to be w orsh ip p ed excep t H im .
[Sooratut-Taw bah, 9:31]

4 iv * ' G j

A n d they w ere com m and ed not, b ut th at they sh ou ld w orsh ip A llaah ,

and w orsh ip none but H im A lo n e ...
[Sooratu l-Bayyinah, 98:5]

4 £2- O j-1?*?! ■$! i_r~’^ 3 o Jii> - L*j ^

A nd I [A llaah] created not the jin n s and h u m an s excep t

they should w orship M e (A lone).
[Sooratu dh-D haariyaat, 51:56]

A nd the m eaning o f 'w o rsh ip ' is to single out (A llaah).


Th e O pp osite of T aw heed Is A sso ciatin g Partners w ith A llaah

The opposite o f this, w hich is ascribing a partn er to A llaah, is the g reatest

sin one can com m it against A lla a h —m ay A llaah protect us from it.

A nd A llaah says:

4 I-Lju VJUi? <0j Lj

V erily! A llaah forgives n ot [the sin of] settin g up p artn ers in w orsh ip
w ith H im , b ut H e forgives w hom he p leases, sins oth er than that, and
w h o ev er sets up p artners in w orsh ip w ith A llaah , has ind eed strayed
far aw ay.
[Sooratu n -N isaa', 4:116]

4 :2 j! ^9

V erily, A llaah forgives not that p artners sh ou ld be set up w ith him in

w orsh ip , b ut H e forgives excep t that [anythin g else] to w hom He
p leases, and w ho ev er sets up p artn ers w ith A llaah in w orsh ip , he has
ind eed inven ted a trem en d ou s sin.
[Sooratu n -N isaa', 4:48]

H u n a fa a ’ Lillaah [i.e. to w orsh ip n on e b u t A llaah ], n ot associatin g

p artners [in w orsh ip , etc.] u nto H im and w h o ev er assign s p artners to
A llaah , it is as if he had fallen from the sky, an d the b ird s had
sn atch ed him , or the w ind h ad throw n him to a far off place.
[Sooratul-H ajj, 22:31]


A n d [rem em ber] w hen Lu q m aan said to his son w hen he w as ad visin g

him : "O m y son! Join not in w orsh ip others w ith A llaah . V erily!
Jo in in g others in w orsh ip w ith A llaah
is a great dhulm [w rong] in d eed ."
[Soorah Luqm aan, 31:13]

A llaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala, clarifies that shirk nu llifies d eeds and takes
one out of the fold o f Islam .

A llaah says:

...b u t if they had join ed in w orsh ip others w ith A llaah , all that they
u sed to do w ou ld have b een of no b en efit to them .
[Sooratu l-A n'aam , 6:88]

A n d ind eed it has been revealed to you [O M u h am m ad (sallallaahu

'alayhi iva sallam )], as it w as to those [A llaah 's M essen gers] before
you: "If you join others in w orsh ip w ith A llaah , [then] su rely [all] you r
deeds w ill be in vain, and you w ill certain ly be am on g the losers."
[Sooratu z-Z um ar, 39:65]

In Saheeh Muslim, on the au thority of Jaab ir Ibn 'A bdu llaah ,

radhiyyallaahu 'anhu, w ho said that the M essen ger o f A llaah (sallallaahu
'alayhi wa sallam) said: "W h o ev er m eets A llaah not ascrib in g any


p artners to H im then he shall en ter P arad ise, and w h o ev er m eets him

ascrib in g partn ers w ith H im then he shall en ter the F ire ."17

In Saheeh Bukhaaree, on the au th ority Ibn M as'o o d , radhiyyallaahu 'anhu,

w ho said that the M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:
"W h o e v er dies callin g u p on an oth er b esid es A llaah shall en ter the
F ire ."18

W h o Is a P olyth eist?

So w h oever directs any form o f w orship to oth er than A llaah is a

disbelievin g polytheist.

D u'aa Is N ot to be D irected to A n yon e E xcep t A llaah

Du'aa is a form o f w orship w h ich A llaah com m and s, so w h oever calls

upon A lla a h alone is a muwaahid (one w ho sing les ou t A llaah alone in
w orship). A nd w hoever calls u p on oth er than A llaah has ascribed
partners to A llaah .19

A llaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala, says:

* * s "• %
^ li) d J jli c J j i J qU a -i !-• q?

17 C o llected b y M u slim (93), n a rra te d b y ja a b ir

18 Saheeh a l-B u k h aa ree, " T h e B o o k o f T a fse e r o f th e Q u r 'a n " (4497).

19 T ra n sla to r' n o te: E x a m p le s o f du'aa to o th e r th a n A lla a h a re to say, " O M u h a m m a d p lease

cu re m e " o r " O H u sa y n p lea se g ra n t m e a c h ild ."


A nd invoke n ot b esides A llaah , any that w ill n eith er p ro fit you , nor
h u rt you, but if [in case] you did so, you shall certain ly be one of the
D haalim oon [polyth eists and w ron g-d oers].
[Soorah Yoonus, 10:106]

— JuS' L ijjj jaJ ^

4 'Jz'’ M

A nd w h oever invokes [or w orsh ip s], b esid es A llaah , any o th er ilaah

[god], of w hom he has no p roof, then h is reck o n in g is only w ith his
Lord. Surely al-Kaafiroott [the d isb elievers in A llaah and in the
O nen ess of A llaah , p olyth eists, p agan s, idolaters, etc.] w ill n ot be
[Sooratu l-M u 'm inoon, 23:117]

f s f X V ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

4 ;5j) I■Zo-1 <0)1 ^ 4 II^ip aj

P JU <ii

A n d the m osqu es are for A llaah [A lone],

so invoke not an yon e alon g w ith A llaah.
[Sooratul-Jinn, 72:18]

Y rj* jji-T S_^CO jaJ

"- ' ' ~S % s ^ t %S S % -s'9*

^ J I c IPO L«J jjb L«J oli £L*J I

For H im [A lone] is the W ord of T ruth [i.e. none h as the right to be

w orsh ip p ed b ut H e]. A nd those w hom th ey [polyth eists and
disbelievers] invoke an sw er them no m ore than one w h o stretch es
forth h is hand [at the edge of a deep w ell] for w ater to reach his m outh,
but it reaches him not, and the invocation of the d isb elievers is
n oth in g b ut an erro r [i.e. of no use].
[Sooratu r-R a'd , 13:14]


T h ose w hom they [al-M ushrikoon] invoke b esid es A llaah have not
created an yth ing, but are them selves created . [T h ey are] dead, lifeless,
and they know not w hen they w ill be raised up.
[Sooratu n-N ahl, 16:20-21]

,, * , ^’ V x „ j. •• ^ v ^ ^ ' /• -•

L^-l) I 4A)1 ^

So invoke not w ith A llaah an o th er ilaah [god] lest you be am on g those

w ho receive p u n ishm ent.
[So oratu sh -Sh u a'raa', 26:213]

H e m erges the night into the day [i.e. the d ecrease in the hou rs of the
n igh t are added to the hou rs of the day], and H e m erges the day into
the n igh t [i.e. the decrease in the h ou rs of the day are added to the
hou rs of the night]. A nd H e has sub jected the sun and the m oon , each
runs its cou rse for a term ap p oin ted . Such is A llaah y ou r Lord; H is is
the k ingd om . A nd those, w hom you invoke o r call u pon instead of
H im , ow n not even a Q itm eer [the thin m em b ran e o ver the date-stone].
If you invoke [or call upon] them , they h ear n ot y o u r call, and if [in
case] they w ere to hear, th ey could n ot gran t it [you r request] to you.
A nd on the D ay of R esu rrection , they w ill d isow n y ou r w orsh ip p in g
them . A nd n one can inform you [O M u h am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi
wa sallam )] lik e H im W h o is the A ll-K n o w er [of each and everything].


[Soorah Faatir, 35:13—14]

'J* ^ ^ ) y*-^\jf°'j^'i ^
% * J tf % ~r 'i I ^ ^ ^ T i *“* f x’ f **

O ji ^rf L* I(jii- jjlj f

* > ■■> > . . , , f,f_ > > - - , ,t * , (, s .,
' '. jA J a <Jj.-i'j' 31 c - ^ u 5 J,A ^Ja Jva^ <0)1 J^ ljl oj

— - , |* v | > s ** ' * ^ ,
^ ' J ‘~~~=ly~l j

A nd verily, if you ask them : "W ho created the heaven s and the earth?"
Surely, they w ill say: "A llaah [has created them ]." Say: "Tell m e then,
the things that you invoke b esid es A llaah , if A llaah intended som e
harm for m e, could they rem ove H is harm , or if H e [A llaah] intended
som e m ercy for m e, could they w ith h old H is M ercy?"
Say : "S u fficien t for m e is A llaah ; in H im those w ho tru st [i.e.
believers] m ust p ut th eir trust.
[Sooratuz-Z um ar, 39:38]


Ar?. ,^V "* f , 1u -
*1 i •i"
bl» j^ jl 4A)I
-* / * * ' -< ** * A - it \
Ji &

Cr*J Cf5 o! A-^p ^ j* 3^ I

j^Aj a^ I aJI a } j J J ; a] S! Ai)' 03^03 -S’ 0^3

4 'Cp V iip i v i i y i r (^r iL)T_}0o- ij|3 03^^

Say [O M uham m ad to these pagans]: "Think! All that you invoke

b esid es A llaah show m e! W hat have they created of the earth ? O r have
they a share in [the creation of] the heaven s? B ring m e a Book
[revealed before this], or som e trace of k n ow led ge [in su p p ort of you r
claim s], if you are truthful! A nd w ho is m ore astray than one w ho calls
[invokes] b esid es A llaah, such as w ill not an sw er him till the D ay of
R esu rrection, and w ho are [even] unaw are of th eir calls [invocations]
to them ? A nd w hen M an k in d are gathered [on the D ay of
R esu rrection], they [false deities] w ill b ecom e en em ies for them and
w ill deny th eir w orship p ing.


[Sooratu l-A hqaaf, 46 :4 -6 ]

It has been au th en tically reported on the au thority o f an -N u 'm aan Ibn

Basheer, radhiyyallaahu ‘anhu, w ho said the M essen ger o f A llaah
(sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) said: " D u ’aa [su pp lication ] is w o rsh ip ."20

M essen gers W ere Sent for the Sake of T h is A sp ect of T aw heed

T his aspect o f Taw heed, Taw heed o f W orship, is that w h ich all o f the
m essen gers conflicted and d isputed w ith their people over.

For this reason, A llaah sent H is m essen gers to explain it (taw heed) and
call to it. H e revealed the books to affirm it and clarify it and argue the

A llaah says:

^ ' i* I *
4 1 111
- ~ Jjj * U 1j ^ •jl 1 *^—
=3 b iju JJa Jj

A n d verily, W e have sent am on g every U m m ah [com m u n ity, nation] a

M essen ger [proclaim ing]: "W orship A llaah [A lon e], and avoid [or keep
aw ay from ] T aaghoot [all false deities, etc. i.e. do n ot w orsh ip
T aaghoot b esid es A llaah].
[Sooratu n-N ahl, 16:36]

And H e says:

4 1^1V ] a J] ^ 1a J] S i] j U J L - jl Li j

20 M u sn ad o f Im a a m A h m a d , Ib n H a b b a n , A bu D a a w o o d .


A nd W e did n ot send any M essen ger before you [O M uh am m ad

(sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m )] but W e insp ired him [saying]: Laa
ilaaha ilia A na [none has the righ t to be w orsh ip p ed b ut I (A llaah )], so
w orsh ip M e [A lone and none else].
[Sooratu l-A nbiyaa', 21:25]

t 0xf _ «» i ' f
4 ;r,: El N ] aJI ^ ja j\

H e sen ds dow n the angels w ith insp iration of H is C om m an d to w hom

of H is slaves H e pleases [saying]: "W arn m an k in d that Laa ilaaha ilia
A na [none has the right to be w orsh ipp ed b ut I], so fear M e [by
ab stainin g from sins and evil d eed s]."
[Sooratun-N ahl, 16:2]

Each of the m essengers began calling their people to A llaah. Each

m essenger said to his people, "W o rsh ip A llaah, you have no other god
besid es H im ."21 N ooh, Hud, Saalih, Sh u 'ay b, and the rem ain d er o f the
m essengers —m ay the peace and blessings o f A llaah be upon them all —
proclaim ed this point.

And A llaah says:

)J q l i j j! AjoT (J_ 5 ^ { j * . ’ J * L * jl J

21 S o o ra tu l-'A ra a f: 59, 65, 73, 75.


A nd [rem em ber] Ibraah eem [A b rah am ] w hen he said to his people:

"W o rsh ip A llaah [alone], and fear H im ; that is b etter for you if you did
b ut kn ow .Y ou w orsh ip b esid es A llaah only idols, and you only inven t
falsehood. V erily, those w hom you w orsh ip b esid es A llaah have no
p ow er to give you provision , so seek y ou r p rovision from A llaah
[alone], and w orship H im [alone], and be gratefu l to H im . To H im
[alone] you w ill be b rough t b ack ."
[Sooratu l-'A n kaboot, 29:16-17]

A llaah says about H is prophet Y oosu f:

_ % ' s _ j -Z' “*•* % I . * * ' ' i p ^ f ■» ■* * ,

U 4jjl ^ •J fri yjaJL* Jl Li #

Mi <l\ |»5vO«jt (jl tj4 a l— y t lip -0)1 I- ,» J-Ijl L*J *.- . a ... c li- ll V j
# "

^ j ^aM^;ujl o U 'i «Ljl y»\

O tw o co m p an io n s of the p rison! A re m any d ifferen t lords [gods]

b etter or A llaah, the O ne, the Irresistib le? You do n ot w orsh ip b esid es
H im b u t only n am es w hich you have n am ed [forged ], you and you r
fathers, for w hich A llaah h as sen t d ow n no auth ority. T h e com m an d
[or the jud gem en t] is for none b u t A llaah. H e has co m m an d ed that you
w orsh ip none b ut H im [i.e. H is M onotheism ], that is the [true] straigh t
religion , b ut m ost m en k now not.
[Soorah Y oosu f, 12:39^40]

The Polyth eists H ave no A rg u m en t S u p p ortin g T h eir Shirk

T he polytheists have no fou nd ation or excuse for their polytheism , not

from any intelligent stand p oint or any n arratio n from the m essengers.

A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta ’aala, says:


4 ££5 Cr? '-4*"3 <j* ,_r? U Lljl ^ f

A n d ask [O M u h am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m )] those of O ur

M essengers w hom W e sent before you: "D id W e ever ap p oin t aalihah
[gods] to be w orsh ip ped b esides the M ost B en eficen t [A llaah ]?"
[Sooratu z-Z ukhruf, 43:45]

M eaning, that no one from the m essen gers called to w orsh ipp in g other
gods besid es or along w ith A llaah. R ather, all o f them —from the first to
the la s t—called to the w orship of A llaah alone.

A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, also points to rational evid en ce that refute

the shirk of the polytheists.

H e says:

J A r? ^ J jj1 ^ D* ^

4 -Qi? ^ ‘ i~~=> o ! •j f ? IJ-ia (_Jl3 ^ Jl

Say [O M uh am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m )] to these pagans:

"T h in k ! A ll that you invoke b esides A llaah show m e! W h at have they
created of the earth ? O r have they a share in [the creation of] the
heaven s? Bring m e a B ook [revealed before this], or som e trace of
k n ow led ge [in sup p ort of you r claim s], if you are tru th fu l!"
[Sooratu l-A hqaaf, 46:4]

Here, A llaah refutes them w ith logical and irrefutable evid en ce that
everythin g w orshipped besid es H im is invalid as they have n ot created
anything nor have they played any part in assisting in creation. Indeed,
A llaah is O ne and A lone in that so w hy then are these others
w orshipp ed? Then A llaah n egates that the polytheists have any evid ence
from revelation in any o f the revealed books or from any o f the sent


m essen gers concern in g their shirk. H e m akes it clear that there is n ot a

single argum ent for the poly th eists at all; thus, they shall rem ain in the
fire o f H ell forever, and w hat an evil abode.

From that w hich has been m entioned, w e now know that this asp ect of
taw heed is the first obligation and m ost im p o rtan t of duties. A llaah w ill
not accep t any other religion besid es it.



The Correct Belief Regarding:

The Six Pillars of Eemaan (Faith)

From the general b elief o f A hlus-Sunnah w al-]am aa’ah is that w e have

b elief in A llaah, H is angels, H is books, H is m essengers, the resurrection
after death, and b elief in the d ivine pred estination.

B elief in A llaah

T his consists o f affirm ing A llaah by singling H im ou t in R o ob oo b iy y ah 22

U loohiyyah,23 and A sm aa' w as-S ifaat.24 C larificatio n for these three points
has already preceded.

Belief in the A n gels

T his is by believing in their existence and w h at has been m entioned to us

concerning their n am es and their actions.

A llaah says:

22 T h e a c t o f sin g lin g o u t A lla a h a lo n e in H is lo rd sh ip .

23 T h e a c t o f sin g lin g o u t A lla a h a lo n e in w o rsh ip .

24 T h e act o f sin g lin g o u t A lla a h a lo n e in H is N a m e s an d A ttrib u tes.


'The M essen ger b elieves in w hat h as been sen t dow n to him from his
Lord, and [so do] the b elievers. Each one believes in A llaah , H is
A n gels, H is Books, and H is M essen gers. T h ey say, "W e m ake no
distin ction b etw een one an oth er of H is M essen gers."
[Sooratul-Baqarah, 2:285]

It is not al-B irr [piety, righ teou sn ess, and each and every act of
obed ience to A llaah , etc.] that you turn y ou r faces tow ard s east and [or]
w est [in prayers]; b ut a l-B irr is [the quality of] the one w ho believes in
A llaah , the Last D ay, the A n gels, the Book, the Prophets.
[Sooratul-Baqarah, 2:177]

O n the au thority o f 'U m a r Ibn K hattaab, radhiyyallaahu 'anhu, concerning

the lengthy qu estion about b elief asked by Jibreel to the Prophet
M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam)-, he said, "B e lie f is that you
affirm y ou r faith in A llaah, H is an gels, H is b ook s, H is m essen gers,
and the resurrection , and to b elieve in the divine destiny, the good and
evil th ereo f."25

D escription of the A ngels

A llaah has d escribed them in H is book:

25 Saheeh Muslim.


% ' -> y y % * y _

O^ OjL/?^-*“l ^ ■’9-liP u^’j'^ '3 oi'_yil..~J I <_j ^ ja]j 4

— x %^“* y 'j CT ^ ■'■’ '■* _, ^ ^^
4 '■£>'■iiis M y J ^ ' i J J 1 0_pv-~9 ;jp

To H im b elon gs w h o so ev er is in the h eaven s and on earth. A nd those

w ho are n ear H im [i.e. the angels] are not too p roud to w orsh ip H im ,
n or are they w eary [of H is w orsh ip ]. T h ey [i.e. the angels] g lorify H is
P raises n ight and day, [and] th ey n ever slacken [to do so].
[Sooratu l-A n biyaa', 21:19-20]

_ ^ * y V y •» £ f ' f ^ f ^ y _ j •* f ff

4 '22' - ’ j ’*■>)a-:-~-I 2 j > * l}-i 4

T h ey are b ut honored slaves. T h ey sp eak n ot until H e has spoken, and

they act on H is C om m and.
[Sooratu l-A n biy aa', 21:26-27]

4 ^ ^Aj 3l~P ^ -U-P #

Surely, those w ho are w ith y o u r Lord [angels] are n ever too p roud to
perform acts of w orsh ip to H im , b u t they g lorify H is Praise and
p rostrate before H im .
[Sooratu l-A 'raaf, 7:206]

So they are servan ts o f A llaah and a creation from H is rem arkable

creations. They do not d eserve any sort o f w orship.

