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REVIEW ARTICLE Drug Safety 2002; 25 (9): 633-648


© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved.

Mechanisms of NSAID-Induced
Focus on Nimesulide
Urs A. Boelsterli
HepaTox Consulting, Pfeffingen, and Institute of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Basel,
Basel, Switzerland

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
1. Hepatotoxicity of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
1.1 Idiosyncratic Drug Reactions in the Liver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
1.2 Mechanisms Underlying the Hepatotoxicity of NSAIDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
1.2.1 Mitochondrial Injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
1.2.2 Cholestasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
1.2.3 Protein-Reactive Metabolites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
1.2.4 Inhibition of Cyclo-Oxygenase-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
1.3 Genetic and Epigenetic Factors Sensitising the Liver to
Adverse Effects from NSAIDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
2. Nimesulide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
2.1 Molecular Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
2.2 Incidence and Phenotype of Nimesulide-Induced Hepatotoxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
2.3 Molecular Mechanisms of Liver Injury: Contribution of the Drug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
2.3.1 Hepatic Metabolism and Disposition of Nimesulide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
2.3.2 Oxidative Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
2.3.3 Covalent Protein Binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
2.3.4 Mitochondrial Injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
2.3.5 Role of Tumour Necrosis Factor-α . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
2.4 Molecular Mechanisms of Liver Injury: Contribution of the Susceptible Patient . . . . . . . . 643
3. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
3.1 Assessment of Hepatic Safety of Nimesulide: Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
3.2 Assessment of Hepatic Safety of Nimesulide: Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644

Abstract Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been associated with

idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity in susceptible patients. The molecular mechanisms
underlying this toxicity have not yet been fully elucidated. However, experimen-
tal evidence suggests that they include increased concentration of the drugs in the
hepatobiliary compartment, formation of reactive metabolites that covalently
modify proteins and produce oxidative stress, and mitochondrial injury. Genetic
and/or acquired patient factors can either augment the pathways leading to hepatic
toxicity or impede the protective and detoxifying pathways. An example is
nimesulide, a selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitor widely used for the treatment
of inflammatory and pain conditions, which has been recently associated with
634 Boelsterli

rare but serious and unpredictable adverse reactions in the liver (increases in
serum aminotransferase activities, hepatocellular necrosis, and/or intrahepatic
cholestasis). Similar to other drugs causing idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity, both the
molecule and the patient contribute to the hazard. Here, the weakly acidic sul-
fonanilide drug undergoes bioreductive metabolism of the nitroarene group to
reactive intermediates that have been implicated in oxidative stress, covalent
binding, and mitochondrial injury. It is only in a small number of susceptible
patients, however, that genetic or nongenetic factors will cause this potential
toxicity to become clinically manifest. In view of the very large recipient popu-
lation, the incidence of nimesulide-induced liver injury has been low (approxi-
mately 0.1 per 100 000 patients treated). Although this estimation is based on
spontaneous reporting data versus sales units and needs correction due to the
classical bias of this system, the type and incidence of these rare but severe hepatic
adverse reactions are comparable to that of other NSAIDs.

Nimesulide (4-nitro-2-phenoxymethane-sulfo- 1. Hepatotoxicity of Nonsteroidal

anilide) is a non-carboxylic acid nonsteroidal anti- Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
inflammatory drug (NSAID) that has been widely
and effectively used for the treatment of a variety 1.1 Idiosyncratic Drug Reactions in the Liver
of inflammatory and pain conditions including
NSAIDs have generally been considered well
osteoarthritis (figure 1). As a selective cyclo- tolerated drugs. Nevertheless, in view of the enor-
oxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor,[1] nimesulide fea- mous consumption of NSAIDs worldwide, it is not
tures a low profile of gastrointestinal adverse ef- surprising that cases of adverse drug reactions, in-
fects and generally exhibits good tolerability.[2,3] cluding those in the gastrointestinal tract, kidney,
Despite the fact that nimesulide has been on the and skin, but also in liver, have been reported.[4-14]
market for over 16 years, isolated cases indicating In the liver, the severity of NSAID-associated
that this compound may be associated with rare but liver reactions can widely differ. On the one hand,
serious cases of liver dysfunction and hepatic in- a mild form of liver dysfunction is frequently ob-
jury have been reported only recently. These find- served, manifested as small increases in serum
ings raise the question of whether the incidence aminotransferase activities and other markers of
hepatic integrity, in the absence of overt parenchy-
and pathogenesis of nimesulide-induced hepato-
mal tissue injury.[15] These changes are often tran-
toxicity are compound-specific or whether these
characteristics are shared with other NSAIDs.
The aim of this review is to revisit the pathogen- HN
esis of idiosyncratic reactions in the liver caused O
by NSAIDs and in this light critically analyse the
hepatic safety profile of nimesulide. In addition,
based on metabolic data and mechanistic consider-
ations, a unifying pathway is proposed that may
help to better understand the liver liability associ- Fig. 1. Chemical structure of nimesulide, featuring an aromatic
nitro group, which undergoes reductive metabolism, and a
ated with nimesulide and other NSAIDs in suscep- sulfoanilide group, which is responsible for the weakly acidic
tible patients. properties.

