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NIM: 206060300111011
Mata Kuliah: English
Tugas: Writing 2

I trace some of my fondest memories back when I was living in Bandung as an

undergraduate student. With two of my closest friends in high school, we’re renting an
unkempt but spacious house not far from the campus. It was my first experience of
living away from my parents. Since this is supposed to be a very short story, I will
conclude that experience in a brief statement: it was a fun, enjoyable time of my life. I
was hardly ever bored back then; have many good friends and teachers who made me
learns, explore, and broaden my views. I still remember the times when me and my
friends staying up late, just to discuss and debates on numerous, abstract subjects
(culture, history, books, etcetera) until it’s half past five in the morning. Sometimes we
would watch pirated movies while smoking handrolled cigarettes, or played computer
games to pass our free time. On the evenings, sometimes me and my group of friends
from EE (Electrical Engineering) majors would gather in a cheap coffeehouse in the
back of our faculty’s building, and discussing our thesis. I still miss those times, even to
this day.

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