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Asparrin Alcala, Barzola Alvarado, Villajuan Villalobos,

Yadhira Shaarlin Lady Cindy Sebastian Adimir
Student A Student B Student C

SITUATION: Students write a whatsapp

conversation where they ask for and give information
about some products from a shop.

Store "Super fashion"

Seller: Student A

First customer: Student B

Second customer: Student C

Store "Super fashion"

First conversation:
A: Welcome miss, can I help you?
B: Yes, I like that dress. In what colors do you have it?
A: We have black, white, red, purple and blue.
B: Excellent, I would like the white color.
A: Sure, what size are you?
B: Medium size.
A: Ready, would you like something else?
B: Yes, I would like some nice shoes.
A: What shoe size are you?
B: I am size 35.
A: What color would you like the shoes?
B: White, to match the dress.
A: Perfect, here are three different models for you to choose from.
B: Thank you, that's all, how much is the total cost?
A: It is 260 dollars.
B: Now I do the money transfer, thank you.
A: Thank you for your purchase.

Second conversation:
A: Good afternoon young man, can I help you?
C: Yes please, I want to know what price are the shorts
A: They are 55 dollars any model.
C: Ok, I want to buy two shorts.
A: Sure, what color do you want?
C: Blue and black please.
A: What size?
C: Blue in medium size and black in small size
A: Okay young man, I already have your order ready.
C: How much would be the total price?
A: The total cost is 110 dollars.
C: Ok, I will make the payment by bank transfer shortly, thanks.
A: Perfect, thank you for your preference.

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