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Database Management System

What do you mean by Data and Database?

Data can be divided into three categories.

Raw data – this could be “85” – doesn’t have meaning when it stands alone. It
might mean
something if you knew it was weight of a man in Kilograms.

Related raw data is a group (data set or data file) of organized raw data that can
be tied
together. For example, it could be a group of Names, weights, blood group and
numbers, all tied to the Identity cards issued to patients at hospitals

Cleaned raw data is all the above after being validated or processed through
some process.
Such a process might ensure that blood groups doesn’t have any value as “red” or
“black” for
example only allowed values could be of the kind A,A+,B,B+ etc.

Data can be acquired from many different sources. It must always be evaluated as
to which
category it belongs, and if it needs any additional validation before analysis that


A database consists of an organized collection of interrelated data for one or

more uses,
typically in digital form.

Examples of databases could be: Database for Educational Institute or a Bank,

Library, Railway
Reservation system etc.

What Is a DBMS?

Consists of two things- a Database and a set of programs.
Database is a very large, integrated collection of data.
The set of programs are used to Access and Process the database.
So DBMS can be defined as the software package designed to store and manage or

process the database.

✍ Management of data involves
o Definition of structures for the storage of information
o Methods to manipulate information
o Safety of the information stored despite system crashes.
✍ Database models real-world enterprise by entities and relationships.
o Entities (e.g., students, courses, class, subject).

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