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TurboWin – V8

User Manual

1 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

This program and all its accessories are registered and protected by the French law as well as
international copyright agreements.
The use of this programme is limited to one PC. No other use is allowed without written permission
from SODENA.
Limited Guarantee Statement
SODENA guarantees the disks and their contents against any default for one month after the product
has been delivered. In case of a justified claim, SODENA will replace the disks and the dongle (HASP
4 activator).
In no event will SODENA be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages
resulting from any defect in the software, hardware or their documentation, even if advised of the
possibility of such damages. In particular, SODENA shall have no liability for any programmes or data
stored in or used with the SODENA computer system, including the costs of recovering such
programmes or data. This system remains a navigation aid and does not absolve its owner from any
responsibility. Any owner, captain or other person should adhere to the rules of caution while
navigating, as well as conforming to the rules of the International Maritime Organisation on the
security and for the protection and rescue of lives at sea.
The electronic charts delivered with the software cannot replace the official paper documents.
Electronic charts are not officially updated like the paper charts.
License Grant
1. SODENA grants you a nonexclusive personal license: to use the SODENA software on any
single personal computer system, to copy the SODENA software solely for the purpose of
installing it on your computer and for backup and archival storage. You may not transfer,
ease sell or distribute copies of the SODENA software to others. You may assign its rights
under this agreement, to a third party, provided the third party agrees in writing to be bound
by the terms of this agreement and you transfer all copies of the SODENA software to the
third party or destroy any copy not transferred. Any other attempts to sublicense, assign or
transfer any of the rights, duties or obligation is void.
2. You acknowledge that the SODENA software is copyrighted by SODENA and is proprietary to
SODENA. SODENA retains title and ownership of the SODENA software. The license granted
above is not a sale of the SODENA software and except as stated above this agreement does
not give you any rights to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks and any other rights
or licenses with respect to the SODENA software. You agree to hole the SODENA software in
confidence and to take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized copying or disclosure.
3. You may not modify, alter, translate, disassemble or decompile the SODENA software or
documentation or any copy in whole or in part.
SODENA provides a guarantee in accordance with the terms of the Limited Guarantee Statement

If you have bought EasWin version …

Several versions based on TurboWin are available. If you want to know the differences, refer to the
end of this manual.

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 2

TurboWin V8 - new functionalities:
Chapter (Title and number)

Navigation view
⇒ Erasing all user data and display only cartographic data. - Navigation View Erreu
e du

Geodesy display
⇒ Selecting and displaying geodesic systems. - Layout properties 7.2

Management of main/secondary ships

⇒ Following your ship’s journey by displaying the data tranmissting by - Management of main / secondary ships 3.10
two captors (master / slave)
⇒ Switching the ship’s data acquisition between two captors.

Route control
⇒ reporting any danger detected on a route - Routes 5.5

Charts display
⇒ creating one or several display templates - Chart display templates

Management of collision risks

⇒ Sound and visual alarms - Managing collision risks 11.4.2

Mouse zool
⇒ Zoom in/out - Using the trackball 13.2.1

Entering and transmitting AIS messages

⇒ sending a text message to a ship or to a fleet. - Entering and sending AIS messages 3.11.4

Configuring your ship

⇒ Configuring some of the ship’s parameters and transmitting them to - Configuring the ship 3.5
the AIS

Entering and transmitting journey data

⇒ Completing the ship description by entering and transmitting - Entering and transmitting journey data 3.6
information about the journey.
List of mobiles and messages
⇒ Table listing alert messages as well as detected targets. - Messages 5.6
- AIS and ARPA targets 3.11.1
- EBL marks 6.2.2
AIS database 3.11.5
⇒ Collecting and storing all detected AIS targets. - AIS database

Wind option
⇒ Informing about the wind speed and direction - Wind option 14.2

3 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Table of contents
1. Getting Started.......................................................................................................8
1.1. The Equipment.............................................................................................8
1.1.1. The Keyboard Shortcuts............................................................................................................. 8
1.1.2. The Visual Keypad................................................................................................................... 11
1.1.3. The Trackball ........................................................................................................................... 15
1.2. Opening and Closing TurboWin ..............................................................15
1.3. TurboWin Overview..................................................................................17
1.3.1. The Screen................................................................................................................................ 17
1.3.2. The Headbands (Information Bars) .......................................................................................... 18
1.3.3. The Command Bars.................................................................................................................. 21
1.3.4. Entering Position on the Screen................................................................................................ 22
1.4. CURSOR Command..................................................................................23
1.5. Navigation view ..........................................................................................25

2. The Charts ...........................................................................................................27

2.1. SODENA Charts ........................................................................................27
2.2. C-MAP NT+/CMax Charts.......................................................................28
2.2.1. Opening C-MAP NT+/CMax charts......................................................................................... 29
2.2.2. Ordering Charts ........................................................................................................................ 31
2.2.3. Configuring the C-MAP NT+/CMax Display .......................................................................... 32
2.3. ENC Charts ................................................................................................33
2.3.1. ENC Overview ......................................................................................................................... 33
2.3.2. Chart Database ......................................................................................................................... 34
2.3.3. Importing ENC Cells................................................................................................................ 36
2.3.4. Updating................................................................................................................................... 38
2.3.5. The Chart.................................................................................................................................. 39
2.4. C-MAP V3 Charts......................................................................................50
2.4.1. About C-Map V3 Charts .......................................................................................................... 50
2.4.2. Opening the C-Map V3 module ............................................................................................... 51
2.4.3. Installing the C-Map V3 Module and Registering the System ................................................. 51
2.4.4. Administering Chart databases................................................................................................. 52
2.4.5. Chart Objects............................................................................................................................ 60
2.4.6. Traditional, Simplified and C-Map Symbols............................................................................ 60
2.4.7. Chart Object Detail Levels ....................................................................................................... 61
2.4.8. Contour Properties.................................................................................................................... 62
2.6. S57 Charts...................................................................................................65
2.6.1. S57 Overview........................................................................................................................... 65
2.6.2. The Chart Database .................................................................................................................. 66
2.6.3. Semi-Automatic Updating........................................................................................................ 68
2.6.4. The Chart.................................................................................................................................. 70

3. Ships and Targets................................................................................................78

3.1. Ship’s Drawing ...........................................................................................78
3.2. SHIP Command .........................................................................................78
3.3. Acquisition and Transmission ..................................................................79
3.4. Reducing Depth Acquisition .....................................................................81

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 4

3.5. Configuring the Ship..................................................................................82
3.6. Entering and transmitting journey data..................................................86
3.7. Relative and True Motions........................................................................87
3.8. RECKONING Command .........................................................................87
3.9. Slave and Target Ships ..............................................................................88
3.10. Management of main/secondary ships .....................................................88
3.10.1. Activating the secondary ship .................................................................................................. 89
3.10.2. Switching the GPS systems ...................................................................................................... 91
3.11. AIS and ARPA Targets .............................................................................93
3.11.1. Managing detected targets........................................................................................................ 93
3.11.2. Configuring some of the target parameters............................................................................... 96
3.11.3. Configuring targets’ display:.................................................................................................... 97
3.11.4. Entering and sending AIS messages......................................................................................... 98
3.11.5. AIS Database.......................................................................................................................... 100

4. The Folders .......................................................................................................105

4.1. Defining Folders .......................................................................................105
4.2. Creating a Folder .....................................................................................105
4.3. Assigning Folders the Main or Secondary Folder Status.....................106
4.4. Repairing and Optimizing Folders.........................................................108
4.5. Doing the Backup of Folders and Restoring Them...............................109

5. The User Layer..................................................................................................111

5.1. Managing User Objects ...........................................................................111
5.1.1. Modifying a User Object ........................................................................................................ 111
5.1.2. Adjusting a User Object ......................................................................................................... 111
5.1.3. Shifting a User Object ............................................................................................................ 112
5.1.4. Deleting a User Object ........................................................................................................... 113
5.1.5. Converting a User Object ....................................................................................................... 113
5.1.6. Configuring User Object Display ........................................................................................... 114
5.1.7. Exporting a User Object ......................................................................................................... 115
5.1.8. Importing a User Object ......................................................................................................... 117
5.2. Tracks........................................................................................................118
5.2.1. Creating a Track ..................................................................................................................... 118
5.2.2. Enabling the Auto-Pilot for a Track ....................................................................................... 119
5.2.3. Displaying / Hiding the Profile for a Parameter of a Track .................................................... 119
5.2.4. Multicolour Track Filters ....................................................................................................... 120
5.2.5. Configuring the Ship or Slave Track (Optional)..................................................................... 123
5.2.6. Deleting a Point and Cutting a Track ..................................................................................... 124
5.3. Marks ........................................................................................................125
5.3.1. Creating a Mark...................................................................................................................... 125
5.3.2. Mark Patterns ......................................................................................................................... 126
5.4. Events ........................................................................................................128
5.5. Routes........................................................................................................129
5.6. Managing the messages ...........................................................................132

5 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

6. EBL & VRM......................................................................................................134
6.1. Creating EBL and VRM .........................................................................134
6.1.1. Creating an EBL from the Ship to a Remote Point................................................................. 134
6.1.2. Creating an EBL between two Remote Points........................................................................ 134
6.1.3. Creating a VRM (Variable Range Marker) ............................................................................ 135
6.2. EBL Marks ...............................................................................................136
6.2.1. Automatic and Manual Marks ................................................................................................ 136
6.2.2. The EBL Window .................................................................................................................. 137

