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Project Title: "Assessment and Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Processes and

Abstract: This project aims to analyze and optimize wastewater treatment processes and
technologies to enhance efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and ensure water quality
compliance. By evaluating various treatment methods, such as physical, chemical, and biological
processes, this project aims to propose optimized strategies for wastewater treatment systems.
Objective: The primary objectives of this project are as follows:

1. Investigate and understand the different components and characteristics of wastewater.

Wastewater is comprised of liquid and solid waste that is discharged from
domestic residences, commercial properties, industrial plants, and agriculture
facilities or land. Wastewater contains a wide range of contaminants at various
concentrations. The most important physical characteristics of wastewater are
its temperature and its solids concentration.
2. Evaluate and compare various wastewater treatment processes and technologies.
Preliminary Treatment: This is the initial stage where large debris, such as rocks, sticks,
and trash, are removed from the wastewater through screening and grit removal
I. Primary Treatment: In this step, the wastewater flows into large settlement tanks called
primary clarifiers. Here, heavy solids settle to the bottom as sludge, while oils and
greases float to the surface and are skimmed off. The partially treated wastewater, known
as primary effluent, is then passed on to further treatment.
II. Secondary Treatment: This stage focuses on the removal of dissolved and suspended
organic matter. There are different secondary treatment processes, including:
a. Activated Sludge Process: The wastewater is mixed with a microbial culture
called activated sludge in an aeration tank. The microorganisms consume the
organic matter, converting it into biomass, carbon dioxide, and water. The
mixture is then passed to a secondary clarifier, where the sludge settles, and the
clarified effluent is separated.
b. Trickling Filters: Wastewater is distributed over a bed of rocks or plastic media,
providing a surface for a biofilm to develop. Microorganisms in the biofilm break
down the organic matter as the wastewater trickles through. The effluent then
goes through a secondary clarifier.
c. Rotating Biological Contactors (RBCs): These are rotating discs partially
submerged in wastewater. As they rotate, microorganisms grow on the disc
surface and degrade the organic matter. The treated wastewater is then separated
in a secondary clarifier.
3. Tertiary Treatment: This phase focuses on advanced treatment processes to further
improve the quality of the effluent. It may include:
a. Filtration: Water passes through filters, such as sand filters or membrane filters, to
remove remaining suspended solids and microorganisms.
b. Disinfection: Chemical disinfectants (e.g., chlorine, ozone) or physical methods
(e.g., ultraviolet light) are applied to kill or deactivate pathogens present in the
treated water.
c. Nutrient Removal: Additional processes, such as biological nutrient removal or
chemical precipitation, may be employed to reduce nutrients like nitrogen and
phosphorus, which can contribute to water pollution.
4. Sludge Treatment: The sludge collected during the primary and secondary treatment
processes undergoes further treatment. Common methods include anaerobic digestion,
aerobic digestion, and sludge dewatering techniques (e.g., centrifugation, belt press) to
reduce its volume and stabilize it for disposal or beneficial reuse.
3. Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of current wastewater treatment systems. Current
wastewater treatment systems can generally be considered efficient and effective in
achieving their primary goal of removing pollutants and protecting public health and the
environment. However, the efficiency and effectiveness can vary depending on several
1. Treatment Level: The effectiveness of wastewater treatment systems depends on the level of
treatment required by regulatory standards or desired for water reuse purposes. Advanced
treatment technologies, such as membrane filtration or advanced oxidation processes, can
provide higher levels of removal for contaminants like suspended solids, pathogens, nutrients,
and emerging contaminants. The effectiveness of treatment systems increases as they
incorporate these advanced technologies.
2. Infrastructure and Design: The design and infrastructure of treatment plants play a crucial role
in their efficiency and effectiveness. Properly designed and well-maintained treatment plants
can optimize treatment processes, minimize energy consumption, reduce chemical usage, and
enhance overall performance. Aging infrastructure or inadequate maintenance can lead to
decreased efficiency and potential operational challenges.
3. Operational Optimization: The efficiency of wastewater treatment systems can be improved
through operational optimization. This includes optimizing treatment parameters, such as
aeration, chemical dosing, and sludge management, based on real-time monitoring and control
systems. Continuous monitoring and adjustment of treatment processes can enhance efficiency,
reduce energy and chemical usage, and improve treatment performance.
4. Resource Recovery: Increasingly, wastewater treatment systems are being designed to not only
remove pollutants but also recover resources. For example, technologies like anaerobic
digestion can generate biogas from sludge, which can be used for energy production. Nutrient
recovery from wastewater, such as phosphorus or nitrogen, can be used as fertilizer. These
resource recovery approaches enhance the overall sustainability and efficiency of wastewater
treatment systems.
5. Emerging Contaminants: While conventional wastewater treatment systems are effective at
