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Breast health is a topic on many women’s minds.

When you hear the phrase “breast health,”

your mind may jump to a certain aspect, such as breast cancer. However, breast health
takes on all sorts of dimensions. There are the very serious aspects of breast health, such
as breast cancer. But, there are also concerns such as stretch marks, increasing breast size,
or soreness during menstruation.

I offer a course, The Ultimate Guide To Optimal Breast Health, which has twelve modules
and over 30 lessons, covering the information you need to have to maintain breast health. In
anticipation of that, I am hosting a Live Q&A with my YouTube viewers, to address some of
the questions my clients, people just like you, have about the breast health concerns that
matter most to them. Now, let’s get started answering your breast health questions!
A Beginning Note About Breast Health On YouTube
Sometimes, answering all the questions you may have about breast health is difficult on a
public platform such as YouTube or Facebook. While my videos are all informative, health-
based videos, often the automatic censorship algorithms block content just based on certain
keywords. Because of this, I try to be very circumspect about the language I use and the
information I give on these social media platforms. This is why I highly recommend that you
sign up for The Ultimate Guide To Optimal Breast Health course, so you have a completely
free and uncensored course to answer all your deepest and most important questions about
breast health. You can check it out here.
Janet Asks: How To Use Castor Oil Packs For Breast Health
Janet has been using castor oil packs, but hasn’t felt very successful. She asks what the
best way to use castor oil packs for breast health is.

For maintaining healthy breast tissue, I find that once a week is sufficient. For other issues,
you may want to do more. Fibroid masses can generally be treated with once or twice a
week treatments. However, if you’re dealing with lymphatic congestion, you’ll want to bump
that up to 3-4 times a week. Some people even use castor oil to help with tumors, and you
would want more frequent application for that too. In module six of my breast health series, I
focus on castor oil packing, so I do, again, recommend you check that out. (1)
Farah Asks: My Breast Health Has Been Impacted By Swollen Lymph Nodes
– For Seven Months
Farah noticed her lymph nodes under and around her armpits had been swollen for seven
months, and she wasn’t sure what to do.

This is likely a severe case of poor lymphatic drainage, which has become quite toxic for the
breast. We never want to have swollen breast tissue, of course, but if it persists for longer
than two and a half months, that becomes a cause for alarm. The first thing I recommend is
to check out my playlist of videos specifically for breast health.
In addition, I would also recommend dry brushing as a great way to get your lymphatic
system moving and promote breast health. I also have a video series on lymphatic drainage
you may like to check out. Of course, because of the aforementioned YouTube issues, I’m
not able to demonstrate dry brushing for the breast in any great detail, so again, that is
something I would recommend my breast health course for. (2)
Trisha Asks: Do You Do Virtual Consults For Breast Health?
Yes! I offer virtual appointments of all kinds. In fact, I work primarily virtually right now, with
patients from all over the world. Especially with how difficult things have been with traveling
lately, it really helps. Click here to book your appointment, or go to While you’re there, I recommend checking out my blog
articles, many of which discover breast health, that may be useful to you.
Josette Asks: Thermograms or Mammograms? Which Is Better For Breast
I personally find that thermograms are overlooked as a detection tool for breast health.
Thermograms measure the heat distribution in breast tissue to detect any anomalies that
can impact breast health. Thermography is getting more and more advanced all the time. In
addition, it is non-invasive and painless, which gives it two advantages over a traditional
mammogram. Thermograms are also 100% safe, so you don’t have to worry about radiation
or any of the issues normally associated with x-rays. (3)
Mrs Oneplustenangels Asks: How Much Dietary Iodine Is Needed For Breast
This is a very good question! Daily recommended dietary iodine varies hugely depending on
your age, gender, weight, and metabolism. Dietary iodine is so important, particularly for
women, since we know a deficiency is bad for breast health. Low iodine levels can lead to
issues with low thyroid, and low thyroid has been linked to greater likelihood of breast
My motto is “test, don’t guess.” Testing your micronutrient levels, like iodine, and your thyroid
and hormone levels, will give you a much better picture of what you’re working with and the
amount of iodine you need to be getting for solid breast health. I offer testing in my virtual
clinic, and it’s also a feature of the breast health course, so if you need support in this area,
I’m there. (4)
Take Best Care Of Your Breast Health
As much as I love answering your questions, blogging does not give me the ability to
properly address the details of your personal breast health. That is why I suggest signing up
for The Ultimate Guide To Optimal Breast Health, where you will be able to maximize your
breast health through personal practice and understanding.


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