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Glow or Neon Effect

1. Create new file with 72 PPI and white background. Type the text using black color with thin

2. Layer > Flatten Image

3. Image > Adjust > Invert

5. Filter > Blur > Guassian blur (Radius 2.0)

6. Filter > Stylize > Solarize

7. Image > Adjust > Auto Levels

8. Image > Adjust > Hue Saturation

Click Colorize

Drag the Saturation slider to 100

Gel Text
Concept: The lesson is designed using Adobe Photoshop. We have used selections, different
combination of image editing tools and filters for most of the effects. Photoshop comes up with
lots of the options and scope for experiment is much more than you can imagine. We wish to
encourage you to use different options and tools to get better output. The lessons and techniques
described need to be followed as a guideline to achieve the effect.

1. Create new file with white background.

2. Click Channel Tab and create New Channel. The file will become black.

3. Select the Text tool and type the text. Deselect it with CRTL+D. We have selected a script
font to make is more real.

4. Select paintbrush with hard edge and create some drops to add more spice or keep as it is.
5. Filter > Sketch > Plaster

Image Balance: 25
Smoothness: 2
Light Direction: Right

6. Channel palette will look like this.

7. Select RGB Channel. Click Layer Tab and Select the Background layer.

8. Select > Load Selection > Alpha1

9. Select any desired color for foreground

10. Press Alt + Del once to fill foreground color into selection

11. You can press Alt + Del once more to concentrate the fill to get proper gel effect.

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