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Hello Sabrina

I really appreciate the time you took to write to me, I don't usually get these kinds of details.

You asked me about my favorite day of the week. I'm sure it's definitely "Saturday", I love that

One of the reasons I love Saturdays is because I can quietly read my favorite book called
"1984" which is about a society corrupted by a ruler.

I usually prepare granola accompanied by natural yogurt, I sit on the floor and I usually read
accompanied by my pet who is really like my "Daughter", she usually lies down next to me and
falls asleep listening to me read.}

The most beautiful thing about this is that later my sister calls me to spend some time with my
parents where we communicate and tell each other everything that happened to us this week,
where sometimes I usually tell my mother about the difficulties or problems that I am going
through, she always has the right words for everyone.

In the afternoon I usually see how my aunts play volleyball, many times they want me to play
and on the occasions that I played I lost, it is because I am not very fond of sports since I
usually stop in my room reading.

On Saturday nights I usually go to dinner with my friends, usually I always ask for chifa after
that we go to buy cookies or gummies sometimes for me choosing a cookie is such a
complicated decision because they all look delicious, then we sit down, we laugh , we tell
anecdotes and the most beautiful thing is to appreciate the stars on a quiet and relaxing night.

because the next day is Sunday and it's the only day I can get up later than usual.

Tell me how you spent it in San Juan and what customs they have there in the next letter, I will
be waiting for you very soon.

Atte: Cristina

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