A llaah says:

I_jJLs 'T'_ tjjju ju <$LzLe-LI ju L*—f 1' - * - * * 3 ^ - * ?

, - - > ■>l ' jc f * ?r - >t- ' : •y , . ' . ’ 1 -6 ' ' . f 11" ' - '
’'£• O y ^ j* (Vji 1 'j j o J j ;»-4-L5-5 Cr? I

A nd [rem em ber] the D ay w hen H e w ill gath er them all togeth er, and
then w ill say to the angels: "W a s it you that these p eop le u sed to


w orsh ip ?" T hey [angels] w ill say: "G lorified be You! You are our
W alee [Lord] instead of them . N ay, b ut they used to w orsh ip the jintis;
m ost of them w ere b elievers in th em ."
[Soorah Saba', 34:40^11]

isLji jjji j i s > l' #

'T' il j _*j ^a>JL}

N or w ould he ord er you to take angels and p roph ets for lords [gods].
W ould he ord er you to disb elieve after you have
su bm itted to A llaah 's W ill?
[Soorah A ali-Im raan, 3:80]

D escription of the C reation of the A ngels

In Saheeh Muslim, on the au thority o f A a'ishah , radhiyyallaahu ‘anha, w ho

said the M essenger of A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "T h e
an gels w ere created from light, the jin n w ere created from a sm ok eless
fire, and A adam w as created from that w hich has b een d escribed to
y o u ."

From the ch aracteristics o f their creation is that they have w ings. So from
them there are those w ho have tw o w ings, three w ings, four w ings, etc.

A llaah says:

i Oj * G Jp ld ^ -AjJj £->j j


All the p raises and thank s be to A llaah, the [only] O rig in ato r [or the
(only) C reator] of the h eaven s and the earth , W h o m ad e the angels
m essen gers w ith w in gs —tw o or three or four. H e increases in creation
w hat H e w ills. V erily, A llaah is able to do all things.
[Soorah Faatir, 35:1]

It w as narrated in Saheeh Bukhanree on the au thority o f Ibn M as'ood ,

radhiyyallaahu 'anhu, w ho said the P rop het (sallallaahu 'alayhi urn sallam )
saw Jibreel and that he had six hund red w ings.

Likew ise, A llaah has given them the ability to take beau tiful body form s
as Jibreel took the form o f a m an in front o f M aryam . Sim ilarly, are those
w ho cam e to Ibraaheem , 'alayhis-salaam , in the form o f his n oble guests,
and also those w ho cam e to Loot w hen they w ere ordered to send dow n
the p u nishm ent upon his people.

A llaah R efutes the Polyth eists W ho Say, "T h e A n gels are A llaah 's
D au g h ters"

A llaah has refuted the polytheists w ho claim ed that the an gels w ere from
the d aughters of A llaah. G lory be to A llaah above all that the w ron g­
d oers say abou t Him.

A llaah Th e M ost H igh says:

i - ■»-* ^ t ^ f ’ J ^j ' , ^ 4 ^ ^ ■ ■* ' ^

, - , >. 7 j ,; '
# 'T f] <Jj a a . - *

A nd they say: "T h e M ost B en eficen t [A llaah] has b egotten a son [or
ch ild ren ]." G lory to H im ! T h ey [those w h om they call ch ildren of


A llaah i.e. the angels, 'Eesa (Jesus) son of M aryam (M ary), 'U zayr
(Ezra), etc.], are b ut h on ou red slaves. T h ey sp eak n ot until H e has
spoken, and they act on H is C om m and . H e k n ow s w h at is b efore them ,
and w hat is b ehind them , and they cann ot interced e excep t for him
w ith w hom H e is pleased. A nd they stand in aw e for fear of H im .
[Sooratu l-A n biyaa', 21:2 6 -2 8 ]

And H e says:

lijj L jiJj- ^1 j ^S\ JLgJj I

£jp; O x * ^ J (*r]3 ^ —1 ( * ^* j ^ (*-r! ijSj’ s J J ! ! - 1,! ' ' 1'

^yJaL» |*^J ’J } ! 0

— t J . _ f
^ ^,ev Cj-^ Li j. ^ }. ^

N ow ask them [O M uh am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )]: "A re

there [only] d au gh ters for y ou r Lord and sons for th e m ?" O r did W e
create the an gels fem ales w hile they w ere w itn esses? V erily, it is of
their falsehood that they [Q uraysh pagans] say: "A llaah has b egotten
o ffsp rin g or ch ildren [i.e. an gels are the dau gh ters of A llaah ]?" And,
verily, they are liars! H as H e [then] ch osen d au gh ters rath er than sons?
W hat is the m atter w ith you? H ow do you d ecid e? W ill you n ot then
rem em b er? O r is there for you a plain auth ority? T hen b rin g you r
B ook if you are truthful!
[Sooraus-Saaffaat, 37:149-157]

Then He says about the angels:

# Qy iI 1' Lj]^ ,aJ *^j LL« L§j ^

T h ere is not one of us [angels] b ut has h is know n place [or position];

V erily, w e [angels], w e stand in row s for the p rayers [as You M uslim s


stand in row s for y o u r p rayers]; V erily, w e [angels], w e are they w ho

g lorify [A llaah's p raises i.e. perfo rm p rayers].
[Sooratu s-Saaffaat, 37:164-166]

Jib r e e l,'A layhis-Salaam

From these an gels is ]ibreel, ‘alayhis-salaam , the one entrusted w ith the
R evelation.

A llaah says:

# 4jjl d l .b jaJ \ j j l£ ^ j IS^ i

Say: "W h o ev er is an en em y to Jib reel [G abriel] [let him die in his

fury], for indeed he has b ro u g h t it [this Q u r'aan ] dow n to y ou r heart
by A llaah 's P erm issio n ..."
[Sooratu l-Baqarah, 2:97]

Indeed, the P rophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) saw him and he had six
hundred w ings. H e w as able to see the m agnificen ce o f his creation
across the entire horizon. T hen he saw him on the N ight o f the M i'raaj2b
in the sky as well.

A llaah says:

La jja S' 0 ' \ j wL<*. -Lwp '.'Jr.y, C S ^ J ^

A nd ind eed he [M uh am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m )] saw him

[Jibrael (G abriel)] at a secon d d escen t [i.e. an oth er tim e]. N ear Sidrat-

26 H is (sallalla a h u ‘a la y h i w a sallam ) a sc e n sio n to H ea v en .


ul-M untahaa [lote-tree of the utm ost b ou nd ary (beyond w hich none
can pass)]. N ear it is the Parad ise of A bode.
[Sooratun-N ajm , 53:13 -1 5 ]

He never saw him in this im age excep t on these tw o occasions. As for all
other tim es, then he cam e in the im age o f a m an and in the form o f the
com p anion D ihyah al-K albee.27

A llaah The M ost H igh says:

2' 2>- '2 5 ^ J j —j &

^ j f ,v x ^ J

# ;r; JLaJj ;

V erily, this is the W ord [this Q ur'an b rough t by] a m ost hon ou rab le
m essen ger [Jibreel (G ab riel), from A llaah to the P roph et M uham m ad
(sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )]. O w n er of pow er, and high rank w ith
[A llaah] the Lord of the T hron e, O beyed [by the an gels], tru stw orthy
there [in the heaven s]. A nd [O people] y o u r com p an ion [M uham m ad
(sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )] is not a m ad m an ; A nd ind eed he
[M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m )] saw him [Jibreel
(G abriel)] in the clear horizon [tow ards the east].
[Sooratu t-Takw ir, 81:19-23]

27 N a rra ted by A bu 'U th m a a n w h o said : " I w a s in fo rm ed th at Jib re e l c a m e to th e P ro p h et

(sallallaah u ’a la y h i w a sallam ) w h ile U m m S a la m a h w a s w ith h im . Jib re e l starte d talk in g [to

th e P ro p h et (sallallaah u ‘a la y h i w a sallam )]. T h e n th e P ro p h et (sallallaahu ‘a la y h i w a sallam )

ask ed U m m Sa la m a h , 'W h o is th is? ' S h e re p lied , 'H e is D ih y ah [a l-K a lb e e ].' W h en Jib re el

had left, U m m S a la m a h said , 'B y A lla a h , I did n o t ta k e h im fo r a n y b o d y o th e r th an h im [i.e.

D ih yah ] till I h ea rd th e serm o n o f th e P ro p h et (sallallaah u ’a la y h i w a sallam ) w h erein he

in fo rm ed a b o u t th e n ew s o f Jib r e e l.'" T h e su b n a rra to r ask ed A bu U th m aan : "F ro m w h o

h a v e you h eard th a t? " A bu 'U th m a a n said: "F ro m U sa a m ah Ibn Z a y d ." (B u khaaree)


M ik a a 'e e l,'A layhis-Salaatn

From the angels is the angel M ik aa'eel, ‘alayhis-salaam , w ho is responsible

for the rain and other duties w hich A llaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala,
com m and s him to do.

N arrated by Im aam A hm ad, on the au thority o f Anas, radhiyyallaahu

‘anhu, w ho said that the M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam )
said to Jibreel, "W h y is it th at I have n ever seen M ik aa'eel laugh in g? So
he (Jibreel) said, "H e has not laughed since the creation o f the F ire."

A llaah says about M ikaa'eel:

W h oev er is an enem y to A llaah , H is A n gels, H is M essen gers, Jib rael

[G abriel] and M ikael [M ich ael], then verily, A llaah is
an en em y to the d isbelievers.
[Sooratu l-Baqarah, 2:98]

Israafil, ‘A layhis-Salaatn

From the angels is Israafil, ‘alayhis-salaam , w ho is respon sible for the

Trum pet. H e w ill blow it three tim es at the com m and o f his Lord. The
first o f the blow s w ill be to frighten, the second will am aze, and the third
w ill be for standing befo re the Lord o f the W orlds.

These three angels m entioned are those m entioned by the Prophet

(sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) in his su p p lication o f the night prayer: "O
A llaah , Lord of Jib reel, M ik aa'eel, and Israafil, C reator of the heaven s
and earth, K n ow er of the seen and u n seen , you shall jud ge betw een
y o u r servan ts in that w hich they used to differ. G uide m e in m atters


that have been disputed up on b y y ou r leave. F o r verily, you guide

w hom you w ill to the straight p a th ."28

O n the au thority o f A a'ishah, radhiyyallaahu 'anha, w ho said, "T h e

M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi urn sallam) said, "O A llaah , Lord
of Jib reel, M ikaa'eel, and Israafil, I seek refu ge w ith you from the heat
of the Fire and from the p u n ish m en t of the g ra v e ."29

The A ngel of D eath, 'A layhis-Salaam

From the an gels is the A ngel o f D eath, 'alayhis-salaam, w ho is responsible

for taking the souls.

A llaah says:

Say: "T h e angel of death, w ho is set o v er you, w ill take you r souls,
then you shall be b ro u g h t to y ou r L ord ."
[Sooratus-Sajdah, 32:11]

The G uardian A n gels, 'A layhim us-Salaam

From them are the angels entrusted to protect m ankind at every

m om ent, inclu ding w hile sleeping, w hile aw ake, and w hile traveling.

A llaah, The M ost H igh says:

28 C o llected b y M u slim in: “T h e B o o k o f T h e P ra y er o f th e T ra v e lle r and S h o rte n in g it."

C h a p te r, "S u p p lic a tio n d u rin g th e N ig h t P ra y e r" (770).
29 A n -N a sa a 'e e.

It is the sam e [to H im ] w h eth er any of you conceal h is sp eech or
declare it openly, w h eth er he be hid by night or go forth freely by day.
For each [person], there are an gels in succession , b efore and behind
him . T h ey guard him by the C om m and of A llaah. V erily! A llaah w ill
not change the good con d ition o f a p eop le as lon g as they do not
change their state of goodn ess them selves [by co m m ittin g sins and by
b ein g u n grateful and disob ed ien t to A llaah ], But w hen A llaah w ills a
p eop le's p u n ishm ent, there can be no turn in g back of it, and they w ill
find b esid es H im no p rotector.
[Sooratu r-R a'd , 10-11]

Ibn 'A bbaas, radhiyyallaahu 'anhu, said regard ing "F o r each [person],
there are an gels": A ngels protecting them befo re them and behind them ,
bu t w hen his tim e com es they d ep art from him .

Th e H on orab le Scribes, ‘A layh im u s-S ala am

And from them are the honorable scribes, ‘alayhim ussalaam . They are
those w ho w rite the good and bad d eeds of the servants.

A llaah says:

But verily, over you [are ap p oin ted angels in ch arge of m ankind] to
w atch you, K iraam an [hon ourab le] K aatibeen w riting dow n (your
deeds]. T hey k now all that you do.
[Sooratul-Infitaar, 82:10-12]

Likew ise, the P rophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, "In d eed the
B a yt a l-M a'm o o r is in the sky. Each day seven ty thou san d an gels en ter
it [in an oth er narration , "p ray in it"] then they do n ot return from it."30

W hoever R ejects the Existence of A ngels H as D isb elieved

W hoever rejects the existence of the angels has indeed disbelieved by

consensus of the M uslim s.

A llaah says:

# I-Lju SLL*3 J - * 3 “j j i <U)b 'y&-i y j *

...A nd w h o so ev er d isb elieves in A llaah , H is A n gels, H is Books, His

M essen gers, and the Last D ay then indeed he has strayed far aw ay.
[Sooratu n-N isaa', 4:136]

B elief in the R evealed Books

As for belief in the revealed books, then indeed, A llaah has sent every
m essenger w ith a book, as A llaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala, says:

# ,]aZ«a] L idI - ■j <■_- I U J 1L L L * j UJL-j 1 JJiJ #

30 B u kh aaree, M u slim , M tisn ad Im aam A h m ad .


Indeed, W e have sen t O u r M essen gers w ith clear proofs, and revealed
w ith them the S cripture and the Balance [justice] that
m an k in d m ay keep up justice.
[Sooratu l-H ad eed , 57:25]

And A llaah says:

I^ -U l

L* wUu ^4 0 JI ^Sfj 4^3 1 L*j 4^3 i 1 Lft-^S lU 1 Lj

"* ’ x • I ' , , ^ ^ ^ ,•• % '- t ' f7 , •* ' j ■

* —^
£_4^o Ij I 4-*3 L*J I^-4^c ^ •j iA)! 4jjl U^3 Lou I c L>

# 4y^— • )p jv ? J ] *^3

M an k in d w as one com m u n ity and A llaah sent P roph ets w ith glad
tid in gs and w arn in gs, and w ith them H e sent the S crip ture in truth to
judge betw een p eople in m atters w herein th ey d iffered. A nd only
those to w hom [the Scripture] w as given differed con cern in g it after
clear p roofs had com e unto them throu gh h atred, one to an other. Then
A llaah by H is Leave g uid ed those w ho b elieved to the truth of that
w herein they d iffered. A nd A llaah g uid es w hom H e w ills to a Straight
[Sooratu l-Baqarah, 2:213]

Therefore, w e believe in these books and know w ith certainty that they
are from A llaah and thus follow ing H is sayings:

J - ^ 1 3 > a 3 3 i U\ ' j/ ' L 'j M k ? 4> l £ . 1;

o H s Jy j ^ ilij' ^ 3 c s ^ f 3 ls~ y* u V '-*3 Jp 1I 2L 13


Say [O M uslim ], "W e believe in A llaah and that w hich has b een sent
dow n to us and that w hich h as been sent dow n to Ibraahim
[A braham ], Ism aa'il [Ishm ael], Ishaaq u e [Isaac], Ya'q oob [Jacob], and
to al-A sb aat [the tw elve sons of Ya'qoob (Jacob)], and that w hich has
b een given to M oosaa [M oses] and 'Iesa [Jesus], and that w hich has
been given to the Prophets from their Lord. W e m ake no distin ction
betw een any of them , and to H im w e have su b m itted [in Islam ].
[Sooratul-Baqarah, 2:136]

A nd T he M ost H igh says:

O you w ho believe! Believe in A llaah , and H is M essen ger

[M uh am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )], and the Book [the
Q ur'an] w hich H e has sent dow n to H is M essen ger, and the Scripture
w hich H e sen t dow n to those before [him ], and w h o so ev er disb elieves
in A llaah, H is A n gels, H is Books, H is M essen gers, and the Last D ay,
then indeed he has strayed far aw ay.
[Sooratu n-N isaa', 4:136]

And A llaah says:

4 ‘y • 1 1 L«-; Ie #

...B u t say: "I believe in w h atsoev er A llaah has

sen t dow n of the B o o k ..."
[Sooratu sh-Shooraa', 42:15]

And H e also says:


* % % 9^ / J| 9 ^ s ^ s *9 ** s s "[
Oj+s^-ij O y~?ji '$JJ- c r ^ M iS '^ S^J ^ ' kUJ’i ^JJ}>»Jl ^

>iiili ^ J j j l U j 4 d Jl J j j l br. J^dbjlj '^"' O>°-° - J ^ g"•*j j bcVj 5_jL*aJI

* ■£)■ "*“* *3^5 b' L)J

A lif-L aa m -M eem . [These letters are one of the m iracles of the Q ur'an
and none b ut A llaah (A lone) kn ow s th eir m ean in gs]. T h is is the Book
[the Q ur'an], w h ereof there is no d oubt, a guid an ce to those w ho are
al-M uttaqoon [the p ious and righ teou s p erson s w ho fear A llaah m uch
(abstain from all kind s of sins and evil deeds w hich H e has forbidden)
and love A llaah m u ch (perform all kinds of good deeds w hich H e has
ord ain ed)]. W ho b elieve in the G haib and p erfo rm a s-S alaa t [Iqaam at-
a s-S alaa t], and sp en d out of w hat w e have p rovid ed for them [i.e. give
Z a kaat, spend on th em selves, th eir p aren ts, th eir ch ildren, their
w ives, etc., and also give charity to the p oo r and also in A llaah 's C ause
- Jih a a d , etc.]. A n d w ho b elieve in [the Q ur'an and the Sunnah] w hich
has been sent dow n [revealed] to you (M uh am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi
wa sa lla m )] and in [the T aw raat (Torah) an d the In jee 1 (G osp el), etc.]
w hich w ere sent dow n b efore you and they b elieve w ith certain ty in
the H ereafter. [R esu rrection , recom p en se of th eir good and b ad deeds,
Paradise and H ell, etc.].
[Sooratu l-Baqarah, 2:1-4]

Th e R evealed B ooks A re the Speech of A llaah Ta'aala

W e also believe that these books are the actual speech o f A llaah,
subhaanahu w a ta'aala, and not the sp eech o f anyon e other than H im . W e
believe that A llaah spoke this speech in truth as H e has w illed and in a
m anner H e has chosen.


T yp es of R evelation

From this (speech) is that w hich w as heard in truth from behind a cover
and w ith no interm ed iary, such as w hen H e spoke to M oosaa, 'alax/his-
salaam .

A llaah says:

A nd w hen M oosaa [M oses] cam e at the tim e and place ap p oin ted by us
and his Lord sp oke to h im ...
[Sooratu l-A 'raaf, 7:143]

[A llaah] said: "O M oosaa [M oses] I have chosen you ab ove m en by M y

M essages, and by M y sp eak in g to y o u ]."
[Sooratu l-A 'raaf, 7:144]

From this speech is that w hich A llaah allow s a m essen ger from the
an gels to hear and then com m and s him to inform a m essenger from
m ankind.