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Hepatotoxicity of Nimesulide 635

sient in nature and possibly reflect an adaptive ally assumed that they include inherited abnormal-
response to the drug. The second form of hepatic ities in genes encoding for, e.g. bioactivating en-
adverse effects consists of more serious reactions and zymes, or of acquired alterations in differential
can result in cholestasis, hepatic necrosis, and even gene expression.[18] Host factors also include epi-
fulminant liver failure.[5,11] Although the inci- genetic factors relevant to the underlying disease,
dence for developing such serious hepatic adverse infections, or multi-medication, which can greatly
reactions is low (typically 1 to 5 among 100 000 influence the disposition and metabolism of the
recipients),[16,17] the absolute number of affected drug and its interactions with cellular targets.
individuals becomes impressive, given the ex- Finally, host factors may also inhibit the defence
tremely large population of recipients. To date, for systems, interfere with repair mechanisms, or allow
a new NSAID on the market, it is not possible to for breaking of immune tolerance (figure 2).[19]
estimate the risk for developing hepatic adverse Such host factor-driven, rare adverse reactions
reactions in a patient population, even though the are termed idiosyncratic, implying that they de-
drug might feature a favourable preclinical safety pend on individual patient-specific characteristics.
profile. Furthermore, it is not yet possible to estab- The term ‘idiosyncrasy’ is, unfortunately, poorly
lish a typical patient susceptibility profile and to defined and differentially used by immunologists,
clinicians, or toxicologists. For the sake of clarity,
predict which individuals will be prone to devel-
idiosyncratic adverse reactions will be defined
oping serious hepatic adverse reactions, while the
here as abnormal reactions to drugs determined by
vast majority of recipients will tolerate the drug.
genetic or acquired (environmental) factors. These
This unpredictability is a reflection of our in-
reactions are rare and become only manifest in a
complete understanding of the mechanisms that
very small subset of patients in whom these genet-
underlie drug-induced liver injury. The current be-
ically-determined or environmentally-induced ab-
lief is that the hepatic adverse effects of most
normalities ‘unmask’ the inherent bioreactivity of
NSAIDs are caused by abnormally high or pro- the compound. The reactions are unexpected be-
longed exposure of the liver to the drug, due to, e.g. cause, within the range of therapeutic exposure,
abnormal renal or hepatobiliary excretory mecha- the adverse effects do not become manifest in the
nisms. In addition, and importantly, this concept vast majority of exposed patients.
implies that biotransformation pathways of the drug Efforts to unravel the enigma of idiosyncratic
are gated to the production of reactive metabolites toxicity of NSAIDs in the liver should therefore
that interact with molecular targets in the liver concentrate both on the identification of the criti-
cells, resulting in covalent binding, oxidative stress, cal host factors and the intrinsic toxic potential of
mitochondrial injury, or apoptosis (figure 2). the drug itself. One important clue to achieve this
Poor predictability also exists from the perspec- is a more detailed understanding of the underlying
tive of the patient. For example, a reliable pharma- molecular mechanisms.[20]
cokinetic-based calculation of the risk of develop-
ing hepatic adverse reactions is confounded by 1.2 Mechanisms Underlying the
multiple individual host factors which ultimately Hepatotoxicity of NSAIDs
determine whether an individual will tolerate the
drug or whether failure of the normally powerful The networks of interdependent molecular and
protective and compensatory mechanisms or re- cellular mechanisms underlying NSAID-associ-
pair systems will make the individual succumb to ated liver injury are only incompletely known. Al-
the potential intrinsic toxicity of an NSAID. though the entire therapeutic group has been la-
These host factors that are relevant to the liver belled with the potential to cause hepatotoxicity
have not yet been identified. However, it is gener- through a common class effect,[21] it is more likely

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Drug Safety 2002; 25 (9)
636 Boelsterli

NSAIDs Genetic defects

(Polymorphisms, rare variant alleles)
Altered gene expression
Epigenetic factors
(Diseases, multi-medication,
Biotransformation infections, hormones, cytokines)
Limited exposure

Non-toxic Reactive
metabolites metabolites

Scavengers Covalent binding

Inactivators Oxidative stress
Mitochondrial injury

Genetic defects Tolerance Liver injury

(Polymorphisms, rare variant alleles) Defense
Altered gene expression Repair
Epigenetic factors
(Diseases, multi-medication, Enhances
infections, hormones, cytokines)

Fig. 2. Key steps that lead to a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to reach high exposure levels and/or produce large
amounts of reactive metabolites that cause primary tissue injury. According to this model, both genetic and epigenetic factors can
either enhance these steps, or inhibit/decrease protective and detoxifying pathways, resulting in the development of rare idiosyncratic
liver toxicity.