7. Configuration ....................................................................................................140
7.1. Databases ..................................................................................................140
7.1.1. Tides and Tidal Streams ......................................................................................................... 141
7.2. Layout Properties.....................................................................................143
7.2.1. Updating Date and Time ........................................................................................................ 149
7.2.2. Passwords............................................................................................................................... 150
7.2.3. Saving/Restoring Settings ...................................................................................................... 150
7.2.4. UTM Coordinates................................................................................................................... 151
7.3. Configuration ...........................................................................................151
7.3.1. Serial Ports and Networks ...................................................................................................... 151
7.3.2. Network.................................................................................................................................. 154
7.3.3. Messaging Path ...................................................................................................................... 156
7.3.4. The Logbook .......................................................................................................................... 156

8. Trawl..................................................................................................................158
8.1. Characteristics of Trawl’s Options for Easwin or TurboWin.............158
8.2. Configuring and Acquiring Trawl’s Information.................................159
8.3. Configuring Trawl’s Track.....................................................................160
8.4. Trawl Information Window....................................................................160
8.5. GEONET Sensors ....................................................................................162
8.6. How to Dead Reckon Easily the Trawl Position with the Wire Length
8.7. Pair Trawling ...........................................................................................162
8.7.1. Connecting the Main Ship to the Network ............................................................................. 163
8.7.2. Connecting the Partner Ship to the Main Ship ....................................................................... 163
8.7.3. Creating a Ship EBL for the Main Ship.................................................................................. 164
8.7.4. Opening the Pair Trawling Window....................................................................................... 164
8.7.5. Sending Messages .................................................................................................................. 165

9. Grib Option........................................................................................................167

10. Sediment Option............................................................................................169

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 6

11. The Radar......................................................................................................170
11.1. Selecting the type of radar ......................................................................171
11.2. Starting the radar and displaying radar data .......................................172
11.2.1. Starting the radar .................................................................................................................... 172
11.2.2. Displaying data....................................................................................................................... 172
11.3. Adjusting the radar settings....................................................................174
11.3.1. Using a Koden radar............................................................................................................... 174
11.3.2. Using a NetRadar and/or NetRadar JRC radar ....................................................................... 179
11.4. Tracking Targets and managing risks ...................................................183
11.4.1. Tracking Targets .................................................................................................................... 183
11.4.2. Managing collision risks ........................................................................................................ 184

12. The Bathymetry .............................................................................................185

12.1. Using Bathymetry with Coloured Isolines.............................................185
12.2. Using Bathymetry with Texture .............................................................186
12.2.1. User and Commercial Databases............................................................................................ 186
12.2.2. Modifying and Deleting Depths in User Databases................................................................ 188
12.2.3. Configuration of Bathymetric Display ................................................................................... 189

13. The 3D ...........................................................................................................192

13.1. The 3D View Display ...............................................................................192
13.1.1. The 3D Display Menu ............................................................................................................ 192
13.1.2. The 3D View Representation ................................................................................................. 195
13.1.3. The 3D Camera Modes........................................................................................................... 198
13.1.4. Displaying the Ship ................................................................................................................ 200
13.1.5. The vertical exaggeration ....................................................................................................... 202
13.1.6. Improving 3D Performance.................................................................................................... 203
13.2. Controlling the 3D View..........................................................................205
13.2.1. Using the Trackball ................................................................................................................ 206
13.2.2. Using the Keyboard................................................................................................................ 208
13.2.3. Using the pop-up menu .......................................................................................................... 209
13.2.4. Using the 3D View Configuration Dialog Box....................................................................... 210
13.3. Colour Schemes........................................................................................211
13.3.1. Creating a Colour Scheme...................................................................................................... 211
13.3.2. Loading a Colour Scheme ...................................................................................................... 213
13.3.3. Defining a Custom Colour...................................................................................................... 214
13.4. Troubleshooting .......................................................................................215

14. Yachtsmen Option .............................................................................................1

14.1. Polars.............................................................................................................1
14.2. Wind option ..................................................................................................2

Available Options for TurboWin ..................................................................................5

In case you have bought EasWin version… ................................................................5

7 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

1. Getting Started

1.1. The Equipment

1.1.1. The Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut keys offer you another way to accomplish common tasks. In many cases,
shortcut keys help you to work faster. Using a shortcut key usually consists in
pressing and holding one key while pressing a second key. The following is a list of
the shortcut keys currently available in TurboWin. In the following keyboard,
shortcuts numbers have been assigned to keys. Each number corresponds to a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


21 24
17 24, 26
17 24

N° Press To

1 Start the track of the ship, the slave or the trawl.

2 Stop all active tracks.

3 Create a main event on ship’s or cursor’s position (when the

cursor mode is enabled).
4 Centre and control the ship on the chart.

5 Create a secondary event on ship’s or cursor’s position

(when the cursor mode is enabled).
6 Create an urgent event (MOB, Man Over Board) on ship’s
or cursor’s position (when the cursor mode is enabled).
7 Skip to EBL cursor mode.

8 Skip to cursor mode (consultation).

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 8

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

9 Access the menu allowing to change the colour of a track or

its Manual colour parameter.
10 Create a geographical event.

11 Open/close information windows (targets, trawl, EBL

marks, seabed).
12 Access the menu allowing to manage folders.

13 Print or create a screen capture of the screen that is being

14 Skip between headbands (middle button of the trackball).

15 Zoom out.

16 Zoom in.

17 Rise ship’s SOW (dead reckoning mode).

18 Reduce ship’s SOW (dead reckoning mode).
19 Rise ship’s COW (dead reckoning mode).
20 Reduce ship’s COW (dead reckoning mode).
21 Rise ship’s drift speed (dead reckoning mode).

22 Reduce ship’s drift speed (dead reckoning mode).

23 Rise ship’s drift direction (dead reckoning mode).

24 Reduce ship’s drift direction (dead reckoning mode).

9 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

25 Select a menu or activate an option (left click).

26 Display the RECKONING headband.

27 Switch between command bars or exit menus (right click).

Alphanumerical shortcuts

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 10

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

Open the Database menu

Open the Layout properties menu

Open the Configuration menu

Open the Chart display menu

Open the Mark display menu

Open the Track display menu

Open the Area display menu

Open the Route display menu

Open the 2D/3D menu

Open the 3D settings dialog box

Open the CREATE: objects menu

Open the MODIFY: Objects menu

Open the ADJUST: Objects menu

Change screen brightness (day, twilight, night).

Display the cursor allowing to delete an object

Enable and stop recording of depth.

Stop or start log to record the file that saves UT, ship’s
position and datum.

When using a number as a shortcut, press the keys above the keyboard. The
numeric keypad, which is located on the right in some keyboards cannot be used.

1.1.2. The Visual Keypad

A number of TurboWin’s operations requires that you type a text (creation of a

directory, a library object, and so on). But depending on your hardware installation, it
may be restricting to use your physical keyboard. That’s why Turbo Win is provided
with an on-screen keypad.

11 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

This virtual keypad is not related to your real keyboard. For example when you enable
the NUM LOCK key in the keypad, the Num Lock key is not enabled in the physical
The visual keypad is composed of several types of keys:
• Letters numbers, and signs, with specific letters for Spain and Scandinavian
• Function keys whose description is made further

Here is how to use some specific keys of the keyboard.

Displays the QWERTY keypad. When this button is pressed, the
keypad is displayed as in a QWERTY-typed keyboard.

Enables the uppercase mode. When this button is pressed, the lower-
case letters are replaced with uppercase letters.

Enables the numlock mode. When this button is pressed, the ten first
keys of the second line of the keypad are replaced with the ten
numbers (0 to 9). This button is set by default when you access the
visual keypad for the first time.

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 12

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

Allows you to quit the visual keypad without saving your changes.

Goes back to the beginning of the text.

Goes to the end of the editable zone.

While entering a text containing several lines, moves the cursor


While entering a text containing several lines, moves the cursor


While entering your text, moves the cursor backward.

While entering your text, moves the cursor forward.

Deletes the last character before the cursor.

Deletes the next character at the cursor location.

Select all the text you have entered, allowing you to delete it
thereafter left clicking .

Allows you to skip to the next line.

Allows you to quit the visual keypad while saving your changes.

13 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

To use the visual keypad:

Left click.

Left click Layout Properties and Visual keypad so that YES is indicated in
square brackets. Do not left click this option if YES is already indicated in square
You can try to use the visual keyboard. To do so, get into the situation of writing a
comment (for example right clicking, left clicking Folder and the Comment field in
the Folder’s management menu).
Enter you text.
When finished, left click if you want to save your text or
if you want to cancel this operation.

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 14

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

1.1.3. The Trackball

Left click: selects or enables.

Corresponds to the key .

Middle click: changes the headband or deletes.

Corresponds to the key .

Right click: stops or closes actions.

Corresponds to the key .

Ball: Moves the cursor through the menus or on the

screen. Corresponds to the arrow keys.

1.2. Opening and Closing TurboWin

If TurboWin does not automatically open when your machine is powered on, do the
To launch TurboWin:
Do one of the following:
• Left click twice TurboWin’s icon, which is displayed on the screen.

• On the taskbar, left click Start, select Programs, Sodena and left click
When launching for the first time a new version of TurboWin, three consecutive
screens appear. They give you information about the software. You can skip these
messages left clicking them or pressing any key. Progress bars also display the
software elements that are currently loaded.
If the version of your HASP key driver is too old, an error message is displayed,
making it impossible to launch TurboWin. Once validated the message, a wizard
is automatically launched. This wizard helps you to install the last version of the
wizard. If the wizard is not launched, left click Start, Program Files, Sodena,

15 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

TurboWin Tools, and then hdd32.

