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My Favourite Day of the Week

Hello! My name is Alex. I'm twelve. I'd like to tell you a few words about my favourite day
of the week. It is Saturday. Why is it so? Because my weekends start on this day!

We have a six-day school week, so I still have classes on Saturday morning. However,
starting from Saturday afternoon I'm free till Monday. My friend has once asked me why I
like Saturday more than Sunday and I exactly knew the answer. On Saturday I don't have
to go to bed early!

We don't usually have many classes on this day, only a few. After that, I meet up with my
friends and we go to the local sports ground. Depending on the weather, we can play
football, volleyball or other outdoor games there.

If we are in the mood for pizza or hot dogs, we go to the nearest cafe. In the evening I can
invite my friends to my home to watch a film or play computer games. Sometimes we play
interesting board games.

When my friends leave, I can still do whatever I like, for example, play with my hamster,
read a book or help my mum cook something delicious.

The main thing is that I can stay up as long as I wish.

Sundays are also fun. Sometimes we visit our relatives where I play with my cousins. In
the evening I have to do my homework and get ready for the school week.

At the end I'd like to say that I enjoy weekends even more when they are tied up with
special occasions or holidays.

Now, let me check if you were attentive.

1. What is my favourite day of the week? (Possible answer: It is Saturday.)

2. Why do I like it? (Possible answer: I like it because I don’t have to go to bed early
and also I have some interesting activities.)
3. What do my friends and I usually do on Saturdays? (Possible answer: We usually
play some outdoor or indoor games, sometimes go to a café or watch films.)
4. What is your favourite day and why? (Possible answer: My favourite day is …
because… .)

Well, it is the end of the video. I hope you've enjoyed it. Bye for now!

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