A llaah says:

It is not given to any h um an b eing that A llaah should speak to him

unless [it be] by In spiration, or from behind a veil, or [that] H e sen d s a


M essen ger to reveal w h at H e w ills by H is Leave. V erily,

H e is M ost H igh, M ost W ise.
[Sooratu sh-Sh oora, 42:51]

B elief in the books also con sists of b elief in all that they contain from
law s. It w as an obligation upon those to w hom these books w ere
revealed that they obey them and rule by them .

The B ooks C on firm O ne A n other

T he revealed books also confirm and affirm one another. They do not
con trad ict each other. Also, the texts o f the first revealed books w ere
abrogated by the truth w ithin the books that follow ed them , ju st as som e
of the law s o f the Torah w ere abrogated by the Bible.

A llaah The M ost H igh says concern ing Jesu s, 'alayhis-salaam :

4=».lc- (_? j j ' Is**-*- - ■ ]* W ^ 4 -^ *3 ^

4 0 >*-2-^\3 ^ ^ 1-3 \ IL>

A nd I have com e con firm ing that w hich w as b efore m e of the T auraat
[T orah], and to m ake law ful to you p art of w hat w as forb id d en to you,
and I have com e to you w ith a p ro of from y o u r Lord. So fear A llaah
and obey m e.
[Soorah A ali-'Im raan , 3:50]

W e also believe that the Q ur'an abrogates all previou s revealed books.
A llaah says:

$ a I I p 1 ^ ^ *J ■' X 11 A j JU JV L * J U J y*3 a #

4 n firm in g the Scripture that cam e b efore it and M ohaym inati
[tru stw orth y in h igh n ess and a w itness] o ver it [old S crip tu re s]...
[Sooratu l-M aa'id ah , 5:48]

And A llaah says con cernin g all o f these books:

# "9] yA U j h

But it is n oth in g else than a R em in d er to all the

'Aalam een [m ankind, jin n s and all that exists].
[Sooratul-Q alam , 68:52]

B elief in the revealed books of A llaah m u st be general in areas w here

A llaah has left them general and specific and detailed in areas w here
A llaah has left them specific and detailed.

The N am es of A llaah 's Books

Indeed, A llaah has detailed the nam es o f som e o f the Books. H e has
nam ed the Torah (by nam e) w hich w as revealed to M oosaa, ‘alayhis-
salaam and the Bible w hich w as revealed to 'E esaa, ‘alayhis-salaam and the
Z aboor w hich w as revealed to D aaw ood ‘alayhis-salaam and finally the
Q u r'an w hich w as revealed to M uham m ad (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ).
A llaah also m ention s S u h u f (sm all books or papers) revealed to
Ibraaheem and M oosaa, m ay the peace and blessings o f A llaah be upon
all of them .

So w e believe in the aforem entioned books in the detail and m anner

A llaah details them . Likew ise, A llaah has m entioned m any other books
in general bu t has not m entioned their nam es. So w e also believe in these
b ooks (in the m anner A llaah has m entioned them ).


A llaah says:

Say: "I believe in w h atsoev er A llaah has sen t dow n of the Book [all the
holy B o o k s ]..."
[Sooratu sh-Shooraa, 42:15]

T h e N oble Q u r'an Is the Final Book and It A b rogates A ll O th er Books

T he N oble Q u r'an that A llaah revealed to ou r P roph et M uham m ad

(sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) is the last o f the h eaven ly b ooks revealed —
there shall be no book after it. It abrogates all previou s books for both
m ankind and jin n .

A llaah says:

<tj> '7 ' ^"5 “li] ytb ^

B ut it is n oth in g else than a R em in d er to all the

'Aalam een [m ankind, jin n s and all that exists].
[Sooratu l-Q alam , 68:52]

T he Q u r'an con tains all of m an k in d 's needs. It con sists o f everyth in g

m ankind needs for their life in this w orld and their life in the hereafter.

%S ^S ^ 1 j| '

4 ^ Op / i s i j

...T h is day, I have p erfected y ou r religion for you, com p leted M y

Favour u pon y ou , and have ch osen for you Islam as y o u r religion. But
as for him w ho is forced by severe hu n ger, w ith no inclin ation to sin


[such can eat these ab ove-m en tion ed m eats], then surely, A llaah is O ft-
Forgiving, M ost M erciful.
[Sooratu l-M aa'id ah , 5:3]

The Q u r'an Is a M iracle

T he Q u r'an is a m iracle that cannot be reprod uced by anyone.

A llaah says:

1 oV J 3 ^

4 ^ 5 ' *^4^ (j ^ v l QZj ^

Say: "If the m ank in d and the jin n s w ere tog eth er to produ ce the like of
this Q u r’an, they could not produ ce the like thereof, even if they
helped one an oth er."
[Sooratu l-Israa', 17:88]

And H e says:

^ ■» 9

^ X u? J t / j <j* *^3 o v cr? ^ ^

F alsehood can n ot com e to it from before it or b eh in d it [it is] sent

dow n by the A ll-W ise, W orth y of all praise [A llaah],
[Soorah Fussilat, 41:42]

T he Q u r'an Is Protected

It is protected from anything bein g added to or taken aw ay from it as

A llaah says:


V erily W e: It is W e W h o have sen t d ow n the D hikx [i.e. the Q ur'an] and

su rely, W e w ill guard it [from corru p tion ].
[Sooraul-H ijr, 15:9]

Belief in the M essen gers

Belief in the m essengers consists o f a firm u nw av erin g conviction that

A llaah has sent a m essenger to every nation, calling them to the w orship
o f A llaah and A llaah alone and p roclaim in g that H e is free o f partners as
w ell as d isbelievin g in all others w orshipp ed besid es H im .

All of them w ere trustw orthy, honest, upright, guiders, and caring
individuals. They all delivered the m essage of A llaah (w ithou t

W e believe that A llaah took Ibraaheem (A braham ), ‘alayhis-salaam and

M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) as intim ate friends. W e believe
that A llaah actually spoke to M oosaa (M oses) and raised Idrees (Enoch)
to a high ranking position, and that 'E esaa (Jesus) w as H is slave and
m essenger, and H is w ord w as d elivered to M aryam (M ary) and the Ruh
al-Q ud u s (G abriel).

V irtues of the P rophets

W e believe that A llaah has favou red som e P roph ets over others and has
raised som e in ranks h igher than others, and that M uham m ad is the ch ief
o f all o f A ad am 's progeny on the L ast D ay; and w e say this w ithout


Th e Call of the M essen gers A greed in the F ou n d ation of the R eligion

W e believe that their call —from the first o f them to the last o f them —
agreed in the fund am ental fou nd ation o f the religion w hich w as the
oneness of A llaah in H is w orship, lordship, and nam es and attributes.

H e says:

** - •>* *

4 <0)1 U if ^ j j j f i o ! ^

T ruly, the religion w ith A llaah is Islam ...

[Soorah A ali-'Im raan , 3:19]

A nd w h oever seeks a religion other than Islam , it w ill n ever be

accep ted of him , and in the H ereafter he w ill be one of the losers.
[Soorah A ali-'Im raan , 3:85]

And A llaah says about N oah:

# J I^ . j A I {J I 13

...A n d I have b een com m an d ed to be one of the M uslim s [those w ho

su bm it to A llaah 's W ill],
[Soorah Y oonus, 10:72]

And He says about M oses:

4 2 '- O] 'jlS 'y < c J Vt ^ o! Cy^-i f


A nd M oosaa [M oses] said: "O m y p eople! If you h ave b elieved in

A llaah , then p ut you r tru st in H im if you are M u slim s [th ose w ho
su b m it to A llaah 's W ill]."
[Soorah Y oonus, 10:84]

And A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says abou t Su laym aan , 'alayhis-salaam :

# '~2 1 AJJ ^y^e-JLu C. ^‘ ^■■‘^11^ ( jj #

..." M y Lord! V erily, I have w ron g ed m yself, and I su b m it [in Islam ,

tog eth er w ith Sulaym aan (Solom on ), to A llaah , the Lord of the
'Aalameett (m an kin d, jin n s and all th at exists]."
[Sooratu n-N am l, 27:44]

^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 9x ^ 9 J ^ ^ X ^ # ^ I J f , f ^ ^ ^ ^
4JJI 4-JI Uj L» I _/y ^3 \j3j &Z-> ^ 1 I J-4J

4 Cr* < j+ r J

H e [A llaah] has o rd ain ed for you the sam e religion [Islam ] w hich H e
ordained for N ooh [N oah], and th at w hich W e have inspired in you [O
M u h am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )], and that w hich W e
ord ain ed for Ibraaheem [A b rah am ], M oosaa [M oses] and ’Eesaa [Jesus]
saying you sh ould establish religion [i.e. to do w hat it ord ers you to do
practically], and m ake no d ivisions in it [religion] [i.e. variou s sects in
religion ]. In tolerab le for the M u sh riko on , is that to w hich you [O
M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m )] call them . A llaah chooses
for H im self w hom He w ills, and g uid es unto H im self w ho turns to
H im in rep en tance and in o b ed ien ce.
[Sooratu sh-Shooraa, 42:13]


T he N um ber of P roph ets and M essen gers

The total num ber o f m essengers w as three hundred and fifteen, and
there w ere one hundred and tw enty-four thousand prophets. T his is
confirm ed by the au then tic hadeeth o f the M essen ger o f A llaah (sallallaahu
‘alayhi um sallam ) on the au thority o f Abu U m aam ah and the hadeeth of
Abu D harr.31

The D ifference betw een a P rop h et and a M essen ger32

As for the d ifference betw een a prophet and a m essenger, then a prophet
is one w ho A llaah has inform ed or given inform ation. H e then inform s
his people o f that w hich A llaah has inform ed him of. H ow ever, if he is
sent w ith that inform ation to a people w ho have deviated from the
com m and of A llaah and inform s them o f the m essage o f A llaah then he
becom es a m essenger. If he w as one w ho w as im plem enting the law that
cam e before him and thus, w as not sent to d eliver any m essage from
A llaah, then he is a prophet and not a m essenger.

M ujaahid, rahim ahullaah, said "T h e prophet alon e is the one w hom is
spoken to directly [by Allaah] and inform ation is revealed to him . H e is
not sent fo rth ."33 So every m essenger is in fact a prophet, bu t every
prophet is not a m essenger.

31 From th e M u sn a d o f Im aam A h m a d . In th e n a rra tio n o f A b u U m a a m a h from A bu D h arr,

w h o said : "O A lla a h 's M esse n g er! H ow m an y p ro p h e ts w e re th e re ? " T h e P ro p h et

(sallallaah u 'alayhi w a sallam ) sa id : "O n e h u n d re d an d tw e n ty -fo u r th o u sa n d , a n d th ere

w e re th re e h u n d re d a n d fifte e n m e ss e n g e rs fro m a m o n g th em ." A l-A lb a a n e e said : " I t is a

so u n d hadeeth."

32 T h e b o o k , E n lig h ten m en t f o r the M in d in E x p lan ation of: T he D ifferen ce b etw een a P rophet an d
a M essen g er by Sh a y k h A bu N a sr M u h a m m a d Ib n 'A b d u lla a h a l-Im aam is p u b lish ed by

T R O ID P u b lica tio n s.
33 N arrated from Ib n a l-M u n d h ir fro m th e tafseer o f M u jaah id Ib n Jab r.


N am es of the P roph ets and M essen gers

A llaah has nam ed a num ber o f these p rophets and m essen gers for us.
They are A adam , N ooh (N oah), Idrees (Enoch), H ood, Saalih, Ibraaheem
(A braham ), Ism aa'eel, Ish aaq (Isaac), Y a'qoob (Jacob), Y o o su f (Joseph),
Loot (Lot), Shu'ayb, Y oon us (Jonah), M oosaa (M oses), H aaroon (A aron),
Ilyaas (Elias), Z akariyyah (Zakariah), Y ahyaa (John), al-Yasaa, D hul-K ifl,
D aaw ood (D avid), Su laym aan (Solom on), A yoob (Job), 'E esaa (Jesus)
and M uham m ad (m ay the peace and blessing o f A llaah be upon them

He (A llaah) has inform ed us o f the story o f their m essage and that w hich
it contains from its su fficiency, lessons, and insight:

y* Mil dd-Lc- >« . A * j 3 N—» jj y

# U_L£==»j

A n d M essen gers W e have m en tion ed to you b efo re, and

M essengers W e have n ot m en tion ed to y ou , and to
M oosaa [M oses] A llaah spoke directly.
[Sooratu n -N isaa', 4:164]

H ence, w e believe in all o f them in the detail that A llaah has m entioned
as w ell as in the general m anner that A llaah has g eneralized them .

The P rophets and M essengers W ere M en W h om A llaah Blessed w ith

P roph ethood and the M essage

W e believe that all of the prophets and m esseng ers w ere created m en not
having any special d ivine cap abilities.


A llaah says:

*UaJ Iy>~ji 0 ^ ' 3 4i!) Llil ^jl y^. ^ \S^»\ J i ^>

^^ i _ , , ' * ■, >' , ' . ,,

;'“'/ Ijl >-I i-4jj o^Lju 13x1lv> V-*£"

Say [O M uham m ad ]: "I am only a m an like you. It h as been insp ired to

m e that you r Ilaah [God] is O ne Ilaah [G od i.e. A llaah]. So w hoever
h op es for the M eeting w ith h is Lord, let him w ork righ teou sness and
associate none as a p artn er in the w orsh ip of his L ord ."
[Sooratul-K ahf, 18:110]

A llaah says:

'- 'J Cr? i Cr*-* ^ 0 ^ 3 j *^j o^~ ^

4 j y»jt AjjT j i l i 'J j ^yjaL-l jvSCjb jjl HJ j IS"

T h eir M essen gers said to them : "W e are no m ore than h um an beings
like you, but A llaah b estow s H is G race to w hom H e w ills of H is
slaves. It is not ours to b rin g you an au th ority [proof] excep t by the
Perm ission of A llaah. A nd in A llaah [A lone] let the b elievers p ut their
[Soorah Ibraaheem , 14:11]

And A llaah says:

j*lxiajt ^ j_^lSi-J jb$i] 'if] y ^ d lili LL»,j! L«j

^ ' ' I ^ f '* * -» r, ' ' ' - ' s s

I'^ a j JU jj ^ •j i I 4jJ3 ^ a jc J 1

A nd W e never sent before you [O M uh am m ad (.sallallaahu ’alayhi wa

sa lla m )] any of the M essen gers b ut verily, they ate food and w alk ed in
the m ark ets. A n d W e have m ade som e of you as a trial for others: w ill
you have p atience? A nd y ou r Lord is Ever A ll-S eer [of everything].


[Sooratu l-Fu rqaan, 25:20]


% y >I b j i l l . J j bijSi ^ 3 v J J i JIp i V3 & ^ L $ r ^ '(& ' j j ‘ ‘V j s f

4© o j ' i s i dj ls~y- ^

Say [O M uh am m ad (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam )]: "I don't tell you

that w ith m e are the treasures of A llaah , nor [that] I know the unseen;
n or I tell you that I am an angel. I b u t follow w hat is revealed to m e by
in sp iration ." Say: "A re the b lind and the one w ho sees eq u al? W ill you
not then take th o u g h t?"
[Sooratu l-A n 'aam , 6:50]

3 J3 boil ; U L. ^1 i j i % 1 1\L\ V J i 4

Say [O M uh am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )]: "I possess no

p ow er of ben efit or hu rt to m yself excep t as A llaah w ills. If I had the
know led ge of the G hayb (unseen), I sh ou ld have secu red for m yself an
ab u n dan ce of w ealth, and no evil sh ou ld have tou ch ed m e. I am b ut a
w am er, and a b ring er of glad tidings unto p eop le w ho b eliev e."
[Sooratu l-A 'raaf, 7:188]

W e believe that they are servants of A llaah, and A llaah has favoured
them to d eliver the M essage. H e has described them as possessing the
high est level o f w orship of A llaah and H e has, indeed, praised them.


O u r P roph et M uh am m ad (Sallallaahu A la yh i wa Salla m ) Is the Seal

of the Prophets

W e believe that A llaah has sealed this m essage w ith M uham m ad

(sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) to both m ankind and jin n .

A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta ’aala, said:

ft j , 1J 4J0|jJ

Say [O M uham m ad (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam )]: "O m ankind!

V erily, I am sent to you all as the M essen ger of A llaah ..."
[Sooratu l-A 'raaf, 7:158]

And H e says:

^ 'TT' ' • ft

A nd W e have sent you [O M uh am m ad (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sa lla m )]

n ot but as a m ercy for the ’A alam een [m ankind, jin n s and all that
[Sooratu l-A nbiyaa', 21:107]

A nd He says:

A nd W e have not sent you [O M uh am m ad (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa

sa lla m )] excep t as a giv er of glad tid in gs and a w a m e r to all m ankind,
b ut m ost of m en know not.
[Soorah Sabaa', 34:28]


The Sacred Pact of the M essen gers w ith O ur P roph et (Sallallaahu

'A layhi iva Sallam )

A llaah inform s us that H e has taken a pact w ith the p roph ets that if they
w ere to m eet in the tim e o f ou r P roph et M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi
w a sallam ) that they w ould follow him . T his is the clear evid en ce that his
(sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) call w as the final m essage and that it
abrogates all p receding m essages.