If one or several user’s folder datum hasn’t be defined, the following menu is

Do one of the following:

• To assign the default datum to all folders, click Default Datum. The default
datum is the datum you have defined in the Layout properties menu (see
7.2: Layout Properties, p. 143).
• To assign a specific datum to a specific folder, click this folder, select the
desired datum by right clicking and click OK.
• To avoid assigning datum to folders, right click and then click Yes in the
menu that offers you to cancel datum’s selection. The same menu will be
displayed the next time TurboWin will be launched.
Click End of entry to apply the modifications about datum.
To close TurboWin:
Left click.

Left click Exit program and then


TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 16

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

1.3. TurboWin Overview

1.3.1. The Screen

To help you to understand how TurboWin works, imagine that TurboWin is

composed of three layers:
• The chart layer displays the charts.
• The user layer (s) can be compared to tracing papers superimposed on the
chart layer. With this layer, the user can manage the elements (tracks,
events, etc.) he will insert in the chart layer.
• The ship layer represents the ship and optionally its past track.
All these layers are superseded and the ones do not interfere the others. In other
words, when you insert objects in the user layer, for example, you do not change
anything to the chart layer or the ship layer.
Here is the representation of the different layers in TurboWin and the elements you
may find.

17 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

Type a name with the keyboard

The top bar can display:

input bars,
red error messages,
headbands (information bars).
1. Chart layer

2. User layer

Marks or events

3. Ship layer Profile



The command bar can

the commands,
yellow help messages. Represents the three Help about the
buttons of the trackball. current action.

1.3.2. The Headbands (Information Bars)

On the top of the screen, you can see a headband that gives special information about
the ship, the cursor, etc. There are nine different headbands you can display middle
clicking. Here is the list of these headbands.
1st headband

2nd headband

3rd headband

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 18

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

4th headband

5th headband

6th headband

7th headband

8th headband

9th headband

Cursor’s information can turn into route’s information, and inversely. If you enable
the CURSOR command, information about routes that are given in some of the
headbands (if you have enabled a route) will turn into cursor information. The
information about the route is written in red and those about the cursor in white.
1st headband
Gives general information about the ship’s position, ERBL, the scale, the zoom (the
real length represented on the screen), the current main and target folders, the
Universal Time and the local time given by your machine.

2nd headband
Gives information about the ship (longitude, latitude, SOG, COG, SOW, COW,
depth, water temperature or depth reduction) and the local date and time.

3rd headband
Gives the position (latitude, longitude) of the ship and the cursor (if you have
enabled the CURSOR command).

4th headband
Gives the dead-reckoning information of the ship: SOG, COG, SOW and COW.

5th headband
Gives information for routes (or the cursor if you enable the CURSOR command).
Use it when you have started a route.

6th headband
Gives information about the ship (latitude, longitude, SOW, COW, depth,
temperature, SOG, COG, drift speed, drift direction) and the slave ship (latitude,
longitude, SOW, COW)

19 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

7th headband
Gives information about the ship (latitude, longitude, SOW, COW, depth,
temperature), the cursor (latitude, longitude, GYRO and distance between the cursor
and the ship, TTG from the cursor’s position to the ship, local time of the cursor) and
the scale. Information about the cursor can become information about the next
waypoint of an enabled route.

8th headband
Gives the information of the 7th bar without the scale and with the network
information (TORAN, LORAN, DECCA networks).

9th headband
Gives information about the ship (latitude, longitude) and the cursor (latitude,
longitude, GYRO and distance from the ship, estimated time of arrival from the cursor
to the ship, the date, the time to go and the closest point to approach from the cursor
to the ship). Information about the cursor can become information about the next
waypoint of an enabled route.


ERBL: Electronic range and bearing line.

UT: Universal time.
SOG: Speed over ground.
COG: Course over ground.
ETA: Estimated time of arrival.
TTG: Time to go (to the waypoint or the end of the route).
XTE: Cross track error.

You can choose to display or not each one of these headbands.

To configure the headband display:
Left click.

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 20

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

Left click Layout properties and then

In the Headbands menu, left click each
headband you want to display.
• If YES is written, the
corresponding headband will be
• If NO is selected, the
corresponding headband will be
In both cases, a yellow help indicates
that this headband is displayed.
You must display at least one

1.3.3. The Command Bars

The command bars display the main options the user will enable. To select a
command, highlight it and left click. To skip from one command bar to the other,
right click. The following describes the two main TurboWin command bars.
1st bar
2nd bar
>> ZOOM << Decreases the scale 10 times.

>- ZOOM -< Skips to the inferior scale.

<+ ZOOM +> Skips to the superior scale.

WINDOW Increases chosen area 10 times.

EBL & VRM Estimates the bearing and distance from one point to the ship and
between 2 points, and allows you to select EBL marks.
CURSOR Inquires about an object, moves the cursor or control the screen on
cursor’s position.

SHIP Returns the ship to the centre of the screen or controls the screen on
ship’s position (see 3.2: SHIP Command, p. 78)

MENU Supports the general configuration of the software (7:

Configuration, p 140), i.e. folders’ management, chart, database
and user object display, etc.

21 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

RECKONING In dead reckoning mode, allows the user to estimate his position,
speed and drift.

INFO WINDOW Displays/Hides some information windows (target window, trawl,

EBL marks, Instruments, etc.).

CALL RADAR / Opens the radar overlay option or call the associated radar display

3D MENU Displays the 3D view.

LIBRARY Manages the user objects: creation, modification, deletion, import,

export (5: The User Layer, p.111).

ROUTE Manages routes (5.5 : Routes, p. 129).827105

TRACKS Manages the display of tracks and their profiles (5.2: Tracks,
p. 118).

EVENT Edits events with an event dedicated menu (5.4: Events, p. 128).

1.3.4. Entering Position on the Screen

Some commands lets you enter text on screen with your keyboard or the visual
keypad. Position can be entered in two different forms: cardinal degrees and decimal
The format of cardinal degrees is ll°mm’nnnC (e.g.: 43°36'585 N – 004°15’902E).
This format is selected by default.
The format of decimal degrees is ±ll°dddddd (e.g.: +14°548622 – 015°514755°). For
latitudes, the + sign defines North and – South. For longitudes, + defines East and –
To change the format of geographical positions :
Left click.
Click Layout Properties and then Advanced properties.
In Geographical input, choose your desired format.

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 22

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

1.4. CURSOR Command

In TurboWin, the cursor is not represented in the same way as in other Windows®-
type applications. When you use the software, the cursor is not “really” displayed.
You can see the movements of the mouse while the options and commands are
highlighted. The CURSOR command allows you to display a cursor representation
into the chart area. In this case, the cursor can act on the objects that are displayed
on screen. This command can be used in four ways:
• Moving with the cursor in the chart area:
Left click.

You can see a cross at the centre of

the main view.

With the trackball, move the

cross until the extremity of the chart
area. A new chart area appears.

• To display depth on cursor’s current position. To do so:

Left click.
Move the cursor. The depth value is displayed.
To be able to display depth, you first must have enabled:
• isoline, surface or 3D display. To do so, left click MENU, Database,
2D/3D and enable at least one of these options (Isolines, Surface or
• tool tip display. To do so, click MENU, Layout properties, Advanced
parameters and then Tool tip.

• To consult objects on the screen.

Clicking anywhere on the screen, it is possible to consult information about objects
which are very close to the location on which you have clicked. They may be
displayed on the upper part of the screen (SODENA charts) or gathered in a list into a
window (C-Map NT+).

23 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

To consult an object :
Left click.
Left click the object you want to consult in the screen. The Cartographic
Information window is displayed.
For SODENA charts, if some objects are superimposed or very close the ones from
the others, you can left click several times until obtaining information about the
desired object.
• To centre the screen on a specific point. To do so:
Left click.
Middle click where you want the screen to be centred.

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 24

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

1.5. Navigation view

The display mode [Navigation View] has been designed to erase automatically and
instantaneously all user data leaving only the display of cartographic and security
data, as well as the current route, tidal streams and tides.

Standard display
User data (plan/mark/zone) are displayed.

Navigation view display

User data (plan/mark/zone) are erased.

This option is available whatever the used chart. However only S57 Enc charts are
compatible with a mini-ECDIS display.

25 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Chapter 1 : 0BGetting Started

To use this functionality:

Activate the functionality Menu / Layout Properties / Navigation View

⇒ Left-click to select YES/NO.
Make available in the main Menu / Layout Properties / Navigation View in
menu main menu
⇒ Left-click to select YES/NO.
Display 2 possibilities:
• Menu / Navigation View ⇒ select YES.
• Shortcut key [N].

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 26

Charts: ENC

2. The Charts

TurboWin allows you to choose between three types of charts:

• SODENA charts (C-MAP R2 charts),
• C-MAP® NT+ charts,
You must buy to SODENA the first ones and order the other ones to C-MAP.
To configure a type of chart:
Left click.
Left click Database and then Charts.
To change the type of charts, left click the Charts provider field.
In the new menu, select SODENA or C-MAP NT+/CMax.

2.1. SODENA Charts

If you have selected to display SODENA charts, the following menu appears:

Charts provider The type of chart you have chosen.

Charts path Gives the folder to which the charts have been copied and
are deciphered. If a wrong chart path has been configured,
the charts are not displayed on screen.

Mix levels A scale is assigned to each chart cell. These cells may not
be displayed depending on the chosen scale. So this option
aims at filling the areas in which detailed charts are not
available with details from less detailed charts.

27 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

Palette Allows you to change the colour palette used for

TurboWin’s chart display. There are seven different
palettes for SODENA’s chart provider:
• SODENA bright
• British Admiralty
• Monochrome
• SODENA dark

Charts filter If you left click this menu, a list is displayed offering you
to choose to display or not several chart elements.

