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A quantum information theoretic analysis of three flavor neutrino oscillations

Subhashish Banerjee,1, ∗ Ashutosh Kumar Alok,1, † R. Srikanth,2, ‡ and Beatrix C. Hiesmayr3, §

Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Jodhpur 342011, India
Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research, Sadashivnagar, Bengaluru 560080, India
University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Correlations exhibited by neutrino oscillations are studied via quantum information theoretic
quantities. We show that the strongest type of entanglement, genuine multipartite entanglement,
is persistent in the flavour changing states. We prove the existence of Bell type nonlocal features,
in both its absolute and genuine avatars. Finally, we show that a measure of nonclassicality, dissen-
sion, which is a generalization of quantum discord to the tripartite case, is nonzero for almost the
entire range of time in the evolution of an initial electron-neutrino. Via these quantum information
theoretic quantities capturing different aspects of quantum correlations, we elucidate the differences
between the flavour types, shedding light on the quantum-information theoretic aspects of the weak
arXiv:1508.03480v1 [hep-ph] 14 Aug 2015


PACS numbers:

I. INTRODUCTION mode system, to that of a three-qubit system [16, 17]. In

particular, it was shown that the neutrino oscillations are
related to the multi-mode entanglement of single-particle
The study of correlations in quantum systems has a
states which can be expressed in terms of flavor transi-
vast literature and draws its practical importance from
tion probabilities. Here we take the study of such foun-
potential applications to quantum technologies such as
dational issues further by characterizing three-flavor neu-
quantum cryptography and teleportation [1]. Recently,
trino oscillations by quantum correlations. This is non-
there has been a move towards extending these studies
trivial as quantum correlations in three-qubit systems are
to systems in the domain of particle physics [2–21]. Neu-
much more involved compared to their two-qubit coun-
trino is a particularly interesting candidate for such a
study. In nature, neutrinos are available in three flavors,
viz, the electron-neutrino νe , muon-neutrino νµ and tau- The present study of quantum correlations in three
neutrino ντ . Owing to their non-zero mass, they oscillate flavor neutrino oscillations can be broadly classified into
from one flavor to another. This has been confirmed by three categories:
a plethora of experiments, using both natural and “man-
made” neutrinos. • Entanglement: We study various types of the in-
Neutrino oscillations are fundamentally three flavor os- separability properties of the dynamics of neutrino
cillations. However, in some cases, it can be reduced oscillations via the von Neumann entropy and in
to effective two flavor oscillations [21]. These elemen- terms of a nonlinear witness of genuine multipartite
tary particles interact only via weak interactions, conse- entanglement introduced in Ref. [28].
quently the effect of decoherence, as compared to other
particles widely utilized for quantum information pro- • Genuine multipartite nonlocality: Nonlocality –
cessing, is small. Numerous experiments have revealed that is considered to be the strongest manifestation
interesting details of the physics of neutrinos [22–27]. of quantum correlations – is studied in both its ab-
This paper asks what type of quantum correlations is solute and genuine tripartite facets, characterized
persistent in the time evolution of an initial νe or νµ or by the Mermin inequalities [29] and Svetlichny in-
ντ . It presents a systematic study of the many-faceted equalities [30].
aspect of quantum correlations. Herewith, it contributes
to the understanding how Nature processes quantum in-
• Dissension: A tripartite generalization of quantum
formation in the regime of elementary particles and, in
discord which is a measure of nonclassicality of cor-
particular, which aspect of quantum information is rele-
relations [31].
vant in weak interaction processes.
Three-flavor neutrino oscillations can be studied by
The plan of the paper is as follows. In Sec. II, we pro-
mapping the state of the neutrino, treating it as a three-
vide a brief introduction to the phenomenology of neutri-
nos and introduce the three-flavour mode entangled state
which will be analysed using information theoretic tools.
∗ Electronic address:
The core of the paper is Sec. III, where we characterize
† Electronic address: three flavor neutrino oscillations in terms of various facets
‡ Electronic address: of quantum correlations. We then conclude by providing
§ Electronic address: an outlook.

