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As I cannot explain to you in English, we write this

to you, as I told you the parts of my car are not easy

to find, but my brother and I are already looking for
them, we will order them from Mexicali, we do not
know how many days it will take to find them.
parts, this car that Rigo lent me for me has some
problems, it leaks oil and a shock absorber does not
work very well, Rigo says that it is fine but I am
afraid that I will be stranded somewhere, I will fix
the Picap and I'm going to sell it, but I need a car,
but a good car that will not give me problems or at
least that will give me problems very soon, you
know that I don't know much about cars, do you
want to help me get a car?
Because if this is the case then what I'm thinking is
looking for a not very expensive one, I understand
that my sister Boni bought one 4 months ago for
3800 dollars I am thinking of looking for a similar
approximate, I do not know if you can or want to
lend me what It's going to cost me to buy a car like
that, I can't tell you that I'm going to pay you what
you lend me later for the car, I can start paying you
until March what you lend me, but if I can assure
you of something , What they give me from the
Picap I will pass it on to you on account of what I
borrow now, because in itself, we spoke with the
mechanic today in the morning and he
recommended that I fix the Picap and sell it,
because it would no longer be the same, I I know it
has already helped us a lot but this time it will be a
loan that I think I can pay you back, I don't know
what you think of this.
I have a little money saved but not enough to buy a
car, you know that I have expenses every month, if I
ask you for this loan it is not to stay in anything and
you know that I want to make a trip to my town
because my Parents, you have some problems and
that is why the money I have saved I don't want to
spend, there will be people on the beach only in
October, during the next few months that remain
there will be no people. That is why I mentioned
that I will begin to pay you until March because the
season begins until that month, except for Picap, I
have no idea how much they will give me but the
amount they give me I will pay you from what you
lend me now.

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