Seamarks filter If you left click this menu a list is displayed offering you to
choose to display several types of seamarks.
Lights presentation Configures how lights display (lights and sectors), in cursor
or ship mode, and which colours of light to display.
To configure the light display:
Click Lights presentation, and select YES or NO,
depending on whether you want to display or not the

2.2. C-MAP NT+/CMax Charts

C-MAP NT+/CMax charts are available on several media (PCMCIA, cartridges via a
driver on a USB port, and / or a CD-ROM to install charts on hard disk).

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 28

Charts: ENC

2.2.1. Opening C-MAP NT+/CMax charts


If you have clicked C-MAP NT+/CMax, the following menu is displayed:

Charts provider The same as SODENA’s charts.

Charts path The access path of the C-MAP NT+/CMAX charts. You can
configure this access path from the C-MAP NT+ / PC
Selector. For any further information, see the procedure in the
end of this section.

Mix levels A scale is assigned to each chart cell. These cells may not
be displayed depending on the chosen scale. So this option
aims at filling the areas in which detailed charts are not
available with details from less detailed charts.

29 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

Dynamic coloring When set to YES, this option allows to assign different
shades of blue to water areas, depending on depth soundings.
When set to NO, water is either blue, near the coasts, or white

Palette Allows you to change the colour palette used for TurboWin’s
chart display. There are four different palettes for C-MAP
NT+/CMAX chart provider:
• Brithish Admiralty
• SODENA dark

Presentation See 2.2.3: Configuring the C-MAP NT+/CMax

Display, p. 32:
Order C-MAP When you left click this option, the C-MAP NT+ / PC
NT+/CMax cells Selector software is launched. This program is developed by
C-MAP® and allows you to order C-MAP NT+/CMAX cells.
See the next procedure.
Several media you can use at the same time are provided. They allow you to decipher the
C-MAP NT+/CMAX charts you have bought. You can use:
• a CD-ROM that contains all available charts whose rights (you normally copy
the charts you have bought into the hard disk),
• a PCMCIA board,
• a cartridge driver (see the photo); this driver, which is plugged to a USB port,
can replace the CD-ROM solution and allows you to read two cartridges, each
one containing a chart.

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Charts: ENC

2.2.2. Ordering Charts

Chart Selection
Icon Charts selected from Map Direction Toolbar

Available Charts Pop-up menu Selected Area

To order a chart:
After inserting the C-Map NT+/PC Selector CD-ROM in your CD driver, left click
Order C-Map NT charts in the Charts menu (this option is only available if C-MAP
NT+/CMax has been configured as the type of the chart).

31 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

The C-MAP NT+/PC Selector 1.0 program is launched. It must be launched from
TurboWin for it to work properly. In the chart window of the program, left click the
location on earth where you want to order a chart. You can use the seven buttons of the
Direction toolbar to have your desired place and scale.
The codes of the available charts are indicated in the Chart selected from Map
window in the lower left part of the screen.
In this window, right click your desired cell and left click Buy Chart in the pop-up
A new screen is displayed. To order other charts, left click the Chart Selection icon,
on the upper left part of the screen, and repeat steps to .
Write down the code indicated in the Chart Licence Request field of the Shopping
Cart zone.
Do one of the following:
• If you have an Internet connection and you want to pay your charts online, click
the Shopping Online button to connect to the C-Map website and follow the
purchase instructions.
• If you don’t wish to pay online or you don’t have an Internet connection, click
the Call Center button to consult the C-MAP phone numbers, addresses and e-
mails and call the nearest C-MAP Call Center.
Once you have received the registration code for your charts, click the Insert Chart
Licence button, enter the code in the Chart License field at the bottom of the Shopping
Cart zone and left click Register.
You must register the charts one by one. Each code is unique for only one chart.

To configure the charts’ access path:

Once you have launched the C-MAP NT+ / PC Selector software, click the Settings
Click the button, opposite the Destination Path field, and browse to the directory
into which you want to save the C-MAP NT+/CMAX charts.
The access path is automatically modified in TurboWin, on the C-MAP NT’s Charts
path field.

2.2.3. Configuring the C-MAP NT+/CMax Display

You can configure the display of C-MAP NT+/CMax chart objects with the Options de
présentation dialog box. This dialog box gathers all kinds of objects that can be found in
There are three groups of objects – general, sea and land – to make you select them
To remove in real-time a type of chart object from the display, uncheck its box. At any
time, you can display again the object by selecting the box.

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Charts: ENC

To configure the C-MAP NT+/CMax Display:

In the Charts menu, click Presentation.
In the Options de présentation dialog box, make your selection.
Click OK.

2.3. ENC Charts

2.3.1. ENC Overview
The ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display Information System) is an informational system
for maritime navigation that is considered as the equivalent of an updated maritime chart.
The ECDIS aims at:
• Improving sea security
• Facilitating chart updates
• Reducing the bridgework.
This nautical Geographic Information System (GIS) is an expert system which contains
two elements:

33 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

• A database, called ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart), containing any

geographical information that is useful to navigate safely
• Integrated equipment
Before any ENC can be used in ECDIS, it is converted into the system’s own internal
formal (SENC). The ENC module aims at integrating and displaying completely ENC
charts, i.e. chart database after being converted in a proprietary format.
Moreover, the user can profit by a presentation of his cells because the data import is
accompanied with a data sorting structure. the ENC Module

The first time you launch the ENC module, no chart is loaded. You will have to load
them later, while importing cells. ENC charts must be located in a DENC_ROOT
directory, in the …\TurboWin\SdnEnc directory of GECDIS installation folder. This
directory mainly contains the CELLS directory that gathers all ENC cells, in a
proprietary format.
To launch ENC charts
Left click.
Click Databases and then Charts.
A warning message concerning the use of ENC charts is displayed. Click I Accept to
accept the agreement conditions.
The list of available chart providers is displayed. Click ENC.

2.3.2. Chart Database the Chart Database

To make its managing easy, ENC data is split into cells. Each ENC cell is contained in a
separate file. The ENC producer must choose the data so that it does not exceed 5
Megabytes. Moreover the cell size should not be too small to avoid creating too many
The Database Content dialog box allows you to manage the cells. Each cell of the
database is associated with seven pieces of information:
• The name
• The usage (navigational purpose)
• The edition number
• The issue date
• The compilation scale
Select a cell and click Historique de la cellule to get detailed information on it. An
import report is displayed in the lower pane. This report lists all import processes that are
related to the cell. Those processes include the base cell and the updates of this cell.
On the right of the dialog box, several buttons allow you to manage cells – insertion,
deletion, centring.

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Charts: ENC

Figure 2-1 : Managing the ENC Chart Database

Cells are listed in a table. The columns of this table are as follows:
Name The name of the cell. An example of a cell syntax is: GB4X01NE.7CB
• GB is the producer code
• 4 is the navigational purpose (overview, general, coastal,
approach, harbour or berthing). In the present example, 4
defines the coastal navigational purpose
• X01NE is the individual cell code

Usage Navigational purpose for which ENC data has been compiled by the
IHO. There are six navigational purposes:
• Overview (border: 1/15 000 000)
• General (border: 1/3 000 000)
• Coastal (border: 1/700 000)
• Approach (border: 1/260 000)
• Harbour (border: 1/75 000)
• Berthing (border: 1/2 500)

Edition The cell’s edition number. At ENC’s creation, 1 is assigned as a value

35 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

for this field. Each time a cell is edited, the edition number increases by

Issue Date Date of publication and availability of a cell. The format of the issue
date is the following: yyyymmdd. This date can refer to a future date.
This means that this update will only be effective on this future date.

Compilation Scale in which the chart objects have been compiled. When the
Scale information is displayed at a larger scale than that contained in the ENC,
an alarm is displayed.

The import report gives information about the selected cell. So, when inserting a cell,
the following information is displayed on it:
APPLIED GB5X01SW (Edition: 1, Update: 0) on 12/14/05 at 14:59:43.

This means the GB5X01SW.000 file has been imported on the 14th.of December 2005
at 14 h 59 mn 43 s. This is a new edition (update = 0) which has been replaced by the
former one.

APPLIED GB5X01SW (Edition: 1, Update: 1) on 12/14/05 at 15:00:07.

The GB5X01SW.001 file has been imported on the 14th of December. 2005 at 15 h 00
mn 7 s. This is an update (update = 1) that changes the 1.0 cell that used to be in the
chart database. When an update is applied, the line below is followed by the list of
modified objects with the type of modification. There are several kinds of possible
• Insertion (INSERT)
• Modification (MODIFY) : the modification can change either the geometry of
the object or its attributes.
• Deletion (DELETE).

2.3.3. Importing ENC Cells

Generally, ENCs are provided on a set of files in an ENC_ROOT folder. This folder
includes a special file, which is the catalogue – CATALOG031 or CATALOG030. This
file lists all cells in a folder and their location. So it lets you import all cells in a folder.
The cells of commercial distributors can be encrypted (PRIMAR charts) or not if they are
directly provided by your hydrographic office:

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 36

Charts: ENC

To import non encrypted cells:

Click ENC Catalogue…
Locate the ENC_ROOT folder, select the CATALOG.031 file, and then click OK.
You can import S57 file just by clicking the Single ENC or ENC Folder button.