removing many pollutants, some emerging contaminants like pharmaceuticals, personal care
products, and microplastics may not be fully removed by existing processes. Research and
development efforts are ongoing to develop and implement technologies that target these
emerging contaminants more effectively.
6. Compliance and Monitoring: The effectiveness of wastewater treatment systems also relies on
adherence to regulatory standards and robust monitoring programs. Regular monitoring of
treated effluent quality ensures compliance with discharge limits and identifies any areas of
improvement required to maintain or enhance effectiveness.
7. Overall, current wastewater treatment systems have demonstrated efficiency and effectiveness
in treating wastewater to meet regulatory requirements and protect the environment.
However, continuous research, technological advancements, and operational optimization are
essential to address emerging challenges, improve treatment performance, and promote
resource recovery in a sustainable manner.
4. Identify areas for improvement and optimization in wastewater treatment processes.
There are several areas for improvement and optimization in wastewater treatment
1. Energy Efficiency: Wastewater treatment plants are energy-intensive facilities. Implementing
energy-efficient technologies and practices can significantly reduce energy consumption and
operational costs. This includes optimizing aeration systems, utilizing high-efficiency motors and
pumps, incorporating energy recovery systems, and exploring renewable energy sources such as
solar or biogas.
2. Process Optimization: Continuous process optimization can enhance treatment efficiency and
effectiveness. This involves optimizing operating parameters such as solids retention time,
hydraulic retention time, and sludge age. Advanced process control systems and real-time
monitoring can provide valuable data for optimizing treatment processes and adjusting
operations to meet changing conditions.
3. Nutrient Removal and Recovery: Many wastewater treatment plants face challenges in
effectively removing nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. Optimizing biological nutrient
removal processes, incorporating advanced nutrient removal technologies (such as membrane
bioreactors), and exploring innovative approaches for nutrient recovery can help address
nutrient pollution and promote resource sustainability.
4. Emerging Contaminants: As mentioned earlier, emerging contaminants like pharmaceuticals,
microplastics, and personal care products pose challenges to traditional treatment processes.
Research and development efforts should focus on improving removal efficiency for these
contaminants. Advanced oxidation processes, membrane filtration, and activated carbon
adsorption are among the technologies being explored for effective removal.
5. Water Reuse: Expanding water reuse practices can reduce the demand for freshwater resources.
Treatment processes can be optimized to produce high-quality reclaimed water suitable for
various non-potable uses like irrigation, industrial processes, and groundwater recharge.
Implementing appropriate treatment barriers, such as advanced filtration and disinfection,
ensures the safety and quality of reclaimed water.
6. Sludge Management: Efficient sludge management is essential for minimizing disposal costs and
maximizing resource recovery. Optimizing sludge treatment processes like anaerobic digestion
or thermal hydrolysis can enhance biogas production and increase energy generation. Advanced
sludge dewatering technologies can reduce the volume of sludge, making transportation and
disposal more cost-effective.
7. Innovation and Research: Continued investment in research and development is crucial to drive
innovation in wastewater treatment. This includes exploring emerging technologies, such as
membrane-based processes, electrochemical treatment, and biological treatment
enhancements. Research efforts should also focus on understanding the fate and behavior of
emerging contaminants and developing effective treatment strategies for their removal.
8. Resilience and Climate Adaptation: Wastewater treatment systems need to be resilient to
climate change impacts such as extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and changing rainfall
patterns. Incorporating climate adaptation measures, such as stormwater management
strategies and infrastructure upgrades, ensures the long-term effectiveness and sustainability of
treatment processes.
9. By focusing on these areas for improvement and optimization, wastewater treatment processes
can become more efficient, environmentally friendly, and resource-efficient, contributing to
overall sustainability in water management.
5. Proposing strategies to enhance the overall performance and sustainability of wastewater
treatment systems. To enhance the overall performance and sustainability of wastewater
treatment systems, the following strategies can be implemented:
1. Integrated Water Management: Adopt an integrated approach that considers the entire
water cycle. This involves promoting water conservation, source separation, and
decentralized treatment systems. Implementing measures like rainwater harvesting,
greywater reuse, and onsite treatment can reduce the burden on centralized treatment
plants and optimize resource usage.
2. Green Infrastructure: Incorporate green infrastructure practices in urban planning and
design. Features such as constructed wetlands, bioswales, permeable pavements, and
green roofs help manage stormwater runoff, improve water quality, and provide natural
treatment processes. Green infrastructure also enhances biodiversity, improves aesthetics,
and provides additional ecosystem services.
3. Decentralized Treatment Systems: Explore decentralized treatment systems, especially in
areas with limited infrastructure or where centralized systems are not cost-effective.
Technologies like package plants, constructed wetlands, and decentralized wastewater
