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English 6

Apply for a visa in the UK

Visit the UK as a Standard

You can visit the UK as a Standard Visitor for
tourism, business, study (courses up to 6
months) and other permitted activities.

Apply for a Standard Visitor visa by calling Linus in Teams (see separate list with calling lists and
available time slots).

Ahead of your visa application, make sure you are prepared to provide the following information:

 Type of Visitor Visa

Tourist Visit friend(s) Other (e.g. studies, please specify)

 How long do you want your visa to be valid for?

 What is the main purpose of your visit to the UK?
 How long do you intend to stay in the UK?

Travel dates

 Personal information

As shown in your passport.

 Contact details
 Finances and employment

Current personal financial and employment circumstances

 Previous visa applications and travel history

 General information about your visit

Travelling partners



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