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In the past few years, it is undeniable fact that life is so tense that people have witnessed a lot of

unexpected consequences related to stress that happened to students. There are various causes for
this problem that I will discuss further in my essay as well as some ways to reduce them.

First of all, the primary reason is that life is constantly developing which led to many changes in
the education system to adapt to higher job requirements. For example, in the past, it was much
easier for people to find a job for life, but this is now no longer the case, since most employers
seek high-qualified employees for high productivity. The curriculum is becoming more complex
through age and requires students to spend more time learning per day. They would hardly be
able to balance working and relaxing because of the heavy homework load and an increasing
number of extra classes. In addition, parents always do not hope that their children be left
behind; therefore, they believe that being strict with children is the best solution. Some even use
violence or unintentionally hurt their children’s self-esteem through daily conversation then
make them lose faith in themselves and ultimately result in painful stories like suicide.

However, there are some ways to overcome this problem that they need to relax. Government
should create a stress-free studying environment and force schools to care more about students’
mental health. Apart from that, parents also play an important role. They should put themselves
in their children's place so that they can sympathize and adjust the expectations of their offspring.
Furthermore, psychologists should be invited to work in every school to help students when they
are in an emergency and need someone to confide in except for their fathers, mothers, and
teachers, to who they might not be open.

In conclusion, although we know that stress is a silent killer, impedes students' performance and
destroys their health, we cannot totally sort it out of life and every student has to face it. I hope
that students will believe in themselves, parents will be more welcome to listen to their children
and governments will work hard to make a stress-free modern world for all.

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