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Meat Red and White.

Meat is animal tissue, mainly muscle, that is eaten as food. There is a category of
meat and this is Red and White meat, both are part of a balanced diet, yet they
differ in a lot ways.
On the one hand we have Red meat is all that owes its color to high levels of
myoglobin when reaching 1% volume. which comes from animals such as beef,
veal, pork and ox. Besides, they contain large amounts of iron, zinc and vitamins
that provide energy and strength to the body. For nutritionists, Red meat gets its
name from the fact that it is “everything that comes from mammals.”
On the other hand, White meat is all that has a lower volume of myoglobin since
these values do not reach 0.5% . Which They belong to chicken, turkey and rabbit.
It is rich in protein, helps build muscle. It also has saturated fat and cholesterol.
Contrary to red meat, nutritionists determine that white meat is “everything that
does not come from mammals”.
To conclude, it’s clear that Red and White meat have many different quilities.
Which we must know what we consume .

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