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Module 1: Introduction of Humanities; and Functions of Art


Figure I Figure II

Figure III
Look at the figures above. In which of the three figures do you think has an Art? Is it the Figure I which
has a plain characteristic of common jeepney? Or Figure II which has a touched of color green? Or it
might be the last Figure which has a lot of decorative style all over its parts?
Have you already decided in which of these three pictures has an Art? If yes, let’s find out the answer on this
After successfully completing this module, you should be able to:

1. Familiarized with the nature of arts

2. Classified the different functions of art
3. Appreciate the importance of art in our lives


As a discipline, humanities is a broad field. It includes not only the fine arts such painting, sculpture, and
architecture, but also the performing arts such as music, dance, drama, and opera, and the literary arts such as
prose and poetry. Moreover, it compasses all studies which aim to make students “human” inasmuch as it was
derived from the latin word “humanus”, meaning human, cultured, or refined.
How do we consider ourselves as human? Being human means:
 To have the ability to communicate systematically using words, symbols, gestures/ postures, and facial
 To make our own decisions and bear the consequences of them.
 To make and wear clothings, accessories, and other necessities for human life.
How does a person can be called “Cultured”? What is cultured man?
 He is a man who is open to new experiences and has a weatlh of knowledge.
 The cultured man creates opportunities for himself and those around him, and most of all he makes an
impact influence
 A man who has a refined appreciation for art
What is the meaning of refined?
Refined means WELL-EDUCATED or CULTIVATED. Refined man/ men are those who have influenced other
men so completely that they are able to avoid the hardships of nature and only pursue rugged activities out of
desire, not necessity.
Why do we need to study humanities?
 The humanities help us understand others through their language, histories, and cultures.
 They foster social justice and equality
 It reveals how people have tried to make moral, spiritual and intellectual sense of the world.
 The humanities teach empathy
 It teaches us to deal critically and logically with subjective, complex, imperfect information.
 It teaches us to weigh evidence skeptically and consider more than one side of every questions
 It encourages us to think creatively.
What is the importance of art history? Why we create art?
 It is because of human desire for eternity. We will die someday. Our bodies will rot and become earth.
What can we have and prove that have existed? Thought can, or can we call the spirit.
What is Art Appreciation?
 Refers to the exploration and analysis of the art forms that we are exposed to.
 It also involves a deeper look into the setting and historical implication and background.
 It speaks to the viewer on a personal level and can be interpreted in a variety of ways.
Art plays a large part in making our lives infinitely rich. Imagine, just for a minute, a world without art! (You
may think "So what?", but please consider the impact that lack of graphics would have on your favorite video
game.) Art stimulates different parts of our brains to make us laugh. Art gives us a way to be creative and
express ourselves. For some people, art is the entire reason they get out of bed in the morning. You could say
"Art is something that makes us more thoughtful and well-rounded humans." On the other hand, art is such a
large part of our everyday lives, we hardly even stop to think about it. Look at the desk or table where you are
right this minute. Someone designed that. It is art. Your shoes are art. Your coffee cup is art. All functional
design is…. Art. So, you could say "Art is something that is both functional and (hopefully) aesthetically
pleasing to our eyes." This leads us to question “What is Art”?

Art is a human ingenuity in adapting natural things to man’s use. Art came from the word “ars” which means
SKILLS. It is considered the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the
senses or emotions.
The purpose of art is to produce thinking. The secret is not the mechanics or technical skill that create art- but
the process of introspection and different levels of contemplation that generate it. Art is a process not a product.
Art is a human act. Art also causes people to look a little closer at social issues, at other people and their
emotions, at the environment that surrounds them, and the everyday objects and life forms around them see
what is there but not easily perceived. The artist brings out that which cannot be see or felt easily.
1. Personal or individual function- Artists have their personal reasons for indulging in art.
A. PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPRESSION- Visual images preceded written language as a means of

B. LOVE, SEX AND MARRIAGE- From marital bliss to the extremes of erotica, artist have dealt with
themes of love and sex since the dawn of time.

C. DEATH, MORBIDITY AND ILLNESS- Artist have turned to their work to address feelings of
anger, confusion, fear, sadness, hope and love.

D. SPIRITUAL CONCERN - Usually expresses collective ideas about human life in relation to our
religion or spiritual beliefs.

E. INTELLECTUAL INQUIRY - It is to question for determining thought and reason for better
F. AESTHETIC EXPRESSION - It is concerned with what is beautiful or pleasing.

2. SOCIAL FUNCTION – Man is a social being and as he associates with their fellow beings.
- Social functions of ART are those that go beyond personal intrinsic value to art’s social benefits.
- Individuals and their society are dynamically related
- Art communicates
- Most often it is constructed with the intention of sharing responses to and opinions about life with

A. RECORD AND COMMUNICATE EXPERIENCES - Art documents and conveys a vast array of
Human experiences. The message of art can be communicated interpersonally between cultures and
across time.

B. ART AS COMMODITY AND CULTURAL CAPITAL - The value of an art in general or any
particular art object can change from place to place and time-to-time.

C. SOCIAL COMMENTARY - Art can provide both serious and humorous reflection about criticism
of society. Through their art, artist seeking social changes bring public awareness to a variety of
social, political, and environmental issues.

D. COLLABORATION AND COMMUNITY BUILDING - Art can bring people together

E. ENRICHMENT OF HUMANKIND - People can be greatly enriched by art through learning to
feel the wonder of and to inquire about life, looking at humankind’s many beautiful and thought-
provoking creations or being transformed through the benefits of satisfying art production.

3. ECONOMIC FUNCTION – art can be a source of income.

- Arts are quite conducive in attracting tourism, that’s why it is a tool for economic development not
only in our country but in the whole world.
- Through creativity, some people invented new product that would benefit the society and economic
- Artist can help activate other elements of the so-called creative economy, which might include
entrepreneurs such as chefs, game designer, fashion designer, publisher and entertainer.

4. POLITICAL FUNCTION – arts can be used as a tool for government to disseminate information to
- Arts also help people to express their feedback about the rule and governance for some politician in
the country.
- Art helps politicians to promote their political program by means of art.

5. HISTORICAL FUNCTION - Paintings, sculptures, architectural works, and other art forms serve to
record historical figures and events.
6. CULTURAL FUNCTION - Paintings, sculptures, architectural works, songs, dances, dramas, and
literary pieces are embodiments of a nation’s culture.

7. RELIGIOUS FUNCTION - Art forms evolved from religion. People in the olden times worshipped
their Gods in the form of songs and dances.

8. PHYSICAL FUNCTION - The physical function of art can be realized through the objects and
environment we create which fill a utilitarian need.

9. AESTHETIC FUNCTION – artworks serve to beautify

 Functional - This is the classification of the art according to its usefulness. This classification focuses
more on physical function rather than aesthetic function.
Ex.1 A chair which is designed for us to relax.
Ex.2 An air-conditioner that is used in refreshing the temperature of the entire room.
 Non-functional- this is the other classification of art which is “art for art” sake and functions to give
pleasure in contemplation of the beautiful and further leads to contemplation where artwork comes
before meaning and its usefulness. In opposite with functional, this classification focuses on beauty or
aesthetic value rather than physical value.

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