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1. How does the speaker gain the attention and interest of the audience? Give examples.

At the beginning of his speech, he gains the attention and interest of the audience by
asking questions from the audience. It makes the audience think about the issue that is being
presented by him. For example, he asked a few questions such as “Why is domestic violence still
a big problem in the US and all over the world? What's going on? Why do so many men abuse
physically, emotionally, verbally, and in other ways, the women and girls, and the men and
boys, that they claim to love? What's going on with men?” Some of these questions can
indirectly open the eyes and minds of the audience about the topic. The questions asked by him
are mostly about current issues that happen in our daily lives.

Other than that, the speaker gains attention and interest by storytelling. He has narrated
some true stories that happened to the audience. For example, “if you're a guy and you're in a
group of guys playing poker, talking, hanging out, no women present, and another guy says
something sexist or degrading or harassing about women, instead of laughing along or
pretending you didn't hear it, we need men to say, "Hey, that's not funny.” From this example,
it insists that men should always defend and protect women in every situation in life because
women should be protected, not looked down upon by men. Every man should put contempt for
other women in himself such as men should feel that all the bad things and harassing about
women that guy said is actually to his own family members. Surely they will be angry and
frustrated with the perpetrator or worse, a big fight will happen if it happens to their own family
members. So same with other women too. Instead of seeing any gender as sole perpetrators or
sole victims, we should just see each other as bystanders who can help out someone being
abused or call out someone being abusive. This should be the main point of the conversation.
Then, another way to arouse the audience's interest is for the speaker to state the
importance of his topic. He said in his speech that we need more men with the guts and fortitude
to start speaking out, to stand beside women rather than against them, to stop acting like this is
some sort of conflict between the sexes, and to do other ridiculous things. It is because we share
the same planet so we must be more tolerant with each other. Every man should train himself to
respect and love every woman since childhood. It's difficult for guys to question each other in
male culture, which is one of the reasons why understanding these challenges as leadership
concerns for men as well as men's issues for men must be part of the paradigm change that needs
to take place. Because, in the end, it shouldn't be the responsibility of young guys in high school
or college men to take a stand on these matters. The focus should be on powerful adult men.
Now, both men and women need to start working together instead of being in opposition. Much
of what we can see today regarding this issue is both sexes in opposition to one another.

2. Does the speaker establish his/her credibility? What type of credibility is used? Explain.

In my opinion, yes the speaker establishes his credibility. There are three types of
credibility which are initial, derived and terminal. In his speech, he does establish his credibility
and the type of credibility that he used is derived credibility. Competence is a speaker’s
intelligence, expertise, and knowledge of the subject. Then, the character is the speaker's
sincerity, trustworthiness and concern for the well-being of the audience.

He used the derived credibility as he shows that he conveys information for the audience
really shows his sincerity, trustworthiness and concern about the topic. To highlight the struggles
of one group is not to undermine the struggles of another. In speaking out against violence
against women, you are in no way condoning violence against men. There is enough space in the
discourse to have compassion for all groups. Nevertheless giving a voice to a marginalized group
in society who for decades have not had a voice, is a powerful and vital conversation. To come
into a space that facilitates that conversation, with criticism for another cause is missing the
3. What are the main point of the speech ? How they supported? Elaborate with examples.

​In this speech, there are two main points. The first point is about men's issues in the
context of Violence against women and the next point is about the action that men should do.
The first issue that mentioned by the speaker is “This is amazing how this works in domestic
and sexual violence, how men have been largely erased from so much of the conversation
about a subject that is centrally about men. Furthermore, the following point explains the
action. “ We need more men with the guts, with the courage, with the strength, with the moral
integrity to break our complicit silence and challenge each other and stand with women and
not against them.”

According to the speech, the speaker gives an example using an analogy in race, sexually
oriented and other analogues that come from the work of the feminist linguist Julia Penelope to
justify the statement. The speaker used the following example to demonstrate his points about
this issue “Let me use an analogy to illustrate this confusion. So let's have a brief discussion
about race. Many Americans mistakenly believe that the term "race" refers to groups like African
Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans, South Asians, Pacific Islanders, etc.
Many people assume that "sexual orientation" refers to homosexuality, lesbianism, and
bisexuality when they hear the term. And a lot of people assume that when they hear the word
"gender," it refers to women. Each time, the dominating group is completely ignored. As if men
don't have a gender, as if heterosexual individuals don't have a sexual orientation, as if white
people don't have some form of racial identity or don't fit into any racial category or construct.
The dominant group is rarely forced to even consider its dominance. This is how dominant
systems maintain and reproduce themselves. And it's interesting how this plays out in terms of
domestic and sexual violence, where males have generally been left out of discussions about a
topic that is primarily about men.”

