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Introductory statement (Hook): In the 21st century, the creation of video games is becoming more
and more popular regardless of the age group, whether old or young.

Thesis statement: Most of us state that playing video games has negative consequences but in fact
there are many more positive consequences than those negative.

Topic sentence 1: Can release stress

Supporting details;

1. Most people will not escape from experiencing stress due to certain problems so playing online
games can reduce it to some extent.
2. Sometimes stress can be a good thing but should not be excessive as it will be self -harming as
3. However, these online games should not be played excessively because they are just enough to
relieve stress and not be played continuously.

Concluding sentences: There is no denying that being able to relieve stress is one of the positive
consequences of playing online games

Topic sentence 2: Can further improve someone communication skills

Supporting details;

1. Online games such as mobile legend and pubg mobile require good communication to speak in
order to make it easier to win.
2. Then, someone who is shy and cannot communicate well will be able to improve it when playing
games online.
3. Without a person realizing he or she is increasingly confident to speak and possess better
communication skills after playing online games.

Concluding sentences: So, it is clear here that can improve someone's communication skill is one of
the positive consequences of playing online games.

Topic sentence 3: Better problem solver

Supporting details;

1. Online games likes Clash Of Clans requires a player to build their village strongly so that it cannot
be destroyed by the opponent.
2. Then the player has to think of a solution by placing defensive weapons and so on while allowing
their brain cells to connect to think.
3. Then, when brain cells are able to communicate well it can indirectly be applied in one’s life to
solve problems in this world of reality.

Concluding sentences; Completely, better problem solver also become positive consequences of
playing online games compared to negative consequences.


Restatement of thesis statement: As winding up everything that said, it is proved that an further
improve someone communication skills,can release stress and better problem solvers are the
positive consequences that we can get if playing online games compared to negative consequences.

Closing Statement: Let us together play the game online but let it be in moderation and do not
overdo it

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