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Name ___________________________

Class ____________________________

Year 11 General
Food Science & Technology
Task 2: Celebrate Local Foods


Assessment type: Production

Conditions: Examine the variety and availability of local foods; the economic and environmental
considerations and issues that arise from purchasing locally and lifestyle choices;
produce food using local raw and processed foods.
Time allowed: 3 weeks: Due Term 1 Week 8
Total marks: 80 marks
Task weighting 20% of the school mark for this pair of units


Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
Question 1

(a) Explain the term food miles.

(2 marks)

(b) Examine a food product and determine if the country of origin on the packaging is an accurate
indicator of the products food miles.
(2 marks)

(c) Determine the energy needed to produce the food product identified in part (b).
(2 marks)

Question 2

Explain one (1) economical, one (1) environmental and one (1) health benefit of buying local foods.
(3 marks)



Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods

Question 3
(a) Explain the purpose of packaging.
(2 marks)

(b) List four (4) different packaging materials and identify the pros and cons of the packaging
(4 marks)

Packaging Material Pros Cons


Question 4
(a) Food wastage is a common concern many people have. Explain ways society can minimise food
wastage in food processing and selection of products in the supermarket.
(4 marks)

(b) Examine a local council and discuss strategies they are implementing to improve recycling in
the community.
(3 marks)
Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods

Question 5
(a) Explain the term food availability.
(2 marks)

(b) With increased knowledge and technology, trends and innovations, society has more variety of
food which lasts longer and can be delivered safely to the community. Research and explain
one (1) issue associated with ensuring food is available and sustainable for future generations.
(4 marks)


Question 6

(a) Look at the different issues below and put a tick next to the positive changes and a cross next
to the negative changes:
(3 marks)
o Increased air and water pollution from food processing
o Increased use of pesticides and fungicides for the perfect food product
o Longer shelf life of foods
o More transportation of food used during processing
o Added landfill due to packaging
o Increased salinity due to land clearing for farm practices
o Solid degradation from farming
o Increased range of foods available
o Some seasonal food available all year round

(b) Choose one (1) positive or negative issue and explain in detail how it is contributing to food

Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
(4 marks)

Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
Question 7
Imagine you are in charge of the weekly shop. You have $150 to purchase food for a couple only
family. Hint: use the Coles website to find your products and their pricing.

(a) Identify the meals you will need to produce, and the ingredients needed for each meal.
(4 marks)

Meals Ingredients Needed





Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
(b) Identify the cost of each ingredient needed to produce each meal for your weekly shop.
(8 marks)
Original item total cost
Ingredient Cost = - ____________________ x Amount required
Quantity Purchased
Flour Cost = $3.60 x 250 g = $ 0.45
2000 g
Ingredient name Required measure Purchased Cost Work it out
Quantity Weight Weight Purchased Total
/g/ml /g/ml quantity cost
Enter ingredients e.g. 1/2 e.g. 100 e.g. 500 $0.00 $0.00
below C, t, T

Total cost $

Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
(b) Do you eat majority natural/raw or processed foods? Explain how you could make
improvements to your meal planning.
(2 marks)

(c) Explain the health benefits associated with eating less processed food.
(2 marks)

Question 8
Select one recipe of choice and identify if the ingredients are raw/processed and local/imported.
(4 marks)

Chosen Recipe: _________________________

Ingredients Raw/Processed Local or Imported


Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
Question 9
In the space provided design the presentation of your recipe. Ensure you include colour and
(3 marks)

Question 10
Create a production plan for your recipe using the table below.
(4 marks)
Time Person Step/action

Question 11

Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
Produce your chosen meal using safe and hygienic food practices, demonstrating effective time
management and food presentation skills, whilst working collaboratively through cleaning and
maintaining the kitchen
(10 marks)

Question 12
(a) Complete a sensory analysis of your product.
(4 marks)


(b) How successful was your recipe? Explain the successes or challenges you were presented with
when producing your meal. Are there any changes you would make next time? If so, explain.
(4 marks)

Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
Year 11 FST Task 2 Marking Criteria
Question 1

(a) Explain the term food miles.

