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Coronavirus vaccine could be lethal for those over 80 years of age because they must resist
the 3 doses to protect their health.

39. It is believed that the coronavirus is only killing 50% of people who are not well nourished
because it is thought to be the strongest virus in the country.

40. I have read 4 books so far because I am a person who likes to read a lot, but only books
about crime and horror.

41. One of the most famous mysteries that I like that happened in 2016 is the Sheraton Hotel
accident. The story must be true because journalists showed photos and videos of that young

42. I used to go to the beach with my parents, I liked to touch the sand with my feet and feel
relaxed. I also used to go to a park full of fun games and spend the whole afternoon there with
them. I wish I could turn back time.

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