that a number of distinct and compound-selective tons from the intermembraneous space across the
mechanisms act together or are even superimposed inner mitochondrial membrane back into the ma-
on each other. Among these, three key mechanisms trix. By doing so, this futile proton cycling dissi-
underlying NSAID-induced liver injury have been pates the proton gradient, which had been built up
emerging: mitochondrial injury, induction of cho- and which is maintained by the electron transport
lestasis, and protein adduct formation by reactive chain. This leads to a decrease in ATP synthetase
drug metabolites. Recently, possible direct conse- activity, which is normally driven by this proton
quences of COX inhibition have also been revis- gradient. The result of mitochondrial uncoupling
ited as an additional factor. of oxidative phosphorylation is a cellular energy
crisis and, ultimately, cell demise.
1.2.1 Mitochondrial Injury Although there is experimental evidence in sup-
Mitochondrial injury has been incriminated as port of this concept, most studies have used iso-
a general mechanism in the toxicity of many lated mitochondria or cultured cells exposed to
NSAIDs.[22-27] The lipophilic and weakly acidic high concentrations of the drugs, and the relevance
drugs can easily penetrate the outer mitochondrial in vivo is not clear. For example, the critical con-
membrane and act as protonophores, shuttling pro- centrations needed to cause uncoupling effects are

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Hepatotoxicity of Nimesulide 637

rarely attained in vivo because all NSAIDs exhibit biliary route will similarly lead to increased intra-
a high degree of plasma protein binding, which cellular concentrations of the drug and cause tox-
greatly reduces the concentrations of ‘free’ (un- icity.
bound) drug. Furthermore, there is no clear corre-
lation between the potential, in relative terms, of a 1.2.3 Protein-Reactive Metabolites

given NSAID to cause liver injury in humans and A number of acidic NSAIDs have been impli-
the degree by which it is able to cause mitochon- cated in forming covalent adducts to hepatic pro-
drial uncoupling and ATP depletion in vitro. teins. This protein-reactivity is the result of en-
zymatic bioactivation of the drug to a reactive
Mitochondrial injury can also be triggered by
metabolite. One of the best studied examples are
other mechanisms, including stress-induced open-
the carboxylic acid-containing NSAIDs which are
ing of the mitochondrial permeability transition
normally conjugated to glucuronic acid to form
pore (MPTP).[28-31] The fact that some NSAIDs
acyl glucuronides. Acyl glucuronides are electro-
pose an intracellular oxidative stress which can
philic intermediates which are unstable and
cause NAD(P)H oxidation and/or protein thiol ox-
which can interact with nucleophilic amino acid
idation is an attractive hypothesis to alternatively
residues to form covalent protein adducts to he-
explain mitochondrial injury.
patocytes, the biliary tree (into which they are
secreted), and more distally the small intestinal
1.2.2 Cholestasis
epithelia.[32,34,36-45] Thus, target proteins can be
The clinical picture of NSAID-associated hep-
covalently modified and, if the protein is critical
atotoxicity often includes intrahepatic cholestasis.
or if the adduct density is high enough, result in
In many cases, however, it is difficult to assess
functional impairment[46-48] or even in haptena-
whether cholestasis is the cause or the conse-
tion, causing an immune response against the
quence of liver injury. In either case, cholestasis
drug-altered peptide.[49-51] Although never proven
can further exacerbate the disease. For example,
in vivo, this covalent binding mechanism has been
some NSAIDs or their metabolites have been dem-
implicated in the hepatic toxicity of many NSAIDs.
onstrated to compete with bile salts or bile acid
It has also been suggested to play a role in the
conjugates for hepatobiliary transmembrane trans-
formation of neoantigens and the precipitation of
port.[32-34] Enterohepatic circulation, which is
immune-mediated hypersensitivity reactions in
common for many NSAIDs, might further increase
the liver.
the hepatocellular exposure and thus prolong the
interference with transporters. One consequence 1.2.4 Inhibition of Cyclo-Oxygenase-2
would be the retention and/or accumulation of Recent insights into the molecular regulatory
toxic bile salts in the liver cells, which in turn will processes indicate that prostaglandin (PG) E2
cause oxidative stress and apoptosis if the impair- might play a crucial role in maintaining a line of
ment of bile salt export will remain uncompen- defence against drug toxicity, and that inhibition
sated. Although some alternative carriers can be of COX by NSAIDs may therefore interfere with
up-regulated under conditions of cholestasis, to these defence mechanisms. For example, COX-2,
compensate for the loss of other transporters,[35] which is normally not expressed in the liver but
the exposure of hepatocytes towards both toxic which can be induced in Kupffer cells under patho-
bile salts and the NSAID or its metabolites will physiological conditions such as cholestasis,[52]
continue to be abnormally high. catalyses the production of prostanoids in the liver.
Alternatively, if there is pre-existing cholesta- These prostanoids in turn up-regulate the anti-
sis and the liver is subsequently loaded with an apoptotic mitochondrial protein Bcl-2, which can
NSAID, then the compromised ability of the liver protect against bile acid-induced apoptosis. Inhi-
to excrete the NSAID or their metabolites by the bition of PGE2 production by COX-2 inhibitors