Other than that, the speaker also gives an example as the last point which is “Now, among
the many great things that Martin Luther King said in his short life was, "In the end, what will
hurt the most is not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends." In the end, what will
hurt the most is not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends. There's been an awful
lot of silence in male culture about this ongoing tragedy of men's violence against women and
children, hasn't there? There's been an awful lot of silence. And all I'm saying is that we need to
break that silence, and we need more men to do that.” And they are amazing an experience
example “I work a lot in college and university athletics throughout North America. We know so
much about how to prevent domestic and sexual violence, right? There's no excuse for a college
or university to not have domestic and sexual violence prevention training mandated for all
student athletes, coaches, administrators, as part of their educational process. We know enough
to know that we can easily do that. But you know what's missing? The leadership. But it's not the
leadership of student athletes. It's the leadership of the athletic director, the president of the
university, the people in charge who make decisions about resources and who make decisions
about priorities in the institutional settings. That's a failure, in most cases, of men's leadership.”
Gender equality is leadership training not sensitivity training. Rather than putting members of the
community down and belittling them, a good leader brings out the strength of each member so
that the team may achieve the best results.

4. What type of organisation does the speaker use? Justify.

In presenting the speech, the speaker used a problem-solution order organisational style.
It demonstrates that the speaker began the first main point by outlining the issues before moving
on to the solution as the final key point. The example for the problem is “This is how dominant
systems maintain and reproduce themselves. And it's interesting how this plays out in terms of
domestic and sexual violence, where males have generally been left out of discussions about a
topic that is primarily about men.” The examples for last main point which is the actions that
man should do are “ We need more men with the guts, with the courage, with the strength, with
the moral integrity to break our complicit silence and challenge each other and stand with
women and not against them.”

5. How does the speaker use the resources of the language? Explain

Based on this speech, speaker use the language accurately. The language that speaker’s
plan on using in a speech fits with the speaking pattern. Not all language choices are appropriate
for all speakers. As an educator, the speaker uses the language that he is comfortable with and
the audience understands what has been delivered. The speaker uses appropriate language to the
occasion which means the speaker uses language that is suitable with the event.

The speaker also chooses language that is appropriate for the audience. The second aspect
of appropriateness asks whether the language being chosen is appropriate for a specific audience.
The term “ sexual assault, domestic violence, relationship abuse, sexual harassment, sexual
abuse of children” would be familiar to an audience of senior citizens. It also explained the
importance of audience analysis once again, audience analysis is a key factor in choosing the
language to use in a speech. After appropriateness, the second main guideline for using language
is to use vivid language. Vivid language helps your listeners create strong, distinct, clear, and
memorable mental images. Good vivid language usage helps an audience member truly
understand and imagine what a speaker is saying. In the speech, the speaker uses concrete, he
attempts to help the audiences see specific realities or actual instances instead of abstract theories
and ideas. The goal of concreteness is to help a speaker show the audience something instead of
just telling them.

6. What are the types of connective used by the speaker in the speech? Are they effectively
used? Give examples.
Connectives are words or phrases that join the thoughts of a speech together and indicate
the relationship between speaker and the audience. Connectives are essential to help the audience
focus on main ideas without having them guess which ideas the speaker thinks are important.
The audience is able to tune into what points the speaker has talked about and what point the
speaker is presently talking about. When a speaker uses connectives properly the speech will
flow smoothly and make complex ideas understandable. Each speech should contain the
following four connectives: transitions, internal previews, internal summaries, and signposts.