II. THREE FLAVOUR NEUTRINO namely are in the ultrarelativistic regime, the flavor
OSCILLATIONS eigenstates are well defined in the context of quantum
mechanics [16]. In this approximation the survival prob-
The three flavours of neutrinos, νe , νµ and ντ , mix to abilities take the form
form three mass eigenstates ν1 , ν2 and ν3 :
2 2 2
∆m2kj c4 L
Pνα →να = 1−4 |Uαk | |Uαj | sin , (8)
4h̄c E
   
νe ν1 k>j
 νµ  = U  ν2  , (1)
ντ ν3 and the oscillation probabilities
Pνα →νβ =
where U is the 3×3 PMNS (Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa- !
2 4
Sakata) mixing matrix parameterized by three mixing X
∗ ∗
∆m kj c L
−4 Re{Uαk Uβk Uαj Uβj } sin2
angles (θ12 , θ23 and θ13 ) and a CP violating phase δ 4h̄c E
(C. . . charge conjugation, P . . . parity). Neglecting the !
2 4
CP violating phase (that has not been observed) the mix- X
∗ ∗
∆m kj c L
ing matrix can be written as +2 Im{Uαk Uβk Uαj Uβj } sin , (9)
2h̄c E
 
c12 c13 s12 c13 s13 where ∆m2kj = m2k − m2j . As in the neutrino oscilla-
U =  −s12 c23 − c12 s23 s13 c12 c23 − s12 s23 s13 s23 c13  , tion experiments, the known quantity is the distance L
s12 s23 − c12 c23 s13 −c12 s23 − s12 c23 s13 c23 c13 between the source and the detector and not the propa-
(2) gation time t, therefore the propagation time t is replaced
where cij and sij denote cos θij and sin θij , respectively. by the source and detector distance L in the above equa-
Therefore, each flavor state is given by a linear super- tion. This is a valid approximation as all detected neu-
position of the mass eigenstates, trinos in the oscillation experiments are ultrarelativistic.
X The allowed ranges of the six oscillation parameters,
|να i = Uαk |νk i , (3) three mixing angles and three mass squared differences,
k is obtained by a global fit to solar, atmospheric, reactor
where α = e, µ, τ ; k = 1, 2, 3. As the massive neutrino and accelerator neutrino data within the framework of
states |νk i are eigenstates of the Hamiltonian with energy three flavor neutrino oscillations. For normal ordering,
eigenvalues Ek , the time evolution of the mass eigenstates the best fit values of three flavor oscillation parameters
|ν i is given by are [32]

i θ12 = 33.48◦ , θ23 = 42.3◦ , θ13 = 8.50◦ , (10)

|νk (t)i = e− h̄ Ek t |νk i , (4)
∆m221 c4 ∆m231 (' ∆m232 )c4
where |νk i are the mass eigenstates at time t = 0. = 7.50 , = 2.457 . (11)
10 eV 2 10−3 eV2
Straightforwardly, the time evolution of flavor neutrino
states computes to Following Ref. [16] we introduce the occupation num-
ber of neutrinos by making the following correspondence:
|να (t)i = aαe (t) |νe i + aαµ (t) |νµ i + aατ (t) |ντ i , (5)
|νe i ≡ |1ie ⊗ |0iµ ⊗ |0iτ ≡ |100i ,
with |νµ i ≡ |0ie ⊗ |1iµ ⊗ |0iτ ≡ |010i ,
− h̄i Ek t
∗ |ντ i ≡ |0ie ⊗ |0iµ ⊗ |1iτ ≡ |001i . (12)
aαβ (t) = Uαk e Uβk . (6)
Consequently, we can view the time evolution of a flavor
For example, if an electron-neutrino is produced at eigenstate α = e, µ, τ as a three-qubit state, i.e.,
time t = 0 then its time evolution is given by |Ψ(t)iα = aαe (t) |100i + aαµ (t) |010i + aατ (t) |001i .
Therefore, flavor oscillations can be related to time vari-
|νe (t)i = aee (t) |νe i + aeµ (t) |νµ i + aeτ (t) |ντ i , (7)
ation of the tripartite entanglement of single particle
where states.
i i i
aee (t) = |Ue1 |2 e− h̄ E1 t + |Ue2 |2 e− h̄ E2 t + |Ue3 |2 e− h̄ E3 t ,
∗ − h̄ E1 t i
∗ − h̄ E2 t i
aeµ (t) = Ue1 Uµ1 e + Ue2 Uµ2 e + Ue3 Uµ3 e , THEORETIC PROPERTIES IN NEUTRINO
aeτ (t) = Ue1 Uτ∗1 e− h̄ E1 t + Ue2 Uτ∗2 e− h̄ E2 t + Ue3 Uτ∗3 e− h̄ E3 t .