systems can provide effective treatment closer to the point of generation, reducing
conveyance losses and improving efficiency.
4. Water-Energy Nexus: Promote the integration of water and energy management in
wastewater treatment. Implement energy-efficient technologies, renewable energy
sources, and energy recovery systems to minimize energy consumption and reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, consider utilizing the energy potential of biogas
produced during sludge treatment for on-site power generation.
5. Resource Recovery and Circular Economy: Emphasize resource recovery from
wastewater treatment processes. Explore opportunities to recover energy, nutrients, and
other valuable resources from wastewater and sludge. Implement technologies like
anaerobic digestion, thermal hydrolysis, and nutrient recovery systems to maximize
resource utilization and minimize waste generation.
6. Advanced Treatment Technologies: Continuously explore and adopt advanced treatment
technologies to improve the removal of emerging contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals
and microplastics. Technologies like membrane filtration, advanced oxidation processes,
and granular activated carbon can enhance treatment efficiency and ensure the production
of high-quality effluent.
7. Data Monitoring and Analytics: Implement real-time monitoring and data analytics
systems to optimize treatment processes. Advanced sensor technologies, data-driven
modeling, and machine learning algorithms can provide insights into process
performance, facilitate predictive maintenance, and optimize operational parameters for
increased efficiency.
8. Public Awareness and Education: Educate the public about the importance of wastewater
treatment, water conservation, and pollution prevention. Encourage responsible water
usage, proper disposal of chemicals, and the adoption of water-saving practices at home,
schools, and businesses. Public support and engagement are crucial for the long-term
sustainability of wastewater management.
9. Collaboration and Partnerships: Foster collaboration among stakeholders, including
government agencies, water utilities, industries, research institutions, and communities.
Collaborative efforts can facilitate knowledge sharing, innovation, and the
implementation of best practices in wastewater treatment. Public-private partnerships can
also leverage expertise and resources to drive sustainable solutions.
10. By implementing these strategies, wastewater treatment systems can achieve higher
performance, reduce environmental impacts, optimize resource utilization, and contribute
to a more sustainable water management approach.
1. Literature Review:
 Explore recent advancements, emerging technologies, and best practices in the
field. Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs): MBRs combine biological treatment with
membrane filtration, offering superior effluent quality and smaller footprint
compared to conventional activated sludge systems. MBRs have gained
popularity for their ability to remove solids, pathogens, and many contaminants
 Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs): AOPs involve the use of chemical reactions to
break down organic and inorganic pollutants in wastewater. Processes like ozonation,
UV/H2O2, and photocatalysis are effective in removing recalcitrant contaminants,
emerging pollutants, and microconstituents.
 Resource Recovery: The concept of resource recovery has gained traction in recent
years. Technologies like anaerobic digestion, which converts organic matter into biogas
for energy generation, and nutrient recovery processes, such as struvite crystallization
or biological phosphorus removal, enable the extraction of valuable resources from
 Membrane Filtration: Membrane filtration processes, such as microfiltration (MF),
ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), and reverse osmosis (RO), provide efficient
removal of suspended solids, microorganisms, and dissolved contaminants. They are
increasingly used for water reuse applications and the treatment of industrial
 Sensor Technologies and Process Control: Advances in sensor technologies, online
monitoring, and process control systems enable real-time monitoring and optimization
of treatment processes. These technologies provide valuable data on parameters like
dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, and nutrient levels, allowing for improved process
control and energy optimization.
 Hybrid Treatment Systems: Hybrid treatment systems combine different treatment
processes to leverage their respective advantages. For example, integrating biological
treatment with physical-chemical processes or combining membrane filtration with
advanced oxidation can enhance overall treatment efficiency and optimize contaminant
 Decentralized and Modular Systems: Decentralized treatment systems, such as
constructed wetlands, package plants, and decentralized wastewater systems, offer
localized treatment solutions suitable for small communities, rural areas, or industrial
sites. These systems minimize infrastructure requirements, reduce conveyance losses,
and provide flexibility in operation.
 Climate Resilience and Sustainability: Wastewater treatment systems are increasingly
designed with climate change resilience in mind. This includes considering rising sea
levels, extreme weather events, and changing precipitation patterns. Sustainable
practices like energy-efficient designs, renewable energy integration, and water reuse
contribute to the overall resilience and sustainability of treatment systems.
 Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence: Utilizing data analytics and artificial intelligence
(AI) techniques can optimize process performance, predictive maintenance, and energy
efficiency in wastewater treatment. AI-based models can analyze large datasets, predict
system behavior, and optimize operational parameters for improved efficiency.