In presenting the speech, the speaker uses transition to indicate movement from a
completed thought to a new thought. For example “they're also women's issues”, “So let's talk
for a moment about race”. Transitions indicate what idea is being left and what idea is coming
up. Next, the speaker also uses Internal previews to direct the audience to what areas will be
covered next. “Asking questions about Mary is not going to get us anywhere in terms of
preventing violence” “when it comes to men and male culture, the goal is to get men who are
not abusive to challenge men who are”. The speaker simply previews the sub points which make
up the point being addressed. However, internal summaries are the flip side of internal previews.
Rather than indicating what subpoints are to follow in the speech, internal summaries remind the
listeners what subpoints have been discussed like “ I'm telling you it's not easy in male culture
for guys to challenge each other”. In addition, the speaker is using signposts which tell the
audience where the speaker is in the speech. Oftentimes signposts are numbers of words which
suggest that what the speaker is about to say is important. For instance, “The first is that it gives
men an excuse not to pay attention”,

7. Explain the speaker’s voice during the speech.

There are several aspects that need to be considered about the speaker’s voice while
presenting the speech. The aspects that should be considered are volume, pitch, rate, pauses,
vocal variety, pronunciation, and articulation.
Based on the speech Violence Against Women: It’s A Men’s Issue by Jackson Katz while
delivering the speech, the speaker used a gentle voice within an acceptable middle range. This is
where he can bring his thoughts into action. Based on the speaker’s voice during the speech, he
manages to adjust his voice to the acoustics of the room, the number of the audience, and the
level of background noise. During the speech, his voice always sounds louder to himself than to
his listeners and he changes his pitch or tone, the speaker manages voice inflections quite
effectively. The speaker's voice rate is in the medium range for this speech. The speaker also
takes a brief gap in his vocal delivery. When delivering a speech, the speaker attempts vocal
diversity by changing the tempo, tone, and loudness to make his voice more interesting and
expressive. This might attract his audience's curiosity in hearing his speech. There is no
articulation throughout the speaker's speech, and his pronunciation is clear. Besides that, there
are no vocalized pauses during the speech.

8. Explain the speaker’s body during the speech.

These physical actions will influence how listeners react to a speaker. Personal
appearances, body movements, gestures, eye contact, and facial emotions are the most important
components of physical movements to consider when giving a speech.

Firstly, personal appearance is quite important in public speaking. It has the potential to
influence the audience's view of the speaker. This is because the audience will observe the
speaker’s appearance first before they hear the speaker’s speech. From this video, we can see that
the speaker dressed appropriately when he chooses to wear formal attire. From the attire, he can
get a good impression from his audience.

Secondly, the speaker’s body movement is he frequently paces back and forth across the
stage during his speech. We might conclude from this that the speaker attempted to cover his
nervousness while delivering the speech to influence his audience. It is important to stand tall
and straight when giving a speech. Because this might demonstrate to the listener that the
speaker is very confident in his topic or ideas.

On the other hand, hand movements play a significant role during a speech. Instead of
only one explanation, the right-hand gestures essentially supplement or strengthen the verbal
message, so it resembles that you are getting two clarifications rather than only one. We can
notice that the speaker frequently moves his hand when giving explanations and examples to his
audience while making his speech.

Finally, we consider eye contact and facial expressions. The speaker used eye contact and
facial expressions to establish rapport with his listeners. Even while eye contact varies by
culture, there is widespread agreement across cultures on the significance of eye contact in
public speaking. This is because it might create a communication relationship with the audience.
The speaker should address them individually and cheerfully. One of the surest ways to lose
them is to avoid their eyes because your face may reveal so much about you, and it is impossible
to control.

9. What kind of reasoning does the speaker rely most throughout the speech? Explain.

In this speech, the speaker relies mainly on the causal reasoning method. Causal
reasoning is a way to establish a relationship between a cause and effect which has been used in
our daily life. The speaker speaks and argues the action based on the consequences that may
happen either positively or negatively. For example, the speaker had given an example where the
shift of focus from John to the victim who is Mary at the beginning of the sentence had caused
society to forget about the abuser and just question the victim. The speaker portrayed the usage
of victim or abuser named as a subject of a sentence may influence the surrounding perspective
and understanding toward the subject of the sentences. Therefore, the speaker made a conclusion
that people tend to blame the victim like what the action that victim had done was the cause the
violence to happen as the abuser did not do anything wrong. The cause-and-effect relationship
between the main idea also conveys the systematic social problem where society chooses to
question the victim instead of the men who have abused women.

