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School Based Assessment


Name of Candidate: Akeela s Lindo

Candidate Number:

Name of School: Mahaicony Secondary

Center code: 090033

Subject Teacher:

Territory: Guyana

Year of Examination: 2023

Content page
Plan of Investigation…………………………………………………………..
Reflection 1………………………………………………………………..
Artefact 1……………………………………………………………..
Reflection 2…………………………………………………….
Artefact 2……………………………………………………..
Reflection 3………………………………………………
Artefact 3…………………………………………………
Group report…………………………………………………
Oral Presentation…………………………………………….
Plan of investigation
This school Based Assessment is based on ‘Poor Self-esteem’, with a deeper focus
on the effects of poor self-esteem on teenagers’ academic performance. The
researcher chose this topic because many teenagers lack confidence about who
they are and what they can do in today’s society. The research will hope to
improve the persuasive speaking expanding vocabulary and summary writing
skills. Artifacts will be collected from the internet, relevant textbooks, newspapers
and magazines. Artifacts, cartoon audio, poem.
Reflection 1
Before this SBA.I always taught about poor self-esteem as something bad. As a young lady, I try
my best to help my fellow young women when I realize they have poor self-esteem because
everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way.

Artifact 1
The cartoon was informative, it was based on ‘confidence’, having a good self-
esteem, comparing yourself to people who are different in many ways because
you’ll never be exactly the same as someone else’. You are perfect just the way
you are. ’The cartoon shaped my thinking by showing me that there are many ways
you can build your self-esteem without trying to be someone who you’re not.

My first artifact is a cartoon/video by Click View (2022) showing good self-esteem is a big part
of being confident. Good self-esteem means you accept and feel positive about. This piece was
also very informative, written in Standard English and was very easy to interpret as the
vocabulary was simple for the most part.
My second artifact is an audio by Jess Glynne (2010) highlighting struggles with anxiety and low
mood and insecurities. The author used Standard English.
My last artifact is a Poem by [Agene’s] 2016, highlighting teenagers in this generation have poor
self-esteem. The poem was understand-able.

The audio examines “poor self-esteem”. This audio shaped my thinking by that they are many
ways to build your self-esteem.
Reflection 3
From the research conducted the researcher learned all the causes and solution of
poor self-esteem both adult and teenagers living with. The struggles were
highlighted along with the way’s individuals feel. I leant that confidence is a life
saver to teenagers ‘lives.
Working with group members brought us great success in completion of this
school-based assessment (SBA). As a group we worked and help each other to
finish this SBA.
This SBA helped me to improve my vocabulary as well as strengthen my
researching, reasoning and comprehension skills. I am now equipped with relevant
knowledge and that will help me to explain and help people to understand how to
get rid of poor self-esteem.

Artifact 3
This article is a poem is a group reflective. This poem examines poor self-esteem,
this poem shaped my thinking by showing me that a lot of our teenagers have low
self -esteem and it is destroying their lives.
Group report
Group members; Akeela lindo, Raniah Charles, Deonarine persaud, Elijah wills
The four group members had decided on the topic ‘poor self-esteem in teenager’s
academic performance’ for this school based assessment. We chose this topic as it
is a predominant issue that affects teenagers in today’s society. We are very
determined to figure out why poor self-esteem is bad for teens and also all negative
effects of poor self-esteem in our economy. Each member chose a topic associated
with poor self-esteem through observation and experience so that when obtaining
information we’ll get a concise meaning. Each member uses three different
artifacts to depict their individual topic. We selected them because that highlight
the essential information that is needed for this school based assessment.
Oral Presentation
Good morning to you all, my name is Akeela lindo and my presentation will be
about poor self –of an expository speech along with a drama piece. These genres
were selected because they are a perfect way to send across my massage. People
will gravitate more to drama, as it draws attention and they will also have a keen
interest in the expository speech which will briefly educate them on the effects of
poor self-esteem on teenagers. My artefacts have landed me with enough
information to pull through with my presentation and share with all of you. My
presentation includes a mixture of the formal, informal and conversational
languages registered, this is because I strongly believe that this will make my
presentation clearer and my intellectual audience along with the teachers will
understand with little or no difficulty whatsoever. We might all can agree on how
depressed and miserable low self-esteem can make you feel. For instance being in
a class whereby there’s this student that bullies you and he/she say hurtful and
meaningful things and because you’re not bold enough it affects you whereby you
become sad and depress so it makes you think that your actually what they said
you are. With that being said be quiet and enjoy this drama piece entitled ‘poor

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