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Nama : Luh Adenia Puspita

NIM : 2202071010
Rombel : 3
Absen : 02
Indonesian Economic Condition Before Covid-19 Pandemic

The economy of a country can be measured through economic growth. Indonesia’s

economic growth cumulatively (c-to-c) in 2019 based on business fields grew 5.02 percent.
This figure is lower than the economic growth target set by the government. Indonesia’s
economic growth is inseparable from the slowdown in the world economy which only grew by
2.9 percent. This low growth was influenced by the trade war between the United States and
China, Britain’s exit from the European Union, and events from various countries such as Hong
Kong, Iran and Iraq that affected economic stability. 62 Indonesia’s low economic growth
occurs in all business fields. Other Services Business Field experienced the highest growth
reaching 10.55 percent; then Corporate Services by 10.25 percent, and Information and
Communication by 9.41 percent. Meanwhile, the structure of Indonesia’s GDP based on
business fields (current prices) in 2019 did not show a significant difference from the previous

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