Description Marks

Explains the term food miles in detail 2

Provides a limited explanation of food miles 1

Total /2

(b) Examine a food product and determine if the country of origin on the packaging is an accurate indicator of the
products food miles.

Description Marks

Examines a food product in detail and determines if the country of origin on the packaging is an 2
accurate indicator of the products food miles

Identifies a food product and briefly determines if the country of origin on the packaging is an 1
accurate indicator of the products food miles

Total /2

(c) Determine the energy needed to produce the food product identified in part (a).

Description Marks

Explains the concept food miles in detail and clearly determines the energy needed to produce 2
the food product identified in part (a).

Identifies aspects of the concept food miles and briefly determines the energy needed to produce 1
the food product identified in part (a).

Total /2

Question 2
Explain one (1) economical, one (1) environmental and one (1) health benefit of buying local foods.

Description Marks

Explains in detail one (1) economical, one (1) environmental and one (1) health benefit of buying 3
local foods.

Explains one (1) economical, one (1) environmental and one (1) health benefit of buying local 2

Briefly lists one (1) economical, one (1) environmental and one (1) health benefit of buying local 1

Total /3

Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
Question 3
(a) Explain the purpose of packaging.

Description Marks

Explain the purpose of packaging in detail 2

Provides a limited explanation of the purpose of packaging 1

Total /2

(b) List four (4) different packaging materials and identify the pros and cons of the packaging material.

Description Marks

Lists 3-4 different packaging materials and identifies in detail the pros and cons of the packaging 3-4

Lists 1-2 different packaging materials and identifies the pros and cons of the packaging material. 1-2

Total /4

Question 4
(a) Food wastage is a common concern many people have. Explain ways society can minimise food wastage in food
processing and selection of products in the supermarket.

Description Marks

Explains in detail ways society can minimise food wastage in food processing and selection of 3-4
products in the supermarket.

Lists some ways society can minimise food wastage in food processing and selection of products 1-2
in the supermarket.

Total /4

(b) Examine a local council and discuss strategies they are implementing to improve recycling in the community.

Description Marks

Discusses in detail strategies a local council is implementing to improve recycling in the 3


Discusses strategies a local council is implementing to improve recycling in the community. 2

Briefly lists a strategy a local council is implementing to improve recycling in the community. 1

Total /3

Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
Question 5
(a) Explain the term food availability.

Description Marks

Provides a detailed explanation of food availability 2

Provides a brief explanation of food availability 1

Total /2

(b) With increased knowledge and technology, trends and innovations, society has more variety of food which lasts
longer and can be delivered safely to the community. Research and explain one (1) issue associated with ensuring
food is available and sustainable for future generations.

Description Marks

Researches and explains one (1) issue associated with ensuring food is available and sustainable 3-4
for future generations.

Limited evidence of research and brief explanation of one (1) issue associated with ensuring food 1-2
is available and sustainable for future generations.

Total /4

Question 6
(a) Look at the different issues below and put a tick next to the positive changes and a cross next to the negative

Description Marks

Correctly identifies 7-9 issues associated with environmental issues that arise from food and 3
lifestyle choices

Correctly identifies 4-6 issues associated with environmental issues that arise from food and 2
lifestyle choices

Correctly identifies 1-3 issues associated with environmental issues that arise from food and 1
lifestyle choices

Total /3

(b) Choose one (1) positive or negative issue and explain in detail how it is contributing to food availability.

Description Marks

Chooses one (1) positive or negative issue and explain in detail how it is contributing to food 3-4

Chooses one (1) positive or negative issue and provides limited explanation of how it is 1-2
contributing to food availability

Total /4

Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
Question 7
(a) Identify the meals you will need to produce, and the ingredients needed for each meal.

Description Marks

Identifies meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks and provides detailed ingredients list for 3-4
each meal

Identifies meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks and provides detailed ingredients list for 1-2
each meal

Total /4

(b) Identify the cost of each ingredient needed to produce each meal for your weekly shop.