Besides that, the speaker said that “the same system that produces men who abuse
women, produces men who abuse other men”. This statement deeply touches on the young men
or boys who had experienced men’s violence either directly or by seeing their mother turned into
the men who violent other men. The young men have created a new belief that those men who
abuse weak people like women should be treated the same way and they choose to abuse the
abuser so that they feel the same way as the victim. However, the effect of it is that the young
man also has become an abuser and has no different from the other abuser. So, the violence
against women not only affected women but also male victims.

In conclusion, causal reasoning is used mostly throughout the speech by the speaker
where the speaker provides statements and examples that involve the cause-and-effect correlation
between the statements.

10. What type of emotional appeal does the speaker use? Are they effectively used?

According to the speech, the speaker used anger as an emotional appeal. Anger is a kind
of emotional appeal that can be used to manipulate the recipient’s emotions in order to win
arguments. The emotional appeal used by the speaker is anger at the social injustice, sympathy
for another’s misfortune and harassment towards the victim.

Firstly, the speaker has highlighted the discrimination by men towards women who speak
up and stand up about violence against them. For example, the speaker has stated that women
always get shouted down for their effort to speak out about the issue of violence against women
as well as other men and boys and being called “male-basher”, “man-hater” and the disgusting
and offensive “feminazi”. This example conveys that women face injustice in speaking up their
opinion and have been looked at as weak and bad people by society. The emotion of the speaker
can be felt by the audience as the tone of voice of the speaker shows his frustration and anger
together with the facial expression of being pissed with the men's behavior towards women.
Besides this, the speaker stated that abuse is not just mean that men are beating women,
but also harassing women verbally. The speaker has given an example of a situation where a guy
says something sexist or degrading or harassing about women during hanging out with their men
group without the women present in the group and it will be responded by laughing along with
other men. This situation portrays that men will choose to get along with the joke instead of
correcting them to avoid losing their status as men because act out in sexist ways. By presenting
this intense example, the audience will feel the feeling of being downgraded and harassed by

Therefore, from the examples above, the speaker had effectively used anger as an
emotional appeal during the speech because the example provided by the speaker did create
anger and emotion to the listener as it focused on the social injustice and the despise of women
by men.

11. What methods are used to prepare the audience for ending the speech?

The conclusion, which is the last thing a speaker will say to their audience, is how a
speech ends. The conclusion of the speech is particularly important due to what the speaker
wants the audience to remember after they have forgotten the whole of the speech. Informing the
audience that your speech is coming to a close is one of the functions of the conclusion.

Jackson Katz concluded his speech with a dramatic effect by using the Dissolved ending
technique to illustrate the conclusion of his main issues. He uses an optimistic tone at the end of
his speech which instills his hope into the audience. This was his first step in signaling his
ending. During this phase, his tone started to fade and he ends his speech with the hopeful
statement “I hope that, going forward, men and women, working together, can begin the change
and the transformation that will happen so that future generations won't have the level of tragedy
that we deal with on a daily basis.I know we can do it, we can do better”. Based on these few
sentences we can analyze that the speaker is going to end his speech because of the hopeful
statement usage
12. How does the speaker reinforce the central idea? Explain.

The speaker reinforces the central idea by summarizing the speech. He summarized the
speech by restating the idea that he had stated within the speech such as encouraging the men to
break the men's culture and pressure to stand with women and not against them.

Furthermore, the speaker made a dramatic statement to the audience. The speaker stated
that “we owe it to women”, “we owe it young men who are growing up all over the world in
situations where they didn’t make the choice to be a man in culture” and lastly “we that have a
choice, have an opportunity and responsibility to them as well”. The use of we during the
statement represents the speaker, audience and society which makes the audience thinks deeply
about the topic issue and feels the emotion of responsibility toward the victim. The tone of his
voice during the statement also causes the audience to be immersed in the bad situation of
violence faced by the women and young men.

On the other hand, Jackson Katz restates the main point and also ends with a quotation
which is “I hope that going forward, men and women, working together, can gebin the change
and the transformation that will happen so that future generations won’t have the level of tragedy
that we deal with on a daily basis”.

This is shown that the speaker reinforces the central idea that could assist the audience or
people who watch him on Youtube in remembering what he has previously presented.
Appeal to Anger. (2013).

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