2. Characterization of Wastewater:
 Analyze and characterize the composition, pollutants, and physical-chemical parameters
of the collected wastewater samples. Laboratory Selection: Choose a qualified laboratory
that specializes in wastewater analysis and has the necessary equipment and expertise to
perform the required tests. Ensure the laboratory follows standard methods and quality
control procedures.
 Sample Preparation: Prepare the wastewater samples for analysis according to the
specific testing requirements. This may involve filtration or centrifugation to remove
solids, dilution for proper concentration, or preservation of samples using appropriate
methods to maintain sample integrity.
 Physical Parameters: Measure physical parameters such as temperature, pH, turbidity,
color, and conductivity. These parameters provide insights into the overall characteristics
of the wastewater and can indicate potential issues or changes in quality.
 Chemical Parameters: Analyze chemical parameters, including nutrients (such as nitrogen
and phosphorus), organic matter (BOD, COD), heavy metals, volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), and specific pollutants of concern. Use appropriate testing methods such as
spectrophotometry, chromatography, or atomic absorption spectrometry.
 Microbiological Parameters: Assess microbiological parameters, including fecal
coliforms, total coliforms, and other indicator organisms to evaluate microbial
contamination and potential health risks. Microbiological testing typically involves
culturing methods or molecular techniques like polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
 Pollutant Identification: Identify and quantify specific pollutants of interest based on
regulatory requirements or project objectives. This may involve specialized analysis for
emerging contaminants, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, or other specific chemicals.
 Data Analysis and Interpretation: Once the analysis is complete, interpret the obtained
data by comparing the results to relevant regulatory standards, guidelines, or limits.
Evaluate the significance of the findings and assess the impact of the wastewater on the
receiving environment or treatment processes.
 Reporting: Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the analytical results, including
all parameters tested, concentrations, and any deviations from regulatory limits. Clearly
present the data and provide an interpretation of the findings. Include details of the
sampling location, date, and any preservation or preparation methods used.

3. Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Processes:
 Compare various treatment processes, including physical, chemical, and
biological methods. Chemical treatment
 —A process applied to water and wastewater in which chemical changes occur.
 Physical treatment
 —A process applied to water and wastewater in which no chemical changes occur.
 Physical–chemical treatment
 —A process applied to water and wastewater in which chemical changes may or may
not occur.
 Unit operations
 —Physical treatments that are identified only according to their functions without
particular reference to the location of the units utilizing the functions.
 Unit processes
 —Chemical (or biological) treatments that are identified only according to the functions
of the chemical (or biological) reactions, irrespective of where the units utilizing the
reactions are occurring.
 Wastewater
 —The spent water after homes, commercial establishments, industries, public
institutions, and similar entities have used their waters for various purposes

 Analyze the strengths, limitations, and applicability of each process in different
wastewater treatment scenarios.
4. Performance Assessment:
 Assess the performance of existing wastewater treatment plants or pilot-scale systems.
Effluent Quality: Assess the quality of the treated wastewater by analyzing key
parameters such as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand
(COD), total suspended solids (TSS), nutrient concentrations (nitrogen and phosphorus),
pH, and microbiological indicators. Compare the effluent quality with regulatory
standards or project-specific requirements.
 Removal Efficiency: Determine the removal efficiency of target pollutants or
contaminants by comparing influent and effluent concentrations. This includes assessing
the removal of organic matter, nutrients, heavy metals, pathogens, and other specific
contaminants of concern. Calculate removal rates or percentage removals for each
parameter of interest.
 Hydraulic Performance: Evaluate the hydraulic performance of the treatment system by
examining factors such as flow rates, hydraulic retention time (HRT), and residence time
distribution (RTD). Assess if the system is adequately designed to handle the expected
wastewater flow and if the flow distribution among different treatment units is balanced.
 Process Monitoring: Monitor and analyze key process parameters within the treatment
system. This may include measurements of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, temperature,
turbidity, sludge volume, and other relevant parameters. Assess if the system is operating
within optimal ranges for each parameter to ensure efficient treatment.
 Sludge Management: Evaluate the sludge management process, including sludge
thickening, dewatering, and disposal methods. Assess the effectiveness of sludge
treatment processes, such as anaerobic digestion or aerobic stabilization, in reducing
volume and stabilizing the sludge. Analyze the characteristics of the produced sludge,
including solids content, volatile solids, and nutrient content.
 Energy Efficiency: Assess the energy consumption of the treatment system, including
energy-intensive processes such as aeration, pumping, and sludge treatment. Evaluate
opportunities for energy optimization, such as implementing energy-efficient equipment,
optimizing process control strategies, and utilizing renewable energy sources.
 Operational and Maintenance Practices: Evaluate the effectiveness of operational and
maintenance practices in maintaining optimal system performance. Assess the frequency
and quality of maintenance activities, calibration of instruments, process control
strategies, and operator training. Identify any areas for improvement in operation and
maintenance procedures.
 Cost Analysis: Conduct a cost analysis to evaluate the overall operational costs of the
treatment plant, including energy costs, chemical costs, maintenance costs, and labor
costs. Assess the cost-effectiveness of the treatment processes and identify potential areas
for cost reduction or optimization.
 Compliance with Regulatory Standards: Ensure that the treatment plant or pilot-scale
system is compliant with local regulatory standards and permit requirements. Evaluate if
the system consistently meets the required effluent quality standards and other regulatory

 Evaluate key performance indicators (KPIs) such as removal efficiency, energy
consumption, sludge production, and cost. Removal Efficiency:
 Calculate the removal efficiency of specific pollutants or contaminants of
concern, such as BOD, COD, TSS, nitrogen, phosphorus, or specific chemicals.
Compare influent and effluent concentrations to determine the percentage
removal for each parameter.
 Assess the overall performance of the treatment system by considering the
average removal efficiency across multiple parameters.
 Energy Consumption:
 Quantify the energy consumption of the treatment plant, including electricity used
for processes such as aeration, pumping, mixing, and sludge treatment.
 Calculate energy consumption per unit of treated wastewater (e.g., kWh/m³) to
evaluate energy efficiency.
 Compare energy consumption with benchmark values or similar facilities to
identify areas for energy optimization and potential cost savings.
 Sludge Production and Management:
 Measure the quantity of sludge produced by the treatment system, including
primary sludge, secondary sludge, and excess activated sludge.
 Assess the sludge production rate per unit of influent flow or pollutant load to
evaluate the efficiency of solids removal processes.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of sludge management practices, including sludge
thickening, dewatering, and disposal methods.
 Consider the potential for sludge reuse or resource recovery to enhance
sustainability and minimize disposal costs.

