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Eugenics is not generally considered to be an acceptable practice. Eugenics refers to the belief in
improving the genetic quality of the human population through selective breeding or other
interventions, such as sterilization or euthanasia of individuals considered to have undesirable

Historically, eugenics has been associated with discriminatory and oppressive policies, such as
forced sterilization programs, that have targeted marginalized groups, such as people with
disabilities, Indigenous people, and racial and ethnic minorities. These policies have been widely
criticized as violations of human rights and as examples of systemic discrimination and oppression.

Moreover, eugenics is based on flawed and problematic assumptions about human genetics and
the relationship between genetics and complex traits such as intelligence and behavior. It has been
widely discredited by the scientific community, and is not considered a valid approach to
improving the genetic quality of the human population.

In conclusion, eugenics is not an acceptable practice, and is widely viewed as a form of

discrimination and oppression that violates human rights and perpetuates harmful stereotypes.

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