A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

J 1 lf> <~y=> ^ n 1e. L*J ^ ^ I ijj

• % -*Z' ^ 9 ,Z ( s ' <% ■*>- * - I

IjJli ( £ j+ <£>\ /♦j Ij ! cJ li jyO :>xJj uJ J-ya_4

J ^ , '3 *' s s s ' ' s ' _ ' -» , S ^ '' 0 3 * •» * ' s '

!*-• J-v i_r»i ;r|)! r jA X u blj Ij-L^li J l i IjJJil

_ %
# ^ ' J 4fl 1311

A nd [rem em ber] w hen A llaah took the C oven an t of the Prophets,

saying: "T ak e w h atev er I gave you from the B ook and H ikm ah
[un d erstan d in g of the Law s of A llaah, etc.], and afterw ard s there w ill
com e to you a M essen ger [M uh am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m )]
con firm ing w hat is w ith you; you m u st, then , b elieve in him and help
h im ." A llaah said: "D o you agree [to it] an d w ill you take up M y
C oven an t [w hich I con clud e w ith you]?" T h ey said: "W e a g ree." He
said: "T h en b ear w itness; and I am w ith you am o n g the w itn esses [for
th is]." T hen w h oever turns aw ay after this, they are the F aasiqoon
[rebellious: those w ho turn aw ay from A llaah 's O bedience].
[Soorah A ali-'Im raan , 3:81-82]

A llaah says:


jy ^ J _ j - 3 i j l J a 'j ^ l ^»T J l i i[)

, •=» , ,
,T- i<r ' i -' »T
^ e U - U j -u -I
,- , > . - „. , .,
i i jjl ) '

* cftr* y * - ? i.ii> i y i i <l ~uxJ L i

And [rem em ber] w hen ’Eesaa [Jesus], son of M aryam [M ary], said: "O
C hildren of Israel! I am the M essen ger of A llaah unto you con firm ing
the T aw raat [(T orah) w hich cam e] b efore m e, and g ivin g glad tidings
of a M essen ger to com e after m e, w hose nam e shall be A hm ad. But
w hen he [A hm ad i.e. M uham m ad (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sa lla m )]
cam e to them w ith clear proofs, they said: "T h is is plain m ag ic."
[Sooratus-Saff, 61:6]

And He says:

^-4.; <L~yjo\ kill)) b J-A b] jjj J - 'CZj S\ a_LUb J j UJ ‘I ^=»t j &

(’-* L|-a L«J y * b i l ^

«^Jl ^ j ;^3) 0y~?3^

( y ^ 3 3^- 3 o^- p -* y ^ 4
i^w41 c ^ c-o £*” ^ 3 6 £*^3
(» ; ^ I

j ’ ^ ^^ / -*^C' ^ ^ ^ J V » ^^^ ^ j ^ y ^^^,

4 -H' 1
v il-ijjl )^ U J j j l (^ j]l I_y—i 3 Oy^^ajj aJ j 3^ J

"A n d ordain for us good in this w orld, and in the H ereafter. C ertainly
w e have turned unto Y o u ." H e said: [As to] M y P u n ishm ent I afflict
therew ith w hom I w ill and M y M ercy em b races all things. That
[M ercy] I shall ordain for those w ho are the M uttaqoon (pious), and
give Zakaat, and those w ho believe in O u r A y a a t (proofs, evid en ces,
verses, lessons, signs and revelation s, etc.); Th ose w ho follow the
M essen ger, the P rophet w ho can n eith er read n or w rite [i.e.
M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'a layhi wa sa lla m )] w hom they find w ritten


w ith th e m in th e T a iv ra a t [T o ra h ] a n d th e I n je e l (G o s p e l), h e

c o m m a n d s th e m fo r a l- M a 'r o o f [ i.e. Is la m ic M o n o th e is m a n d all th a t

Isla m h a s o rd a in e d ]; a n d fo rb id s th e m fro m a l-M u n k a r [i.e. d is b e lie f,

p o ly th e is m o f all k in d s, a n d all th a t Isla m h as fo rb id d e n ]; h e a llo w s

th e m as la w fu l a t-T a y y ib a a t [(i.e. all g o o d an d la w fu l) as re g a rd s

th in g s , d e e d s, b e lie fs , p e rso n s, fo o d s, e tc.], a n d p ro h ib its th e m as

u n la w fu l a l-K h a b a a 'ith [i.e. all e v il an d u n la w fu l as re g a rd s th in g s,

d e e d s, b e lie fs, p e rso n s, fo o d s, e tc.], h e re le a se s th e m fro m th e ir h e a v y

b u rd e n s [o f A lla a h 's C o v e n a n t], a n d fro m th e fe tte rs [b in d in g s] th a t

w e re u p o n th em . So th o se w h o b e lie v e in h im [M u h a m m a d

(sa lla lla a h u 'a la y h i w a sa lla m )], h o n o u r h im , h e lp h im , an d fo llo w th e

lig h t [th e Q u r'an ] w h ich h as b e e n se n t d o w n w ith h im , it is th e y w h o

w ill b e su ccessfu l.

[S o o ra tu l-A 'ra a f, 7 :1 5 6 -1 5 7 ]

O n the au th o rity o f A bu H u ray rah , radhiyyallaahu ‘anhu, w h o said th at

the P rop h et, (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: " B y th e o n e w h o se h an d
M u h a m m ad 's so u l is in, n o on e w h o h ears o f m e from th is n a tio n 34 be
h e Je w o r C h ristian , th en d ies an d d o es n ot b e lie v e in th at w h ich I
h ave b een sen t w ith , then h e is fro m th e in h a b ita n ts o f th e fire ."35

W h o e v er D en ies the M essag e of M u h am m ad (S alla lla a h u 'A lay h i wa

S a lla m ) H as D isb elieved

34 T h e te rm um m ah a s u sed in th e hadeeth is d iv id e d in to tw o ca te g o rie s:

0 T h e first b e in g th e ummah o f d a ’umh o r th o se w h o h a v e h ea rd th e n a m e an d call

o f M u h a m m a d (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam ) fro m th e Je w s an d C h ristia n s.

0 T h e seco n d is th e ummah o f istijaabah o r th o se w h o h a v e h eard th e call o f

M u h a m m a d (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam ) an d h a v e a n sw e re d it b y e m b ra c in g

Islam .
35Saheeh M uslim.


So, w hoever d enies the m essage of M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa

sallam ) being sent to all of m ankind has d isbelieved , and he disbelieves
even if he claim s to be a believer and follow er.

A llaah says:

# 1^ yi * yi y

T he people of N ooh [N oah] b elied the M essengers.

[So oratu sh -Sh u a'raa', 26:105]

So A llaah has declared all o f them d isbelievers in all o f the m essengers

even though no m essenger preceded N ooh, 'alayhis-salaam .

W hoever C laim s Propheth ood after M u h am m ad (Sallallaahu 'A layhi

w a Sallam ) H as D isbelieved

W e believe that there shall be no prophet after M uham m ad (sallallaahu

'alayhi am sallam ), so w hoever claim s prophethood has lied and

A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta ’aala, says:

^ <jj! J y * j !*>j ^jA wL>I LI L« ¥

^ ;:f*: iX ip

M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m ) is n ot the fath er of any

m an am ong you, b ut he is the M essen ger of A llaah and the last [end of
the Prophets]. A nd A llaah is E ver A ll-A w are of everything.
[Sooratul-A hzaab, 33:40]


O n the au thority o f Abu H urayrah, radhiyyallaahu ‘anhu, the P rophet

(sallallaahu ‘alayhi urn sallam) said: "I have been favou red o ver all of the
p roph ets w ith six things:

1. I have b een given Ja w a am i'u l-K a la m *

2. I w as gran ted victory ow ing to m y aw e,
3. the sp oils of w ar have b een m ade p erm issib le for m e,
4. all of the earth h as b een m ade a m asjid for m e,
5. I have b een sent to all of m an k in d , and
6. I am the seal of the p rop h ets."37

W h oev er D enies the M essage of A n y of the P roph ets and M essen gers
H as D isbelieved

W h oever d isbelieves in the m essage o f any o f the prophets and

m essengers has d isbelieved accord in g to consen sus o f the M uslim s.

^ •j jJjJL jj jy I •j 9 ^ •^.^1^ o! ^

sllfiljl ^L-~» JU J'i (jy l^-L»cLj ol O j-A x )

aAJLj Ic1;. g* CI-L£ ^Aj5sJU L>JJLC-I_J UL>- J1

;2 '! L f > U) I 3" A''-' ilW

V erily, those w ho disb elieve in A llaah and H is M essen gers and w ish
to m ake distin ction betw een A llaah and H is M essen gers [by b elievin g
in A llaah and d isb elievin g in H is M essen gers] saying, "W e b elieve in
som e but reject o th ers," and w ish to ad op t a w ay in b etw een . T h ey are
in tru th d isbelievers. A nd W e h ave p rep ared for the d isb elievers a

% Ja w a a m i’u l-K a la m : T h e g ift o f u sin g few w o rd s w h ich c o n ta in m an y b e n e fits and

k n o w led g e.

v S aheeh M u slim .


hu m iliatin g torm ent. A nd those w ho b elieve in A llaah and H is

M essen gers and m ake no d istin ction b etw een any of them
(M essengers), W e shall give them their rew ard s, and A llaah is Ever
O ft-Forgiving, M ost M erciful.
[Sooratu n-N isaa', 4 :150 -1 5 2 ]

Belief in the Last D ay

It is the D ay o f Ju d g em ent and that w hich w ill occu r on that day. A hlus-
Sunnah has firm belief in this; as A llaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala, says:

4 *^3 4-^-* {j* j y !jy y j ?

...A n d they believe w ith certain ty in the H ereafter.

[Sooratul-Baqarah, 2:4]

And A llaah says:

(J^5 yX 'Jl i J ] V 4jut

A llaah! Laa ilaaha ilia H uw a [none has the right to be w orsh ip p ed but
He]. Surely, H e w ill gath er you togeth er on the D ay of R esurrection
about w hich there is no doubt. A nd w ho is tru er in statem en t than
A llaah?
[Sooratu n-N isaa', 4:87]

LzJl ^ •j l ^ ^|] Laj j ^ 1 #

^ ya JI


A nd W e created not the h eaven s and the earth and all that is betw een
them excep t w ith truth, and the H ou r is surely com in g, so overlook [O
M u h am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )], th eir faults w ith gracious
forgiveness. [This w as b efore the o rd ain m en t of Jih a a d (holy fighting)
in A llaah 's C ause].
[Sooratul-H ijr, 15:85]

The R esu rrection

Inclu sive in this is b elief in the b a ’th (resu rrection) in w hich the dead will
be brou ght back to life.

A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

A nd the T ru m pet w ill be b low n, and all w ho are in the h eaven s and all
w ho are on the earth w ill sw oon aw ay, excep t him w hom A llaah w ills.
T hen it w ill be blow n a second tim e and beh old , th ey w ill be standing,
look in g on [w aiting].
[Sooratu z-Z um ar, 39:68]


^ O IJ o L>j U-wLp I J - P j i jj ^ b l j u L o ^

...A s W e began the first creation, W e shall rep eat it, [it is] a prom ise
bin d in g upon Us. T ru ly, W e shall do it.
[Sooratu l-A n biy aa', 21:104]


Book of D eeds

T here is also b elief in the Book of D eeds that shall be given in either the
right hand, from behind o n e's back, or in the left hand.

A llaah says:

, „ ' } # , ^ J— _ f % - ) _ { , , < f-

J J j j ;'T' (j-- 1*13 #

- ^ ^ ’ v , ^ M ^% % % _ ^ ^ ^

L *j jC*Ij I^JS" A^jI^ 1^3^Ja3 A^J Ic- A_k_>- ^ A^-^? Ij aJu*^ ^

A^-JJw^ I ^a! .>A_^lxS””t ^^ I Tl a A_lJ li-l ^ Ij I ^ ^».«-fl.l.«*<I

„ , ' , _ f - , _ - •».» ,, ' ? ' * — -y , „ , f "

^JJ la ■cJ'-* Al^bLaJl G Jb !j [” ]

-**. ,
l ,j ’
> * ' % *. * , - ,
Ip lji L^Pji ^ Ojb& >*-* ~ d^lii d^J3- '“ ' ^^■■1,U1...

^ '” ' I ^Ixis <U)b 0^ " -,4^1 ' ^ ' O j^ L llj

^ "E- ^ ^ ! •’^JS'tj *§ *3' <j\Lb*P Vj ^l*i» 'ily ;'"T] 1’•$' * f>=-^ ^

Then as for him w ho w ill be given h is R ecord in his righ t hand w ill
say: "T ak e, read m y R ecord! Surely, I did believe that I shall m eet my
A cco u n t!" So he shall be in a life, w ell-p leasin g. In a lofty Paradise.
The fruits in b u n ch es w hereof w ill be low and n ear at hand. Eat and
drink at ease for that w hich you have sent on before you in days past!
But as for him w ho w ill be given h is R ecord in his left h and, w ill say:
"I w ish that I h ad not been given m y R ecord! A n d that I had never
kn ow n , how m y A ccou nt is? I w ish, w ou ld that it had b een m y end
[death]! M y w ealth has not availed m e, m y p ow er and argu m en ts [to
defend m yself] have gone from m e!" [It w ill be said]: "S e iz e him and
fetter him , then throw him in the b lazin g F ire." Then fasten him w ith a
chain w hereof the length is seventy cu b its!" V erily, H e used not to
believe in A llaah , the M ost G reat. A nd urged not on the feed ing of al-
M iskeen [the poor]. So no friend has he h ere this D ay, N or any food


excep t filth from the w ash ing of w ou n d s. N one w ill eat excep t the
K haati'oon [sinners, d isb elievers, p olyth eists, etc.]
[Sooratu l-H aaqqah, 69:19-37]

T h e Scales

W e also believe in the Scales that shall be placed on the D ay of

R esurrection, and indeed, no soul shall be o ppressed that day.

A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

^ I -t-A d d -jJjli odja j ^

T h en , those w h ose scales [of good deeds] are h eavy,

these, they are the su ccessfu l.
[Sooratu l-M u 'm inoon, 23:102]

The In tercession

W e believe in the In tercession on that day, and it can be categorized as

follow s:

$1 A sh-Shafaa'atul 'Uthrnaa (The M ajor Intercession): It w ill be

specifically designated for the P rophet M uham m ad (sallallaahu
'alayhi w a sallam ) to in terced e for the peop le w ho have been
gathered to be judged.

$1 Intercession seeking the open ing of the doors of P arad ise for its
people. T his will also be specifically for the P roph et (sallallaahu
'alayhi w a sallam ).


Intercession to lighten the p u n ishm en t for those d eserving o f it.

T his is also specified for the P rop h et (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam )
as he w ill interced e on beh alf of his uncle A bu Taalib to lighten
his (Abu T aalib's) p u nishm ent in the H ellfire su ch that it w ill be
a pu nishm ent that w ill en com pass him and anger him .

Intercession to seek the raising in rank of the peop le o f Paradise.

It has been said (by the peop le of know led ge) that this is
specifically for the P rop h et M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi zva
sallam ), and it has been said that it is not specifically for him .

The Intercession for the peop le of m ajor sin. They are the sinners
from the believers w ho have entered the Fire as a result o f their
sins. T he intercession w ill be to rem ove them from the Fire. The
M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi zva sallatn) w ill intercede,
as w ell as other m essengers, angels, the righteous, and the
m artyrs.

The Q u r'an and fasting shall also interced e for its people on the D ay of
Jud gem ent. Likew ise, believin g child ren shall interced e for their parents.

T h e Fountain

W e believe in The Hazvd (The fountain). This is the fou ntain o f our
Prophet M uham m ad (sallallaahu ‘alayhi zva sallam ). Its liquid w ill be
exceptionally w hite m ilk and it w ill be sw eeter than honey. Its sm ell w ill
be better than the b est perfum e. W hoever drinks from it shall n ev er thirst


The Bridge

W e believe in the brid ge that shall pass over a portion o f the H ellfire. The
people shall pass over it accord ing to th eir deeds. T h e first w ill pass over
like a flash o f lightening, then like w ind, then like a flying bird. And the
Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) shall be stand ing on the bridge
saying, "O m y Lord, give safety, give safety"38 u ntil all o f the deeds of
the servants have passed. U ntil a m an w ill try to pass and he will have
no w ay to pass excep t by craw ling.

And on both sides o f the brid ge there shall be hooks attached. They w ill
be com m anded to take hold of anyone o rd e re d —eith er he passes safely
b u t scared and scratched, or he is flung into the Fire.

W e believe in all that has com e in the B ook and the Sunnah in form ing us
of that day and w hat w ill occu r on it —M ay A llaah give us safety on that

B elief in the D ivine P red estin atio n —Its G ood and Its Bad: Q adr and
Q ad ha a'

We have a firm u nw avering b elief that A llaah has preordained

everythin g for creation, and w hatever A llaah has w illed shall com e to
pass, and w hatever He has n ot w illed shall never com e to pass.

A llaah says:

, - -' > - ' <>*

# j - lSj JS L>I #

38 N arra ted b y a l-M u g h e era h Ib n S h u 'b a h in th e b o o k A l-M u sta d ra k alaa a s-S a h eeh ay n .


V erily, W e have created all things w ith Q adr [D ivine P reord ain m en ts
of all things before th eir creation , as w ritten in the Book of D ecrees
(A l-Law h A l-M ahfoodth)].
[Sooratul-Q am ar, 54:49]


, — j ’ /, - £* , '
<8> Ij j ljJL3 4jjl Dj #

...A n d the C om m and of A llaah is a decree determ ined.

[Sooratul-A hzaab, 33:38]

P rinciples of al-Q adr

The proper m anner in w hich to und erstand the Q adr can be outlined in
four categories:

1. A l-'Ilm (K now ledge): W e believe that A llaah Th e M ost H igh has

k now led ge over everything. H e know s w hat w as not, w hat w ill
be, and how it w ould be. H is k now led ge is etern al and
everlasting. H is k now led ge does n o t orig in ate from ignorance
nor is H is know led ge coupled w ith forgetfulness after know ing.

2. A l-K itaabah (The W riting): W e believe that w ritten in the Law h al-
M ahfoodth (The P reserved Tablet) is that w hich w ill take place
until The Day of Jud gem ent.

A llaah says:

j d JJ'3 <jj e U -Jl j L. kul v ■j l

4 (JJJvs-A ^ o!


K now you not that A llaah k n ow s all th at is in h eaven and on

earth ? V erily, it is [all] in the B ook [A l-Law h A l-M ahfoodh].
V erily! T h at is easy for A llaah.
[Sooratul-H ajj, 22:70]

And H e says:

^ i j iJ j J j~? X Xi
_ , , ^ I
4 X- ^3 J 3

[Fir'aw n (Pharaoh)] said: "W h a t ab ou t the gen eration s of o ld ?"

[M oosaa (M oses)] said: "T h e k n ow led ge th ereof is w ith m y
Lord, in a R ecord. M y Lord is n eith er u n aw are n or does
H e fo rget."
[Soorah Taa H aa, 20:51-52]

And A llaah, subhaanahu zva ta'aala, says:

4 ’X - Cfir* •i j ^%<Jr" J S j *

A nd all thin gs W e have record ed w ith n u m b ers [as a record] in

a C lear Book.
[Soorah Y aa-Seen , 36:12]

In clu sive in this b elief of that w hich is w ritten from the Q adr are:

& T he etern al p red eterm ination befo re the creation o f the

heavens and earth .39 A llaah says:

39 T h a t w h ich w ill o c cu r to th e en d o f tim e.


Say: "N o th in g shall ever h ap p en to us excep t w hat

A llaah has ord ain ed for us. H e is o u r M aw laa [Lord,
H elp er and P ro tecto r]." A nd in A llaah let the believers
p ut th eir trust.
[Sooratu t-Taw bah, 9:51]

The w riting of the covenant the day A llaah said, "A m I

n ot you r L ord ?"

A nd A llaah, subhaanahu wa ta ’aala, says:

A n d [rem em ber] w hen y ou r Lord b ro u g h t forth from

the C hildren of A ad am , from th eir loins, th eir seed [or
from A d am 's loin his offspring] and m ade them testify
as to th em selves [saying]: "A m I n ot you r L ord ?" They
said: "Y es! W e te s tify ..."
[Sooratu l-A 'raaf, 7:172]

The pred eterm ined lifespan d uring the creation o f the

nutfah (m ixed m ale and fem ale discharge).

An angel is sent to blow the soul into the em bryo and

likew ise, fou r things are w ritten for it: its provisions, its
tim e of dem ise, its deeds, and w h eth er it shall be
m iserable or happy.


® The annual p red eterm ination o f (Laylatn l-Q adr) The

N ight of Pow er. As A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

T herein [that night] is decreed every m atter of

ord ainm en ts.
[Sooratu d-D ukhaan, 44:4]

R egarding this verse, Ibn 'A bbaas, radhiyyallaahu ‘an hu ,

said, "W ritten in the M oth er o f the B ook (al-Law h al-
M ahfoodth), on the N ight of P ow er shall be all the deeds
for that year, from death, life, provisions, and rain, even
those w ho w ill be m aking Hajj. It is said, "S o and so shall
m ake H ajj and so and so shall m ake H ajj.”40

% T he daily p red eterm ination. As A llaah says:

— f' * '" ^ j"*„ „

# o'--. i_i 3-®/^ Jp

Every day H e has a m atter to b rin g forth [such as

giving h on or to som e, disgrace to som e, life to som e,
death to som e, etc.]!
[Sooratu r-R ahm aan, 55:29]

T he daily p red eterm in ation is a d etailing of the annual

predeterm ination; the annual pred eterm in ation is a
detailing of the p redeterm ined lifespan u pon creation of
the m ttfah; and the p red eterm ined lifespan is a detailing

40 T afseer a l-Q u rlu b ee. Ib n 'A b b a a s a lso sa id co n c e rn in g th e v erse, "V e r ily y o u sh all see a

m an w a lk in g in th e m a rk et, an d in d eed , h is n a m e m ay b e w ritten as fro m th o se w h o sh all

d ie [th at y e a r]."


o f w h at w as previously determ ined on the D ay o f the

C ovenant, w hich is a d etailing of the eternal
p redeterm ination w ritten by the Pen in al-Laivh al-
M ahfoodth.