If we assume that the detected neutrinos have an en- Separability or the lack of separability, i.e., entangle-
ergy of at least one MeV (the electron/positron mass), ment, is defined for a given state according to its possible

glement content can be computed by the entropy of the
subsystems since the full system is pure.
entropy[νe (t )] Considering the three possible partial traces of the
three-qubit state under investigation, we obtain a con-
probability (νe →νe )
0.5 cave function of the single-mode probabilities |aαβ (t)|2 ,
probability (νe →νμ ) i.e., with ρj := Trall but not subsystemj |Ψ(t)iα hΨ(t)|α
probability (νe →ντ )
Sflavour (|Ψ(t)iα ) = − ρj log ρj
π 3π 5π 7π
0 π 2π 3π 4π X
|aαβ (t)|2 log |aαβ (t)|2
2 2 2 2

= −
FIG. 1: Plot of the (normalized) flavor entropy (solid line, X
red) and the three probabilities (νe → νe (pink, dashed) (sur- − (1 − |aαβ (t)|2 ) log(1 − |aαβ (t)|2 ), (14)
vival probability, Eq. (8)), νe → νµ (lightblue, dashed), νe → β=e,µ,τ
ντ (lightgreen, dashed) (oscillation probabilities, Eq. (9)) for
an initial electron-neutrino state |Ψ(t = 0)ie = νe (0) as a which we call the flavor entropy. This function is plotted
function of the distance traveled per energy L/E. in Fig. 1 together with the survival probabilities νe → νe ,
Eq. (8), and the oscillation probabilities νe → νµ , νe →
ντ , Eq. (9).
Since the flavor entropy Sflavour (|Ψ(t)ie ) is nonzero for
factorization with respect to a given algebra [33]. The almost all time instances, the state is entangled. For this
separability problem is in general a NP-hard problem, and all the following plots, we use as units, the oscil-
and only necessary but not generally sufficient criteria lation period of an electron to a muon-neutrino. Since
exists to detect entanglement. For bipartite entangled there are tiny changes in the behaviour in one period
quantum systems it suffices to ask whether the state is due to the existence of the third flavour, we always plot
entangled or not. In the multi-partite case the problem two periods. When the amount of all three probabilities,
is more involved since there exist different hierarchies of both the survival as well as the oscillation probabilities,
separability (defined later). We have defined the alge- become nearly equal, the flavour entropy becomes maxi-
bra by introducing the occupation number of the three mal. Then the νµ and ντ oscillation probabilities become
flavours and our first goal is to understand the time evolu- greater than the survival probability of νe resulting in a
tion of neutrino oscillation in terms of tools for classifying decrease in the uncertainty of the total state followed by
and detecting different types of entanglement. an increase, when the probabilities get closer. Next, the
The next step would be to take potential measurement uncertainty in the total state drops again and the pattern
settings into account and analyse the different facets of gets repeated.
correlations in the dynamic of neutrinos. In particular, The entropy of all the three possible flavour entropies
we are interested whether there are correlations stronger are compared in Fig. 2 showing that for the muon- and
than those predicted by any classical theory. The cor- tau-neutrinos the entropy is non-zero for almost all time
relations are studied via two different approaches, one instances. Compared to the electron-neutrino evolution,
based on the dichotomy between predictions of quantum the flavor uncertainty of the other two flavours oscillates
theory and different hidden parameter theories, and the more rapidly and with higher amplitudes, reaching the
other one quantifies the various information contents via maximal value more often.
entropies. Let us now refine the picture by investigating the type
of entanglement in neutrino oscillations. A tripartite
pure state can be, for example written as
A. Study of the entanglement properties
|ψk=3 i = |φA i ⊗ |φB i ⊗ |φC i,
Entanglement measures quantify how much a quan- |ψk=2 i = |φA i ⊗ |φBC i, |φB i ⊗ |φAC i,
tum state ρ fails to be separable. Axiomatically, it must or |φAB i ⊗ |φC i,
be a nonnegative real function of a state which cannot |ψk=1 i = |ψiABC , (15)
increase under local operations and classical communi-
cation (LOCC), and is zero for separable states. An where k gives the number of partitions dubbed the k-
entropic function generally quantifies the average infor- separability. If k equals the number of involved states, in
mation gain by learning about the outcome obtained by our case k = 3, the joint state is called fully separable,
measuring a system. The von Neumann entropy, a quan- else it is partially separable. An important class of states
tum mechanical analogue of Shannon entropy, is defined are those that are not separable within any bi-partition,
by S(ρ) = −ρ log ρ and is zero for pure states and log(d) and are called genuinely multi-partite entangled. In gen-
for the totally mixed state, where d is system dimension, eral they allow for applications that outperform their
and the log function usually refers to base 2. The entan- classical counterparts, such as secret sharing [34, 35]. It

