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Week 13 - Task: Assignment - Let's go shopping!



Vásquez Anggie Aldaz Gavidia

C: Excuse me, can I help you, what are you looking for?
A: Hello, sure, do you have these shoes in size 37?
C: Oh yeah. Here it is.
A: Will you have red?
C: Sure, here they are
A: These are very beautiful!
C: They look fabulous on you.
A: How much do they cost?
C: Its price is 200 soles.
A: Wow! They are expensive! and how much are the jeans?
C: Its price is 120 dollars; what size are you looking for?
A: They have size 34, do you have it in black?
C: Yes of course, I have them in all sizes but I only have blue in colors.
A: So I want blue, now I need to buy a pair of sandals.
C: The same size?
A: Yes, how much are the sandals?
C: There are 80 soles.
A: Do you have any discount?
C: No, there is only a 10% discount on clothes.
A: And is it every day?
C: No, only on Wednesdays and weekends two for one on beauty items.
A: Excellent! Cash payment.
C: Here you go. Thanks for your purchase.
A: Thanks! Bye.

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