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Generic Name: DimenhyDRINATE Trade name: Gravol

Pharmacologic Class: Antiemetic, antihistamine Usual dose:

PO/IM/IV: 50-100 mg q4-6hr PRN (not > 400mg/day)
Action (What does it do? How long does it take to work?): Uses for this medication: to prevent motion sickness or
Prevent vertigo, nausea, and vomiting by blocking the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and dizziness
release of histamine H1 receptors in the inner ear, as well
as those related to the neurons that connect the inner ear to
the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ)
Onset PO/IM: 15-30 min, IV: immediate
Duration: 3-6 hr
Common side effects: Drowsiness, dry mouth/nose/throat, constipation, blurred vision, hyperexcitability (especially in
children), sedation

Clinical Judgment
Pre-administration assessment: What should the nurse assess before administering the medication?
- Vitals – pulse, BP
- Assess presence of N/V, bowel sounds, abdominal pain/distension
- LOC – dizziness and drowsiness, gait/balance problems? (falls risk)
- I/O, including emesis - assess for fluid balance & signs of dehydration
- Caution with older adult clients with hyperthyroidism, CV disease, hepatic disease, pyloric obstruction, prostatic
hypertrophy, glaucoma
- HOLD if RR <12
- On any anticoagulants? Assess Plt if IM injection

How will the nurse know if it is appropriate to administer?

- Presence of N/V, no medication contraindications, within safe dosage range, no hepatic impairment, no drug

Post- administration assessment: What should the nurse assess after administering the medication? How will you know if
the medication is effective?
- Improvements in symptoms (N/V, dizziness, vertigo)
- Integumentary assessment (for hypersensitivity) – pruritis, rhinitis, hives
- LOC – dizziness and drowsiness, gait/balance problems (falls risk)
- Watch for increased signs of hyperexcitability in children
- Assess BP periodically

Nursing considerations:
- Supervise ambulation and implement fall prevention strategies (esp. elderly – falls risk)
- Inform client that this medication may cause dry mouth: frequent oral rinses, good oral hygiene, suck sugarless
gum or candy, sips of water
- Advise pt about risk of daytime drowsiness and decreased attention/mental focus
- May increase CNS depression w/ other antihistamines, alcohol
- If given with MAO inhibitor or tricyclic antidepressants, may increase anticholinergic effects

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