Figure 2-2 : Importing Crypted ENC

To import crypted ENC :

Click Import Crypted ENC…
The Crypted Exchange Set Import dialog box is displayed. The User Permit field is
specified with the number of permits that will be required to buy your desired ENC cells.
Send the permit number and the charts you want to buy to your S57 distributor. Then
you will receive a floppy disk with a permis.txt file and your desired charts.
Open once again the Crypted Exchange Set Import dialog box. In Charts To
Import, click , and then select the ENC_ROOT folder that contains the desired charts
(if charts are included in a CD-ROM, do not forget to insert first the CD-ROM into the
CD-ROM driver).
In Permit To Decrypt, click again on to browse to the permis.txt file (if this file
has been sent into a floppy disk, do not forget to insert first the floppy disk into the
floppy disk driver.
Click Import.
If you import non official data, a message is displayed in the higher right side of
the screen. Also if you load the corrupted data, cells are rejected. Operations on the ENC cells

To access the Chart database dialog box:
In the ENC charts menu, click Chart database administration.
To centre the chart area on a cell:
Click the cell you wish to centre on, and then click Centre on, or double click the cell.
The chart area is then centred on the selected cell, with its compilation scale.
To delete one or several cells:
Select one or several cells, on the Delete cells button, and then click Yes in the

37 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

warning message.
The cells of the chart database are deleted.

2.3.4. Updating Updating
This type of updating consists in copying or updating a cell from removable media like
CDs or diskettes. National IHO or their distributors provide these updates. After updating
one or more cell (s), a dialog box is displayed. This dialog box lists all updates and offers
you to accept or reject them.

Figure 2-3: Applicating/Rejecting Updates

To display the detail of an update, click the update. The list of user objects that are
concerned by the update is then displayed, as well as the action that has been perfomed
on this object. The action can be as follows:
• Inserted: the object has been inserted
• Modified: the object has been modified. the modification can change either the
geometry of the object or its attributes.
• Deleted: the object has been deleted
When you try to modify or insert an update, the main view is centred on the object and

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 38

Charts: ENC

you display all levels that concerns this object. To reject the update, click Rejeter la mise
à jour.
Rejected updates are applied, but they are annotated as rejected. If you have rejected an
update, you can take change your mind until the Chart database window has not been
closed and no other import operation has been launched. To do so, select the yupdate and
click Accept update.

To update a cell:
Access the Charts database dialog box clicking the Chart database administration.
Click Import ENC, browse to the update catalogue, Catalogue 131 and then click
When import is over, optionally select the updates you want to reject and click
Rejeter la mise à jour.
Close the Chart Database dialog box by clicking on the small cross, in the right
upper corner. You can close this dialog box clicking the little cross in the upper right
When you reject an update, it is annotated with an orange mark and a text that indicates
this has been rejected. Update is applied.

2.3.5. The Chart Information
The ENC chart display includes three detail levels allows you to display or not many
data in the chart. There are three types of chart data display – Display Base, Standard
Display and Full Display. Their difference lies in the chart objects they allow to display.

Display Base Allows you to choose the display base that is not sufficient
for safe navigation. Consequently, you cannot remove
manually information of the display base. The Display base
is composed of the following objects:
• Cursor
• Scale bar, latitude bar
• North arrow
• No data, unsurveyed, incompletely surveyed area
• HO data limit LC
• Land area
• Bridge, pylon, overhead cable, conveyor, overhead
pipeline, offshore platform
• Coastline, ice shelf, glacier, shoreline construction,
tie-up wall, dolphin, gate, pile, crib, wellhead, ice
boom, floating dock, hulk, pontoon, oil boom, log
boom, flood barrage
• Dock, lock, canal

39 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

• Safety contour
• Depth area, dredged area
• Isolated underwater dangers in own-ship safe water
(rocks, wrecks, obstructions, mooring cables from
conditional symbology procedure)
• Traffic lane, deep water route, traffic separation
area, traffic separation line, traffic roundabout,
traffic crossing, precautionary area, traffic
separation, scheme boundary, deep water route
centre line, two way route part, inshore traffic zone
recommended traffic lane, recommended route
• Radio calling in point
• Buoys, light float, mooring buoy
• light vessel
• beacon

Allows you to choose the standard display. When you check

Standard Display
this option, the following boxes are checked in the
Information tab:
• Unknown object
• Chart scale boundary, over scale data
• Place-holder for geographic names
• River, riverbank, lake, lakeshore, sloping ground,
slope top, dyke, causeway, dam
• Radar conspicuous object
• Visually conspicuous object
• Built-up area
• Area of depth less than the safety contour
• Swept area
• Mooring cables, tunnel on seabed, sand waves
• Leading line, clearing line
• Recommended track
• Ferry route
• Radar line, limit of shore radar
• Restricted area
• Ferry route area, submarine transit lane, military
practice area, sea plane landing area, offshore
production area
• Caution area, fairway
• Fishing ground, marine farm
• Anchorage area, anchor berth
• Pipeline area, cable area
• Dumping ground

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 40

Charts: ENC

• Cargo transhipment, incineration

• Day mark
• Direction of buoyage IALA buoyage regions
• Top marks – for paper chart symbols
• Light
• Fog signal, retro-reflector
• racon
• radar reflector
• Pilot boarding point
• Signal station, traffic, signal station, and warning

Full Display Allows you to choose the full display. When you check this
option, all the boxes are checked in the Information tab.

Figure 2-4: Customizing ENC Chart Object Display

To define a display:
In the Charts menu, click Presentation.
Do one of the following:
• To choose a default display level, in the Chart Presentation dialog box, click
the desired level dialog box.
• To set a default display, check or uncheck the boxes of the right pane.

41 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC Chart Display Templates

When customizing the database display, you can save your configuration and create one
or several display templates. To use these templates, proceed the same way as when you
use the three default types of chart data display (Base / Standard / Full display).

To create a display template:

Menu / Database / Charts / Presentation
⇒ Define the display parameters by checking or unchecking objects and click Save As.

Name your template. The created template is available in the Custom menu.

To delete a template (filter), click Delete…, select it and click on Close.

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 42

Charts: ENC Presentation Library

The ECDIS uses official S52 edition 3 presentation to draw ENC charts. Used
presentation library is replaceable, but this feature is only intended to be used by
qualified service personal and type approval authorities.
As a user you can get with the used presentation by browsing IHO ECDIS Chart.
The presentation library is the list of symbols defined in the ECDIS standard that is
considered as the reference for symbols. It contains 11 pages.
To open the presentation library:
In the Charts menu, click Presentation library.

Figure 2-5: First Page of the Presentation Library

To skip to the next page, left click on the window. The next page lets you go back to the
first one. To scroll the page in the reverse order, right click.
To display the meaning of a symbol, drag the mouse above the symbol.
Security is an option allowing you to define different key depth levels. There are four
different depth levels: shallow contour, safety contour, safety depth and deep contour.

43 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

These levels constitute four out of the five editable fields of the Security Options dialog
box (see below). The other field, safety height, represents the secured height of the ship
(e.g. if it gets under a bridge). It aims at defining alarms to inform the mariner - when his
ship is too high to get under a bridge, an alarm is generated.
Furthermore there are two different modes: Safe Mode and Unsafe Mode. The safe
mode consists in a bicoloured representation of the bathymetry: Green/yellow (maritime
zones above 0 - foreshore), and Medium blue (zones between 0 and safety contour). In
that mode, the following values are equal: shallow contour = safety contour = deep
contour. The unsafe mode consists in a four-colour representation of the bathymetry. The
four colours are green/yellow (the maritime zones above 0 - foreshore), Medium blue
(the zone between 0 and shallow contour), light blue (the zone between shallow
contour and safety contour) and Pale blue (the zone between safety contour and deep
contour). In both modes, the white colour defines any depth superior to the deep contour.

Figure 2-6: Security Options Dialog Box

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 44

Charts: ENC

• Safety contour: Contour above which the ship cannot navigate safely. This
value is fixed by the navigator according to the characteristics of the ship and
the available contours. The line appears in black and its width is superior to the
other ones. If the value the navigator has entered doesn’t correspond to any
available contour, the safety contour will be the first deeper contour.

Figure 2-7: Representation of the Safety Contour

45 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

• Safety Depth: All depths strictly superior to the value of this field are displayed
in grey. The depths that are inferior or equal to the value are displayed in black.

Figure 2-8: Representation of the Safety Depth

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 46

Charts: ENC

• Shallow Contour: Represents the shallow waters value. The zone where depth
values are inferior to this value is displayed in light blue. If the value that is
entered by the user doesn’t correspond to any available contour, the zone will be
brought to the first deeper contour.

Figure 2-9: Representation of the Shallow Contour

47 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

• Deep Contour: Represents the deep waters value. The zone where depth values
are inferior to this value is displayed in green blue. If the value that is entered
by the user doesn’t correspond to any available contour, the zone will be
brought to the first deeper contour.

Figure 2-10: Representation of the Deep Contour

If deep contour is superior to safety contour and safety depth, chart is in pale blue
between safety contour and deep contour.

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Charts: ENC

Figure 2-11: When Deep Contour is Superior to Safety Depth and Safety Contour

To define the security contours:

In the Charts menu click Security parameters…
Click the Safe mode or Unsafe mode radio button depending on your desired mode.
Enter the different values in the five fields, depending on your needs.
Click OK. You can go back to the default values clicking Default Values.
The anti-grounding option is only available with the ENC chart module - it allows to
detect dangers the ship may cross because they are located in its way, with a 20 ° angle,
from both of its sides. When a danger is detected on ship’s run, the Danger(s) on the
route alarm is generated. This alarm is reproduced as soon as the Own ship moves, if the
danger is still present in the anti-grounding perimeter.
You can set anti-grounding selecting a limit range or period of time to detect dangers. If
you select a range, danger detection is made in front of the ship with this range. If you
select a period, the system computes how far from the Own Ship to detect dangers. The
maximum detection distance is 12 nautical miles and the maximum detection time is 30

49 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

No danger is detected A danger is detected (Depth area)

Figure 2-12: Detecting Dangers with Anti-grounding

To set anti-grounding :
In the ENC chart menu, point to Anti-Grounding Settings…
In the Anti-Grounding Settings dialog box, set the width of the angle to be checked
and then do one of the following:
• To set a distance limit, click the Maximum distance to danger (nm), and then
select a value
• To set a time limit, click the Maximum time to danger (minutes), and then
select a value
Click OK.
To start anti-grounding:
In the Charts menu, click Start Anti-Grounding to set this option to YES.

