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Exercise program

Target Audience: Individuals seeking a balanced and efficient exercise program in

fewer days.

Exercise Program:

Day 1:

Combined Strength Training and Circuit (30-45 minutes): Perform exercises targeting
different muscle groups, such as push-ups, squats, weightlifting, or resistance bands.
Follow with a circuit of cardiovascular movements and muscle strengthening exercises
like jumps, planks, lunges, and burpees.

Day 2:

Cardio and Fun Dance Class (45 minutes): Participate in a high-intensity class
combining cardiovascular exercises like jumps, jumping jacks, or jogging in place with
fun dance movements and simple choreographies.

Day 3:

Yoga or Pilates (30-45 minutes): Engage in a session that includes stretches, breathing
exercises, core strengthening movements, and balance poses to improve flexibility,
strength, and relaxation.

Appropriate Location:

Utilize gym facilities suitable for each activity.


Adjust the schedule to your availability and preferences. Choose the time that fits your
daily routine for each activity. For example, do strength training and circuits in the
morning, cardio and dance classes in the afternoon, and yoga or pilates in the evening.
Allow enough time for proper warm-up and cool-down before and after each exercise

Jonathan Valdivieso

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