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According to YourGenome (2017), evolution is the change in a species'

features over numerous generations based on natural selection. It involves an

organism altering over time and passing its traits to the next era. However, three

other mechanisms can lead to evolution: mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow. First,

mutation is the generation of new alleles in a population when the DNA sequence of

a gene change (Biology LibreTexts, 2021). In other words, if a mutation occurs, it

can be handed down to children. Its genetic material can vary through this

mechanism. One example of a genetic mutation is sickle cell disease (SCD), which

causes red blood cells to have a sickle shape (BD Editors, 2017). Second, genetic

drift occurs when the alleles that make it into a population's future generation

randomly select the alleles in the present generation (Biological Principles, n.d.). It is

the unpredictability of allele frequency changes in small populations. Since

randomness causes genetic drift, all changes in a population's gene pool are entirely

unexpected. In the case of a population of white and brown fur rabbits, where white

is the dominant allele, genetic drift can result in eradicating the white population,

leaving just the brown population (BYJUS, 2022). Third, gene flow refers to the

movement of genes between populations and the passage of genes from one

population to another after fertilization, which alters the genetic makeup of the

recipient population (Robb, 2021). If there is migration, there will be gene flow. As a

result, gene flow occurs whenever an allele is transferred from one group to another.

According to White (n.d.), one example of this mechanism is when blue-eyed

Sweden travels to a little town in Mexico where everyone has brown eyes, leading to

some of their kids having blue eyes due to mating.


BD Editors. (2017, April 28). Mutation - Definition, Types, Examples and Quiz.

Biology Dictionary.

Biological Principles. (n.d.). Other Mechanisms of Evolution.


Biology LibreTexts. (2021, September 22). 11.2: Mechanisms of Evolution.



BYJUS. (2022, July 22). Genetic Drift-Types And Examples Of Genetic Drift.

Robb, A. (2021, October 1). Gene Flow Definition & Examples | What is Gene

Flow? - Video & Lesson Transcript.

White, M. (n.d.). Examples of Gene Flow in Plants and Animals.



YourGenome. (2017, February 17). What is evolution?

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