2.4. C-MAP V3 Charts

2.4.1. About C-Map V3 Charts

The CM-93 Edition 3.0 database (C-Map V3) has been developed to replace the current
distribution format. This database allows the user to load advanced electronic charting
The fact that charts are gathered in databases make them easy to use and manage. You
can add several databases, remove them, and so on.
Any chart-related operation can be performed in TurboWin. You can order charts and
register their licences directly. The update process is also easier. You can update your
chart database through a simple Internet connection.

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Charts: ENC

2.4.2. Opening the C-Map V3 module

To open the C-Map V3 module:

Click MENU, and then Charts.
Click once again on Charts, and then CMapV3. The C-Map V3 menu is now

2.4.3. Installing the C-Map V3 Module and Registering the System

Information relative to C-Map charts is given within the eToken protection key that is
provided by SODENA. After installing the software, you must install the C-Map V3
module. This operation requires that you load in your computer a file – that is included in SODENA’s installation CD-ROM, in the Install
CMapV3 Runtime folder. After installing the system, you must register it with C-Map
V3 charts. This operation is made though a three-step procedure:
• Sending to C-Map a user.usr file. This file contains the company and system
IDs. It is automatically generated when loading the C-Map V3 module for the
first time.;
• Ordering in the software the chart zones whose licence you want to get;
• Registering those licences.

51 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

To install the C-Map V3 module:

When loading the C-Map V3 module for the first time, a message is displayed. This
message asks you whether you want to install C-Map V3. Click Yes to continue.
In the Open dialog box, browse to the desired file and click Open.
When the installation is over, click OK in the message that notices the installation was
successful. Click Yes to install the eToken.
Send the user.usr file, which is located in the
…\Sodena\TurboWin\CMAPV3\CMAPV3Runtime folder, to the following e-mail
address: In the Subject field of the e-mail, enter New registration.
In TurboWin, add the World database, which is located in C-Map’s CD-ROM (see : Managing Chart Database, p. 52).
Order licences, and register them (see : Ordering and Registering Chart
Licences, p. 54).

2.4.4. Administering Chart databases Chart Databases

Before using the charts you have ordered and registering their licence, you must add into
TurboWin the whole C-Map V3 chart database (World). This database is located in C-
Map’s CD-ROM. You can either read this database from the CD-ROM, or copy it into
your hard disk, and read it directly from your computer. If your computer is not running
low on hard disk space, we advise you to choose the latter solution, because you wouldn’t
have to let your CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.
As charts are regularly updated, you will have the opportunity to replace the old World
database by a new one. To this end, the software allows you to copy or move the new
database into your hard drive, while keeping the registered status of your licences. Charts
will be loaded where they have been copied or moved.
In addition to the C-Map database, it is possible to convert and add other databases.
When several chart databases have been added, you can change the current database
(only charts from this database will be displayed) or delete one of them.

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Several pieces of information are displayed for each database:

• Its name
• The area it covers
• The next expiration date, i.e. the expiration date of the area whose licence will
be the next one to expire. Data of this field can be displayed with three different
o red, if the next expiration date is over or the database is not registered
o brown, if the next expiration date is inferior to two months
o black, if the next expiration date is superior to two months.
When you try to install the same database twice, a warning message will ask you if you
want to update it with the new database.

To add a chart database:

In the main command bar, click MENU, and then Charts.
If C-Map V3 is not selected, select this option in the Charts menu
Click Chart database administration. The Database management dialog box is
Click Install New Database…, open the CM93_3 folder either in the root of the CD-
ROM unit or in the hard disk, and then click OK.
The next time you will update this database, you will just have to do the same thing as
in the previous step. Make a point of opening the folder that contains the new database.
Select this database as the current one (see the procedure that follows).

53 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

To select a database as the current one:

In the Database management dialog box, select the desired database, and then click
Use this Database.
The button is greyed. This means the selected database is the current database
To delete a database:
In the Database Management, select your desired database, and then click Uninstall
The database is removed from the list of databases, but it is not removed from your
hard disk or the CD-ROM; you will be able to add it once again if desired.

To copy a database:
In the Database Management dialog box, click Copy a Database in Data Folder…
The Copy a Database dialog box is displayed. To configure the access path into
which you want to copy or move a database, click the Browse… button, next to the
Source field, and then select the chart database directory. For example, if the database is
located in a CD, you must select the drive that defines the CD-ROM driver (E : in most
Configure the location into which you wish to copy or move the database. To do so,
click the Browse… button next to the Destination field.
Do one of the following:
• To copy a database, click Copy to Destination. The database will be copied
into the selected location.
• To move a database, click Move to Destination. The database will be moved to
the selected location.
This operation may take several minutes. Be careful to use this dialog box when you want
to copy or move a database. Do not use your Explorer. and Registering Chart Licences

World charts are divided into 9 zones – each one of these zones is divided in several
areas. TurboWin allows you to select your desired elements, and order their licence to C-
Map. A specific licence key is assigned to each zone or area. After placing your order, C-
Map will send you either all licence keys (each one of them consists of 16
alphanumerical characters), or a password.usr file. Ordering a zone is just the same thing

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Charts: ENC

as ordering all of its areas. So you don’t need to select the areas of a zone if you have
selected this zone.
There are two kinds of licences: subscription, which is valid for one year, and purchase.
If you wish to buy one (several) element(s) and start a subscription for an(other) one(s),
you will need to place two different orders - the first one for subscribed elements and the
second one for purchased ones.
You can order chart licences in three ways:
• By phone. To do so, call C-Map office, in Norway
• By fax. To do so, send a fax of the order printout
• By e-mail. To do so, send a copy of the information relative to the order to, with the following subject: New Registration.
Once registered the licences, you can consult the expiration dates for all the zones and
areas you have ordered.

If you want to know the chart pricing, please contact our local distributor or your C-
Map vendor.

The zone 0 gathers the whole world chart database, i.e. the 9 zones and their related

55 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

To order chart licences:

Access the Licence Order dialog box clicking the Charts menu, Chart Database
Administration…, and then Order Licences… in the Database Management… dialog
In the Choose Datasets zone, select the zones and areas you wish to order. To select
one of the areas in a zone, click the small cross that is located in front of it, for it to be
expanded . In the Order zone, the list of chart cells you have ordered is displayed.
Optionally check the Subscription box if you wish to start a one-year subscription for
the selected elements. If you wish to purchase them, let this box unchecked. The
Purchase=Yes line will then be displayed in the Order zone.
To order the licences, do one of the following:
• To order by phone, call the following C-Map phone number, in Norway: +47
• To order by fax, click the Print Order… button, and fax the printed sheet to the
following number: +47 51464701
• To order by e-mail, click the Copy button, open your messaging application,
and then paste in the body of the new message the information you have just
copied. After entering New Registration in the Subject field, send the e-mail.
Click Close. Depending on your way of ordering, you will receive a fax or an e-mail

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Charts: ENC

with licence keys or a file. Now you can register your licences (see the following
To register licence keys:
Access the Database Management dialog box. To do so, click the Charts menu and
then Chart Database Administration….
Do one of the following:
• If you received a file from C-Map, copy it into the hard drive, click Enter
Licence File…, browse to the licence file in the new dialog box, and click
• If you received licence keys, click Enter Licence Key…. Then select each zone
or area to be registered, enter its licence key in the lower part of the dialog box,
and click OK.

To consult the expiration dates for zones and areas:

In the Database Management dialog box, click View Expiration Dates. The
Expiration Dates dialog box is displayed. This dialog box lists all zones and areas and
gives the expiration date for each registered zone and area.
Click Show Only Registered Zones or Areas to display only the list of the zones and
areas that have been registered.
Once finished consulting the expiration dates, click OK. Charts
Chart updating consists in importing into your hard drive the changes that were
performed on your charts. Before making any update, you must have registered your
chart licence keys. There are two kinds of updates:
• Automatic updates

57 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

• Manual updates

Automatic Updates from the Internet

To update your charts by way of Internet, you must be connected to C-Map site from
TurboWin. Your database and the updates will then be automatically detected. This
update is very easy to perform, but it requires an Internet connection.

To update your charts from the Internet:

Click the Charts menu, Chart Database Administration…, and then Update from
The Internet…
Optionally click Size to show the required space for chart updates or List to show the
list of updates. This operation may take several minutes, because you need to connect to
C-Map site.
Click All to download all chart updates. This operation may also take several minutes
to connect to C-Map site and to receive updates.
Once achieved the operation, click Close.

Manual Updates
Manual updates consist in receiving from C-Map the update files. These files can be
received either by e-mail or by floppy disks. To update manually your charts, you must
create and send to C-Map a .ord file that allows you to receive .ans files. Those files
contain all the updates. If you want to receive the .ans files on a floppy disk, please
contact C-Map sales department.

