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A Number of Stages Led to the Evolution of Man

 Dryopithecus
Humans descend from it as their earliest ancestors. Africans, Asians and
Europeans all possessed one. Through him, mankind evolved. Then there was
Australopithecus, followed by Dryopithecus.
 Australopithecus
They stood 1.2 meters tall and had the ability to walk upright. They lived on the
continent of Africa. Their jaws were large and their teeth were human-like.
 Homo Habilis
Their height was five feet and they were able to use tools. Their language is
believed to have been spoken.
 Homo Erectus
They were more advanced beings. Their heads were larger and upright as well.
They spoke clearly. Fire was invented by them, and they were carnivores.
 Homo Sapiens
Modern men are like this. Through the development of tools, omnivores, using
tools, and producing art, they gained the power of thinking. They lost roughly
1300 cubic centimeters of brain capacity.
 Neanderthals
In the past few thousand years, prior to the arrival of Homo sapiens, there were a
few other species of hominids besides the modern human species - the
Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Homo floresiensis. Rather than treating
Neanderthals as separate species, scientists consider them to be subspecies of

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