Description Marks

Provides a detailed and accurate list, correctly identifying the cost of each ingredient needed to 7-8
produce each meal for your weekly shop. Weekly shop adds up to $150

Provides an accurate list, correctly identifying the cost of each ingredient needed to produce each 5-6
meal for your weekly shop. Weekly shop adds up to $150

Provides a list, identifying the cost of each ingredient needed to produce each meal for your 3-4
weekly shop. Weekly shop may not add up to $150

Provides a limited list, identifying the cost of some ingredients needed to produce each meal for 1-2
your weekly shop. Weekly shop doesn’t add up to $150

Total /8

(c) Do you eat majority natural/raw or processed foods? Explain how you could make improvements to your meal

Description Marks

Correctly identifies if you eat the majority natural/raw or processed foods? Explains in detail how 2
you could make improvements to your meal planning.

Identifies if you eat the majority natural/raw or processed foods? Lists how you could make 1
improvements to your meal planning.

Total /2

(d) Explain the health benefits associated with eating less processed food.

Description Marks

Correctly identifies if you eat the majority natural/raw or processed foods? Explains in detail how 2
you could make improvements to your meal planning.

Identifies if you eat the majority natural/raw or processed foods? Lists how you could make 1
improvements to your meal planning.

Total /2

Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
Question 8
Select one recipe of choice identify if the ingredients are raw/processed and local/imported.

Description Marks

Selects one recipe of choice and correctly identifies if the ingredients are raw/processed and 3-4

Selects one recipe of choice and provides some correct information as to if the ingredients are 1-2
raw/processed and local/imported

Total /4

Question 9
In the space provided design the presentation of your recipe. Ensure you include colour and annotations.

Description Marks

Food presentation image is detailed, in colour and includes annotations 3

Food presentation image is in colour and includes annotations 2

Food presentation images is brief may include limited annotations and colour 1

Total /3

Question 10
Create a production plan for your recipe using the table below.

Description Marks

Food production plan is detailed and accurate including all steps and time allocation. 3-4

Food production plan includes some steps and time allocation may not be accurate. 1-2

Total /4

Question 11
Produce your chosen meal using safe and hygienic food practices, demonstrating effective time management and food
presentation skills, whilst working collaboratively through cleaning and maintaining the kitchen.

Description Marks
Collecting Equipment and Measuring Ingredients Correct equipment is used with relevant /2
measuring techniques
Recipe Interpretation & Cooking Techniques Recipe is followed step-by-step Correct and /2
accurate cooking techniques are displayed Workspace is kept neat and tidy throughout
Presentation & Timing Recipe is presented to a high standard for serving Recipe and cleaning is /2
successfully completed on time
Safety & Hygiene Correct safety and hygiene procedures undertaken /2
Cleaning - Dishes, Bench, Sink & StoveWorkstation is cleaned to an acceptable standard with all /2
equipment returned to the correct place Cleaning products and tea towels are put away
Total /10

Question 12
(a) Complete a sensory analysis of your product.

Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods
Description Marks

Sensory analysis table is completed in detail demonstrating a depth of understanding 3-4

Sensory analysis table is completed with minimal detail demonstrating limited understanding 1-2

Total /4

(b) How successful was your recipe? Explain the successes or challenges you were presented with when producing
your meal. Are there any changes you would make next time? If so explain.

Description Marks

Evaluation includes detailed reflection highlighting in detail the successes and challenges 4
experienced when producing your meal. Reflection includes detailed explanation on what
changes need to be made next time.

Evaluation includes reflection highlighting the successes and challenges experienced when 3
producing your meal. Reflection includes explanation on what changes need to be made next

Evaluation includes reflection listing some successes and challenges experienced when producing 2
your meal. Reflection includes limited explanation on what changes need to be made next time.

Evaluation includes brief reflection listing some successes and challenges experienced when 1
producing your meal. Reflection includes limited explanation on what changes need to be made
next time.

Total /4



Year 11 FST Task 2 – Celebrate Local Foods

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