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Anunciado, Gweneth E.

ENGL 514

The story takes place in a seemingly

ordinary small town, where the townspeople
gather in the town square for the annual lottery.
As the lottery proceeds, the author provides
details about the seemingly harmless
preparations for the event, such as the children
gathering stones and the men organizing slips of
paper in a black box.

The lottery
by drawing
slips of
paper from
the black
box. The
family with the marked slip is then drawn again to
determine which member of the family will be sacrificed. As
the drawing proceeds, it becomes clear that the
Hutchinson family has been chosen, and Tessie
Hutchinson protests the unfairness of the lottery.

Despite her objections, the townspeople

continue with the tradition and proceed to stone
Tessie to death. The story ends with a disturbing
image of the townspeople going back to their
everyday lives, seemingly unfazed by the
brutality they just committed.

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