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Drug Safety 2002; 25 (9)
638 Boelsterli

may therefore block this anti-apoptotic signal. It has been noted that a similar hepatotoxic phe-
These findings might provide an intriguing expla- notype can be produced by NSAIDs with different
nation for the increased susceptibility of mitochon- chemical structures,[16] and nimesulide is no ex-
dria towards oxidative stress in the presence of ception. What is not known, however, is whether
COX inhibitors.[52] Indeed, a study with COX-2 the majority of NSAIDs also share similar mecha-
knockout mice demonstrated that the absence of nisms underlying the idiosyncratic toxicity in the
PGE2 rendered these mice more susceptible to the liver. Nimesulide is unique in that it bears a number
hepatotoxic effects of paracetamol (acetamino- of compound-specific structural and pharmacolog-
phen),[53] suggesting that PGE2 might be a impor- ical features, as well as follows differential path-
tant regulatory signal involved in protection from ways of metabolism and disposition in the liver. To
drug-induced injury. Whether this mechanism better understand the hepatic liability of nimesu-
might contribute to the hepatic toxicity of NSAIDs lide, and to be able to weigh the risk of hepatotox-
in vivo is, however, still unclear. icity with this agent against that associated with
other NSAIDs, the following part of this review
1.3 Genetic and Epigenetic Factors will focus on these nimesulide-specific charac-
Sensitising the Liver to Adverse Effects teristics.
from NSAIDs
2. Nimesulide
A number of possible host factors are likely to
2.1 Molecular Characteristics
account for a greater hepatic sensitivity of individ-
uals to some NSAIDs, promoting the development From the molecular viewpoint and with respect
of the liver disease via the mechanisms already de- to the relevance for hepatic safety assessment,
scribed. For example, rare genetic abnormalities nimesulide is an atypical NSAID for a number of
that: (i) render mitochondria more susceptible to reasons. First, it does not possess a carboxylic acid
drug-induced injury; (ii) aggravate cholestasis and moiety, nor is it metabolised to a carboxylic acid.
enhance the accumulation of toxic bile salts; and Hence, nimesulide does not undergo conjugation
(iii) gate the bioactivating pathways towards to a reactive acyl glucuronide. Second, nimesulide
higher rates of protein-reactive metabolites, can is a sulfonanilide derivative (a structural feature
be postulated to play a role. However, such genetic facilitating access to the COX-2 binding site) and
abnormalities have not yet been demonstrated in is only weakly acidic, with a pKa of 6.5.[55,56] This
patients. In addition, epigenetic causes, such as is a favourable feature, rendering uptake of ni-
environmental stimuli that would up- or down- mesulide and intracellular trapping in the gastroin-
regulate proteins involved in drug uptake and/or testinal mucosa more difficult than for other, more
export from the liver cells, could also increase acidic NSAIDs. Third, nimesulide is a selective
the risk. Finally, factors including the underlying COX-2 inhibitor, with only residual activity against
disease itself, such as rheumatoid arthritis, in par- COX-1 after therapeutic doses.[1,57-61] This charac-
ticular in the chronic stage, is associated with teristic most likely accounts for the good gastric
unchecked up-regulated pro-inflammatory cyto- tolerability of nimesulide, which is shared with
kines.[54] Similarly, the non-selective COX inhibi- other COX-2 inhibitors.[62] Fourth, besides COX-
tors may injure the intestinal mucosa, increase the 2, nimesulide selectively interacts with other mo-
permeability, and release bacterial lipopolysac- lecular targets, too.[63] For example, and again in
charide (LPS) into the bloodstream, which in turn contrast to classical NSAIDs, nimesulide inhibits
may exacerbate liver injury by the hepatic produc- phosphodiesterase (PDE) IV, the major enzyme in-
tion of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α and other volved in cAMP degradation. This effect, which
proinflammatory cytokines. has been demonstrated in vitro, can bear important

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Drug Safety 2002; 25 (9)
Hepatotoxicity of Nimesulide 639