should be noted that since a k = 3-separable state is nec- a proper classification of different types of entanglement
essarily also k = 2-separable, k-separable states have a that for a relativistically boosted observer, which causes
nested-convex structure. a change of the observed state, but not of the expectation
Among the genuinely multi-partite entangled states, value, that it remains in a certain entanglement class. We
there are two subclasses known for three qubit states, will therefore investigate this Lorentz invariant criterion,
the GHZ- and W-type of states. In Ref. [28] a general though let us emphasise that we do not take any rela-
framework was introduced to detect and define different tivistic effects of a boosted observer into account in this
relevant multipartite entanglement subclasses and refined contribution.
in several follow ups. In particular it has been shown to
allow for a self-consistent classification also in a relativis- The necessary criterion for a tripartite qubit state with
tic framework [36]. Generally, one would expect from one excitation (“1”) to be bipartite reads

Q1Dicke (ρ)
= 2 |h001|ρ|010i| + 2 |h001|ρ|100i| + 2 |h010|ρ|100i| − h001|ρ|001i + h010|ρ|010i + h100|ρ|100i

p p p
+2 h000|ρ|000i · h011|ρ|011i + 2 h000|ρ|000i · h101|ρ|101i + 2 h000|ρ|000i · h110|ρ|110i ≤ 0. (16)

If this criterion is violated the state ρ has no bipartite de- B. Genuine multipartite nonlocality
compositions, i.e., it is genuinely multipartite entangled.
The positive terms are exactly the only non-zero off- We now ask the question whether in the course of the
diagonal terms of the W -state, |W i = √13 {|100i + |010i + flavor oscillations, Bell-type nonlocality is persistent, i.e.,
|001i}, with one excitation in the computational basis, there are correlations stronger than those predicted by
whereas the negative terms are only diagonal terms. Note any classical hidden variable theory. For that we inves-
that these negative terms are all zero for the W -state in tigate the Svetlichny inequalities [30] which are a suffi-
the given basis such that only this state obtains the max- cient criteria for proving genuine tripartite nonlocality.
imum value. In short, the idea is whether by measuring three observ-
ables A, B, C and obtaining the results a, b, c, the proba-
Obviously, this criterion depends on the basis repre- bility P (a, b, c) can be assumed to be factorizable as
sentation of the state ρ and has therefore to be opti- Z
mized over all local unitary operations. Indeed, taking P (a, b, c) = f(ab|λ) · h(c|λ) dω(λ) , (18)
the “flavour basis” as the computational basis, Eq. (13),
the unoptimized criterion becomes
where f, h are probabilities conditioned to the hidden
variable λ with the probability measure dω. The fac-
torization, here chosen between the partitions A, B ver-
2|aαe (t)aαµ (t)| + 2|aαe (t)aατ (t)| + 2|aαµ (t)aατ (t)| sus C, corresponds to Bell’s locality assumption in his
original derivation if considered for two systems. (The
− (|aαe (t)|2 + |aαµ (t)|2 + |aατ (t)|2 ) ≤0, (17)
| {z } requirement of a full factorization, i.e., the additional fac-
=1 torization f(ab|λ) = q(aλ)·r(bλ), which correspond to ab-
solute locality, is explored later by the inequalities (20)).
Then the necessary criteria for such a factorization of
the conditioned probabilities, qubit 1 and 2 versus 3, are
which is not violated for all times. Consequently, op-
given by
timization over all local unitaries has to be taken into
account for each time point and is plotted for an initial a
I12|3 (ρ) =
electron-, muon- and tau-neutrino in Fig. 3. We find that
the states at each time point are always genuine multi- T r ((ADC + AD0 C 0 + A0 D0 C − A0 DC 0 )ρ) ≤ 4 ,
partite entangled if at least two amplitudes of the state, I12|3 (ρ) =
Eq. (13), are non-zero, i.e., for almost all time instances. T r ((AD0 C + AD0 C 0 − A0 DC 0 − A0 D0 C 0 )ρ) ≤ 4(19)
The results depicted in Fig. 3 also prove that in the course
of the time evolution the genuine multipartite W state with D = B + B 0 and D0 = B − B 0 . Since we are
(all amplitudes equal to √13 ) is reached. Hence, Nature not interested in a particular hidden parameter model,
exploits the maximum genuine multipartite entanglement we also consider the two other bipartitions, namely 2|13
in the occupation number basis. and 3|12, and take the maximum over them. In Fig. 4

