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Title: Biodegradable Plastic Making at

Home Project Report

1. Introduction:
The purpose of this project was to create a biodegradable plastic-like material using easily
accessible and natural ingredients. The aim was to explore an environmentally friendly
alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics.

What is plastic or planet?

Ah, plastic or planet, the eternal conundrum that plagues our modern society. As we drown in a
sea of convenience and disposability, our beloved Earth silently gasps for breath. Plastic, the
stubborn villain of our times, relentlessly infiltrates every nook and cranny, choking our rivers,
polluting our oceans, and suffocating our wildlife. But hey, who needs pristine ecosystems and a
healthy biosphere when we can have single-use straws and plastic bags for our fleeting moments
of convenience? Let's just keep turning a blind eye to the mounting garbage heaps and pretend
that recycling alone will save us from the impending ecological disaster. Because, you know,
convenience is king, and the planet can wait...or perhaps, not.
Plastic can take anywhere from 20 to 500 years to decompose, depending on the material's
structure and environmental factors such as sunlight exposure. \


Plastic is an incredibly versatile material that can be molded, extruded, or formed

into virtually any shape or size. It can be made into rigid or flexible forms, and its properties can
be customized to meet specific requirements. This versatility allows for a wide range of
applications in industries such as packaging, construction, automotive, electronics, and more.

2. Durability:

Plastic is a durable material that can withstand harsh conditions, including

exposure to moisture, chemicals, and extreme temperatures. This durability makes it suitable for
long-term use in various environments, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Plastic is lightweight compared to many other materials, such as metal or glass.
This characteristic makes it easier to transport, handle, and use in various applications,
particularly in industries where weight reduction is critical, such as aerospace or automotive.

*Disadvantages of plastic*
Plastic is a major contributor to both land and water pollution. When it's not
properly disposed of, it can end up in our oceans and rivers, harming marine life. It can also end
up in landfills, where it takes centuries to decompose. 

.2.Generate pollution:

The production of Plastic can generate a great deal of pollution. The process of creating
plastic releases harmful chemicals into the air and water, which can have a damaging effect on the

3.Climate change;

The issue of climate change. Plastic production emits greenhouse gases, which
contribute to climate change. Climate change is a major threat to both humans and wildlife, and
it's only getting worse as we continue to pump more and more greenhouse gases into the

Plastic basically :
Litters the landscape.
Plastic bags block drains.
Plastic releases toxic when burned.
Plastic pollutes soil.
Plastic pollutes ocean.
Petroleum is required to produce plastic bags.

How animals are affected?

Wildlife can become entangled in plastic 6-pack rings, fishing lines, and other trash, leading to
injury or even death. 

Animals can also mistake plastic for food and eat it, which can cause blockages in their digestive
system or even starve them to death. 

The bottom line is that plastic is a serious threat to wildlife, and we need to do something about
it. We can start by reducing our own use of plastic and by supporting organizations working to
clean up our oceans and protect wildlife.. 

2. Materials:

- Cornstarch

- White vinegar

- Vegetable oil

- Food coloring (optional)

- Water

- Mixing bowl

- Saucepan

- Stirring utensil

- Cookie cutters or silicone molds (for shaping)

- Oven or drying area

3. Methodology:

3.1. Mixing the Ingredients:

- In a mixing bowl, the cornstarch and vinegar were combined and stirred until the cornstarch
- The vegetable oil was added to the mixture and thoroughly stirred.

- Optional: Food coloring was added to achieve the desired color.

- Water was slowly added while stirring continuously until the mixture reached a thick, gooey
consistency similar to pancake batter.

3.2. Heating and Thickening:

- The mixture was transferred to a saucepan and heated over low to medium heat.

- Constant stirring was maintained to prevent lumps and ensure even heating.

- As the mixture heated, it thickened and became more translucent.

- Stirring was continued until the mixture reached a thick, gel-like consistency.

3.3. Shaping and Drying:

- The saucepan was removed from heat and the mixture was allowed to cool down.

- Once cooled, the biodegradable plastic mixture was quickly shaped using cookie cutters,
silicone molds, or by hand.

- The plastic creations were left to dry and harden completely. This process took a few hours or
overnight, depending on the thickness.

4. Results:

The homemade biodegradable plastic successfully yielded a flexible material that resembled
traditional plastic. However, it should be noted that this plastic alternative is not as durable as
conventional plastics and will degrade over time when exposed to moisture and natural

5. Conclusion:

This project demonstrated a simple and accessible method for creating biodegradable plastic at
home using cornstarch and other natural ingredients. The resulting material can be used for
simple craft projects and serves as an eco-friendly alternative to conventional plastics.
However, it is important to recognize the limitations of this homemade biodegradable plastic,
as it may not possess the same strength and durability required for certain applications.

6. Future Considerations:

Further experiments and refinements could be conducted to improve the properties of the
homemade biodegradable plastic, such as exploring different ratios of ingredients or
incorporating additional natural additives. Additionally, investigating methods for increasing its
durability and evaluating its biodegradability under controlled conditions would be valuable for
future research.

Note: This project report is a general outline and can be expanded with more details, data
analysis, and additional sections as needed.

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