toxicological implications, as nimesulide is able, Global reports of adverse events, however, are
through PDE IV inhibition, to inhibit macrophage an unreliable measure of risk because they may be
and neutrophil function and attenuate the release biased by underreporting and differences in the re-
of proinflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen porting rate from one country to another.[77,78] The
(ROS) and nitrogen species released by these number of reported cases should be clearly seen
phagocytes.[64] In vivo evidence, however, has yet against the background of the large number of pa-
to be provided. tients exposed to the drug and should be corrected
Although these and other characteristics clearly for the appearance of the same adverse effect but
distinguish nimesulide from classical acidic NSAIDs, unrelated to the drug.[14,79] In a non-exposed pop-
nimesulide has been associated with idiosyncratic ulation, and provided that exposure to other known
adverse reactions in the liver, similar to other hepatotoxicants or viral hepatitis can be excluded,
NSAIDs. serious liver disease is a very rare event. In fact,
the background incidence for acute liver failure
2.2 Incidence and Phenotype of has been estimated to be 1 to 2 cases per million.[80]
Nimesulide-Induced Hepatotoxicity Therefore, even a slight increase in the incidence
of liver disease caused by NSAIDs would become
During clinical trials (15 to 30 days of treat- evident.[17]
ment), nimesulide was associated with a low inci- Accordingly, the incidence of nimesulide-re-
dence (0.4%) of the mild form of hepatic reactions, lated hepatic injury can be calculated from the
reflected as small increases [>2 × upper limit of number of globally reported cases divided by the
normal (ULN)] in aminotransferase activities in total number of patients treated, based on estimates
the plasma.[65] This number was slightly higher
from the total unit sales.[65] According to Helsinn
(1.5%) when the duration of treatment was pro-
Healthcare, the major manufacturer of nimesulide,
longed to 6 to 12 months. This is clearly a low
between 1985 and 2001, a total number of 195 he-
value which can be expected for an NSAID.[7]
patic adverse effects were reported to the com-
As to the rare but more serious forms of liver
pany, of which 123 were considered to be serious
injury, no long-term pharmacoepidemiological
and 72 classified as non-serious.[81] A rough esti-
studies are available which would allow for a di-
mation of the total number of patients treated in the
rect comparison among several NSAIDs in the
15-year period revealed that approximately 304
same population. Therefore, both historical data
and postmarketing surveillance data have to be million patients have been receiving the drug. This
evoked in order make estimations about incidence was calculated on the basis of a mean treatment
rates. A number of case reports describing an as- time of 2 weeks for acute treatment and of 6
sociation between nimesulide treatment and the months for long-term treatment.[81] From these
development of liver injury have appeared in the numbers, an incidence of approximately 0.1 case
recent past, despite the fact that the product has of hepatic liability per 100 000 patients can be cal-
been on the market since 1985.[65-76] Although culated. This number may be too low due to under-
multi-medication or pre-existing liver disease can reporting, and long-term treatment may be more
always contribute to the severity of liver injury, common than assumed, making the recipient pop-
and although causality assessment in drug-induced ulation smaller. Nevertheless, even after correc-
hepatotoxicity can be ambiguous,[74] it is generally tion the incidence is still low. Furthermore, by
accepted that nimesulide, similar to many other comparing the incidence of nimesulide-associated
NSAIDs, bears an intrinsic hazard and has the po- liver injury with that caused by other NSAIDs, it
tential to be causally involved in precipitating liver becomes evident that the risk for nimesulide is
dysfunction. comparable to that of most other currently used

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640 Boelsterli

NSAIDs.[17,82] There are exceptions, such as sulin- no reliable animal models available which would
dac, where the incidence is approximately 10-fold allow one to reproduce the effects and to explore
higher,[17] or the coxibs, which have been intro- the mechanisms. However, it has become clear that
duced only recently and for which no reports are the hepatic metabolism and disposition of nimesul-
available that would point to liver toxicity. ide and its metabolites play a pivotal role.
Analysis of the published cases of nimesulide-
associated serious liver adverse reactions[66-76] re- 2.3.1 Hepatic Metabolism and
vealed three typical features. First, in some patients, Disposition of Nimesulide
centrilobular or massive panlobular hepatocellular Nimesulide is almost exclusively metabolised
necrosis, sometimes with mild or moderate inflam- and cleared by the liver.[83] Therefore, it is inviting
matory infiltration, had occurred. This was accom- to speculate that patients with hepatic insuffi-
panied by highly increased serum aminotransfer- ciency and individuals with genetic or acquired ab-
ase activities (ALT mean 18 × ULN, range 3 to 89 normalities in drug metabolising enzymes or trans-
× ULN; AST mean 21 × ULN, range 2 to 86 × membrane carriers, may be at an increased risk for
ULN) with or without increases in bilirubin levels higher nimesulide concentrations in the liver.
(mean 14 × ULN, range 2 to 52 × ULN). In others, Metabolic biotransformation of nimesulide in
the injury was defined histopathologically as in- the liver can occur at both the phenoxy ring moiety
trahepatic cholestasis. In some individuals, the and the aromatic nitro group (figure 1). The major
type of injury was mixed hepatocellular and cho- oxidative metabolite found in plasma is 4′-hydroxy
lestatic. Second, the presence of these two types of nimesulide.[83] This metabolite is normally conju-
liver injury was gender-selective. For example, in gated with sulphate or glucuronic acid and ex-
one study hepatocellular necrosis occurred in female creted renally or via biliary elimination (figure 3).
patients (4 of 6), while in males bland intrahepatic Nitroreduction is an equally important pathway of
cholestasis with biliary pigment both in canaliculi biotransformation, and toxicologically of great im-
and in hepatocytes was present (2 of 6).[68] Third, portance, because it results in the formation of an
typical signs of hypersensitivity reactions were aromatic amine. The amine metabolite is further
found in the minority of cases only. Thus, immune
metabolised by N-acetylation, catalysed by N-
mechanisms do not seem to be the rule for nimesul-
acetyltransferases (NAT) [figure 3]. These inter-
ide-induced hepatic reactions. This would also be
mediates can also be further sulpho- or glucurono-
compatible with the relatively long time period
conjugated and excreted in urine.
between the start of treatment and the onset of
symptoms. In common with other drugs causing idiosyn-
cratic liver injury,[84] it is the presence of reactive
Taken together, in view of the very large popu-
lation of patients treated worldwide with nimesu- metabolites generated in the liver that seems to be
lide, the absolute risk of developing hepatic ad- crucial and which may play a central role in
verse effects including fulminant hepatitis is very nimesulide-associated adverse hepatic reactions.
low. This is a feature that nimesulide shares with In particular, the nitroreductive pathway produces
some other widely used NSAIDs, e.g. diclofenac. potentially reactive species (figure 4). Although
not yet proven in vivo, evidence stemming from
2.3 Molecular Mechanisms of Liver Injury:
in vitro systems suggests that these reactive inter-
Contribution of the Drug mediates have the potential to pose an oxidoreduc-
tive stress and/or undergo covalent binding to se-
In common with other NSAIDs, the molecular lective target proteins (see sections 2.3.2 and
mechanisms underlying the rare hepatic toxicity of 2.3.3). A particularly sensitive organelle are the
nimesulide have remained enigmatic, and there are mitochondria.

