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Pamela Abegail C.

BS Accountancy 1-3

Instructions: Answer the 8 questions with a minimum of 50 words for each one.

1. Questions for “What do you know?”

a. Question: In your own opinion, which among your senses can describe
beauty better? Why?
- For me, among our senses, our eyes can describe beauty better.
Quoting that “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” This is because we
appreciate the beauty of something through seeing it. It is quite hard to
describe how beautiful something is unless, we see it because without
seeing it with our eyes, we can only describe a part of it, and not the
whole the picture itself.

b. What moral lesson can you relate from your answer from question number
1 to the poem given?
- The moral of the poem is that humans tend to claim absolute truth
based on their limited, subjective experience as they ignore other
people's limited, subjective experiences which may be equally true. We
can see in the poem that everyone described the elephant’s body parts
correctly, but it is only a part of the elephant and not the whole
elephant itself. This leads to an argument, every person, claiming that
he/she is correct, and the others are wrong.

2. Questions for Lesson activity

a. What degree of aesthetic values are the paintings of:
1. Sotein
Sotein painted artworks that are called “Carcass of Beef” in
1925, “Mad Woman” in 1922, and “Woman in Red” also in
1992. All of these artworks show a bizarre degree of
aesthetic values because all of those paintings are gloomy
and entertaining and they fall under the classification of ugly,
in terms of aesthetic values.
2. Hirst
Damien Hirst created installation arts that are called “Piggy”
in 1996 and “God Alone Knows” in 2007. For me, all of these
artworks show a scary degree of aesthetic values that fall
under the classification of ugly. This is because these two
artworks are gloomy and is scary to look at. In short, they
are not pleasing to the eyes.

3. Kalo
Kalo painted an artwork called “My Birth” in 1932. For me
this artwork or painting falls under the classification of ugly,
in terms of aesthetic values and under the classification of
ugly, this falls in the horrible degree. This is because the
picture is gloomy and sad to look at. We can see that the
baby that went out of the mother looks dead and that is a
sad situation.

b. Can you get beauty out of those paintings? Why?

- In terms of the aesthetic values, we cannot get beauty out of all those
paintings. This is because none of those paintings delights my eyes,
everything is gloomy. Some were scary, some were sad, and some
were entertaining. Those paintings does not match the standard of
beauty in the terms of the aesthetic values that is why we cannot get
beauty out of all those paintings.

3. Questions for Assessment

a. What value/s of beauty did you discover from the lesson?
- According to the aesthetic values, the degrees classified under beauty
are sublime, grand, elegant, charming, comic, tragic, and terrible.
Sublime is something that purely delights, grand is something that
delights and awes, elegant is something that delights and impresses,
charming is something that delights and attracts, comic is something
that delights and entertains, tragic is something that delights and
saddens, and lastly, terrible is something that delights, and fears.

b. How can that value/s help you become a better individual?

- These values can help me become a better individual in a way that I
will know if someone feels positively about me. For example, they find
me elegant because they are delighted or happy with me and they are
also impressed whenever they are with me. The same thing goes if
someone feels negatively about me or they don’t like me, I can change
whatever they don’t like so that I can become a better individual in
which they can be delighted with.
4. Questions for Reflection
a. What significant lesson did you find it personal?
- I have learned that aesthetics examines the nature of art, beauty, and
taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty. Other cultures have
also created their own unique aesthetics, which exists in many different
forms and styles. However, it is not easy to say what is beautiful or
ugly. People have different opinions and judgments about what is
beautiful or ugly.

b. In what part of the lesson did you find easy or hard to illustrate in the way
that you learned? Why?
- In this module, we have learned about the 14 different degrees of
aesthetic values of which seven of these fall under the classification of
beauty, and also seven fall under the classification of ugly. Under
beauty are sublime, grand, elegant, charming, comic, tragic, and
terrible. Meanwhile, under ugly are scary, horrible, bizarre, poignant,
perverse, rustic, and pathetic. There is a common ground in each of
the classification. For beauty, their common ground is it is always
something that delights. For ugly, their common ground is it is always
something that glooms.

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