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To update manually your charts:

Click the Charts menu, Chart Database Administration…, and then Update
In the Manual Update dialog box, click Create Update Order File.
In the Save As… dialog box, browse to the folder in which you want to register your
order, and then click Save.
After a few seconds, a message warns you that the order file has been successfully
created. Send the file to
You will be sent .ans files. Copy them into your desired location in the hard disk and
then click Get Updates From Files… in the Manual Update dialog box.
In the Explorer, select the first .ans file, and then click Open. Updated Charts

As soon as you will have updated one or several chart(s), you will have the possibility to
consult information about them – the centre, scale and coverage.
To consult updated charts:
In the Database Management dialog box, click View Updated Charts…
When finished consulting, click OK.
If you are experiencing problems installing the software or charts, please check the
following before calling C-Map:
• The software has been installed on Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows 98
second edition. Normally, the system will not run on Windows 95 or Windows 98
first edition.

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Charts: ENC

• You have registered the World database in TurboWin (see : Managing
Chart Database, p. 52)
• The registered World database is available. If you are running the database from
the CD drive, the CD-ROM must be loaded.
• You have correctly entered the licence keys (see : Ordering and
Registering Chart Licences, p. 54).
• You didn’t reinstall Windows or any major hardware component. Otherwise you
will probably need to reinstall your software. You will then have to re-do the
registering and licence ordering procedures.

2.4.5. Chart Objects Chart Objects

C-Map V3 charts contain various chart objects. It is possible to display information about
those objects in the Cartographic information window, which is displayed in the
middle of the screen. Selecting an object also allows you to display information about
chart objects that are located very close the object you are consulting. So in the left-side
pane of the window, the list of chart objects that were found is displayed, and the right-
side pane shows a description of these objects.

To display information about a chart object:

In the main command bar, click CURSOR.
Click an object. Information about this object is displayed by default on the right of
the screen.
To display information about other objects near the selected object, click them in the
left-side pane of the window.

2.4.6. Traditional, Simplified and C-Map Symbols

You can change the appearance of symbols to make chart consultation easier and more
machine-readable. This is possible when you display chart objects as represented in a
traditional paper chart (Traditional Symbols), more simply (Simplified symbols), or in

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the same way as they are displayed in C-Map symbology.

To give an example, the following symbol will be represented as follows in

simplified mode and as follows in C-Map mode.

Traditional display Simplified display C-Map display

2.4.7. Chart Object Detail Levels

There are three detail levels in the C-Map V3 module - Basic, Standard and Full. These
levels allow you to display a variety of chart objects. The first one contains the objects
that are considered essentials for safety at sea. The second level is an intermediate display
solution and the third level displays all available chart objects.
However, if those levels don’t meet your needs, you can customise the chart display.
Chart display customization is performed via a list of elements to be selected or not. So
you can decide to display some elements and hide others.

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Charts: ENC

To define a default display:

Click MENU, Database, Charts, and then Display filter.
Select your desired display level.
To define a custom display:
Click MENU, Database, Charts and then Display filter. The Chart Display
Settings window is displayed.
Select your desired symbol display checking or unchecking the boxes behind their

2.4.8. Contour Properties

The contour properties option allows you to define four key depth levels: safety contour,
safety depth, shallow contour, deep contour.
• Safety contour: Contour above which the ship cannot navigate safely. This value
is fixed by the navigator according to the characteristics of the ship and the
available contours. The line appears in black and its width is superior to the other
ones. If the value the navigator has entered doesn’t correspond to any available
contour, the safety contour will be the first deeper contour.

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Charts: ENC

• Safety Depth: All depths strictly superior to the value of this field are displayed
in grey. The depths that are inferior or equal to the value are displayed in black.

• Shallow Contour: Represents the shallow waters value. The zone where depth
values are inferior to this value is displayed in light blue. If the value that is
entered by the user doesn’t correspond to any available contour, the zone will be
brought to the first deeper contour.

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• Deep Contour: Represents the deep waters value. The zone where depth values
are inferior to this value is displayed in green blue. If the value that is entered by
the user doesn’t correspond to any available contour, the zone will be brought to
the first deeper contour.

If deep contour is superior to safety contour and safety depth, chart is in pale blue
between safety contour and deep contour.

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Charts: ENC

To define security contours:

Click MENU, Database, Charts and then Security parameters.
Enter your desired values in the Security Options dialog box and then click OK.

2.6. S57 Charts

2.6.1. S57 Overview
The ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display Information System) is an informational system
for maritime navigation, that is considered as the equivalent of an updated maritime
chart. The ECDIS aims at:
• Improving sea security
• Facilitating chart updates
• Reducing the bridgework.
This nautical Geographic Information System (GIS) is an expert system which contains
two elements:
•A database, called ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart), containing any
geographical information that is useful to navigate safely
• Integrated equipment
Moreover, the user can profit by a presentation of his cells because the data import is
accompanied with a data sorting structure. S57 Charts

The first time you launch S57 charts, no chart is loaded. You will have to load them later,

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Charts: ENC

while importing cells. S57 charts must be located in a DENC_ROOT directory, in the
…\ZLibrary\SdnEnc directory of TurboWin installation folder.
To launch the S57 module:
Left click.
Click Database, and then Charts.
The list of available charts is displayed. CClick ENC.

2.6.2. The Chart Database the Chart Database

To make its managing easy, ENC data is split into cells. Each ENC cell is contained in
several files. The ENC producer must choose the data so that it does not exceed 5
Megabytes. Moreover the cell size should not be too small to avoid creating too many
Cells with the same navigational purpose, such as overview, coastal, etc., might overlap,
very rarely because cells are generally edge-to-edge. Point or line feature objects, which
are at the border of two cells with the same navigational purpose, must be part of only
one cell. They are located in the southern or western cell.
The Charts Database dialog box allows you to manage the cells. Each cell of the
database is associated with five pieces of information:
• The name
• The usage (navigational purpose)
• The edition and update number
• The issue date
• The compilation scale
When importing a cell, a window is added in the dialog box; this dialog box displays
detailed information is displayed. This report lists all import processes that are related to
the cell. Those processes include the base cell and the updates of this cell. In the lower
part of the dialog box, detailed information is displayed for each imported file.
On the right of the dialog box, several buttons allow you to manage cells – insertion,
deletion, centring.

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Charts: ENC

Figure 2-13 : Managing the ENC Chart Database

Cells are listed in a table. The columns of this table are as follows:
Name The name of the cell. An example of a cell syntax is: GB5X01NE.7CB
• GB is the producer code
• 5 is the navigational purpose (overview, general, coastal,
approach, harbour or berthing). In the present example, 4
defines the coastal navigational purpose
• X01NE is the individual cell code
Usage Navigational purpose for which ENC data has been compiled by the
IHO. There are six navigational purposes:
• Overview (border: 1/15 000 000)
• General (border: 1/3 000 000)
• Coastal (border: 1/700 000)
• Approach (border: 1/260 000)
• Harbour (border: 1/75 000)
• Berthing (border: 1/2 500)
Compilation Scale in which the chart objects have been compiled. When the
Scale information is displayed at a larger scale than that contained in the ENC,
an alarm is displayed.

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Charts: ENC

To access the Charts Database… dialog box:

Left click.
Click Database, Charts and then Chart database administration…
To centre the main view on a cell:
Click the cell you want to centre on, and then click Centre on…or double-click the
The main view is now centred on the selected cell, with its compilation scale.
To delete a cell:
Click the cell, the Delete Cell button and then Yes in the warning message.
The cell is removed from the chart cell database.
To delete several cells:
Select a cell by clicking on it, and then click another cell while holding the mouse
button to select another cell to be deleted.
Click Delete Cell, and then Yes in the warning message. All the selected cells are
removed from the database.
L’écran présente une fissure poussière sur la paroi interne de la vitre
To import a folder:
Click the S57 folder button, select your desired ENC_ROOT folder in the explorer
window, and click OK. All the SENC files that are included in the selected folder are
To import crypted ENCs:
Click Crypted ENC…
The Crypted Exchange Set Import dialog box is displayed. The permit number is
specified in the User Permit field. You will need this number to acquire your desired
Send this permit number and the list of charts you want to buy to your ENC vendor.
You will then be sent a floppy disk containing the permis.txt file, as well as the desired
Open once again the Crypted Exchange Set Import dialog box. In Charts to import,
click , and then select the ENC_ROOT folder. This folder includes all desired charts
(if your charts have been sent in a CD-ROM, do not forget to insert this CD-ROM in the
CD-ROM driver).
In Permits to Decrypt, click to browse to the permis.txt file (if this file has been
sent in a floppy disk, do not forget to insert it in the floppy disk driver).
Click Import.

2.6.3. Semi-Automatic Updating

This type of updating consists in copying or updating a cell from removable media like

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Charts: ENC

CDs or diskettes. National IHO or their distributors provide these updates. After updating
one or more cell (s), a pane is displayed in the lower part of the Charts Database dialog
box. This pane lists all updates. Each of them is assigned to the name of the object and
the action performed on it (Inserted, Modified or Deleted).
If you select one update, this update is centred on the chart area and the cursor is pointed
on it. Until you do not close the dialog box by clicking the Close button or the small cross
in the upper right corner of dialog box, you can accept or reject the updates. This way,
you can choose to accept an update that you have previously rejected. When you reject an
update, the symbol is annotated with an orange dash. In any case, the update is always

displayed on the screen ( ).

To process the updates of a cell:

Once imported an updated cell, the list of updates is displayed.
Do one of the following:
• To reject an update, select this update and click Reject Update
• To accept an update, click Accept Update after selecting it.
You can accept or reject several updates all at once, by selecting them with the Ctrl
Once accepted or rejected the updates, you can close the dialog box.
Click Apply.