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Hepatotoxicity of Nimesulide 641

SO2CH3 sated by antioxidant defence mechanisms, alter

cellular signalling, induce mitochondrial alter-
O ations, or even trigger apoptosis.

2.3.3 Covalent Protein Binding

The two-electron transfer pathway of nitro-
NH2 arenes leads to the production of the amine, with
ST the nitroso and the hydroxylamine as intermediate
Glucuronidation metabolites (figure 4). This multi-step reduction of
N-Acetylation aromatic nitro compounds is a common pathway
for, e.g. sulphonamide drugs and has been well
Fig. 3. Major pathways of nimesulide metabolism in the liver. The
nitroarene is reduced to the amine, followed by N-acetylation. The
characterised.[92,93] Importantly, both the hydroxy-
phenoxy ring undergoes 4′-hydroxylation and subsequent conju- lamine and the nitroso intermediate are electro-
gation to glucuronic acid or sulphate. Cross-combinations of these philic, protein-reactive species that can deplete
metabolic steps are common and all metabolites have been iden-
tified in humans. NAT = N-acetyltransferase; ST = sulfotrans- glutathione and form covalent adducts with pro-
ferase; UGT = uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase. teins.[92]
The aromatic amine (and its N-acetylated con-
jugate) are indeed major metabolites of nimesul-
2.3.2 Oxidative Stress
ide.[94] In contrast, the reactive nitroso and hydroxy-
There is compelling evidence that nitro-
lamine intermediates have not been demonstrated
aromatic compounds, including nimesulide, can
in vivo, probably because they are readily reduced
induce intracellular oxidative stress in in vitro.[85-89]
and because they are short-lived. Nevertheless, co-
The underlying cause is the relative ease by which
valent binding of [14C]nimesulide to protein has
nitroaromatic compounds can be enzymatically re-
duced by nitroreductase-catalysed one- or two- been demonstrated in rat liver microsomal or S9
electron transfer pathways (figure 4). These fractions,[95] lending further evidence for the gen-
nitroreductases, which are flavoproteins, are lo- eration of protein-reactive intermediates Covalent
cated in the cytosol and the endoplasmic reticulum
but, importantly, are also active in mitochon-
dria.[90] The one-electron transfer pathway pro-
duces the nitro anion radical, a highly reactive spe- NO2 N NH NH 2
cies which, under aerobic conditions, is able to O2 O •−
O2 O2
transfer the electron to molecular oxygen, thereby
producing superoxide anion radicals. The produc- HS-Protein
tion of this intermediate has indeed been demon-
strated in vitro by electrochemical generation from
NO2• − N S-Protein
nimesulide and its reactivity has been studied.[91] H
In vivo, however, this intermediate has not been
Fig. 4. Nitroreductive metabolism of nimesulide leading to the
demonstrated, probably because it rapidly auto- putative formation of reactive intermediates. Redox cycling be-
oxidises back to the parent compound. Redox cy- tween the nitro anion radical and the parent compound can
cling is potentially hazardous because one mole- produce superoxide anion and pose an oxidative stress, while
production of the nitroso and N-hydroxy compound can cause
cule of nitro compound can theoretically give rise both oxidative stress and covalent protein adduct formation.
to a large number of superoxide anion molecules The latter process will be stimulated if, for example, the reduc-
tive step from the N-hydroxy to the amine is inhibited, or if the
(figure 4). The resulting downstream production of rates of N-acetylation and subsequent elimination of the amine
superoxide anion-derived ROS can, if not compen- are decreased.

