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Museums and Art Galleries

1. Do you like going to (or, do you often go to) museums or art galleries?

2. When you were a child, did you ever visit any museums? 

3. Would you recommend that schools take their students to visit museums (or,

that museum)? 

4. What do you think is the role (or the purpose) of museums and art galleries? 

5. Have you ever taken a class in drawing or painting?

Performing arts Visual arts Literature

6. Do you think children should have art classes in school?

 Dancing music potterry architecture

 Theater poetry sculpture painting

 Fiction carving Ceramics Singing

For individuals

 Art stimulates imagination Art promotes creativity / imagination

 Art reduces stress and provides an emotional outlet

 Art provides more career choices (A career in an art-related field)

 Improves quality of life for those with illness (art therapy)

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