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Exercise 3

1. Sporadically : Occasionally or at regular intervals.

2. Recent : Having happened, began, or been done not long ago or not long before.
3. Devoted to : Given over to display, study, or discussion of.
4. Ample : Enough or more than enough.
5. Influence : The capacity to have an effect on the development or behavior of
someone or the effect itself.
6. Evidence : Signs or indications of something.
7. Far-off days : Long time ago.
8. Appear : Come into sight; become visible or noticeable.
9. Revolt : Rise in rebellion.
10. Expose : Make something visible by uncovering it.

Exercise 5
1. The speaker could be in railway station.
2. The speaker could be in Westminster, London.
3. The speaker could be in press conference.
4. The speaker could be in Spanish.
5. The speaker could be in TV Station.
6. The speaker could be in French.
7. The speaker could be in Egypt.
8. The speaker could be in Moscow.

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