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Present simple ( Pablo)

Does he live with you?

She plays soccer every Monday

I don’t like salad

He loves chocolate

We study a lot

Present continuous

She isn’t talking

Why are you crying?

We are playing together

I am getting upset

He isn’t going to the cinema right now

Simple past

I bought a teddy bear for my son

She didn’t do her homework

Did he take the dog for a walk?

My mother watched this movie yesterday

He didn’t eat with us

Yesterday my teacher said that we have a mass on Friday. My grade will sing for the kids, so we have to
decided if we’re going to go or no. People who want to sing will have to wear black and white clothes.
Some of my friends will go and I hope that we are meeting after the concert. I have to learn all
the songs and a lot o


Simple will I will open the door

P continuous I am seen you at 5 pm

Going to I m going to study English

Escribir una composicion de 50 palabras ,utilizar todos los tiempos que vimos de verbos .

Last Saturday we went out for dinner………..

Allways,sometimes,never( present simple,rutinas)

Yesterday, last week, last Tuesday , two hours ago(simple past)

Now , to the moment(p. continuous)

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