5. Optimization Strategies:
 Identify areas for improvement in the existing wastewater treatment processes. Process
 Evaluate the overall process configuration and identify opportunities for
optimization or modification. This may involve changes in process sequencing,
hydraulic design, or the introduction of additional treatment steps to enhance
overall performance.
 Consider adopting advanced process control strategies, automation, and real-time
monitoring to improve operational efficiency, optimize chemical dosing, and
ensure optimal process performance.
 Advanced Treatment Technologies:
 Stay updated with emerging technologies and advancements in wastewater
treatment. Explore the potential benefits of incorporating technologies such as
membrane filtration (e.g., reverse osmosis, nanofiltration), advanced oxidation
processes, or specialized media for enhanced pollutant removal.
 Assess the feasibility of adopting innovative technologies, considering factors
such as treatment efficiency, cost-effectiveness, operational requirements, and the
specific wastewater characteristics.
 Data Management and Analytics:
 Implement effective data management systems to capture and analyze operational
data, process parameters, and performance indicators. Utilize data analytics tools
to identify trends, patterns, and potential areas for optimization or
 Consider implementing predictive modeling and real-time monitoring systems to
improve process control, identify anomalies, and enable proactive decision-
 Regulatory Compliance:
 Regularly review and ensure compliance with updated regulatory standards and
permit requirements. Stay informed about evolving regulations related to effluent
quality, nutrient removal, or emerging contaminants to proactively address
compliance issues.
 Staff Training and Knowledge Exchange:
 Invest in training programs and knowledge exchange initiatives for plant
operators and staff to enhance their skills and knowledge in wastewater treatment
processes. Continuous education and professional development help improve
operational efficiency and enable the adoption of best practices.

Deliverables: Wastewater treatment, also called sewage treatment, the removal of
impurities from wastewater, or sewage, before it reaches aquifers or natural bodies of
water such as rivers, lakes, estuaries, and oceans. Since pure water is not found in
nature (i.e., outside chemical laboratories), any distinction between clean water and
polluted water depends on the type and concentration of impurities found in the water
as well as on its intended use. In broad terms, water is said to be polluted when it
contains enough impurities to make it unfit for a particular use, such as drinking,
swimming, or fishing. Although water quality is affected by natural conditions, the word
pollution usually implies human activity as the source of contamination. Water
pollution, therefore, is caused primarily by the drainage of contaminated wastewater
into surface water or groundwater, and wastewater treatment is a major element of
water pollution control.

Historical background
Direct discharge of sewage
Many ancient cities had drainage systems, but they were primarily intended to carry
rainwater away from roofs and pavements. A notable example is the drainage system of
ancient Rome. It included many surface conduits that were connected to a large vaulted
channel called the Cloaca Maxima (“Great Sewer”), which carried drainage water to the
Tiber River. Built of stone and on a grand scale, the Cloaca Maxima is one of the oldest
existing monuments of Roman engineering.
There was little progress in urban drainage or sewerage during the Middle Ages. Privy
vaults and cesspools were used, but most wastes were simply dumped into gutters to be
flushed through the drains by floods. Toilets (water closets) were installed in houses in
the early 19th century, but they were usually connected to cesspools, not to sewers. In
densely populated areas, local conditions soon became intolerable because the cesspools
were seldom emptied and frequently overflowed. The threat to public health became
apparent. In England in the middle of the 19th century, outbreaks of cholera were traced
directly to well-water supplies contaminated with human waste from privy vaults and
cesspools. It soon became necessary for all water closets in the larger towns to be
connected directly to the storm sewers. This transferred sewage from the ground near
houses to nearby bodies of water. Thus, a new problem emerged: surface water

Developments in sewage treatment

It used to be said that “the solution to pollution is dilution.” When small amounts of
sewage are discharged into a flowing body of water, a natural process of stream self-
purification occurs. Densely populated communities generate such large quantities of
sewage, however, that dilution alone does not prevent pollution. This makes it necessary
to treat or purify wastewater to some degree before disposal.
The construction of centralized sewage treatment plants began in the late 19th and early
20th centuries, principally in the United Kingdom and the United States. Instead of
discharging sewage directly into a nearby body of water, it was first passed through a
combination of physical, biological, and chemical processes that removed some or most
of the pollutants. Also beginning in the 1900s, new sewage-collection systems were
designed to separate storm water from domestic wastewater, so that treatment plants
did not become overloaded during periods of wet weather.
After the middle of the 20th century, increasing public concern for environmental
quality led to broader and more stringent regulation of wastewater disposal practices.
Higher levels of treatment were required. For example, pretreatment of industrial
wastewater, with the aim of preventing toxic chemicals from interfering with the
biological processes used at sewage treatment plants, often became a necessity. In fact,
wastewater treatment technology advanced to the point where it became possible to
remove virtually all pollutants from sewage. This was so expensive, however, that such
high levels of treatment were not usually justified.

INFORMATION TAKEN BY:Wastewater treatment | Process, History, Importance, Systems, &

Technologies | Britannica

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