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ANDREA: Hi Katherine, good afternoon, how are you?

KATHERINE: Good afternoon, Andrea, glad to see you again, I’m good, how
about you?
ANDREA: I’m glad to see you again too. I’m good by the good.
KATHERINE: Glad to hear that.
ANDREA: So today I want to talk to you about this new guy, his name is li
Min-ho, an actor and a singer
KATHERINE: Oh ok, tell me his routine!
ANDREA: Well, he wakes up around 7 am every day, after that, he does his
bed, brush his teeth and do all of her care routine in the morning. Then,
he goes to his closet to choose and outfit for the gym, he goes to the gym
with his friends that are also singers. When he’s ready around 7:35 am, he
goes downstairs to take breakfadt. He finishes at 8 am, and then his driver
is waiting for him outside of his home to leave him at the gym.
He workout for one hour and a half, so he finished at 9:30 am, and then
backs home to take a shower a get ready for work. Right now, his
recording a movie so he has scenes to record, so he needs to be at the
location around 11 am
When he arrives, he works till 4 pm, when it’s his break to take lunch and
take a little rest, till 5:30 pm.
Then he continues recording for 2 more hours, and then his driver is
waiting for him to leave him at the studio, at this time, he’s working on a
new album.
He stays at the studio around 7:30 pm till 11 pm, but at 9:30 pm he makes
a delivery order for his dinner, that normally it’s a cheese burger with fries
and coke.
Around 11:30 pm, he arrives at his home and gets ready for bed and go to
sleep at midnight
KATHERINE: Did he study?
ANDREA: Yeah, he graduated from the university at 2 years ago, he
studied management and business career.
KATHERINE: Well, I think that helps he a lot with his businesses, right?
ANDREA: Yes, for sure
KATHERINE: And, where is he from?
ANDREA: He’s from Los Angeles, United States. I know him from his new
single call “Love hurts”
KATHERINE: ¡Oh! ¡I heard that song too! It’s his song?
KATHERINE: Wow, I didn’t imagine that. Well, Katherine, it was nice to talk
to you again. ¡See you soon!
ANDREA: ¡Bye Andrea, see you soon!

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