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THE AUSTIN REGISTER AUSTIN CHAPTER American Society of Heating & Air Conditioning Engineers Austin, Texas OFFICERS - President John Watt = Vice President Bob Barnhart - Secretary Frank Gerling - Treasurer Jim Rea BOARD OF GOVERNORS Perry Sisler Bill Luedecke AC. Lagow - Past President JANUARY AUSTIN, TEXAS VOL. 3, No. 6 JANUARY MEETING PLACE JANUARY MEETING ‘The January meeting will be at the Westwood Country Club, 3808 West 35th Street, Westwood offers us a fine menu, served in the Rock Room, ‘The menu will be announced later, JANUARY PROGRAM Pro, Wayne E, Long, a charter member of the Austin Chapter will be our speaker this month, He is graduate of Texas AGM College, and is a professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Universiiy of Texas, He has spent the lat 6 years art guest Professor at Chulalongkom University im Banghok, surviv- ing 2 small Siamese polities] revolutions, He inaugurated the State Dept, of Technics! Education Program ‘im Chulalongkom University and has supervised ft for the last 2 years. His subject will be Air Conditioning and Politics in Southeast Asia, This will be an interesting talk, 50 plan to attend, SPECIAL EVENTS CHAIRMAN REPORT'S Bill Milstead reported 38 couples attended our Holiday Dance at Westwood Country Club, Bill sald that he and his com- mittee had certainly enjoyed planning and presenting this dance, ‘The editor (speaking from experience), in behalf of the entire chapter would like to take this opportunity to than Bil, Jim Purdy, Joe Hall, Francis Pennimann and their wives for their work,’ Ik will be a real task for the succeeding committee to Jpaintatn the ever-improving mandards set by thir and previous ‘TREASURER'S REPORT Frank Gerling sald the Chapter is a litle in the black, The ‘meal prices have been advanced to $2,00 in ordes to help the Chapter become more solvent, Chapter dues were due Jime 30th, and some members zemain unpaid, NOTES FROM THE PRESIDENT 1958 is now past history and so is our holiday dance back in the latter part of November, It has certainly past but this has been our first opportunity to comment on its success, ‘The committee headed by Bill Milstesd and including Jim Purdy, Joe Hall, and Francis Penniman and others who helped certainly did a bang up job. These dances seem to get better and better as time goes along.’ It it certataly making it dif ficult for future dance planners to match up to the wonderful successes of our past social events, Those of you who were lmable to attend for one reason of the other were missed very ‘much and may I say that you missed a very excellent occasion, My whole hearty congratulations to all the people who are responsible for this fine event? ‘As a0 ofthe members probably low at tis time, the ress ofthe voting nA, ScHL A” AvSeRCE, merge war se Gears The tn Societies wl mesg andthe combined SetietywilbeWaora atthe Amesicen Sees ening, Retigenting and Alc Conditioning EgiesrHesdguaten Ethrcime wil sil bea New Yor, omeves, many de Sus be woiked out, Our vegas National Mestng it Filndlghiaonfanary 2358 ef ester wi pete as . oilginy shaded and thts wl be ery sal changes Sn progam tht has bees ined fr many monte A Join ateeing is beng held of Regionl Dice ofboth Thundey, January 15, 1959 PLACE: Rock Room of Westwood Country Club 3808 West 35th Streot TIME: 6:30 - Social Time 7:00 - Dinner, $2.00 per person 7245 - Chapter Business & Amowncements Societies in Philadelphia on January 25th and it will be about February Ist before completion of the final items of the merger Ean be made, Of course, now that ail memberr have vored= affirmatively for this move, Tegal action must be taken by the State of New York, however, no trouble ts anticipated there. If any of our members here in Austin know of any of the A. S.R.E people who before have been members of either Houton, San Antonio, Fe Worth, or Dallas Chapters of A.S.R.E., pleste invite them to our Chapter Meeting on Janvany 1Sth'here in Austin, They are now part of our Chapter and we certainly ‘want t® make them feel ar home, At the November meeting of your Board of Govemors, a new ‘delegate and altemate delegate of your Chapeer was selected to serve from January 1, 1959 to December 51, 1959. Thove appointed were Mr. Atwel Lagow, Delegate; Mr. Bill Luedecke, Altemate Delegate, a : ‘This was a repeat as far as Atwel Lagow is concemed and also Bill Lucdecke as Altemate Delegate. ‘The purpose behind this repeat of couse is not to send the same people each time but Wwe are tying to gain recognition in our Public Education Pro ‘gram of which Mr, Lagow is chairman of that committee withla Our Chapter. Mr. Lagow is also a member of the National Public Relations Committee and it was felt that for the coming year he could do a great deal within our Region in putting ou Chapter name at the front and also promoting our long range pice of out Fue Blcation Program, wat felt that ou, Chapter would be highly represented by thete two men consides- Ing thelr keen interes i thie Public Blucation Program and in out Chapter here in Austin, NOVEMBER MINUTES ‘The meeting was called to order by the President, Jim Rea at P.M, The minutes were approved as read, Jim Rea said our meetings could not be held at the Elke Club a5 we had planned because of exorbitant charges forthe meeting place, Special Events Committee Charman, Bill Milstead, reported fon the progress of the November Dance. We have 3 fine ment, good muste, drinks and other enterainment but we are i need of more ticket sales, Board