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642 Boelsterli

binding of critical target proteins is thus a cellular tivation and opening of the MPTP had occurred.
reaction that nimesulide shares with other acidic The MPTP is a redox-sensitive megachannel
NSAIDs, although through a completely different across the inner and outer mitochondrial mem-
mechanism. If remaining uncompensated or not brane which is normally closed but opens upon in-
repaired, persistent adducts could alter a protein’s creased oxidative stress. The consequences of
function, or, if occurring in mitochondria, alter mi- MPTP opening are several-fold and include dissi-
tochondrial function. pation of the intermembraneous proton gradient,
leading to ATP depletion, mitochondrial swelling
2.3.4 Mitochondrial Injury
Recent studies have indicated that nimesulide is and rupture of the outer mitochondrial membrane,
able to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation in and release of apoptosis-inducing mediators into
the cytosol. To date, however, no in vivo data are
isolated mitochondria.[27,96,97] Specifically, the
drug increased basal respiration, decreased the published that would demonstrate whether ni-
transmembrane potential and inhibited ATP syn- mesulide might be able to induce apoptosis in the
thesis with an EC50 (concentration required to liver.
Because the uncoupling effects were lost when
inhibit synthesis by 50%) ranging between 5 and
27 μmol/L. It should be noted, however, that stud- the reduced arylamine metabolite of nimesulide, as
opposed to the parent compound, was incubated
ies with isolated mitochondria are usually done in
the absence of serum proteins added to the incuba- with mitochondria, the conclusion that the nitro
group was responsible for the mitochondrial liabil-
tion media. Therefore, the EC50 values obtained
ity is further supported.[96] In fact, the combined
(in the low micromolar range) may be misleading.
To assess the in vivo relevance of the mitochon- data allow one to provide a working hypothesis of
the molecular mechanisms underlying nimesulide-
drial effects, the nimesulide concentrations entail-
associated mitochondrial injury (figure 5). This hy-
ing uncoupling activity in vitro have to be com-
pothesis implies that high concentrations of ni-
pared with the free (non-plasma protein-bound)
mesulide penetrate into mitochondria, where
therapeutic plasma concentrations in humans. As-
suming peak plasma concentrations in the range of bioreductive metabolism produces redox cycling
and oxidative stress, leading to opening of the
20 μmol/L and the unbound fraction of nimesulide
MPTP. In addition, bioreductive metabolism of
being 1%,[94] then the concentrations used in the
nimesulide in the cytosol and/or endoplasmic re-
mitochondrial studies were approximately 100-
ticulum causes both oxidative stress and covalent
fold higher than therapeutically relevant concen-
trations. Thus, nimesulide concentrations in pa- modification of target proteins which also can lead
to direct or indirect (via Ca2+ mobilisation) activa-
tients are unlikely to reach levels that are high
tion of the MPTP. It is also likely that covalent
enough to induce substantial uncoupling in vivo.
This assumption is corroborated by an in vivo rat modification of intracellular proteins, together
with oxidative stress-induced depletion of gluta-
study where mitochondrial uncoupling of respira-
tion (determined indirectly as increases in intesti- thione, might activate signalling pathways that
lead to hepatocellular necrosis.
nal permeability) could be induced at the high
(supratherapeutic) dose of 60 mg/kg only.[98] 2.3.5 Role of Tumour Necrosis Factor-α
Indeed, experimental evidence suggests that the Proinflammatory cytokines including TNFα
protonophoretic activity of nimesulide is unlikely have been implicated in exacerbating drug-in-
to be the only mechanism by which mitochondria duced liver injury.[99] TNFα expression is nor-
are injured. Incubation of mitochondria with ni- mally regulated by prostaglandins. For example,
mesulide caused osmotic swelling of mitochondria inhibition of COX-2 causes up-regulation of
and NAD(P)H oxidation.[96] This indicates that ac- TNFα via a multi-step feedback loop.[100] While

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Hepatotoxicity of Nimesulide 643

(high concentrations)

Mitochondrion Cytosol/ER



Uncoupling (Nim)-NO Conjugation
(Nim)-NO2• −

ATP↓ (Nim)-NH2

Covalent adducts

[Ca2+] i↑ Necrosis Haptenation

Fig. 5. Working hypothesis of the molecular events leading to nimesulide-induced mitochondrial injury and induction of cell death.
If high concentrations of nimesulide are taken up by hepatocytes, the drug penetrates into mitochondria, where bioreductive meta-
bolism produces redox cycling and oxidative stress. In addition, bioreductive metabolism of nimesulide in the cytosol and/or endo-
plasmic reticulum causes both oxidative stress and covalent modification of target proteins. This can lead to direct (or possibly
indirect, via Ca2+ mobilisation) activation of the mitochondrial membrane permeability transition pore (MPTP). It is also reasonable
to assume that covalent modification of intracellular proteins, together with oxidative stress-induced depletion of glutathione, might
activate signalling pathways that lead to hepatocellular necrosis. [Ca2+]i = intracellular concentrations of free calcium; ER = endo-
plasmic reticulum; GSH = glutathione; Nim = nimesulide; ROS = reactive oxygen species; ↑ = increase; ↓ = decrease.