A l-Law h al-M ahfoodth contains know led ge from A llaah,

subhaanalnt w a ta'aala. Thus, the end o f all and its
d eterm ination is know led ge that is left w ith A llaah. So,
everythin g in the beginning shall end w here it began and
everythin g in the end shall end (by returning to A llaah).

4 ^12 “ U J J 0*3 f

A nd that to you r Lord [A llaah] is the End [R eturn of

[Sooratun-N ajm , 53:42]

3. A l-M ash i’ah (The W ill of A llaah): W e believe that A llaah,

subhaanahu wa ta'aala, has w illed everyth in g in the h eavens and
earth. N othing exists excep t by H is w ill. W hat He w ills w as and
will be, and w hat He does not shall never be.

Allaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

# 1^1 Oja \Lojl #


V erily, H is C om m and , w hen H e intends a thin g, is only that

H e says to it, "B e !" and it is!
[Soorah Yaa-Seen, 36:82]

^ Atyd ^ b * iL i j Jj )s>


...I f A llaah had w illed , th ey w ou ld not have fou gh t again st one

an oth er, but A llaah does w h at H e likes.
[Sooratu l-Baqarah, 2:253]

* J_gJ I J p ^ g« a >J 4J01 c Li j i j

...A n d had A llaah w illed , H e cou ld have gath ered them

tog eth er [all] u nto true g u id a n ce ...
[Sooratu l-A n 'aam , 6:35]

;'»T' jd i ^»LLll j tL i ¥

A nd if y ou r Lord had so w illed , H e could surely have m ade

m ankind one Uttimah [nation or com m u n ity (follow in g one
religion only, i.e. Islam )].
[Soorah H ood, 11:118]

i il iS l i l l i >5) &
A nd if W e had w illed , surely! W e w ou ld have given every
p erson his guid an ce, b ut the W ord from M e took effect...
[Sooratu s-Sajd ah, 32:13]

# j c<_jiAJJI ^ ■j C L«_) ^

H ave they not traveled in the land, and seen w hat w as the end
of those before them , and they w ere su p erior to them in
p ow er? A llaah is n ot such that an yth in g in the heaven s or in
the earth escap es H im ...
[Soorah Faatir, 35:44]

4. Al-Khalq (C reation): He, A llaah, created ev ery doer o f an action

and his action; everyth ing that m oves and its m ovem ents;
everythin g that is inactive or d oes not m ove and its im m obility.

A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

_ , ' s ' •"' ^ -»

W hile A llaah has created you and w hat you m ake!

[Sooratus-Saafaat, 37:96]

4 3' \ls" 3 *3 \iis“ >r^ ==’ t3 ^ " ^ 4

A llaah is the C reator of all thin gs, and H e is the W akeel

[Trustee, D isp oser of affairs, G uardian , etc.] over all things.
[Sooratu z-Z um ar, 39:62]

T he S ervant's D eeds

W e believe, along w ith this, that every servant has ability over his
actions and has free w ill and choice of them . A llaah, subhaanahu wa
ta'aala, is their creator and the creator o f their w ill, their ability, their
speech, and their deeds. T heir speech and actions com e from them and is
their responsibility, and for them they shall be rew arded or punished.

T hey do not have the ability to do anything u nless A llaah has given them
that ability. They do not have any desire or w ill u nless A llaah desires or

A llaah says:

V erily! T h is [V erses of the Q ur'an] is an ad m onition , so w h osoever

w ills, let him take a Path to his Lord [A llaah], B ut you can n ot w ill,
u n less A llaah w ills. V erily, A llaah is E ver A ll-K n ow in g, A ll-W ise.
[Sooratul-Ihsaan, 76:29-30]

f i ' - ' x f - ? „ ^ , _ , , , f „ _ , - » ' * ,

AW! eLiO I J | •* ‘ft"‘ * I c J ry ^ | I#

<& 'T*' ^ I

V erily, this [the Q ur'an] is no less than a R em in d er to [all] the

’A alam een [m ankind and jinns\. To w h o m soev er am on g you w ho w ills
to w alk straight. A nd you w ill not, u nless [it be] that A llaah w ills, the
Lord of the 'A alam een [m ankind, jin n s and all that exists].
[Sooratu t-Takw ir, 81:27-29]

# L* Ljlipj .-c U LjJ aJl>I ■, ^ #

A llaah b u rd en s not a p erson b eyon d his scope. H e gets rew ard for that
[good] w hich he has earned , and he is p u n ish ed for th at [evil] w hich
he has e a rn e d ...
[Sooratu l-Baqarah, 2:286]

^__ I , 9* j t x ft? ^ ^ t g “* ■* , "*

X ^ •j »L»-3u L*_j La I I 4j 3-I viJJGj #

T his is the Paradise w hich you have b een m ade to in h erit b ecau se of
y ou r deeds w hich you used to do [in the life of the w orld].
[Sooratu z-Z ukhruf, 43:72]

M eaning; as a result o f deeds.

I K ** * i- - -- > - ,
—. 'IjLP ^ Lj I I.XlA ftLflJ ^Lu*0 #

% ' t % -


T hen taste you [the torm en t of the Fire] b ecau se of you r forgettin g the
M eeting of this D ay of yours, [and] surely! W e too w ill forget you, so
taste you the ab id in g torm en t for w hat you used to do.
[Sooratus-Sajdah, 32:14]

# :X : ^ ’3' 3^ji- 0 ^ *•* ^

So w hosoever does good equal to the w eigh t of an atom [or a sm all

ant], shall see it. A nd w ho so ev er does evil equal to the w eigh t of an
atom [or a sm all ant], shall see it.
[Sooratu z-Z alzalah, 9 9:7 -8 ]

T hat W hich H as Been W ritten (D ecreed) Should N ot Prevent O ne from

A ctions

And w e believe that anything w hich has been w ritten for us d oes not
prevent us from doing actions nor oblige us to rely solely upon our
deeds. For this w e see the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi urn sallam ) inform ing
his C om p anions o f the follow ing:

O n the authority o f 'A lee, radhiyyallaahu 'anhu, w ho said, "W e w ere in the
com p any of the P roph et (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam ) in a funeral
procession at Baqi al-G harqad. H e (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) said,
"T h ere is none of you b ut has his place w ritten for him in Paradise or
in the H ellfire." They said, "O M essenger o f A llaah! Shall w e depend
[on this fact and give up actio n s]?" H e said, "C arry on doing [good
deeds]; for everyb ody w ill find it easy to do [w hat w ill lead him to his
destined p lace]." Then he recited:


A s for him w ho gives [in charity] and keeps h is duty to A llaah , and
believes in al-husna [the B est rew ard] from A llaah [i.e. A llaah w ill
com p en sate him for w hat he w ill spend in A llaah 's w ay]. So, W e w ill
m ake sm ooth for him the path of ease [goodn ess]. But he w ho is a
greedy m iser.... for him , the p ath for e v il.41
[Sooratul-Layl, 92:5-10]

Thus, destiny has outlining reasons that m u st be achieved. Ju st as the

pu rpose o f m arriage is to have a child, and inheritance is a reason to
attain land, thus, righteous d eed s are the reason for en terin g Parad ise
and evil deeds result in enterin g the Fire —m ay A llaah protect us.

41 Saheeh B u khaaree, "B o o k o f T a fse e r."



The Correct Belief Regarding: Eemaan (Faith)

From the general b elief o f A hlus-Sunnah w al-Jam aa'ah is that eem aan is:

A statem ent on the tongue, m eaning a person w ill recite

the testim ony o f the oneness o f A llaah by saying: Laa
ilaaha illallaah, M uham m adu r-rasoolullaah.42
® A b elief in the heart, m eaning that the person has the
unw avering, firm , and stead fast b elief o f that w hich he
has stated upon his tongue.
$1 And finally, actions w ith the body parts.

Im aam ash-Shaafi'ee, rahim ahullaah, said:

It w as the consensu s o f the C om p anions, Taabi'een, those that

follow ed them , and all those w hom w e have com e in contact
w ith, that they have said, ' al-E em aan : [is] a statem en t [on the
tongue], actions [w ith the body parts], and intention [belief in the
heart], and none o f the three can be su fficed except w ith the
o th ers.'43

Th e In creasing and D ecreasin g of Faith

Eem aan increases w ith obed ience and it decreases w ith d isobedience.

42 N o n e h as th e rig h t to b e w o rsh ip p ed in tru th e x c e p t fo r A llaah , and M u h am m ad is H is

M essen g er.
43 N arrated by a l-L a a la k a a 'e e in A s-S u n n ah .


Allaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

T h ose [i.e. believers] unto w hom the people [hypocrites] said, "V erily ,
the peop le [pagans] have gath ered again st you [a great arm y], therefore,
fear th em ." But it [only] increased them in F a ith ...
[Soorah A ali-Im raan, 3:173]

4 C|5 Oy^'y-i Jn fcj ii)^ J -a-x-^j ->AXijl(. k— ?

...A n d w hen H is V erses [this Q ur'an ] are recited unto them , th ey [i.e.
the V erses] increase their Faith; and they p ut th eir tru st in th eir Lord
[A lone].
[Sooratul-A nfaal, 8:2]

i-JT d l j L ^0 JL-A Aj^lj J y&-l y j * 9•*>3 5j_j-» c J j j l l-« I3[) ■

# r! v________ _.0 ^a-A^J 1 1^ J j ,a g ^Iy3

A nd w h en ever there com es dow n a Soorah [ch ap ter from the Q ur'an ],
som e of them [hypocrites] say: "W h ich of you has had his faith
increased by it?" A s for those w ho b elieve, it has increased th eir Faith,
and they rejoice.
[Sooratut-Taw bah, 9:124]

, ^ ^ ^ J| /J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ✓ ✓ ✓ y ^ x a ^ ^ 9 f ’V ^ % *9 % ^ ^ ^
laj ->aJ jj 4JJI (3 ~Ly=>J ; 4 ] A J J I b La I «AlA IL d o i> ^ i o ^ p i i'o U J j ^

y Le-aLwl^ 1 1 Ij

A nd w hen the b elievers saw al-A hzaab [the C on fed erates], th ey said:
"T h is is w hat A llaah and H is M essen ger [M uh am m ad (sallallaahu
'alayhi wa sallam )] had p rom ised us, and A llaah and H is M essen ger
(M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m )] had sp ok en the truth, and
it only added to th eir faith and to th eir su b m issiven ess [to A llaah].


[Sooratu l-A hzaab, 33:22]

<S> I Li^jl I ^ I ^

H e it is W ho sent dow n as-Sakeenah [calm ness and tran qu illity] into

the hearts of the b elievers, that they m ay g row m ore in Faith along w ith
th eir [present] F a ith ...
[Sooratul-Fath, 48:4]

# \l±i\ \j^>U S b jjj b

...A n d the b elievers m ay increase in F a ith ...

[Sooratu l-M u d d ath hir, 74:31]

O n the au thority o f Ibn 'U m ar, radhiyyallaahu ‘anhu, w ho said that the
Proph et (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ) ad m on ish ed the w om en; he said to
them , "I have seen none lack ing in com m on sense and failin g in
religion bu t [at the sam e tim e] rob bin g the w isd om of the w ise b eside
y o u ."44 This is the evid ence that eem aan w eakens.45

H e (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam ) also said, "T h e b est of b elievers in faith

are the b est of them in ch aracter."46

So if one is described as having had good character, then he has the

stron gest eem aan, unlike the one w hose ch aracter is bad and as a result has
the w eakest eem aan.

44 Saheeh B u kh aaree an d M u slim .

45 A s a re su lt o f a w o m a n 's m en stru a l c y c le a n d p o st-n a ta l b le e d in g , sh e lea v es o ff b o th

p ra y er an d fastin g , an d b e c a u se o f th is h er eem a a n w ea k en s.

46 O n th e a u th o rity o f A bu H u ra ira h , rad h iy y a lla a h u ‘an h u , from th e M u sn ad o f Im aam

A h m ad .


Faith Is N ot Sim ply Belief

Eem aan (faith) is not a statem ent on the tongue or actions w ith the body
parts w ithou t having belief. T his is the faith o f the m u naafiq,47

A llaah says:

4 ~T. c (*-* ^ 3 3^ ^ c r ii 4

A n d of m an k in d , there are som e [hypocrites] w ho say: "W e b elieve in

A llaah and the Last D ay" w hile in fact they believe not.
[Sooratul-Baqarah, 2:8]

Faith Is N ot Sim ply R ecognition

Likew ise, it is not ju st a m ere recognition (of A llaah's existence) as this is

the faith o f the d isbelievers and those w ho reject (true) faith.

A llaah says:

# ^y.-I »11-LJiiP ^ a jti LaIIs a')1 1g~■5 .\ \j #

And they belied them [those A ynat] w ron gfu lly and arrogan tly, though
their ow n selves w ere con vin ced thereof [i.e. those (Ayaat) are from
A llaah, and M oosaa (M oses) is the M essen ger of A llaah in truth, but
they disliked to obey M oosaa (M oses), and hated to believe in his
M essage of M onotheism ]. So see w hat w as the end of the m ufsidoon
(disbelievers, d isob ed ien t to A llaah, evil-d oers, liars).

47 M u n a a fiq is c o m m o n ly tra n sla ted as h y p o c rite (its lin g u istic m ea n in g ); h o w ev er, th is d o es

n o t a ccu ra tely d e fin e its Isla m ic m ea n in g . A m u n aa fiq is a p erso n w h o o u tw a rd ly ex p resse s
Islam w h ile in w a rd ly d isb e liev in g in it an d h a tin g it.


[Sooratu n-N am l, 27:14]

4 'Ijp >.Lb^j j Svj ^.Li ^

...I t is not you that they deny, b u t it is the V erses [the Q ur'an ] of A llaah
that the zaalim ooti [polyth eists and w ron g-d oers] deny.
[Sooratu l-A n 'aam , 6:33]

t f „ ^ , „ „ ' f ^ ■* , , , j ^

Th ose to w hom W e gave the S crip ture [Jew s and C h ristian s] recogn ize
him [M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m ) or the K a'bah at
M akkah] as they recogn ize th eir so n s...
[Sooratu l-Baqarah, 2:146]

L > %' ' • \ , < % - - 4''

^ -=3 ^ c L>- LiJLs ^

T hen w hen there cam e to them that w hich they had recogn ized , they
d isbelieved in it...
[Sooratu l-Baqarah, 2:89]

j ’h - . - i T X ly S s ^ 4 = l-~* cr? XXj X -^3 '^ > ^ 3 ' ^ 3 ^

4 -2^ '> ^ 3 ^

A nd ’A ad and T h am ood [people]! A nd ind eed [their destru ction ] is

clearly ap p aren t to you from th eir [ruined] d w ellin gs. S h aytaan [Satan]
m ade their deeds fair-seem in g to them , and turned them aw ay from the
[Right] Path, thou gh they w ere intelligen t.
[Sooratu l-'A nk aboot, 29:38]


T here Is N ot Faith w ith out D eeds

Also, it (eem aan , i.e. faith) is not ju st a statem en t on the tongue and a b elief
in the heart w ith no actions because A llaah has referred to actions as faith.

H e says:

E >* , , , )S, , , ,
-1 -oil jE f 4

...A n d A llaah w ould n ever m ake you r faith [prayers] to be lost [i.e. you r
p rayers offered tow ard s Jeru sa le m ]...
[Sooratul-Baqarah, 2:143]

M eaning, you r prayers in A qsa m osque.

O n the au thority o f Ibn 'A bbaas, radhiyyallaahu 'anhu, w ho said that the
P rophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam ) said to a d elegation o f 'A bdul-Q ays:

I com m and you to do four things and p ro h ib it you again st four

acts. [The fou r deeds w hich you are com m an d ed to do are]: [al-
Eem aan] Faith in A llaah , and then he ask ed , "D o you know
w hat al-Eem aan in A llaah m ean s?" Th en he said, 'T estifyin g
that none has the right to be w orsh ip p ed in truth excep t for
A llaah and that M u h am m ad is the M essen ger of A llaah,
estab lishin g the prayer, p aym ent of charity, fasting in
R am adaan , and that you pay khum s [one-fifth] of the booty
fallen to you r lot...'48

A nd on the au thority of Abu H urayrah, radhiyyallaahu 'anhu, w ho said

that the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ) said, " A l-E em a a n has over
seven ty branch es or sixty b ran ch es. The h igh est of them is the saying,

48 S aheeh B u kh aaree an d M u slim .


'N o n e has the right to be w orsh ip p ed excep t for A llaah an d the low est
of them is rem ovin g som ethin g harm ful from the p ath , and sh yn ess is
from eemaati."*9

Th e R uling of A ctions

There are no actions that are left that w ould constitute d isb elief excep t for
the prayer. So w hoever leaves o ff the prayer co m p letely 50 then he has
becom e a disbeliever. T he C om p anion s o f the M essen ger o f A llaah
(sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ) have com e to a con sen sus con cern in g this

'A b d u llaah Ibn Shaqeeq said, "The C om p an ion s o f the M essen ger of
A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi urn sallam ) did not see any action s that w ere left
off as d isbelief excep t for the p rayer."51

Th e R uling of T akfeer

Takfeer (declaring another M uslim to be a d isbeliever) is the right of

A llaah alone; thus, no one is declared a d isbeliever u nless A llaah and H is
M essenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ) have declared them as such or one
w ho the M uslim s52 have com e to a consensu s upon.

44 S aheeh Bu klm aree, Ibn M aajah

50 S h ay k h M u h a m m a d Ibn R a m z a a n : T h e re is n o d o u b t th a t th e o n e w h o lea v es o ff the
p ra y er in te n tio n a lly b y re jectin g its o b lig a tio n is a d isb e lie v e r. A s fo r th e on e w h o is lazy

w ith th e p ra y er, th en th ere is a d iffe re n c e o f o p in io n a m o n g st th e p e o p le o f k n o w led g e

c o n c e rn in g th is. H o w ev e r, th e p ro m in e n t o p in io n is th a t h e is a d isb e liev er.

51 A t-T irm id h e e.
52 C o n se n su s o f th e C o m p a n io n s d u rin g th eir tim e and th o se q u a lified from th e M u slim s to

m ak e su ch a ju d g e m e n t— n a m e ly th e sc h o la rs o f th is re lig io n a fte r th e tim e o f th e

C o m p an io n s.


So w hoever declares another M uslim a d isbeliever w ith an aspect of

d isbelief not establish ed by clear proofs based upon texts o f the Book, the
au thentic Sunnah, and consensus (of the scholars) then he is d eserving o f a
severe p u nishm ent and rebuke.53 Thus, "w h o ev e r accuses a believer of
d isbelief then it is as if he killed h im ."54

K ufr (disbelief) occurs by a statem ent of d isbelief that can n ot be disputed.

