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Oedipus Rex

Before the events of Oedipus the King take
place, Oedipus ascends to the throne of Thebes.
He is famed for his wit and prowess in solving
puzzles; after freeing Thebes from the magical
force that had been imprisoning it and solving
its mystery, he was crowned king. Oedipus,
however, remains obstinately deaf to the truth
about himself. His identity can be deduced from
his name, which literally translates to "swollen
foot"; as a little child, he was removed from the
Laius household and abandoned in the
mountains with his feet bound. He killed his
biological father while traveling to Thebes
without realizing who he was, then married his
biological mother Jocasta.t
Sister of Creon, mother, and wife of Oedipus.
Only in the epilogue of Oedipus the King does
Jocasta make an appearance. She implores
Oedipus not to exile Creon in her opening
speech, hoping to bring the two men together.
She comforts her husband while reassuringly
urging him to disbelieve Tiresias' dreadful
warnings. Jocasta discovers Oedipus' identity
before he does, and in her wish to keep her
husband and son from learning it, she
demonstrates her love for them.

daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, she is also
Oedipus' sister. At the conclusion of Oedipus
the King, Antigone makes a brief appearance as
she bids her father farewell as Creon gets ready
to exile Oedipus. In Oedipus at Colonus, she
makes a longer cameo, taking care of and
guiding her elderly, blind father during his exile.
She has a bravery and vision unmatched by any
other figure.
brother-in-law of oedipus, Creon asserts that he
has no desire to rule. Yet Creon is rather eager
when given the chance to seize power at the
conclusion of that play. In Oedipus at Colonus,
we learn that he is prepared to battle alongside
his nephews for this authority. He is
domineering, bureaucratic, and determined to
establish his own dominance

son of oedipus, also his brother In Oedipus at
Colonus, Polynices barely briefly makes an
appearance. In his conflict with his brother
Eteocles for control of Thebes, he travels to
Colonus in search of his father's approval.
Oedipus points out that Polynices' attempts to
draw parallels between his own predicament
and that of Oedipus come out as more
opportunistic than filial.
Both Oedipus the King and Antigone feature
Tiresias, the Theban blind soothsayer. Oedipus
does not believe Tiresias when he claims to be
the murderer he is hunting in Oedipus the King.
In Antigone, He warns Creon that he is dooming
Thebes to destruction, but Creon does not take
him seriously. Oedipus and Creon both assert
that they have a great deal of faith in Tiresias.
The soothsayer's real blindness serves as a
metaphor for individuals who choose not to
accept the truth about themselves when it is

Son of Creon, who only makes an appearance in
Antigone. who is also engaged to marry
antigone, He challenges Creon over the latter's
choice to punish her, driven by his love for her.
Ismene, the daughter of Oedipus, makes a brief
appearance in Oedipus at Colonus and
Antigone, as well as towards the conclusion of
Oedipus the King. Ismene's supporting role
highlights how admirable and brave her sister is.
Ismene offers to die next to Antigone when
Creon sentences her to death despite her
reluctance to assist in burying Polynices. But
Antigone won't let her sister suffer for
something for which she had the fortitude to
speak out.

a well-known and formidable warrior, feels
sorry for Oedipus and stands up for him against
Creon. Only Theseus is aware of the location
where Oedipus entered the underworld, and he
swears to Oedipus that he will keep this
information a secret forever.

wife of creon
Sophocles' tragedy Oedipus Rex
addresses the relationship between
fate and free will. In the play, Oedipus
is a character who unwittingly carries
out a prophecy that he will kill his
father and wed his mother. Thebes'
current king, Oedipus,

has sworn to
uncover the truth about the death of
the previous monarch in order to save
his realm from a horrible curse. But as
the investigation goes on, Oedipus
learns that he is the murderer and that
the prophecy has come true. In the

Oedipus serves as an example of the

concepts of fate and free choice.
Oedipus makes every effort to evade
his fate, but he is powerless to do so.
His decisions are ultimately guided by
his free will, which causes him to see
the prophecy's purpose. As his demise
is the product of his own deeds and
his fatal defect of hubris or excessive
pride, Oedipus also acts as a tragic
hero Oedipus Rex is a compelling
examination of human nature and the
part fate plays in our lives overall.
Since the play is being studied and
performed today, it is clear that it has
had a lasting influence on both
literature and theater.
main character

Escamillo frasquita marcédies

Dancaire josé micaélla
remendado zuniga carmen lilas
pasta moralés

1 Escamillo 6 José
2 Dancaire 7 Zuniga
3 Remendado 8 Mercédès
4 Lillas Pastia 9 Micaëla
10 Carmen
5 Frasquita
11 Moralès
It tells the story of a hopeless
soldier, Don José, who is
seduced by Carmen, woman
with an appetite for smuggling.
and also trying to seduce the
high rangking but in the end
she got killed by jose
Abandoning his childhood
sweetheart and turning his
back on his military career, the
opera follows José in his
pursuit of Carmen's attention.
Romeo, Mercutio,
Juliet, Friar Laurence,
Tybalt, Benvolio,
Capulet, Count Paris,
Prince Escalus,
Rosaline Capulet,
Lady Capulet,
Juliet's Nurse,
Montague, Balthasar,
Lady Montague, Friar
An age-old vendetta between two
powerful families erupts into
bloodshed. A group of masked
Montagues risk further conflict by
gatecrashing a Capulet party. A
young lovesick Romeo Montague
falls instantly in love with Juliet
Capulet, who is due to marry her
father’s choice, the County Paris.
With the help of Juliet’s nurse, the
women arrange for the couple to
marry the next day, but Romeo’s
attempt to halt a street fight leads
to the death of Juliet’s own cousin,
Tybalt, for which Romeo is

In a desperate attempt to be
reunited with Romeo, Juliet
follows the Friar’s plot and fakes
her own death. The message fails
to reach Romeo, and believing
Juliet dead, he takes his life in her
tomb. Juliet wakes to find Romeo’s
corpse beside her and kills herself.
The grieving family agree to end
their feud.

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