we have plotted the maximum of I a and I b , over all bi- correlations can be simulated by an ensemble where all
partitions, for the time evolution of an initial electron-, three subsystems are correlated to each other for all time
muon- and tau-neutrino. In addition, each data point instances is not possible. In contrast, correlations sim-
corresponds to the maximum of the optimization over ulated by a hybrid nonlocal-local ensemble, captured by
all possible observables A, B, C. In the case of an initial inequalities (19), may exist for time instances close to the
electron-neutrino we find regions in the time evolution separable state, however, only for the electron-neutrino
when the criterion does not detect genuine tripartite non- dynamics.
locality, whereas for the two other neutrino flavours we To sum up, except for small time regions neutrino oscil-
observe a stronger oscillating behaviour. Summing up, lations exhibit all the strong correlations, entanglement
whereas genuine nonlocal correlation is largely present in and Bell-type nonlocality, that are considered to give an
the time evolution, there are specific time regions when advantage to quantum theory over classical theories for
it vanishes. a number of information processing tasks. For complete-
Requiring that for all three measurements a hidden ness, in the next section we investigate the behavior of a
parameter model should exist can be revealed by the fol- measure of nonclassicality weaker than entanglement.
lowing set of inequalities [29]

M a (ρ) = T r ((ADC + AD0 C)ρ) ≤ 2 ,

M b (ρ) = T r ((A0 D0 C − A0 DC 0 )ρ) ≤ 2 , (20)
C. Dissension-a measure of nonclassicality
which are connected to the Svetlichny inequality by
I12|3 = M a + M b (see Refs. [30, 37]). These are the Classical mutual information, quantifying the informa-
Mermin inequalities and their violation is an indicator tion between two random variables A and B, can be
of absolute nonlocality. Again we are interested in find- defined
P by I(A:B) = H(A) − H(A|B), where H(A) =
ing a contradiction to any hidden parameter model, thus − i pi log pi is the Shannon entropy of the probabilities
we consider all bipartitions and take the maximum. The p of the outcomes of A and H(A|B) := H(A) − H(A, B)
results are plotted in Fig. 5 (including an optimization represents the classical conditional entropy and H(A, B)
over all four arbitrary operators A, D, C, D0 ). For all is the joint entropy of the pair of random variables (A, B)
times (except when the state is separable) the two in- (see, e.g., Ref. [1]). Mutual information can be general-
equalities are violated when optimized over all measure- ized for three random variables A, B, C by any of the
ment settings. This shows that assuming that the mode following three equivalent expressions [38]

I1 (A:B:C) = H(A, B) − H(B|A) − H(A|B) − H(A|C) − H(B|C) + H(A, B|C),

I2 (A:B:C) = H(A) + H(B) + H(C) − H(A, B) − H(A, C) − H(B, C) + H(A, B, C),
I3 (A:B:C) = H(A) + H(B) + H(C) − H(A, B) − H(A, C) + H(A|B, C) . (21)

