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Literary Analysis

● Definition: The process of examining a literary work and breaking it

down into its individual components in order to better understand its
meaning and significance.
● Importance: Literary analysis is a crucial tool for understanding and
appreciating literature. By breaking down a work into its individual
components, we can better appreciate the author's craft and the
deeper themes and messages they are trying to convey.
● Steps: The process of literary analysis typically involves the following
1. Read the work carefully, paying attention to the details of the
plot, characters, setting, and language.
2. Identify the key themes and messages of the work.
3. Analyze the literary devices used by the author, such as
symbolism, imagery, and metaphor, and how they contribute to
the overall meaning of the work.
4. Consider the historical and cultural context of the work and
how it might influence its meaning.
5. Formulate an interpretation of the work based on your analysis.
● Examples: Some examples of literary analysis might include
analyzing the symbolism of the green light in The Great Gatsby or
examining the use of stream-of-consciousness narration in James
Joyce's Ulysses.

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