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Pamela Abegail C.

BS Accountancy 1-3
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the 8 questions with a minimum of 50 words for each one.

1. What do you know?

a. Question: An Anonymous quote says: “There is a lot of difference
between Human being and Being human”. Create your own perspective
based on this viewpoint.

-According to the module, being human is a biological process. However, acting

like one is a cultural process. Based on the illustrations, we are all human beings,
but not all of us act like one. We can see injustice, poverty, and differences in
social status on the pictures. Contrast to this, humanity should have justice,
abundance, and equal social rights. But why is it that majority of what we see is
the opposite of it? It is because of the corruption of humanity and failing to act
like a human being.

b. Explain the reason why you gave that answer? What was in your mind?

- In the illustrations, it is very evident that it speaks or reflects the life here in the
Philippines, and as a human being living in this country, I can tell that the reason
why we lack the sense of humanity (pagpapakatao) is because of the corrupt
characters of the people here. And what’s sadder about this is that most of our
government officials are like that which is why the people are suffering and not
getting what they deserve from the government.

2. Analysis
a. Question: Looking at the image, what insights or realizations do you
discover? Give at least two (2).
- The image that I saw was a period or a dot. It is used in sentences and it means
that you have to stop whenever there’s a period in a sentence. The realizations I
discovered from this image is, first, everything in this world is going to stop or
cease to exist or function. Just like how we stop reading whenever we see a
period or dot, the same thing goes with life. Our life will eventually stop, too. The
period mark signifies the end of things. And this leads me to my second
realization, when everything stops or ends, there’s no way to bring back what
was lost, that’s why we have to live life fully and be responsible for our actions.

b. What do you think are the qualities of Philippine art? In your opinion, what
makes Philippine art Filipino?

- In my opinion, one of the qualities of Philippine art includes depiction of

everyday life here in the Philippines through various mediums. That’s why we
have paintings, riddles, folk songs, poems, etc. A Philippine art is Filipino when,
of course, a Filipino creates a certain art and it reflects the culture, traditions, and
the way of living here in the Philippines (bayanihan, hospitable, buhay sa mga
rural areas, etc.).

3. Assessment
c. If you were to add to the lesson, what would they be? Create new
ideas/knowledge and share it in the discussion.

- The three human faculties were discussed in this module. I would like to add
that whenever we perceive elements through our five senses, it gives a certain
representation to things. Even with simple lines, colors, shapes, it could make
people feel or think of something. Arts is not just about paintings, sculptures, and
other impressive artworks. Even simple lines, colors, and shapes can also be
considered as an art.
d. Why do you think this philosophical theory of art can be an avenue for the
discussion and dissemination of these realities in our country? How can
the recipients of artworks be more involved?

- It says in this module that the arts is based on how we perceive reality and can
provide us the most vivid images of social relations and cultural values. So,
through arts, we can show the realities and the issues happening in our country
nowadays. Artists express what they want to tell through their art. And us, the
recipients of arts, interpret or understand what the artist wants to tell us.

4. Reflections
e. Examine the philosophical theory of art you learned. What significant
lesson did you find it personal?

- Arts is based on how we perceive reality that’s why we have the level of the
senses, level of the will, and level of the mind to perceive things and whatever we
see, hear, smell, taste, touch, or imagine is affecting how we view or see arts.
This is saying that it is according to our own selves how we will appreciate and
view a certain artwork. That’s why, different humans have different perspectives
on the different artworks they come across.

f. In what part of the lesson did you find easy or hard to illustrate in the way
that you learned? Why?

- I have learned from this module that our level of senses includes the element
that we perceive. For example, the lines, colors, shapes, etc. and these things
have certain representations. These representations suggests to us a certain
emotion that we should feel upon seeing those elements. And lastly, the mind will
interpret this and will form ideas, concepts, and symbolism regarding what you
saw. Everything was easy to learn in this module and there’s no hard topic.

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