of Govemors Meeting Report by Jim Rea - Jim Middleton has been appointed to replace Bob Reete as House Commitzee Chairman. Les Ward has been appointed to replace T. A, Brown as Membership Chairman, Extra Ballots ate available for those who have not already voted on the merger. The Report about a meeting place was made by Jim Purdy. He had talked to the Westwood Country Club abow our having our meetings there, and they would be happy to have us, Jim would talk to them further about this If the membership desired. WM. H. LUEDECKE: P.0, BOX 5936 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78763 figgested we Weigh the merits of the Elks Clu and Westwood inorder to Improve our standing etc., and let the Board of Govemors make the decision, He also ssid Westwood offers a "Buffet" style of serving. The Attendance and Reception Committee along with Jims Purdy will make futher inguirler at Westwood, i Bi Lyedecke recommended wi. purine hi father, B. Seg ‘The Public Relations Committee Report was made by Jim Purdy. Asa member of the Committee, he would like to et the Committee active as far as our "School Report on ‘Air-Conditioning of Schools", especlally since a ten month, School session is being proposed, » Many manufacturers have Iterature available that would help us bring the importance of air conditioning the schools to the public. The Public Re- Iations Committes will meet next weeks. ‘The program followed and the meeting adjoumed at 9:15 P.M. NOVEMBER PROGRAM Mr. Watt introduced the speaker, Bill Dickson, the Commercial Manager for the Dallas Branch of Minneapolls-Honeywell Economics of Electrostatic Filters, Mr, Dickson presented an {interesting talk and color slides on Electrostatic Air Filters used in conjunction with aetiviated charcoal, Booklets were dist buted, [NEW MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Les Ward will replace T. A, Brown (who now lives in Dallas) 4s Chairman of the Membership Committee, He will be ‘aided by Bill Winn and Don Schuett, We can expect great {dings from this grou, but they will need the help and coopera. tion of all the members, NEW ATTENDANCE & RECEPTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Jim Middleton will replace Bob Reese (who has moved to San ‘Antonio) as chairman of the Attendance and Reception Com- ‘mittee, Jimmy has an experienced and hard workdng commit- ee to work with and we can be assured that this committee will function as efficiently and effectively in the future as it id in the past under the expert guidance of Bab Reese, CONGRATULATIONS This Secretary received notification from National Headquarters on the acceptance of the following new members George Best, James Hleam, C.-C, Puyeas, Re E Schinide, and B Weights We've thought of them 2s members for a long time and now ies officials PERSONALS, ‘Our heartfelt sympathies go out to Maxine and Perry Sisler én the loss of their baby. ‘As most of you imow Weir Smith is laid up at Brackenridge Hospital with Polio. We phoned expecting to give words of AND GOOD LUCK 'te this wonderful warm hearted girl, ‘What ASHE member (an Engineer, at that) forgot to drain his condenser before the last freeze? HOLIDAY TRIPS ‘Anne and Jim Res left on 2 trip to California, As of this pub- eation they are still there and we hope they are "Having 2 Ball", Barbara and Atwell went to Dallas for a few days Band Mimi Segall to Salt Lake City and Gwen and Bill Fairchild to Dallas to viskt T, A. and Audrey Brown in thelr new home. “Audrey and T, A. sent on invitation to visit them in "Big D". ‘THE AUSTIN REGISTER 5810 Link ‘Austin, Texas cheer and instead we received them. ADMIRATION, BOUQUETS (GLIMPSES OF THE HOLIDAY DANCE Much to the chagrin of Bobby Bamhart, T. A. Brown won a prize while dancing with Cindy, Where were you Bob? Some of the ladies seen in the lates fathion (trapeze, balloon, chemise, cte,) were: Pat Waren, Barbara Lagow, Jackie Milsead, Pat Gerling and Georgia Heam, Helen James had 2 "bubble" hair syle. Jimmy James was the only man there with nerve enough to ask Miss Texas to dance, Miss Texas, better Inown as Carolyn Calves, was our singer for the evening, ASHE LEAGUE ‘At the next meeting of the ASHE League, Mary Nell Garrison will present a Book Review of "Please Don't Eat the Daisys''. ‘This will be very interesting; bring a gues. slong to enjoy it and mark your calendars, February 4th, 630P.M., at the Engineert Club. At this meeting we will put the names of the member! children into a hat to draw for participants in the Fashion Show. You all want to be sure and pu your names in #0 come on out to the meeting Heres an item about politics, but we dow't vouch for its accuracy. It is tuppoted to have happened a few months before this election. A group of Congressmen were conferting, Said one: "Welve jt 2 $120, 000, 000, 00 appropriation to spend which will Bet each of us thousands of votes," “tive got an idea," chimed in one of them, "on how to spend it. How about building a bridge over the Mississippi iver, lengthwise?" It's said that no man will take advice, but every man will, take money; therefore, money is better than advice, Also, thore are few wild beasts more dresded than a talking ‘man having nothing to say. juice: Did you ever notice how things sort of even up? For every woman thet makes a fool out of a man there seems to be one that makes «man cut of a fool Here's another one - "Ve gedt too soon olat, und to late sehmart,"" MAIL SERVICE -— W. H. Lucdecke 1007 W. 34th St. Austin, Texas 5

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