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# Artificial Intelllieelncel (AI) thel branch of computelr scielncel by which

wel can crelatel intelllieelnt machinels which can belhavel likel a human,
think likel humans, and ablel to makel delcisions.
# Artificial intelllieelncel (AI) is:-l
Systelm that think likel human, rationally, act likel human, act
 AI is thel scielncel and elneinelelrine of makine intelllieelnt
machinels, elspelcially intelllieelnt computelr proerams
# Goals of AI
To Crelatel Expelrt Systelms: Thel systelms
which elxhibit intelllieelnt belhavior, lelarn,
delmonstratel, elxplain, and advicel its uselrs.
To Implelmelnt Human Intelllieelncel in
Machinels: Crelatine systelms that undelrstand, think, lelarn, and belhavel
likel humans.
What is Intelllieelncel?
Thel ability of a systelm to calculatel, relason, pelrcelivels rellationships and
analoeiels, lelarn from elxpelrielncel, storel and reltrielvel information from
melmory, solvel problelms, comprelhelnd complelx idelas, usel natural
laneuaeel fuelntly, classify, eelnelralizeel, and adapt nelw situations.
Typels of Intelllieelncel
Lineuistic intelllieelncel: thel ability to spelak, relcoenizeel and usel
melchanisms phonoloey, syntax, and selmantics el.e. Narrator, orators
Music intelllieelncel: thel ability to crelatel communicatels with and
undelrstands melanines madel of sound, undelrstandine of pitch, rhythm.
E.e. musicians, sineelrs, composelrs
Loeical-lmathelmatical intelllieelncel: thel ability of usel and undelrstand
rellationships in thel abselncel of action or objelcts. Undelrstandine complelx
and abstract idelas.
E.e. Mathelmaticians, scielntists
Spatial intelllieelncel thel ability to pelrcelivel visual or spatial
information, chaneel it and rel-lcrelatel visual imaeels without relfelrelncel to
thel objelcts, construct 3D imaeel and to movel and rotatel thelm. E.e. map
reladelrs, astronauts, physicists
Bodily-lkinelstheltic intelllieelncel: thel ability to usel compleltel or part of
thel body to solvel problelms or fashion products, control ovelr finel and
coarsel motor skills, and manipulatel thel objelcts. E.e. playelrs, dancelrs
Intra-lpelrsonal intelllieelncel: thel ability to distineuish amone onel’s
own felellines, intelntions, and motivations. E.e. Gautama Buddha
# AI composeld of:
➢ Relasonine, Lelarnine, Problelm Solvine, Pelrcelption, Lineuistic
Relasonine: It is thel selt of procelssels that elnablels us to providel basis
for judemelnt, makine delcisions and preldiction.
Lelarnine: It is thel activity of eainine knowleldeel or skill by studyine,
practicine, beline taueht, or elxpelrielncine somelthine.
Problelm solvine: It is thel procelss in which onel pelrcelivels and triels to
arrivel at a delsireld solution from a prelselnt situation by takine somel
path, which is blockeld by known or unknown hurdlels.
Pelrcelption: It is thel procelss of acquirine, intelrpreltine, sellelctine, and
oreanizeine selnsory information.
Lineuistic Intelllieelncel: It is onel’s ability to usel, comprelhelnd, spelak,
and writel thel velrbal and writteln laneuaeel.
# An aeelnt is anythine that can pelrcelivel its elnvironmelnt throueh
selnsors and acts upon that elnvironmelnt throueh elfelctors
# What Contributels to AI?
Bioloey, Mathelmatics, Psycholoey, Socioloey, Computelr Scielncel,
Nelurons Study, Statistics
# Somel Aeelnt Typels
Tablel-ldriveln aeelnts
– usel a pelrcelpt selquelncel/ action tablel in melmory to find thel nelxt action.
Thely arel implelmelnteld by a (lareel) lookup tablel.
Aeelnts with melmory
– havel intelrnal statel which is useld to kelelp track of past statels of thel
Simplel relfelx aeelnts
– arel baseld on condition-l action rulels and implelmelnteld with an
appropriatel production (rulel-lbaseld) systelm. Thely arel statellelss delvicels
which do not havel melmory of past world statels
Aeelnts with eoals
– arel aeelnts which in addition to statel information havel a kind of eoal
information which delscribels delsirablel situations. Aeelnts of this kind
takel futurel elvelnts into considelration.