Likew ise, it m ay occu r throu gh an action and/or throu gh a belief.
Likew ise, istihlaal (consid ering a prohibited m atter as law ful) is not a
condition of d isbelief.55

T here is a difference betw een a general declaration of d isbelief and

referring to a specific person as a disbeliever. T his general d eclaration of
d isbelief is the sam e as a general threat (from A llaah). The
p ronouncem ent should be m ade in general.56 For exam ple, the scholars
w ould say, "W hoever alleges that the Q u r'an is created is a d isbeliever" or
like the statem ent o f Ibn K huzaym ah, rahim ahullaah, w ho said, "W hoever
does not affirm that A llaah is above H is throne and has indeed risen

53 H e is to b e co rre cted by th e ru ler o f th e M u slim s.

54 Saheeh B u khaaree. O n th e a u th o rity o f T h a a b it Ibn a d -D a h h a a k .

55 S h a y k h M u h a m m a d Ib n R a m z a a n : W h o e v e r fa lls in to d isb e lie f re g a rd less o f w h eth e r it

w a s sp e ech o r a c tio n s is a d isb e liev er. A s fo r th e m a tte r o f istihlaal, th en th ere a re th o se w h o

say, 'W e d o n o t d e cla re a n y o n e from th e p eo p le o f th e Q iblah a d isb e lie v e r u n til h e m a k es th e

u n la w fu l la w fu l.' It is p o ssib le fo r a p erso n to fall in to d isb e lief; h e d o e s n o t d e em it law fu l,

b u t th e m a tter h e h a s fa llen in to is still d isb e lief. In th is case, w e can a ttrib u te d isb e lie f to h im
(b u t n o t d eem h im to b e a d isb e liev er).

56 S h a y k h M u h a m m a d Ibn R a m z a a n : A n e x a m p le o f th is w o u ld b e th e sta te m e n t o f th e

M e sse n g e r o f A lla a h (sallallaah u ‘a la y h i w a sallam ), "W h oever g o es to a w o m an a n a lly h as

in d e e d d isb e lie v e d in th a t w h ich h a s b e e n re v e a le d to M u h a m m a d ." T h is is a g en eral

d e cla ra tio n o f d isb e lie f and a g e n e ra l w a rn in g . S o if a m an w e re to c o m e to u s an d say, "I'v e
had an al re la tio n s w ith a w o m a n , am I a d isb e lie v e r?" T h is p erso n w o u ld h a v e a sp e cific

ru lin g th a t d iffers fro m th e g e n e ra l ru lin g o f o n e w h o d id th is o r said th a t (as o u tlin ed in th e

v e rses and ah aad eetli th a t h a v e su ch w a rn in g s).


above H is seven heaven s is a d isbeliever w hose blood, m oney, and spoils

b ecom es p erm issib le ."57

As for d eclaring a specific ind ividu al a d isbeliever, then it m u st be

fulfilled by con d ition s w ith an absence o f all m atters that w ould prevent
such a ruling.58 So a general d eclaration o f d isbelief does n ot ind icate a
specific declaration upon a specific individual u nless all con d ition s are
fulfilled and all m atters preventing such a ruling on it are absent.59

57 A l-H aa k im , T he K n o w led g e o f S cien ce o f H ad eeth , pg. 285.

58 S h ay k h M u h a m m a d Ibn R a m z a a n : T h e re m u st b e c o n d itio n s b e fo re d e cla rin g on e a

d isb e liev er. T h e se c o n d itio n s in clu d e k n o w le d g e o f th e a c tio n an d a ch o ic e to d o it. A s for

th ose m a tte rs th a t m u st n o t b e p re sen t w h en d e cla rin g a M u slim to b e a d isb e liev er, then

th ey in clu d e ig n o ra n ce , d u ress, an d fa lse in te rp re ta tio n . T h e se a re ju st so m e o f the

c o n d itio n s an d lim ita tio n s o f takfeer.

59 Sh ay k h M u h a m m a d Ib n R a m z a a n : T h is is sim ila r to th e a fo re m e n tio n e d e x a m p le in th e
had eeth th a t th e o n e w h o g o e s to h is w o m a n a n a lly h a s d isb e liev ed in th a t w h ich h as b een

re v ealed to M u h a m m a d (sallalla a h u ‘a la y h i w a sallam ). T h is is a g e n e ra l ru lin g , b u t h e is u n d e r

a se v e re th reat. T h is d iffers fro m a p erso n w h o a c tu a lly d o e s th e actio n w h ich n ow m ak es

th e ru lin g sp e cific. T h e issu e o f d e cla rin g a M u slim to b e a d isb e lie v e r is h a n d led b y th e

sch o lars o f th is relig io n an d n o t b y th e c o m m o n p eo p le. If o n e is k n o w n to b e su sp ected o f

h a v in g fa llen in to k u fr th a t w ill re m o v e h im fro m th e fold o f Islam , th en h is m atter is tak en to

th e p eo p le o f k n o w le d g e w h ere a d e te rm in a tio n w ill b e m ad e.



The Correct Belief Regarding: The Ruling of One

Who Has Fallen into Major Sin

From the general belief o f A hlus-Sunnah w al-]am aa'ah is that all s in s —other
than ascribing partners w ith A llaah —do not rem ov e a M uslim from the
fold of Islam ; u nless he deem s them (sins) perm issible, and this is w hether
he d oes the action because he believes it to be p erm issible or believ es it to
be perm issible w ithou t doing the actio n .60 In such case, this individual
b elies the Q u r'an and belies the M essenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ) and
this is d isbelief accord ing to the Book, the Sunnah, and the con sen su s o f the

E very sin w ith the exception o f ascribin g partners w ith A llaah w ill not keep
its d oer in the H ellfire for eternity, as A llaah says:

I lia d JJ'i j j i L» jA*.j j ^ 4 / ^ O' ^ o! *

V erily, A llaah forgives not that p artners sh ould be set up w ith him in
w orsh ip , but H e forgives excep t that [anythin g else] to w hom He
p le a s e s...
[Sooratu n -N isaa', 4:48]

The text of the verse ind icates that the sinn er is u nd er the w ill o f A llaah
subhaanahu wa ta'aala; if He w ills, H e w ill pard on him w ith H is lofty m ercy
and k indness and if H e so w ills, H e w ill en ter him into the Fire d epend ing

60 A n e x a m p le o f th is is o n e w h o lea v es o ff an o b lig a tio n o f th e re lig io n and c la im s its

p e rm issib ility w h ile k n o w in g fu ll-w ell o f its p ro h ib itio n .


on his sins, (in order) to purify him , and then rem ove him from it based
upon his b elief in H is oneness and enter him into Paradise.

The O ne W ho C om m its a M ajor Sin H as W eak Faith

A llaah has indeed m entioned som e o f the m ajor sins, such as m urd er and
fornication in H is Book and has affirm ed b elief for those w ho com m it these
sins. Thus, they are believers based on their b elief but evil-d oers due to
th eir sins.

Allaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

JiV tj j i i J s a iT \ ^ k}

9 ■»" — ( } ■’ -* ■*' * t 9 ^ C x t
^>-1;^ 4_Jl CIJ l_j k_j Ij cJjii ■’^1

O you w ho believe! A l-Q isa as [the Law of Equality in pu n ishm ent] is

p rescribed for you in case of m urder: the free for the free, the slave for
the slave, and the fem ale for the fem ale. But if the k iller is forgiven by
the b roth er [or the relatives, etc.] of the killed again st blood m oney, then
ad h erin g to it w ith fairness and paym en t of the blood m on ey to the h eir
sh ould be m ade in fairness.
[Sooratul-Baqarah, 2:178]

So A llaah affirm s b elief for the m u rd erer and the m urdered and also
affirm s that they m ay be broth ers in faith.


N o C on trad iction betw een O ne B eing an Evil-D oer and a M uslim

T here is no contradiction w hen w e refer to one w ho does an evil act or an

evil-d oer as being M uslim .61 T he rules o f Islam and the M uslim s still apply
to him . W e see the story o f the noble C om p anion, 'A b d u llaah H im aar,
w hich explains this p rinciple clearly.

'A b d u llaah H im aar drank alcohol and w as su bsequ en tly b rou gh t to the
Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi zva sallam ). O ne o f the C om p an ion s (m ay A llaah
be pleased w ith them ) said, "M ay A llaah cu rse h im ,62 how m any tim es has
he been brou gh t here?" So the P rophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi zva sallam ) said,
"D o not curse him for ind eed he loves A llaah and H is m e sse n g e r."63

So w e see that he did not leave the fold o f Islam sim ply because o f his
m ajor sin. R ather, faith w as affirm ed for him [by the M essen ger o f A llaah
(sallallaahu ‘alayhi zva sallam )] even though he fell into this m ajor sin.64

61 Sh av k h M u h a m m a d Ibn R a m z a a n : W e re fer to th e d o e r o f th e sin as a M u slim , and th e ru les

o f th e M u slim s ap p ly to h im . S o if a p erso n w e re to c o m m it fo rn ica tio n fo r exam p le,

fo rn icatio n is an ev il d eed and its d o e r is an e v il-d o er. S o h e is n o w attrib u ted w ith tw o

ch a ra cteristics. B u t d o e s th is ev il d eed and th e fa ct th a t h e is an e v il-d o e r n eg a te h is Islam ? No,

h e is a M u slim an d th e p u n ish m en t is e sta b lish e d a g a in st him .

62 Sh ay k h M u h a m m a d Ibn R a m z a a n : W h en o n e falls in to an ev il actio n , it d o e s n o t n ecessita te

th at y o u sla n d er h is h o n o u r o r cu rse h im . R ath er, su ch a p erso n h as fallen in to a d eed th at

d e serv es p u n ish m en t. In su ltin g h im c a u se s th e S h ay taan to a ssist h im . So, o n e w h o h as fallen

in to evil d eed s, h is Islam is n o t n eg ated .

Saheeh B u kh aaree. R eg a rd in g th e c u rsin g o f so m e o n e sp e cifica lly , S h a y k h M u h am m ad Ibn

R am zaan : C u rsin g is n o t a llo w ed to b e d o n e u p o n a sp e cific in d iv id u al (eg: M ay th e cu rs e o f

A llaah b e u p o n so and so). T h is is d iffere n t fro m th a t w h ich th e P ro p h et (sallallaahu ‘a la y h i um

sallam ) h a s d o n e w h en h e said, "S o cu rse th e m [i.e. w o m e n w h o d o n o t co v er] fo r v e rily th ey

are from th e cu rse d ." So d o e s th is m ean th a t ea ch tim e you see a w o m an y o u say to her,

"A lla a h cu rse y o u ? " N o, ra th er w e sa y "M a y th e cu rse o f A llaah b e u p on th o se w o m en w h o

are u n c o v e re d " (w ith o u t b ein g sp e cific ) and e v e n th en , p erh a p s A lla a h w an ts to cu rse h er o r

p erh ap s A lla a h w a n ts re p e n ta n ce fo r her.

M T ra n sla to r's n o te: S im ila r to this, is w h a t w e h ea r m a n y ig n o ra n t M u slim s sta tin g w h en they
see a M u slim fa llin g in to a m a jo r sin su ch a s sellin g a lco h o l o r d o in g d ru g s, etc. T h e y say , " H e


The C ategories of D isb elief, Shirk, O ppression, Evil, and A postasy

To further clarify: disbelief, ascribing partners w ith A llaah, oppression,

evil-doing, and hyp ocrisy have appeared in the texts of the Q u r'an and the
Sunnah in tw o w ays:

1. A kbar (m ajor): T his takes the person outsid e the fold of Islam due to
his com p lete opposition to the fou nd ation o f the religion.
2. A sghar (m inor): This negates the com p leteness o f o n e's eem aan and
does not rem ove an individual from the fold o f Islam.

And this is the categorization o f the S a la f( m ay A llaah be pleased w ith all of

them ). It is also affirm ed by H ibrul-U m m ah, T urjum aanul-Q ur'aan,65 Ibn
'A bbaas, radhiyyallaahu 'anhu, that there is d isb elief (kufr) less than disbelief,
oppression (dhu lm ) less than oppression, open sinning (fasooq) less than
debau chery, and hyp ocrisy (nifaaq) less than hyp ocrisy.6*’

M ajor D isbelief

So A llaah refers to the one w ho calls upon oth er then H im as a d isbeliever,

idol w orshipper, and oppressor:

L *jli jaJ j-!

c a n n o t b e M u slim " o r "A real M u slim w o u ld n o t d o th is o r th a t." S ta te m e n ts su ch as th ese

c o n stitu te d e cla rin g a n o th er M u slim a d isb e lie v e r an d a re h e n ce im p erm issib le.

65 T h e se tw o titles: H ibru l-U m m ah (S ch o la r o f th e N atio n ) an d T u rju m aan u l-Q u r'aan (T h e

Q u r'a n 's In terp reter) w e re g iv en to Ibn 'A b b a a s b y th e P ro p h et (sallallaahu ‘a la y h i w a sallam ) for

h is im m e n se k n o w led g e an d u n d e rsta n d in g o f th e re lig io n an d its ru lin gs.

** O n e can h a v e o r c o m m it th ese a c tio n s b u t n o t b e c o n sid ere d a d isb e liev er, an o p p resso r, an

ev il-d o er, o r a h y p o crite.

A nd w ho ev er invokes [or w orsh ip s], b esid es A llaah , any oth er ilaah
[god], of w hom he has no p roof, then his reckon in g is only w ith his Lord.
Surely! A l-K aafiroon [the disb eliev ers in A llaah and in the O nen ess of
A llaah, p olyth eists, pagan s, idolaters, etc.] w ill n ot be successful.
[Sooratu l-M u 'm inoon, 23:117]

Say [(O M u h am m a d sallallaahu 'alayhi zva sallam )]: "I invoke only my
Lord [A llaah alon e], and I associate none as p artners alon g w ith H im .
[Sooratu l-Jinn, 72:20]

i f t . ' , , * " , , , t . ,
# j*.'' l'U»lTy lil (.iLlj cJjls jjls -tl/voj L* ^ Vj ?

A nd invoke n ot b esid es A llaah , any that w ill n eith er p rofit you, n or hurt
you, b ut if [in case] you did so, you shall certain ly be one of the
D haalim oon (polyth eists and w ron g-d oers).
[Soorah Y oonus, 10:106]

i j y *1c f C r ^ 1Cr? ^ (_r45! X! t

...E x c e p t Iblees [Satan]. H e w as one of the jin n s; he d isob eyed the

C om m and of his L o rd ...
[Sooratul-K ahf, 18:50]

M in or D isbelief

A llaah, subhaanahu urn ta'aala, says:


...A n d w h o so ev er does not jud ge by w hat A llaah has revealed , such are
the Kaafiroott [i.e. disb elievers of a lesser degree as they do not act on
A llaah 's law s].
[Sooratu l-M aa'id ah, 5:44]

^ ilaJ I <031 ( J j j l L * j a ^

...A n d w h osoever does not judge by w hat A llaah has revealed such are
the D haalim oon [the polyth eists and w ron g-d oers, of a lesser degree]
[Sooratu l-M aa'id ah, 5:45]

'77 ^"7 j p.* kiL iJjli - i t JJ

... A nd w h osoever does not judge by that w hich A llaah has revealed ,
[then] such [people] are the Faasiqoott [the reb elliou s, ie. d isob ed ien t (of
a lesser degree) to A llaah],
[Sooratu l-M aa'id ah, 5:47]

I jb > J j) l 4 = a b L « j l L a i b ^ * ^ 1 1 1 J ’j ^ l O j ' ^~=* b O] ^

4 b ' - • J

V erily, those w ho u njustly eat up the p roperty of orphans, they eat up

only a fire into their b ellies, and they w ill be b u rn t in the b lazin g Fire!
[Sooratu n-N isaa', 4:10]

And the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) said, "In su ltin g a M uslim is
d eb au ch ery and k illin g him is d isb elief." And H e said, "W h o e v e r takes
an oath by oth er than A llaah then he has ind eed d isb elieved or fallen
into p oly th eism ."67

67 Siiim n Hm M aajah , n a rra ted b y Ibn M a s'o o d . N o. 3 9 3 9 ; C o llected by at-T irm id h ee , n arrated
b y Ibn 'U m a r. N o. 1535.


These indicate m inor disbelief (ku fr), m inor polytheism (shirk), m inor
oppression (dhu lm ), and m inor evil action (fisq). Eem aan can co-exist w ith
these m atters as the text o f the B ook and the Sunnah and consensus o f the
S ala f specify, and it m erely signifies w eak faith and lack o f its com pleteness.


The Correct Belief Regarding: The Companions of
the Messenger of Allaah (Sallallaahu 'Alayhi wa

From the general b elief o f A hlu s-S un nah w al-Jam aa'ah is their love for the
C om p anions o f the M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ), their
loyalty to them , their bein g pleased w ith them , their seeking forgiven ess for
them , and their praising them .

A llaah says:

4 i)l [ j o 3 13 ^

\liJJ'i IJ-jl Hjjj fjtyjls)- ^ 7 AsS- JJ

A nd the first to em b race Islam of the M u h aajiroon [those w ho m igrated

from M akkah to al-M ad een ah ] and the A n sa a r [the citizen s of al-
M ad een ah w ho help ed and gave aid to the M uhaajiroon] and also those
w ho follow ed them exactly [in Faith]. A llaah is w ell-p leased w ith them
as they are w ell-pleased w ith H im . H e has p repared for them G ardens
u n d er w hich rivers flow [P aradise], to dw ell therein forever. T h at is the
sup rem e su ccess.
[Sooratu t-Taw bah, 9:100]

So A llaah is pleased w ith the first (genereration) w ho em braced Islam and

H e did not stipulate, as a condition, al ihsaan (precision) (as he did for those
after them ), and H e is not pleased w ith those later gen eration s excep t if
they follow them (the first g eneration) w ith ihsaan.


Allaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala, says:

#o i ■~ \SljjjuLsj I <uj1 jjzl] #

Indeed, A llaah w as pleased w ith the b elievers w hen they gave their
B a y'a ' [pledge] to you [O M uh am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )]
u n d er the tre e ...
[Sooratul-Fath, 48:18]

And w h oever A llaah is pleased w ith then he w ill never becom e discontent.
It has been au thentically reported in a hadeeth o f the Prophet (sallallaahu
'alayhi wa sallam) that he said, "N o one w ho gave the pledge of allegiance
from u n d er the tree shall enter the F ire ."6*

T he V irtue of the M uhaajiroon

And w hen A llaah m entioned the Muhaajiroon, H e described them as being

truthful. He says:

L j j 4l)l yA N-^a-3 ^ jA \y > -J > -\ t\ ^

* o y U' y*»11 iA LJ j I jaJ JJ jJjy v a ijj

[A nd there is also a share in this booty] for the p oo r em igran ts, w ho w ere
exp elled from th eir hom es and th eir p roperty, seek in g B ou n ties from
A llaah and to please H im . A nd h elp in g A llaah [i.e. h elp in g H is religion]
and H is M essen ger [M uham m ad (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam )]. Such
are indeed the truthful [to w hat they say].
[Sooratul-H ashr, 59:8]

^ S u nan A bu Dnmmmit, n a rra ted fro m Ja a b ir. N o. 4653.

Then He m entions the A nsaar w hen H e says:

O - '®’ 3-*J J J -^=’ ( j O j *■*-£■' ^3 j* ^ ! 3?"'-® O'* -Alii ^ 3 '-^ 0^1*3 f

f * d J-d jls *3>i Cr*3 ^>U<a>- ^-p 0 “ j^3 ^-l-tLrLkj LvJ1

# :'T]: _

And those w ho, before them , had hom es [in al-M ad een ah ] and had
adopted the Faith, love those w ho em igrate to them , and have no jealou sy
in th eir breasts for that w hich th ey have b een given [from the b ooty of
Banee an -N ad eer], and give them [em igrants] p referen ce over them selves,
even though they w ere in need of that. A nd w ho so ev er is saved from his
ow n covetousn ess, such are they w ho w ill be the successful.
[Sooratu l-H ashr, 59:9]

Then H e m entions the cond ition o f the believers that w ill com e after them
w ho will follow the C om p anions of the M essen ger of A llaah (sallallaahu
‘alayhi wa sallam ) exactly.