most NSAIDs indeed produce local and systemic might play a role in nimesulide-associated hepato-
increases in TNFα, which could lead to pro- cellular injury.
inflammatory changes or even tissue injury,[101]
nimesulide is an exception in that it causes inhibi- 2.4 Molecular Mechanisms of Liver Injury:
tion rather than stimulation of TNFα production Contribution of the Susceptible Patient
(via PDE IV inhibition, see section 3.1). In fact, in
Although host factors play a pivotal role in idi-
contrast to other NSAIDs (for example, indometh-
osyncratic drug reactions, little is known about
acin, ibuprofen) nimesulide in vivo totally pre-
these individual susceptibility factors. Increasing
vented TNFα production in rat liver even upon
awareness of relevant genetic abnormalities will
challenge with the powerful TNFα-stimulating undoubtedly shed more light on this aspect in the
agent lipopolysaccharide.[102] Because TNFα is future. For example, a genetic candidate factor that
also essential in liver injury because it stimulates would determine a key step in the bioactivation
the production of cytoprotective factors,[103] it is not cascade (figure 2) is the genetic polymorphism in
clear to date whether this suppression of TNF-α NAT which is critically involved in detoxication

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644 Boelsterli

and elimination of nimesulide. Indeed, for sul- nitroreductive activation and which has been im-
phonamides, evidence indicates that 90% of pa- plicated in the toxicity of other nitroaromatic com-
tients with hypersensitivity reactions belonged to pounds,[86,109-111] or aromatic amines [92,112,113]
the slow acetylator phenotype.[104] Meanwhile, a Second, one of the features that differentiates
large number of additional allelic variants of NAT1 nimesulide from other NSAIDs is the fact that
and NAT2, with their multiple single-nucleotide nimesulide is a powerful inhibitor of PDE IV. This
polymorphisms (SNPs) have been well character- effect has been linked with the ability of nimesu-
ised.[105,106] In general, it can be assumed that a fast lide to inhibit TNFα production,[100] as PDE IV
acetylator phenotype may protect an individual inhibitors increase intracellular levels of cAMP,
from the toxic consequences of reactive metabo- which in turn will down-regulate TNFα expres-
lites of sulphonamides.[107] However, this has not sion.[114-116] PDE IV inhibitors also exhibit a range
been demonstrated for nimesulide. of other effects besides inhibition of TNFα syn-
Another putative susceptibility factor is an ab- thesis. For example, they can protect from NSAID-
erration in the gene coding for hydroxylamine re- induced enteropathy by non-TNFα-mediated
ductase, resulting in incomplete reduction of the mechanisms.[117] As a consequence, intestinal in-
aromatic hydroxylamine to the amine.[108] This jury, which can have serious repercussions on the
could reduce drug elimination and favour redox liver, is attenuated, and possibly deleterious effects
cycling and covalent binding of the reactive drug of LPS on the liver parenchyma are prevented.
Finally, the underlying disease itself, or inflam- 3.2 Assessment of Hepatic Safety
matory reactions associated with the disease, can of Nimesulide: Risk
pose another susceptibility factor. For example, in
a rat arthritis model, the extent of mitochondrial When human exposure data and mechanistic
liability after incubation of isolated mitochondria considerations are used to estimate the actual
with nimesulide was substantially higher than that nimesulide-associated risk for patients to develop
in mitochondria from normal rats.[97] Although liver dysfunction or overt injury, the following key
nimesulide today is mainly used against osteoar- points have emerged.
thritis and as short-term anti-inflammatory treat- First, nimesulide is widely used and in fact in
ment, rather than to treat rheumatoid arthritis, one 2000 ranked fifth among NSAIDs in the world-
should be aware of these patient factors. wide market.[61] Therefore, the appearance of ad-
verse effects including those in the liver has to be
3. Conclusions evaluated with respect to the large population ex-
posed to the drug. However, by weighing the rela-
3.1 Assessment of Hepatic Safety
tive risk of nimesulide-associated serious liver re-
of Nimesulide: Hazard
actions, rather than by focusing on individual case
A number of general as well as nimesulide-spe- reports, it becomes clear that this risk is low and
cific features that are relevant for the hepatic safety comparable with a number of other commonly used
have been identified. They can be summarised as NSAIDs.
follows. Second, the individual risk factors that can pre-
First, nimesulide bioactivation in the liver pro- dispose a patient to an increased risk for develop-
duces potentially protein-reactive intermediates ing nimesulide-associated hepatic adverse reac-
and poses an oxidoreductive stress. This is a hazard tions, such as specific gene abnormalities, alterations
that nimesulide shares with other NSAIDs. Although in specific gene expression, or epigenetic factors, are
nimesulide does not form acyl glucuronides, it currently not known. Therefore, the occurrence of
bears an aromatic nitro group which undergoes these rare reactions will remain unpredictable. A

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Hepatotoxicity of Nimesulide 645

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