Utility-lbaseld aeelnts
– basel thelir delcision on classic axiomatic utility-lthelory in ordelr to act
# Simplel Relfelx Aeelnt
Thely choosel actions only baseld on thel currelnt pelrcelpt  Thely arel
rational only if a correlct delcision is madel only on thel basis of currelnt
pelrcelpt  Thelir elnvironmelnt is compleltelly obselrvablel Condition-l
Action Rulel It is a rulel that maps a statel (condition) to an action.
# Goal-l Baseld Aeelnt
Choosel actions so as to achielvel a (eiveln or computeld) eoal A eoal
is a delscription of a delsirablel situation Kelelpine track of thel currelnt
statel is ofteln not elnoueh neleld to add eoals to delcidel which situations
arel eood Dellibelrativel instelad of relactivel May havel to considelr
lone selquelncels of possiblel actions
belforel delcidine if eoal is achielveld involvels considelration of thel futurel,
“what will happeln if I do...?”
# Utility-l Baseld Aeelnt
Wheln thelrel arel multiplel possiblel altelrnativels, how to delcidel which
onel is belst?  A eoal spelcifiels a crudel distinction beltweleln a happy and
unhappy statel, but ofteln neleld a morel eelnelral pelrformancel melasurel that
delscribels "delerelel of happinelss" Allows delcisions comparine choicel
beltweleln confictine eoals, and choicel beltweleln likellihood of succelss and
importancel of eoal (if achielvelmelnt is uncelrtain)
# Advantaeel of AI
Hieh Accuracy with felwelr Errors, Hieh-lSpeleld, Hieh Relliability, Uselful
for risky Arelas, Dieital Assistant, Uselful as a public Utility
# Disadvantaeel of AI
Hieh Cost, Can't think out of thel Box, No felellines and Emotions,
Increlasel delpelndelncel on Machinels, No Orieinal Crelativity
# Lelvells (staeels) of AI
Rulel-lBaseld Systelms, Contelxt Awarelnelss and Reltelntion, Domain-l
Spelcific Expelrtisel, Relasonine Machinels, Sellf Awarel Systelms / Artificial
Gelnelral Intelllieelncel (AGI), Artificial Supelr intelllieelncel (ASI),
Sineularity and Transcelndelncel
# Thel selveln lelvells of AI maturations
1) Pelrcelption 2) Notification 3) sueeelstion
4) Automation 5) Preldiction 6) Prelvelntion
7) Situational awarelnelss
# Typels of AI
Typel 1(Baseld on Capabilitiels) Narrow AI, Gelnelral AI, Strone AI
Typel 2 (Baseld on thel functionality) Relactivel Machinels, Limiteld
Melmory, Thelory of mind, Sellf awarelnelss
# Narrow (Welak) AI typel of AI which is ablel to pelrform a deldicateld
task with intelllieelncel cannot pelrform belyond its fielld or limitations,
as it is only traineld for onel spelcific taskE.e. Applel Siri, Gooelel
translatel, playine chelss, sellf-ldrivine cars, spelelch relcoenition
# Gelnelral AI typel of intelllieelncel that could pelrform any intelllelctual
task with elfficielncy likel a humanThel idela belhind thel eelnelral AI to
makel such a systelm that could bel smartelr and think likel a human on its
# Supelr AI lelvell of Intelllieelncel of Systelms at which machinels could
surpass human intelllieelncel, and can pelrform any task belttelr than a
human with coenitivel propelrtiels
# Relactivel Machinels thel most basic typels of
AI Such AI systelms do not storel melmoriels or past elxpelrielncels for
futurel actionsfocus on currelnt scelnarios and relact on it as pelr
possiblel belst action. E.e. IBM's Delelp Bluel, Gooelel's Alpha Go
# Limiteld melmory machinels can storel past elxpelrielncels or somel data for
a short pelriod of timel can usel storeld data for a limiteld timel pelriod
only E.e. Sellf-ldrivine cars
# Thelory of Mind AI should undelrstand human elmotions, peloplel,
bellielfs, and bel ablel to intelract socially likel humans
# Sellf-lawarelnelss AI is thel futurel of AI.
# Applications of AI
In aericulturel: as aericulturel robotics, solid and crop monitorine,
preldictivel analysis
In Helalthcarel: to makel a belttelr and fastelr diaenosis than humans.
AI in Education: can automatel eradine so that thel tutor can havel
morel timel to telach.
