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Pamela Abegail C.

BS Accountancy 1-3

Instructions: Answer the 8 questions with a minimum of 50 words for each one.

1. What do you know?

a. Answer the following questions as precisely yet as thoroughly as possible.
1. What Art field will you explore? Why?

- There are three fields of arts namely, visual arts, which is more on
paintings and sculptures. We also have performing arts that includes
music, dance, and drama. Lastly, there is language arts. For me, I would
like to explore the field of Performing Arts, specifically, music. This is
because I enjoy doing music and I would like to learn more about it to
improve my knowledge and skills in that particular field of Arts.

2. How can you utilize the arts to express yourself, your community,
and your relation to others?

- There are different ways to utilize arts to express ourselves to people.

You can do it through painting and drawing (visual arts) what you want to
say or what you want to show people. You can also utilize singing, playing
instruments, dancing, and acting (performing arts) to portray your feelings
to the public. Lastly, you can write a poem, a story, or a letter (language
arts) to express yourself to other people.

b. Explain the reason why you gave that answer? What was in your mind?

- I gave that answer because people have different ways how they want to
express themselves to the community and to others. Not everyone is good
at paintings and drawings, so they express through singing and dancing
and vice versa. There are also people who choose and better express
themselves through writing than those I mentioned earlier. Each person
has his/her own special way of expressing themselves.
1. Analysis
a. What is the importance of Art and how it is beneficial in our global situation

- Arts is important because it encourages self-expression and creativity

and can build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity to a
person. Creativity can help with well-being and improving health and
happiness. Arts could act as an outlet for releasing the pressures and
stress from everyday life. Arts also help to develop critical thinking and
the ability to interpret the world around us.

b. What do you think are the qualities of Philippine art? In your opinion, what
makes Philippine art Filipino?

- In my opinion, one of the qualities of Philippine art includes depiction of

everyday life here in the Philippines through various mediums. That’s why
we have paintings, riddles, folk songs, poems, etc. A Philippine art is
Filipino when, of course, a Filipino creates a certain art and it reflects the
culture, traditions, and the way of living here in the Philippines (bayanihan,
hospitable, buhay sa mga rural areas, etc.).

2. Assessment
a. If you were to add to the lesson, what would they be? Create new
ideas/knowledge and share it in the discussion.

- In the module, art appreciation was discussed and I would like to add how
important this is to us, students. For many people, art is meant to express
something that we ourselves feel unable to express or convey. Through its
visual medium it evokes feelings of joy, sadness, anger and pain. That is
why art appreciation is so important in bringing that one final element to
complete the work, and that is our interpretation. Our perspective brings
the artwork to life as it changes for every person around it.
b. Why do you think this philosophical theory of art can be an avenue for the
discussion and dissemination of these realities in our country? How can
the recipients of artworks be more involved?

- Artists often reflect the problems that they face, and the issues of the
society in their work. By analyzing and putting ourselves in the mind of the
artist, we can better study how differently society functioned then,
compared to now. And us, the recipients of arts, interpret or understand
what the artist wants to tell us. We can empathize and relate to the
problems they faced on a personal level.

3. Reflections
a. Examine the philosophical theory of art you learned. What significant
lesson did you find it personal?

- It is important to foster art appreciation and analysis, as it helps us value

the art in how it appeals to us and what it means to each person. It delves
into the history and the story behind the art, as well as a look into the lives
of the artists. It enables one to critically analyze a work, along lines of
design, mastery and techniques. Most importantly, however, art
appreciation stimulates though and analysis, provokes an individual to look
past what meets the eye and open our mind to the views of others.

b. In what part of the lesson did you find easy or hard to illustrate in the way
that you learned? Why?

- There is no particular lesson that’s hard in this module. It discussed the

process of art appreciation and I have learned that art appreciation is so
important in bringing that one final element to complete the work, and that
is our interpretation. Our perspective brings the artwork to life as it changes
for every person around it.

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