He says:

Lj lj j Z.... ^ • y_j ] I L j 'js>- U jZ s- 1 l i j j ^ • j »J qjjj j*xj y c b- „ • y

» „ », , < --j . , ■■ t w ^
# ££>■ Id j "^-p dj V3

A nd those w ho cam e after them say: "O u r Lord! Forgive us and our
brethren w ho have p receded us in Faith, and put not in our hearts any
hatred again st those w ho have b elieved. O u r Lord! You are ind eed full of
k in d n ess, M ost M ercifu l."
[Sooratu l-H ashr, 59:10]

And He, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

M uh am m ad [(sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m )] is the M essen ger of A llaah ,
and those w ho are w ith him are severe again st d isb elievers, and m erciful
am ong them selves. You see them b ow ing and falling dow n p rostrate [in
prayer], seeking B ounty from A llaah and [His] G ood Pleasure. The m ark
of them [i.e. of their Faith] is on their faces from the traces of prostration.
T h is is their description in the T aw raat [Torah]. But th eir description in
the Ittjeel [G ospel] is like a [sow n] seed w hich sends forth its shoot, then
m ak es it strong, it then b ecom es thick, and it stan d s straigh t on its stem ,
d elightin g the sow ers that H e m ay en rage the d isb elievers w ith them .
A llaah has prom ised those am ong them w h o believe and do righteous
good deeds, forgiveness and a m igh ty rew ard [i.e. Paradise].
[Sooratul-Fath, 48:29]

The R uling of the O ne W ho H ates the C om p an ion s

Im aam M aalik, rahim ahullaah, says, "W h o ev er from the people d evelops in
his heart any anger tow ards anyon e from the C om p an ion s of the M essenger
of A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi urn sallam ), then this verse is directed at th em ."

And A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

A nd those w ho believed, and em igrated and strove hard in the C ause of
A llaah [al-Jihaad], as w ell as those w ho gave (them ) asylum and aid;
T h ese are the b elievers in tru th, for them is forgiveness and R izqun
Kareetn [a gen erou s provision i.e. Paradise].
[Sooratu l-A nfaal, 8:74]

T he V irtue of the C om panion s

C oncerning the virtue o f the C om p anions w ho gave their w ealth before the
con qu est o f M akkah and the virtue o f each o f the parties w ho gave and
fou ght after the conquest, A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, prom ises them

He, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

...N o t equal am on g you are those w ho sp en t an d fought before the

co n q u erin g [of M akkah] [w ith those am ong you w ho did so later]. Such
are h ig h er in degree than those w ho sp en t and fought afterw ard s. But to
all, A llaah has prom ised the b est [rew ard]. A n d A llaah is A ll-A w are of
w hat You do.
[Sooratu l-H ad eed , 57:10]

P rohib ition of Insu lting the C om p anions

O n the au thority of Abu Sa'eed al-K hu d ree, radhiyyallaahu ‘anhu, w ho said

the M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ) said, "D o n ot insult

m y C o m p an io n s"69 and in the n arration o f Saheeh M uslim he states, "D o not
insult anyone from m y C om pan ion s for verily if one w ere to give gold in
the size of M oun t U hud then it w ill not reach even a m uddu of the rew ard
of any one of them or even a n a s eef of that."70 M eaning, one w ill not even
reach this sm all level of their virtue or even h alf of it.

The M essen ger of A llaah (Sallallaahu 'A layhi wa Sallam ) Bears W itness
to T h eir R igh teousn ess

O n the au thority o f 'Im raan Ibn H usayn, radhiyyallaahu 'anhu, w ho said that
the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam ) said, "T h e b est g eneration is m y
generation then those that follow them and then those that follow th em ."
'Im raan then said, 'I do not recall w hen he m entioned his generation
w hether there w ere tw o m ore or three m ore g en eration s,' "th en after them
w ill be a people w ho w ill b ear w itn ess w ith ou t b ein g asked to bear
w itn ess, they w ill betray and are n ot tru sted , they sw ear oaths and do not
fulfill them , and fatness w ill ap p ear am on gst th e m ."71

V irtue of the A nsaa r

O n the authority o f Anas, radhiyyallaahu ‘anhu, w ho said the P rophet

(sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) said, "Love of the A n sa a r is a sign of faith and
hatred for them is a sign of d issem blance [hyp ocrisy].72

Also, on the authority o f al-Bara'a Ibn 'A azib w ho said the P rophet
(sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam ) said concerning the A nsaar, "N o one loves
them except that he is a b eliev er and none hates them excep t that he is a

69 Su n an A bu D aaw ood, no. 46 5 8 .

70 Sah eeh M u slim . A l-m u d d is 75 0 m l o r q u a rter o f a S a a ’. N a s e e f is h a lf a m udd.

71 T h e h ad eeth is n a rra ted in b o th S ah eeh M u slim and Saheeh B u khaaree.

72 S ah eeh M uslim .

hypocrite. W h oev er loves them then A llaah loves him and w ho ev er
d espises them then A llaah d esp ises h im ."73

It w as reported on the au thority o f A bu H urayrah, radhiyyallaahu 'anhu that

the M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ) said: "A m an w ho
believes in A llaah and the Last D ay n ever h ates the A n s a a r/'74

O n the au thority o f 'A lee, w ho said that the P roph et (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa
sallam ) said regarding H aatib Ibn B alta'ah , radhiyyallaahu 'anhu,75 "...he w as
a p articip an t in Bad r and m aybe A llaah looked at the peop le of Bad r and
said: "D o w hat you like for there is forgiveness for y o u ."76

V irtue of Those W ho G ave T h eir A llegiance at R idw aan

O n the au thority of Jaabir Ibn 'A b d illaah w ho said that U m m M ubashir

reported that she heard the P rophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ) saying in
the presence o f H a fsa h :"In sh a 'A llaah , the p eople of the tree w ou ld n ever
en ter the H ellfire, they w ere those w ho gave their allegian ce u n d er it." 77
Their num ber w as around one thousand and four hundred, inclu d ing Abu
Bakr, 'U m ar, 'U th m aan , and 'A lee.

C lassification of the C om p an ion s by V irtue

A hlus-Sunnah believe that the best of the nation after its P roph et (sallallaahu
‘alayhi w a sallam ) w as Abu B akr as-Sid d eeq, then 'U m a r al-Faarooq, and this

77 Ibid.
74 Ibid.
75 T h e C o m p a n io n w h o w a rn ed th e Q u ra y sh o f th e P ro p h e t's im p e n d in g a tta c k on M akk ah .

76 S aheeh B u kh aarce and M u slim .

77 C o llected by M u slim . N o. 2496.

w as the consensus of all of the C om p anions and the Taabi'een, and no one
from am ongst them ever disagreed abou t this.

Several narrations have com e on the authority of the C om m an d er of the

Faithful, 'A lee Ibn A bee Taalib, stating, "T h e best o f this nation after its
P rophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) is indeed Abu B akr and then 'U m a r."78

A fter this, A hlus-Sunnah consid ers the third to be 'U th m aan Ibn ’A faan and
the fourth, 'A lee Ibn A bee Taalib as the best o f this nation.

78 T h e se n u m e ro u s n a rra tio n s can b e fou nd in th e M u sn ad o f Im aam A h m ad , as w ell as th e

fam o u s b o o k A l-B id aay ah w an -N ih aay ah by Ibn K a th e er, w h ich d o c u m e n ts th e h isto ry o f Islam .


The Correct Belief Regarding: The Family of the

Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi zva sallam)

From the beliefs o f A hlus-Sunnah w al-Jam aa'ah is their love for the fam ily of
the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ), recogn izin g their virtue and
hon ou r as this is follow ing the beq u est of the P roph et (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa
sallam ) on the day o f G hadeer K hum m 79 w here he praised A llaah, extolled
H im , delivered the serm on, and exhorted (us) saying:

As to w hat proceed s. O p eop le, I am a h u m an being. I am about

to receive a m essen ger [the A ngel of D eath] from m y Lord and I,
in respon se to A llaah 's call, [w ould bid farew ell to you ], b u t I am
leavin g am ong you tw o w eig h ty thin gs: one b ein g the B ook of
A llaah in w hich there is right g uid an ce and light, so hold fast to
the Book of A llaah and ad here to it.

H e exhorted (us) (to hold fast) to the Book o f A llaah and then said: "A n d
the m em b ers of m y h ouseh old ; I rem in d you [of y o u r duties] to the
m em b ers of m y fam ily; I rem ind you [of y o u r duties] to the m em b ers of
m y fam ily; I rem in d you [of y ou r duties] to the m em b ers of m y fa m ily ."80

Ibn K atheer says in his tafseer:

79 A lo catio n h a lf-w a y (2 0 0 m ile s) b e tw e e n M a k k a h a n d M a d e e n a h , th e lo ca tio n o f th e final

serm o n .

80 Saheeh M u slim , o n th e a u th o rity o f Z a y d Ib n A rq am .


The bequ est to respect the m em bers o f the [P rop h et's (sallallaahu
'alayhi wa sallam )] household, follow ing them precisely, respecting
them , and honouring them , cann ot be denied. For indeed, they are
from a pure offspring and from the noblest of houses found on the
face of the earth by w ay of pride, rew ard, and lineage. Even m ore
so if they [those part o f the Prophet's lineage] w ere follow ers o f the
clear prophetic Sunnah. T hose such as al-'A b b aas and his son and
'A lee and those o f his house and lineage; m ay A llaah be pleased
w ith all o f them.

H is (sallallaahu 'alayhi iva sallam ) W ives A re from A h lul-B ay t

And from his household w ere indeed his w ives. A llaah, subhaanahu wa
ta'aala, says:

JjS / l (r jy ij oA ; ?

^ 1 ^ wLj^j L *jl 4Jl>^

* \j±~>-i o. U1 ^ - ' 15" 4joi <jl

A nd stay in y ou r houses, and do not d isplay you rselves like that of the
tim es of ignorance, and perform a s-Salaat [Iqatnaatus-Salaat], and give
Z a ka a t and obey A llaah and H is M essenger. A llaah w ish es only to
rem ove A r-R ijs [evil deeds and sins, etc.] from you, O m em b ers of the
fam ily [of the P rophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )], and to purify you
w ith a thorough purification. A nd rem em b er [O you the m em b ers of the
P rophet's (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ) fam ily, the G races of you r
Lord], that w hich is recited in you r hou ses of the V erses of A llaah and al-
H ikm ah [the Prophet's Sunnah, legal w ays, etc. so give you r thanks to

A llaah and glorify H is Praises for this Q u r'an and the Sunnah], V erily,
A llaah is E ver M ost C ou rteou s, W ell A cq uain ted w ith all things.
[Sooratu l-A hzaab, 3 3:33-34 ]

Ibn K atheer said in his tafseer, "This is a clear statem en t that the w ives o f the
Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ) are included am ong the m em bers of
his fam ily [A hlul-Bayt] here, becau se they are the reason this verse w as
revealed, and the scholars are u nanim ously agreed that they w ere the
reason for revelation in this case."

Also, inclu sive in this verse is the C om m an d er o f the Faithful, 'A lee Ibn
A bee Taalib, Faatim ah, d aughter o f the M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu
'alayhi urn sallam ), al-H asan, and al-H usayn; m ay A llaah be pleased w ith all
of them .

In the hadeeth o f 'A a ’ishah, radhiyyallaahu ‘anha, she reported that the
M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) w ent ou t one m orning
w earing a striped cloak o f the black cam el's hair. T hen H asan Ibn 'A lee
cam e and he w rapped him u nd er it, then H u sayn cam e and he w rapped
him under it along w ith him (H asan). F aatim ah then cam e and he took her
u nd er it, then cam e 'A lee and he also took him u nd er it and then said:
"A llaah w ish es only to rem ove ar-R ijs [evil d eeds and sins, etc.] from
you, O m em b ers of the fam ily [of the P rophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa
sa llam )], and to p u rify you w ith a thorou gh p u rifica tio n ."81

Bl Saheeh M u slim .


The Correct Belief Regarding:

The Blessings of Allaah's Friends

A hlus-Sunnah w al-]am aa’ah believe in w hat the n u m erou s texts have stated
con cerning the blessings o f A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, that w ill b efall H is

D efin ition of W alee

The term ‘w alee' (friend or ally) relates to w h oever im plem ents the
com m and s o f the Sharee'ah and stays aw ay from w h atever it has prohibited.

A llaah says:

^ ■j y Y cld jl • j ! ^0 y

>j ^ ‘
# . j q flT ^ •y. j j '

No doubt! V erily, the A iv liy aa ' of A llaah [those w ho b elieve in the

O nen ess of A llaah and love A llaah m uch [abstain from all kinds of sins
and evil deeds w hich he has forbidden] and love A llaah m u ch [perform
all kinds of good d eeds w hich H e has o rdain ed ], no fear shall com e upon
them n or shall they grieve. T h ose w ho believed [in the O nen ess of A llaah
- Islam ic M o notheism ], and used to fear A llaah m u ch [by ab stain in g from
evil deeds and sins and b y d oin g righ teou s deeds].
[Soorah Y oonus, 10:62-63]


So, as the verse indicates, w ith faith and taqw aa (fear o f A llaah) com es H is

And as for the term 'kiraamah' then it is defined as an out o f the ordinary
even t w hich A llaah bestow s upon H is friends to aid them in m atters o f His
religion and in w orldly affairs.82 It should be noted, how ever, that these
m arvels do not reach this person by w ay of m iracles sim ilar to that o f the
prophets and m essengers.

Som e of the B lessings that A llaah H as G iven to H is A w liy a a ’

From the w onders of A llaah upon H is A w liyaa

® The story o f the peop le o f the cave

& The story o f M aryam d uring her labou r at the trunk o f the date
palm tree. A llaah com m anded her to shake the branch so that som e
o f the ripe dates w ould fall in ord er for her to gain relief. Likew ise,
A llaah provided for her; m ay A llaah be pleased w ith her. H e gave
her w inter fruits in the su m m er m onths and su m m er fruits in the
w inter m onths
The stories of A asif the scribe o f Sulaym aan, the m an w ho A llaah
caused to die for one hundred years and then brou ght him back to

82 S h a y k h M u h a m m a d Ibn R a m z a a n : A n y e x tra o rd in a ry e v e n t th at h a p p e n s to a n y o n e b esid es

th e P ro p h ets. E x a m p le s o f th is are: d ifficu lt ta sk s m a d e ea sy for th em w h en th ey a re u su ally

d ifficu lt for a n y o n e e lse to a ch iev e, su ch a s b ein g sav ed fro m d e stru c tio n , o r b ein g g iv en food
o r w a te r d u rin g e x trem e h u n g e r o r th irst, o r rain a s a re su lt o f h is du 'an, etc.
83 A llaah says,

' Ja jk ) yj T U lk b j ] i S L v £ i d J j J l i S y jJ o x j )\ J t j .- '1 .1 ; d—, J l j


The story of Jurayj, the m onk

$) T he story of the three m en from the people o f Israa'eel w ho sought
refu ge in a cave and as a result b ecam e stuck in it

And likew ise, other w ell-know n n arrations from the peop le o f k now led ge
that are firm ly supported by the Q u r'an and the au th en tic Sunnah and that
w hich has been au thentically reported by w ay o f the S ala f and those after
them .

T h ese blessings w ill be p resent in this nation until the estab lish m en t o f the
H our as it is a result o f being an ally, and one being an ally shall also
rem ain until the estab lish m en t o f the H our.

So w h oever com es w ith such extraord inary o ccu rren ces then he shall not be
recognized nor shall he be considered being an ally o f A llaah u nless all of
his actions w ere in accord ance w ith the Q u r'an and the Sunnah. Thus, he
w ould be know n for his firm ness and his follow in g o f them (the Q u r'an
and the Sunnah) both o utw ard ly and in w ard ly.84

(J t s ■ jy J l_ lli L a S o '*3 L a ^ w j . a . ^ jl - t J i _ j !

'Hi tcS-* 41)1 o'

O r lik e th e o n e w h o p a sse d b y a to w n an d it h ad tu m b le d o v e r its ro o fs. H e said : "O h ! H o w

w ill A lla a h e v e r b rin g it to life a fte r its d e a th ?" S o A lla a h c a u s e d h im to d ie fo r a h u n d red

y e a rs, th en ra ise d h im u p [ag a in ]. H e sa id : "H o w lo n g d id y o u re m a in Id ead ]?" H e [th e m an ]

said : "[P e rh a p s] I re m a in e d [d ead ] a d a y o r p a rt o f a d ay ". H e said : "N ay , y o u h a v e rem ain ed

[d ead ] fo r a h u n d re d y e a rs, lo o k a t y o u r fo o d a n d y o u r d rin k , th ey sh o w n o ch a n g e ; and

lo o k a t y o u r d o n k e y ! A n d th u s W e h a v e m a d e o f y o u a sig n fo r th e p e o p le . L o o k at the
b o n es, h o w W e b rin g th e m to g e th e r a n d clo th e th e m w ith flesh ". W h en th is w as clearly

sh o w n to h im , he sa id , "I k n o w (n o w ) th a t A lla a h is A b le to d o all th in g s.

(S o o ra tu l-B a q a ra h , 2:259]

M Sh ay k h M u h a m m a d Ibn R a m z a a n : If a m an w e re to w alk o n w a te r th en th is is an
e x tra o rd in a ry ev en t. It is not, h o w ev er, e v id e n c e th a t h e is a rig h teo u s m an ; sim ila rly , a p erson

w h o m A llaah h a s p re serv ed h is feet fro m b ein g b u rn e d by fire if h e w e re to w a lk o n it. W e ^

From the virtu es of these allies is that w hich has been au thentically
reported from the M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu ‘alai/hi w a sallam ) w hen
he said: "V erily A llaah, subhaanahu wa ta'aala, says, "W h oever b ecom es an
enem y to one of m y allies then indeed I h ave declared w ar again st him ."85

lo o k to h is d e ed s. D o es h e pray, is he u p o n th e S u n n ah , e tc.? W e lo o k at th is w h eth e r h e flies in

th e a ir o r w a lk s u p o n w ater.

S5 H ad eeth Q u dsee, no. 182. N arrated b y A bu H u ra y ra h .


The Correct Belief Regarding: The Obligation

Towards and Respect Given to the Leaders of the

A hlus-Sunnah w al-Jam aa'ah believe that A llaah, subhaanahu zva ta'aala, has
obligated the believers to obey those in au thority from am o n gst them ,
w ith ou t d isobeying A llaah.86

And they literally believe the statem ent o f the M essen ger (sallallaahu 'alayhi
zva sallam ) in the hadeeth o f 'U baadah Ibn as-Saam it, radhiyyallaahu ‘anhu:
"Listen and obey [those in authority] in tim es of d ifficu lty an d in tim es of
p rosp erity, in tim es of en th u siasm [high eem aa n] an d tim es of low
activity, to endure u n fairn ess, even if he w ere to take y ou r w ealth and
beat y ou r back, so long as there is no d isob ed ien ce."87

P rohib ition of O verth row in g the R ulers

A hlus-Sunnah believe that it is prohibited to overthrow the lead ers o f the

M uslim s, even if they w ere to be ty ran nical and oppressive, so long as clear

86 S h ay k h M u h a m m a d Ib n R a m z a a n : T h e rig h ts o f th e ru lers in clu d e, su p p lic a tin g for th em ,

g iv in g th e p le d g e o f a lle g ia n ce to th em , an d h e a rin g an d o b e y in g th em in o b e d ie n c e o f A llaah

an d H is M esse n g er (sallallaah u ‘a lai/h i w a sallam ) fo r th ere is n o o b e d ie n c e to th e crea tio n in

d iso b e d ie n ce to th e C rea to r. O th e r rig h ts o f th e ru ler in clu d e, n o t tu rn in g th e p e o p le ag a in st

h im , b ein g u n ified w ith h im , re fra in in g fro m c a llin g to o v e rth ro w h im . T h e rig h t o f th e Im aam

is th at h e b e a d v ised u p o n th e truth an d w a rn ed fro m fa lseh o o d , an d from o th e r th an th ese,

and th e o b lig a tio n s a re m an y .