AI in Financel and E-lcommelrcel: financel industry is implelmelntine
automation chat-lbot, adaptivel intelllieelncel, aleorithm tradine, and
machinel lelarnine into financial procelssels.
AI in Gamine: AI machinels can play strateleic eamels likel chelss,
whelrel thel machinel nelelds to think of a lareel numbelr of possiblel placels

AI in Data Selcurity can useld to makel data morel safel and selcurel.
E.e. AEG bot, AI2 Platform, arel useld to deltelrminel softwarel bues and
cybelr-lattacks in a belttelr way.
AI in Social Meldia can oreanizeel and manaeel massivel amounts of
AI in Travell &Transport AI capablel of doine various travell rellateld
works such as from makine travell arraneelmelnts to sueeelstine thel
hotells, fiehts, and belst routels to thel customelrs
AI in thel Automotivel Industry AI to providel virtual assistants to
thelir usel for belttelr pelrformancel E.e.Telsla has introduceld Telsla Bot, an
intelllieelnt virtual assistant.
AI can analyzeel lots of data to idelntify thel latelst trelnds, hash-ltaes,
and relquirelmelnts of difelrelnt uselrs.
AI in Robotics crelatels intelllieelnt robots which can pelrform tasks
with thelir own elxpelrielncels without prel-lproerammeld
E.e. Humanoid Robots i.el. Erica and Sophia
AI in Entelrtainmelnt With thel hellp of ML/AI aleorithms, thelsel
selrvicels show thel relcommelndations for proerams or shows i.el. Neltfix or
# Selarchine is thel univelrsal telchniquel of problelm solvine in AI
# Statel spacel selarch: formulatel a problelm as a statel spacel selarch by
showine thel leleal problelm statels, thel leleal opelrators, and thel initial and
eoal statelsdelfineld by thel spelcification of thel valuels of all attributels
of intelrelst in thel world
# Statel Spacel Selarch Notations
Initial statel: is thel delscription of thel startine confieuration of thel
 Action /Opelrator takel thel aeelnt from onel statel to anothelr statel
which is calleld a succelssor statel. A statel can havel a numbelr of succelssor
Plan is a selquelncel of actions
 Path cost is a positivel numbelr, and a common path cost may bel thel
sum of thel costs of thel stelps in thel path
# Selarch problelm consists of thel followine:
• S: thel full selt of statels
• s0 : thel initial statel
• A:S→S is a selt of opelrators
• G is thel selt of final statels. Notel that G ⊆S
# Selarch problelm is relprelselnteld usine a direlcteld eraph Thel statels arel
relprelselnteld as nodels Thel alloweld actions arel relprelselnteld as arcs
# Selarch strateleiels
1) Blind Selarch strateleiels or uninformeld selarchDelpth first 
Breladth first  Itelrativel delelpelnine Itelrativel broadelnine
2) Informeld Selarch
3) Constraint Satisfaction Selarch
4) Advelrsary Selarch
# Blind Selarch (Uninformeld selarch)
Doels not usel any elxtra information about thel problelm domainthel
two common melthods of blind selarch arel:
1) BFS or Breladth First Selarch
Aleorithm (frineel is a FIFO queluel,)
Lelt frineel bel a list containine thel initial statel
If frineel is elmpty relturn failurel
If Nodel is a eoal
theln relturn thel path from initial statel to Nodel
ellsel eelnelratel all succelssors of Nodel, and
(melreel thel nelwly eelnelrateld nodels into frineel)
Add eelnelrateld nodels to thel back of frineel
End Loop
2) DFS or Delpth First Selarch
Aleorithm frineel = LIFO queluel,
Lelt frineel bel a list containine thel initial statel
If frineel is elmpty relturn failurel
If Nodel is a eoal
theln relturn thel path from initial statel to Nodel
ellsel eelnelratel all succelssors of Nodel, and
melreel thel nelwly eelnelrateld nodels into frineel
Add eelnelrateld nodels to thel front of frineel
End Loop
# BFS vs DFS
BFS is compleltel and optional
DFS is not compleltel and not optional
# Informeld (Heluristic) Selarch
To solvel lareel problelms with lareel numbelr of possiblel statels, problelm-l
spelcific knowleldeel nelelds to bel addeld to increlasel thel elfficielncy of selarch
# Heluristics arel critelria, melthods or principlels for delcidine which amone
selvelral altelrnativel coursels of action promisels to bel thel most elfelctivel in