While the second of these expressions suggests a straight- where Ji are the quantum analogs of classical tripartite
forward quantum generalization, by replacing the Shan- mutual information Ii , Eq. (21), namely
non entropy by the corresponding von Neumann entropy
S(ρ) ≡ −Tr(ρ log ρ), the first and third expressions lead J1 (A:B:C) = S(A, B) − S(B|ΠA ) − S(A|ΠB ) − S(A|ΠC )
to complications since the average conditioned entropy − S(B|ΠC ) + S(A, B|ΠC ),
depends on the basis chosen and on the choice of the ran- J2 (A:B:C) = S(A) + S(B) + S(C)
dom variables A, B, C. Let us point out that in strong
− S(A, B) − S(A, C) − S(B, C) + S(A, B, C),
contrast to the bipartite mutual information the tripar-
tite mutual information may also be negative. This is J3 (A:B:C) = S(A) + S(B) + S(C) − S(A, B) − S(A, C)
the case if for instance knowing the random variable C + S(A|ΠB,C ) . (23)
enhances the correlation between A and B. Following
Here S(A|ΠB ) = k pk S(ρA|ΠB
the concept of quantum discord [39, 40], which quantifies k
) with
nonclassical correlations, in Ref. [31] two measures for B B B
= (Π ρ Π
k AB k )/p k and pk ≡ Tr(Πk ρAB ) is the
nonclassicality, called dissension, were introduced: probability that outcome k is obtained. It is assumed
that the basis of ΠB
k is chosen such as to minimize the
uncertainty. A given state is denoted to be nonclassical
D1 (A:B:C) = J1 (A:B:C) − J2 (A:B:C), for any departure of D1 or D2 from 0. Here D1 and D2
D2 (A:B:C) = J3 (A:B:C) − J2 (A:B:C) , (22) deviations from zero can be associated to nonclassicality

2.75 2.75 2.75

2.5 2.5 2.5
2.25 2.25 2.25
2 2 2
1.75 1.75 1.75
1.5 1.5 1.5
1.25 1.25 1.25
1 1 1
0.75 0.75 0.75
0.5 0.5 0.5
0.25 0.25 0.25
~L/E ~L/E ~L/E
π 3π 5π 7π 9π π 3π 5π 7π 9π π 3π 5π 7π 9π

(a) 2
π 2
2π 2
3π 2
4π 2 (b) 2
π 2
2π 2
3π 2
4π 2 (c) 2
π 2
2π 2
3π 2
4π 2

FIG. 2: Plot the (not-normalized) flavour entropy Sflavor , Eq. (14), for the three initial flavour states (a) νe , (b) νµ , (c)ντ in
terms of the distance traveled per energy L/E in units of the oscillation period of the two lightest neutrinos. The horizontal
(dotted) line corresponds to the value of the W -state.

1 1 1

0.75 0.75 0.75

0.5 0.5 0.5

0.25 0.25 0.25

~L/E ~L/E ~L/E

π 3π 5π 7π 9π π 3π 5π 7π 9π π 3π 5π 7π 9π

(a) 2
π 2
2π 2
3π 2
4π 2 (b) 2
π 2
2π 2
3π 2
4π 2 (c) 2
π 2
2π 2
3π 2
4π 2

FIG. 3: Plot of the criterion Q1Dicke detecting genuine multipartite entanglement, Eq. (16), optimized over local unities for the
three initial flavour states (a) νe , (b) νµ , (c)ντ with respect to the distance traveled per energy L/E in units of the oscillation
period of the two lightest neutrinos (300 data points). The criterion detects genuine multipartite entanglement if greater than
zero and is maximal (= 1) only for the W -state.

4.35 4.35

4.3 4.3
4.25 4.25
4.2 4.2
4.15 4.15
4.1 4.1

4 4 4.05

~L/E ~L/E 4.00

π 3π 5π 7π 9π π 3π 5π 7π 9π

(a) 0 2
π 2
2π 2
3π 2
4π 2 (b) 0 2
π 2
2π 2
3π 2
4π 2 (c) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

FIG. 4: Plot of the Svetlichny criteria detecting genuine multipartite nonlocality, Eq. (19), optimized over possible bipartitions
and optimized over all six different observables for the three initial flavour states (a) νe , (b) νµ , (c)ντ as a function of the
distance traveled per energy L/E in units of the oscillation period of the two lightest neutrinos (300 data points). The criterion
detects genuine multipartite nonlocality if the value is above 4.

