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Go straight the avenue of the indicative, take the roundabout and turn right, go straight
profeDeele avenue, get to the traffic light and turn right, go straight to the street of verbs,
go pass the library, go pass the university and turn left, pass the alley, pass the Street of
Grammar, go straight the street of likes, next to the bar you will find the tren station.

2. Go straight the avenue of the indicative, take the roundabout, go pass profedeele avenue,
go pass subjunctive avenue and turn on the speak spanish avenue, go pass bus stop, go

pass Messenger service and turn right, I reached the to be street, turn right and you will
find the church.

3. Go straight the avenue of the indicative, take the roundabout, go pass Profedeele avenue,
turn rigth, go straight subjunctive avenue, go pass city hall, go pass the traffic light, go pass
instituto cervantes street, turn rigth, go straigth vocabulary street, go pass restaurant,
next to the bakery you will find the fish shop.

4. Go straight the avenue of the indicative, take the roundabout, go pass profedelele
aavenue, go pass subjunctive avenue and turn the speak spanish avenue, go pass the
hospital, get to the traffic light and turn left, go straigth homework done street, turn rigth,
go pass the museum, go pass the del siele street and you will find the fire station.

5. Go straight the avenue of the indicative, take the roundabout, go pass Profe avenue, turn
rigth, go straight subjunctive avenue, go pass city hall, go pass the traffic light, go pass
instituto cervantes street, turn left, go pass super market, go pass fruit shop, go pass
laundry, go pass adjetive street and you will find the toy store.

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