87 S aheeh M u slim , from th e h ad eeth o f A bu H u ra y ra h .


indisputable kufr is not seen from them , such that w ere to be proven from
(the sharee'ah of) A llaah. T his is in accord an ce w ith the statem en t of
M essenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi urn sallam ): "T h e b est of y ou r leaders are those
w hom you love and they love you, those w hom you pray for and they
pray for you. Th e m ost evil of y ou r leaders are those w hom you h ate and
they hate you and those w hom you curse and they curse y o u ."

It w as said, "O M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ), shall w e

not overtake them w ith the sw o rd ?" So he said, "N o , so lon g as he
establishes the p rayer am on gst you. A nd if you see an yth in g from you r
leader that you d espise then despise his action and do not pull you r hand
from his o b ed ien ce."88

In another narration: "W h o ev er has a lead er over him and sees him
d isob eyin g A llaah then let him hate the action that is of d isob ed ien ce to
A llaah , and he m ust n ever rem ove h is hand from his o b e d ie n ce ."89

The P u n ishm ents of O ne W ho O verth row s the R uler

W hoever leaves the m ain body o f the M uslim s then the Sharee'ah contend s
that such a person shall be m et w ith a severe pu nishm ent in this life and the
next accord ing to the m agnitu de of his crim e:

From such punishm ents:

$1 W hoever dies and is in d isobedience and opposition to the m ain

body o f M uslim s then he dies the death o f jaahiliyyah (tim e of
ignorance before Islam ).

88 A t-T irm id h e e, fro m th e h ad ccth o f U m m Sa la m a h .

89 M u slim .


W h oever d ivid es the m ain body o f M uslim s then he shall not be

qu estioned about it, ind icating the severity o f his sin.90
W h oever d ivides the m ain bod y o f the M uslim s then there shall be
no arg u m ent or excu se for him before A llaah on the D ay of
Jud gem ent.
$ W hoever divides the m ain body o f the M uslim s then indeed, the
Shaytaan is a partner to him.
W h oever divides the m ain bod y o f the M uslim s then his blood
becom es halaal.

S u p plicatin g for the R ulers

A hlus-Sunnah w al-Jam aa'ah believe that su pplication for good and success
for the leader o f the M uslim s is som eth ing p raisew orth y and highly
recom m ended, and it is a sign o f a m an from A hlus-Sunnah as Im aam al-
B arbahaaree states in his book: " If you see a m an su p p licatin g again st the
ruler then know he is a person o f his d e sires."91

Im aam as-Saaboonee, rahim ahullaah, said: "A nd they [A hlus-Sunnah] view

su pplication for them [the leaders] to be upright, correct and rig h teo u s."92

P rohib ition of In sultin g the R ulers

They (A hlus-Sunnah) view insu lting them (the rulers) as som ething the
Sharee'ah has forbid d en by w ay o f u nan im ous agreem en t o f the m ajor
C om p anions of the M essenger of A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ).

‘ B e cau se o f th e sh a m e a sso cia ted w ith it.

91 A l-B a rb a h a a ree, E x p lan ation o f th e S u n n ah , pg. 113.

9- Sharh 'A q eed atu s-S a la f w a A sh a a bu l-H a d eeth .


A nas Ibn M aalik, rahim ahullaah, said, "D o not insult, cheat, or h ate your
leaders. And fear A llaah! Be patient for verily the affair is near."


Prohibition of Disputing About the Religion

A hlus-Sunnah w al-]aam a'ah forbid d isp utin g and qu arrelin g over the
religion as the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) has forbid d en such.

The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam ) said: "R ecite the Q u r'an as long
as you r hearts agree u pon it, and w hen you feel v arian ce betw een them
[betw een y ou r hearts and ton gu es], then get up [and leave its recital for
the tim e b ein g ]."93

L ikew ise, on the au thority o f 'A b d u llaah Ibn 'A m r w ho said that the
Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) cam e ou t to his C om p an ion s w ho w ere
d isp uting abou t the qadr, and it w as as if a p om egran ate seed had b u rst on
his face ( i.e. his face w as red w ith anger). He said, "Is this w h at you w ere
com m an d ed to do? Is this w hat you w ere created for? A re you u sin g som e
parts of the Q ur'an to con trad ict others? Th e n ations before you w ere
destroyed by th is!"94

R ather, there is a narration that says d isp uting is a pu n ish m en t from the
pu nishm ents of A llaah upon the nation.

O n the au th ority o f A bee U m aam ah, radhiyyallaahu ‘anhu, w ho said that the
M essenger o f A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) said, "A p eop le have not

q3 Saheeh M u slim .
9't Ibn M aa ja h , M u sn a d , Sah eeh M u slim .


gone astray after the guid an ce that they w ere u pon excep t th at th ey w ere
given to q u arrellin g," then he read the verse:

^ I d JJ QyJjva La

T hey quoted not the ab ove exam p le excep t for argum ent.
[Sooratuz-Z ukhruf, 43:58]95

Im aam Ahm ad (rahim ahullaah) said: "T h e principles o f the Sunnah w ith us

H olding firm to that w hich the C om p an ion s of the M essen ger of

A llaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi urn sallam ) w ere upon and follow ing them,
Leaving o ff innovation, and every innovation is m isguidance,
<§) Leaving o ff disputing and sitting w ith the people o f desires,
Leaving o ff quarrelling, arguing, and con flictin g in the religion ."

B lam ew orth y A rgu in g

T his refers to:

A rguing and d ebating w ith falsehood

^ A rguing about the truth after it has been m ade apparent
& A disputer arguing abou t m atters he has no know led ge of
A rguing about the m atters that are u nclear w ithin the Q u r'an
& A rguing w ithou t a pure intention (for seeking the truth), etc.

If the purpose o f the debate is m aking the truth know n and clarifying (and
gathering) it from a person o f k now led ge w ith pure in tentions and proper
m annerism , then this is from the praisew orthy affairs.

1,5 R efe r to th e p re v io u s v e rse (v erse, 5 7) fo r fu rth er cla rity .


A llaah says:

I ^^ ^ £ 'J ^^ ^ ^y __’ J ^ ’ ^-. _ ' f ^

^jjh vLbj ijl 0-1 l_S^ vk4^r'i ?“i <L«^-I iiaP^»Jlj i-aS'li-L; liJjJ ,_b— (JJ JO I f

4 !«35 -> ^ ' >®3 ‘-p-y?-~ J ' * ’ 0 ”*“* " * ^ '

Invite [m ankind, O M uh am m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sa lla m )] to the

W ay of y ou r Lord [i.e. Islam ] w ith w isdom [i.e. w ith the D ivine
Insp iration and the Q ur'an ] and fair p reach in g, and argue w ith them in a
w ay that is better. T ruly, you r Lord k n ow s b est w ho h as gone astray from
H is Path, and H e is the Best A w are of those w ho are guided.
[Sooratu n-N am l, 16:125]

C $jL. & i ; ip P ) J^ L . iji lf e o iiT •$) ^ J l. v .-:4 a ]T J i l i\ p j4 - ^3 9

4 >lf5 0> < 4-J J ^ 4 ^ 1 3 M 1 3 (*-^==lJ j Uj-’lj U/’’

A nd argue not w ith the people of the Scrip ture [Jew s and C h ristian s],
un less it be in [a w ay] that is b etter [w ith good w ord s and in good
m an n er, invitin g them to Islam ic M o notheism w ith H is V erses], except
w ith such of them as do w rong, and say [to them ]: "W e b elieve in that
w hich has b een revealed to us and revealed to you; our Ilaah [G od] and
y ou r Ilaah [G od] is O ne [i.e. A llaah ], and to H im w e have su b m itted [as
M uslim s].
[Sooratu l-'A nk aboot, 29:46]

J^ a Jl \~ ~ b Jju l* j lb Is d^ L^ = ls ll£ j Jjj>- JLS i^ Jls

T h ey said: "O N ooh [N oah]! You have d isp u ted w ith us and m uch have
you p rolon ged the dispute w ith us, now b rin g upon us w hat you threaten
us w ith, if you are of the tru th fu l."
[Soorah H ood, 11:32]


D ebates from the Sharee'ah

A llaah inform s us of the d ispute betw een Ibraaheem , 'alayhis-salaam , and

his people and M oosaa, 'alayhis-salaam , and Pharaoh. Likew ise, in the
Sunnah w e see the debate betw een A ad am and M oosaa. M any d ebates have
also been transm itted from the pious pred ecessors; all of them
praisew orthy d isp utes w hich all contained know led ge, p roper intention,
follow ing o f the Sunnah, and proper m annerism .


Prohibition of Sitting with the People of Desires

A hlus-Sunnah w al-]aam a'ah severely cau tion again st sitting w ith the people
o f desires and innovation. Sitting w ith them is in direct o pposition to the
com m and o f A llaah and is also a sign o f on e's love for them . Sitting
u ltim ately m eans su bm ission to their m isgu id an ce and follow ing them in
their falsehood.

C lassification of the Peop le of D esires

Ibn Taym iyyah, rahim ahullaah, said:

T he innovation that regard s a m an to be from the people o f desires

is that w hich has becom e k now n w ith the peop le o f k now led ge of
the Sunnah and deem ed to be in o pposition to the B ook and the
Sunnah, such as the innovation of the K haw aarij, Raafidhah,
Q adriyyah, and M u rji'ah,%

P erm issib ility of A void in g S itting w ith T h em

A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, says:

% F o r a q u ic k o v e rv ie w o f th ese g ro u p s, read A G lim p se at the D ev ia ted Sects b y D r. S a a lih Ibn

F aw zaan a l-F a w z a a n . S a la fi P u b lic a tio n s, 20 0 3 .


^13 J is^~ '- ^ * ‘ i| 0 y* ° ) ^ O id l1 1^13 ^

^ {^pj ( ji ^ J a J I I j j i -i*-; J b u ij ^>Ls ' \*-_ -~-11 v i-lll—'■'d

A n d w hen you [M uh am m ad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam )] see those

w ho engage in a false co n versation ab ou t O u r V erses [of the Q ur'an ] by
m ock ing at them , stay aw ay from them till they turn to an oth er topic.
A nd if Shaytaan [Satan] causes you to forget, then after the rem em b ran ce
sit not you in the com p any of those peop le w ho are the D haalim oon
Ipolytheists and w ron g -d o ers, etc.].
[Sooratu l-A n'aam , 6:68]

Ibn 'A bbaas, radhiyyallaahu ‘anhu, said: "T h is verse refers to any and every
in novator in the religion and every in n ovator until the D ay of
Ju d g em en t."97

Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree said: "In this verse is clear p roof o f the prohibition
from sitting w ith the people o f falsehood o f every kind —from the in n ovator
to the transgressor —w hen they en g age in their fa lseh o o d ."98

Ibn 'A bbaas, radhiyyallaahu 'anhu, also said: "D o not sit w ith the peop le of
desires for verily sitting w ith them is a sickness of the h e a rt."99

97 T afseer al-B ag h aw ee.

w J a a m i ul-B ayaan .

99 A sh -S h n ree’ah by a l-A a ju re e, pg. 65.


By the g race o f A llaah, this com p letes the book:

The C orrect C reed That E very M uslim M u st B elieve In

I ask A llaah, subhaanahu w a ta'aala, to m ake it solely and sincerely for H is

face and keep it in agreem ent w ith the Sunnah o f H is Prophet
M uham m ad (sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) and to allow the M uslim s to
ben efit from it.

M ay peace and prayers forever be u pon our P roph et M uham m ad

(sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ) and u pon h is pure fam ily, his noble
C om panions, and those that follow them precisely until the L ast Day!

W al H am dulillaahi R ab bil-’Aalameen\

Glossary of Important Arabic Words and Phrases

'A alim (pi. A learned Scholar.

'U lam aa)

A h lu s-Su n n ah T h e peop le of the Sunnah, those w ho follow the

w al-Jam aa'ah Su nnah o f the P rophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi w a sallam )
and cling to the m ain bod y o f the M uslim s.

'A q eed ah The principles and specific details o f b elief one

hold s in his heart.

Bayt al-M a'm o or The h ouse in Jannah w here the an gels con g reg ate to
w orship A llaah.

D a'w ah Invitation or call to A llaah.

D een R eligion.

F ataaw a R eligious virdicts.
(Sing. Fatw aa)

Fladeeth The sayings, actions, and ap provals accurately

(PI. A haadeth) narrated from the P roph et (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa
sallam ).

H adeeth Q udsee

H izbee

H aqq Truth.

I'tik aaf R em aining in the m osqu e for a long tim e (usually a

num ber of d ays d uring R am adan) w ith the
intention o f gaining nearness to A llaah.

Ijtihaad In d ep end en t reasoning by a scholar that lead s to a

ruling on an issue w here there is no clear text from
the Q u r'an or Sunnah.

Jab b ariyyah The sect that innovated the b elief that A llaah
com p els people to do good and evil deed s and that
they h ave n either the pow er n or the w ill to act.

Jah m iyyah T h ose w ho follow the ideas o f Jah m Ibn Safw aan

w ho propagated the b elief that A llaah 's N am es and
A ttributes are n ot real, so their apparen t m eanings
m ust be distorted and denied.

Jih aad To strive hard against o n e's inner self, or to defend

o n es's w ealth, property, freedom , and religion,
m aking A llaah 's w ord (that none is w orth of
w orsh ip excep t H im ) suprem e.

K halaf T hose w ho cam e after, the opposite of the S ala f

(those w ho opposed their m ethod ology).

K haw aarij A d eviant group w hich d eclares th at a M uslim

b ecom es a d isbeliever due to com m ittin g a m ajor
sin alone, and d eem it p erm issible to fight against
the M uslim rulers. T heir roots trace back to D hul-
K hu w aysirah, one w ho qu estioned the social
ju stice of the P rophet M uham m ad (sallallaahu
‘alayhi w a sallam ).

M inhaj M ethod ologies. T he m ethod ologies of the M uslim

(Sing. M anhaj) in the d erivation, u nd erstan d in g, and application
o f his religion

M u rji'ah A deviant sect that ascribes to Islam . They claim

that n either good d eeds n or sins affect a p erso n 's

M u'tazilah The follow ers o f 'A m r Ibn 'U bayd and W aasil Ibn
'Ataa, from their beliefs is that the Q u r'an is created
and the denial o f A llaah's A ttributes.

Q adriyyah The d eviant group w ho denied the devine decree

of Allaah.

R aafidhah An extrem ist Shee'ah sect that cu rses and reviles the
com p anions of A llaah's M essen ger (sallallaahu
'alayhi wa sallam ) and believ es that the Q u r'an is
incom plete. T h ey also believe that their Im aam s
h ave know led ge o f the u nseen and that 'A lee (m ay
A llaah be pleased w ith him ) has w ithin him
divinity. For m ore see Talbees Iblees by Ibnul-
Jaw zee.

Rabb Lord.

Salaf/Salafus- The R ighteou s P red ecessors; the first three

Saalih righteous generations o f M uslim s as w ell as those
w ho cam e after them and traversed their
M ethodology.

Salafee O ne w ho follow s the Q u r'a n and the Sunnah o f the

P rophet M uham m ad (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam )
upon the M ethod ology o f the Salafus-Saalih.

Sharee'ah The Islam ic legislation.

Shaykh (pi. An eld er or a religiou s scholar.


Shirk T he association o f partners w ith A llaah.

S h ee'ah A num ber o f d evian t sects that ascribe them selves

to Islam ; they prefer som e o f the com p anion s to
others in an u nlegislated w ay. Som e of them have
enm ity for som e o f the com p anions; oth ers curse
and revile them as a form of w orship.

Soofee (pi. O n e w ho follow s the d evian t creed o f at-T asaw iv u f

Soofiyyah) (soofism ). From their beliefs is W ahdatul-W oojud
(unity o f existence) i.e. that A llaah and H is creation
are one and the sam e. Som e o f them also believe in
al-H ulu l (incarnation), ie. that A llaah is incarnate
w ithin H is creation. For m ore details see
H aqeeqatu s-Soofiyyah fe e D aiv'il-Kitaab w as-Sunnah
by Shaykh M uham m ad Ibn R abee' Ibn H aadee al-
M adkhaalee.

Sunnah T he statem ents, actions and tacit ap provals of the

Prophet M u ham m ad (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam ).

T afseer C om m entary to the N oble Q ur'an .

T aab i'o o n T he generation after the com p anion s o f the P rophet

(sallallaahu 'alayhi w a sallam ).

U m m ah N ation.



A ctions ■XIX , 78, 87 E em aan ■XXVI, XXVII, 31, 81, 84, 86,
A llaah's A ttributes ■ 13 97
A nsaar, virtues o f - 104 etern al predeterm in ation ■71, 74
A postasy ■94 Evil, categories o f - 94
A sm aa' w a Sifaat ■11
attribu te o f hearin g ■ 15

B First P rin ciple ■ 11

B elie f in the A n gels ■31

beliefs ■ 130, 131 J
Books, nam es ■XIV, 32, 42, 44, 45, 47,
4 8 ,4 9 Jabbariyyah ■ 128
Jahm iyyah ■ 128
Jawaami'ul Kalam ■63
C om panions, virtues o f ■ 103 K

K haw aarij ■ 129

D kn ow ledge ■ 130

d aily predeterm in ation ■73

D escription o f the A n gels ■32, 34 M
D isbelief, categories o f ■94
D ivine P redestination ■69 M essen gers ■20, 25, 28, 32, 39, 42, 43,
44, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 59, 62, 63,
m essengers, nu m ber o f ■25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 31, 32, 35, 51, 54, 55, 62, 63, 68
m iracle ■5 0 R oobubiyyah ■2, 5, 8, 31
M uhaajiroon, virtues o f - 99, 100
M urji'ah ■ 129 -------------------------------------
M u 'tazilah ■ 130 $

Salafee ■130
o Seal ■58
Secon d P rinciple ■12
O ppression, categories o f ■94 sect ■128, 129, 130
Servant's D eeds ■76
Sharee'ah ■ 131
P Shee'ah -131
shirk ■3, 8, 20, 28, 29, 97
polytheists ■3, 4, 7, 8, 22, 27, 28, 35, Shirk, categories o f - 94
67, 85, 95, 96, 124 statem en ts -131
predeterm in ed lifespan ■72, 73 Sunnah ■ 127, 130, 131
P rin ciple ■ 13
P rophets ■32, 43, 44, 51, 54, 55, 58,
59, 62, 63, 112 T
prophets an d m essengers, nam es o f ■55
prophets, nu m ber o f - 34, 54, 55, 59, 63 T aabi'oon ■ 131
T aw heed ■XI, XII, XX, XXVI, 1 ,2 ,5 ,
1 1 ,1 7 , 1 9 ,2 5
Q T aw heed a l-llaahiyyah ■ 17
T aw heed ar-R ooboobiyyah ■ 1
Q adariyyah ■130 The B ridge ■69
Q adhaa' ■69 the coven an t ■72
Q adr ■XXVII, 69, 70, 71, 73 The Fountain ■68
The Intercession ■67, 68

R aafidah -1 3 0
R evelation, types o f - 46 w orship ■ 129, 131
R idw aan, allegian ce at ■ 105
R ighteous P redecessors ■ 130


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