3 3 3

2.5 2.5 2.5

2 2 2

~L/E ~L/E ~L/E

π 3π 5π 7π 9π π 3π 5π 7π 9π π 3π 5π 7π 9π

(a) 0 2
π 2
2π 2
3π 2
4π 2 (b) 0 2
π 2
2π 2
3π 2
4π 2 (c) 0 2
π 2
2π 2
3π 2
4π 2

FIG. 5: Plot of the maximum of M a and M b , Eq. (20), optimized over all involved operators for the three initial flavour states
(a) νe , (b) νµ , (c) ντ in terms of the distance traveled per energy L/E in units of the oscillation period of the two lightest
neutrinos (300 data points). The criterion is above two if and only if no hidden variable model exists.

accessed by only one-mode or two-mode measurements, IV. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK

We find that J2 is always zero, since S(A, B, C) is To sum up, we have computed several information the-
zero because the total state is pure and since S(A) = oretic quantities detecting and classifying correlations for
S(B, C), S(B) = S(A, C), S(C) = S(A, B), this being the time evolution of an initial electron-, muon- or tau-
a particularity of the W class of states. Furthermore, neutrino. We find that for almost all time instances the
any permutation of the entropy S(A|ΠB,C ) = 0 is zero, neutrino states exhibit genuine quantum features.
since any projection onto the two-mode subspace gives a We have analysed in detail the dynamics of initial neu-
pure state which has zero uncertainty. Consequently, the trino states via various types of entanglement properties,
relevant measures reduce in our case to correlations that cannot be simulated by realistic hidden
 variable theories and non-classical correlations revealed
D1 (Ψα ) =
by mutual information measures. In particular, dissen-
S(e, µ) − S(e, Πµ ) − S(e, Πτ ) − S(µ, Πe ) − S(µ, Πτ ), sion turned out to be larger than that for the perfect
S(e, τ ) − S(e, Πµ ) − S(e, Πτ ) − S(τ, Πe ) − S(τ, Πµ ), W -state (Dicke state), for some time values, in strong
S(µ, τ ) − S(µ, Πe ) − S(µ, Πτ ) − S(τ, Πe ) − S(τ, Πµ ) ,
contrast to the measures not involving measurements,
 i.e., the flavor entropy and the criterion detecting gen-
D2 (Ψα ) = S(e), S(µ), S(τ ) . (24) uine multipartite entanglement. What physical signifi-
cance this carries, if any, remains to be seen.
Here the three terms in the bracket of D1 refer to the
Qualitatively, there are differences between an initial
single electron-neutrino, single muon-neutrino and sin-
electron-neutrino and the other two neutrinos, i.e., with
gle tau-neutrino mode measurements, respectively. The
the former showing less nonclassical features when com-
three terms in the bracket of D2 refer to joint bipar-
pared to its heavier counterparts, a point that may merit
tite measurements in the muon-tau, electron-tau, muon-
further scrutiny. In any case, we can conclude that foun-
electron mode subspace, respectively (which are mini-
dational issues are more prominent in accelerator exper-
mized to zero).
iments (mainly producing muon-neutrinos) than in reac-
In Fig. 6 we plot the dissensions D1 , D2 minimized
tor experiments (mainly producing electron-neutrinos).
over all projective measurements for the time evolution
The weak force, being one of the four known funda-
of an initial electron-neutrino. The first notable point
mental forces in Nature, dominant in the flavour chang-
is that both measures are very sensitive to whether the
ing process of neutrinos, reveals strong genuine quantum
nonclassicality is accessed by single or bipartite mea-
features such as also shown for weakly decaying spinless
surements and both measures are non-zero for almost
K-mesons [41] or for the weakly decaying half integer
all times. Interestingly, we find that for both measures
spin hyperons [42]. The next step would be to under-
min D1 , min D2 and all measurement types there are time
stand how and whether Nature takes advantage of these
regions for which the value exceeds the corresponding
strong quantum correlations for information processing
value for the W -state, which has (min D1 , min D2 ) =
in a natural setting.
(−1.738, 0.918). For single measurements dissension D1
is still considerably smaller than the values for the GHZ
state (min D1 = −3), in contrast to D2 where min D2 =
1. Moreover, a strong “twin-humped” pattern of D2 in Acknowledgments
the time evolution is found for joint measurements in the
subspace of the two heavier neutrinos showing the exis- B.C. gratefully thanks the Austrian Science Fund
tence of the third neutrino flavour (τ ). (FWF-26783).

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