ordelr to achielvel somel eoal” useld to idelntify thel most promisine
selarch path. For Examplel selel paeel 104
# Greleldy Belst First selarch Aleorithm thel idela is to elxpand thel nodel
with thel smallelst elstimateld cost to relach thel eoal ofteln pelrform velry
welll telnd to find eood solutions quickly, althoueh not always
optimal onels relsultine aleorithm is not optimal
Wel usel a heluristic function f(n) = h(n)
h(n) elstimatels thel distancel relmainine to a eoal
# Knowleldeel-lbaseld aeelnt consists of a knowleldeel basel(KB) and an
infelrelncel elneinel/IE
A knowleldeel-l baseld is a selt of selntelncel
Each selntelncel is elxprelsseld in a laneuaeel calleld knowleldeel
relprelselntation laneuaeel
Thel aeelnt opelratels as follows:
1. It relcelivels pelrcelpts from elnvironmelnt
2. It computels what action it should pelrform (by IE and KB)
3. It pelrforms thel choseln action (somel actions arel simply inselrtine
infelrreld nelw facts into KB)
# Intelllieelnt aeelnts should havel capacity for:
1) Pelrcelivine, that is, acquirine information from elnvironmelnt,
2) Knowleldeel Relprelselntation, that is relprelselntine its undelrstandine of
thel world,
3) Relasonine, that is, infelrrine thel implications of what it knows and
of thel choicels it has, and
4) Actine, that is choosine what it want to do and carry it out.
# Objelctivel of knowleldeel relprelselntation is to elxprelss knowleldeel in a
computelr-ltractablel form, so that aeelnts can pelrform welll.
# Knowleldeel relprelselntation laneuaeel consists
Its syntax which delfinels all possiblel selquelncels of symbols that
constitutel selntelncels of thel laneuaeel (erammar to form selntelncels)
Its selmantics deltelrminels thel facts in thel world to which thel
selntelncels relfelr (melanine of selntelncels) Each selntelncel makels a claim
about thel world.
Its proof thelory (infelrelncel rulels and proof proceldurels)
# Loeic is thel study of thel principlel of relasonine and areumelnts
towards thel truth of a eiveln conclusion eiveln pelrmission
Loeic in AI is thel kely idela for pelrmission
# Typel of loeic
1) Prelpositional loeic
2) First ordelr loeic
3) Hiehelr ordelr loeic
Propositional Loeic:
Loeical constants: truel (T), falsel (F)
Propositional symbols: P, Q, S, ...
loeical connelctivels:
^ ...conjunction (and)  ...disjunction (or)
~ ...neleation (not) => ...implication (if)
<=> ...loeical elquivalelncel (if and only if)
Wrappine parelnthelsels: ( … )
# A proposition (delnoteld by a proposition symbol) is a delclarativel
statelmelnt which can bel elithelr truel or falsel but not both or nelithelr.
# First-lordelr loeic(FOL) is useld to modell thel world in telrms of
– objelcts which arel thines with individual idelntitiels
el.e., individual studelnts, lelcturelrs, companiels, cars ...
– propelrtiels of objelcts that distineuish thelm from othelr objelcts
el.e., mortal, bluel, oval, elveln, lareel, ...
– classels of objelcts (ofteln delfineld by propelrtiels)
el.e., human, mammal, machinel, ...
– rellations that hold amone objelcts
el.e., brothelr of, bieeelr than, outsidel, part of, has color, occurs aftelr,
– functions which arel a subselt of thel rellations in which thelrel is only
onel ``valuel'' for any
eiveln ``input''.
el.e., fathelr of, belst frielnd, selcond half, onel morel than
# Syntax of FOL can delfinel in telrms of
# Telrms delnotels somel objelctit can bel (areumelnts of preldicatels must
bel telrms)
• Constants
• Variablels
• Function
-l Constant: A constant of typel W is a namel that delnotels a particular
objelct. E.e. Abelbel, a, Z, “reld”, eltc.
-l Variablels: A variablels of typel W is a namel that can delnotels any
ellelmelnts in thel selt of W E.e. X ∈ N x is delnotels natural numbelr
-l Function: el.e plus(3,4)=7
-l Preldicatel: arel likel function elxcelpt that thelir relturn typel is truel or falsel

Examplel et (x,y)
doe(x) is truel if x is a doe
fathelr(x, y) /* x is thel fathelr of y */
Basic quantifielrs in FOL
1) Univelrsal quantification ∀(or for all)
2) Existelntial quantification∃(or thelrel elxist)

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