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Charts: ENC

2.6.4. The Chart Levels of Chart Object

The ENC module allows you to display or not many data in the chart. There are three
types of chart data display –Base, Standard and Full. Their difference lies in the chart
objects they allow to display. The first level consists in the objects that are not sufficient
for safe navigation – consequently, you cannot remove manually information of the
display base. The second level is an intermediate display solution; the third one displays
all available chart objects. The list of objects depending on levels is specified below.

Display Base The Display base is composed of the following objects:

• Cursor
• Scale bar, latitude bar
• North arrow
• No data, unsurveyed, incompletely surveyed area
• HO data limit LC
• Land area
• Bridge, pylon, overhead cable, conveyor, overhead
pipeline, offshore platform
• Coastline, ice shelf, glacier, shoreline construction,
tie-up wall, dolphin, gate, pile, crib, wellhead, ice
boom, floating dock, hulk, pontoon, oil boom, log
boom, flood barrage
• Dock, lock, canal
• Safety contour
• Depth area, dredged area
• Isolated underwater dangers in own-ship safe water
(rocks, wrecks, obstructions, mooring cables from
conditional symbology procedure)
• Traffic lane, deep water route, traffic separation
area, traffic separation line, traffic roundabout,
traffic crossing, precautionary area, traffic
separation, scheme boundary, deep water route
centre line, two way route part, inshore traffic zone
recommended traffic lane, recommended route
• Radio calling in point
• Buoys, light float, mooring buoy
• light vessel
• beacon
Allows you to choose the standard display. When you check
Standard Display
this option, the following boxes are checked in the
Information tab:
• Unknown object

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• Chart scale boundary, over scale data

• Place-holder for geographic names
• River, riverbank, lake, lakeshore, sloping ground,
slope top, dyke, causeway, dam
• Radar conspicuous object
• Visually conspicuous object
• Built-up area
• Area of depth less than the safety contour
• Swept area
• Mooring cables, tunnel on seabed, sand waves
• Leading line, clearing line
• Recommended track
• Ferry route
• Radar line, limit of shore radar
• Restricted area
• Ferry route area, submarine transit lane, military
practice area, sea plane landing area, offshore
production area
• Caution area, fairway
• Fishing ground, marine farm
• Anchorage area, anchor berth
• Pipeline area, cable area
• Dumping ground
• Cargo transhipment, incineration
• Day mark
• Direction of buoyage IALA buoyage regions
• Top marks – for paper chart symbols
• Light
• Fog signal, retro-reflector
• racon
• radar reflector
• Pilot boarding point
• Signal station, traffic, signal station, and warning
Full Display Allows you to choose the full display. When you check this
option, all the boxes are checked in the Information tab.

To choose a default display:

Access the Charts menu.
Click Display Filter, and then select one of the filters.
Security is an option allowing you to define different key depth levels. There are four
different depth levels: shallow contour, safety contour, safety depth and deep contour.

71 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1

Charts: ENC

These levels constitute four out of the five editable fields of the Security Options dialog
box (see below). The other field, safety height, represents the secured height of the ship
(e.g. if it gets under a bridge). It aims at defining alarms to inform the mariner - when his
ship is too high to get under a bridge, an alarm is generated.
Furthermore there are two different modes: Safe Mode and Unsafe Mode. The safe
mode consists in a bicoloured representation of the bathymetry: Green/yellow (maritime
zones above 0 - foreshore), and Medium blue (zones between 0 and safety contour). In
that mode, the following values are equal: shallow contour = safety contour = deep
contour. The unsafe mode consists in a four-colour representation of the bathymetry. The
four colours are green/yellow (the maritime zones above 0 - foreshore), Medium blue
(the zone between 0 and shallow contour), light blue (the zone between shallow
contour and safety contour) and Pale blue (the zone between safety contour and deep
contour). In both modes, the white colour defines any depth superior to the deep contour.

Figure 2-14: Security Options Dialog Box

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Charts: ENC

• Safety contour: Contour above which the ship cannot navigate safely. This
value is fixed by the navigator according to the characteristics of the ship and
the available contours. The line appears in black and its width is superior to the
other ones. If the value the navigator has entered doesn’t correspond to any
available contour, the safety contour will be the first deeper contour.

• Safety Depth: All depths strictly superior to the value of this field are displayed
in grey. The depths that are inferior or equal to the value are displayed in black.

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Charts: ENC

• Shallow Contour: Represents the shallow waters value. The zone where depth
values are inferior to this value is displayed in light blue. If the value that is
entered by the user doesn’t correspond to any available contour, the zone will be
brought to the first deeper contour.

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Charts: ENC

• Deep Contour: Represents the deep waters value. The zone where depth values
are inferior to this value is displayed in green blue. If the value that is entered
by the user doesn’t correspond to any available contour, the zone will be
brought to the first deeper contour.

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If deep contour is superior to safety contour and safety depth, chart is in pale blue
between safety contour and deep contour.

To define the security contours:

Click Charts and then Security…
Click the Safe mode or Unsafe mode radio button depending on your desired mode.
Enter the different values in the five fields, depending on your needs.
Click OK. You can go back to the default values clicking Default Values.

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Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

3. Ships and Targets

3.1. Ship’s Drawing

In TurboWin, your ship can have different aspects, depending on its size on screen. If the
scale is inferior to 1/100.000, the ship is represented as a black and green blinking star, and if
the scale is superior to 1/100.000, the ship represented as a green triangle, a basic silhouette
or a true silhouette.
The ship’s drawing defaults to triangle, which allows to lighten the display. But you can set
the right sizes of your ship. TurboWin allows you to set:
• The length and width of your ship
• GPS X and Y axis offset. The two lines allow you to insert the position of the GPS,
which will be displayed as a green and black blinking star.
• The GPS X axis offset gives the horizontal position of the GPS on the ship.
When this value is positive, the offset goes to the starboard side and when it is
negative, it goes to the port side. You shouldn’t enter a value that is inferior to
half of the width.
• The GPS Y axis offset gives the vertical position of the GPS. The offset begins
in the stern of the ship. So, you shouldn’t enter a value that is superior to the
You can also assign the ship the silhouette and dimensions of existing ships. This silhouette is
made from a file text.

To configure ship’s silhouette:

Click MENU, Configuration, Ships and then Shape.
Click the desired type of shape.
If you have selected Triangle, you needn’t to configure specific settings.
If you have selected Simplified outline, click Measurements and then enter your desired
If you have selected True outline, click the True outline command, and then select the
desired ship.

3.2. SHIP Command

This command centres your ship on the main view. To use it, you just need to highlight it.
Left click or Press F4. TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 78 / 223

Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

3.3. Acquisition and Transmission

Acquisition and transmission are made via serial ports. To learn how to configure
the serial ports, please see 7.3.1: Serial Ports, p. 151.

Your ship can either be in dead-reckoned or acquired mode. When you acquire data from your
sensor, you must configure TurboWin to receive these acquisitions.
To acquire data:
Left click.
Left click Configuration, Ship and then Acquisition.
In the Acquisition menu, left click
the information you want to acquire.
A new menu is displayed. This menu
may change depending on the type of
For example, if you left click
Position, the opposite Position menu
is displayed.
Configure each one of the pieces
of information. When you choose to
acquire information (you configure
YES in the Active field), the red
indicator before this information in
the Acquisition menu becomes
Do the same steps for all the
pieces of information you want to
The different fields of the Position menu are as follows:
Active Indicates the status of the information. If you acquire a piece
of information, YES must be indicated. NO is indicated if
you do not acquire it.

Port Indicates the port that is used to acquire this information.

Sentence The sentence received. If you select Automatic, all the

received sentences are decoded as they are received.

Identifier Allows you to indicate a specific header to begin the acquired

sentences. Only the sentences beginning with this talker will
be processed by TurboWin.

GPS Datum The datum of the GPS.

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

Smoothing Allows you to reject some acquired values if they go beyond

defined thresholds. This option is only designed for the
Position and Depth parameters. This value is set by default
to 1 nm and concerns not only ships but also targets.
Timeout Allows you to define a delay since last acquisition after
which the piece of information will be considered as invalid.
If the timeout is 0, it will not be taken into account.

You can change the transmission mode while using TurboWin. TurboWin will
dynamically take the changes you will make into account.

To transmit data:
Left click.

Left-click Configuration, Ship

and then Transmission.
The list of all the types of data
you can transmit is displayed.
Left click the type of data you
want to transmit (in the following
example, APA is selected) and click
Active so that YES is set.
You can also configure the Port,
Time rate and Talker fields.
• The Time rate field allows
you to give the frequency of
transmission of the data. In
the opposite example, data
will be sent each second.
• The Talker field allows you
to indicate a specific talker
(2 characters) to begin the
transmitted sentences.

The autopilot’s data can only be transmitted if you have already started a track or
a route TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 80 / 223

Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

If you want to transmit any data you receive, you can optionally left click All received
data and Active so that YES is defined for this field.

3.4. Reducing Depth Acquisition

Depths that are acquired with your ship are real measurements that depend on sensor’s
position (in meters) under ship’s hull and the height of tide at the time of the measurement. If
the offsets and the position of the transducer have been entered while configuring sounder,
they are taken into account for the real measurement. TurboWin allows you to have the depths
reduced to charted depth. For example, if the acquired depth value is 100 m and the height of
tide is 3m, the charted depth value will be 97 m. The depth values of your events or tracks are
the real acquired depths.
You can reduce the acquired depths doing one of the following:
• Using the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory’s height of tides. This method
allows you to display data for a whole area. To use it you first need to register
licences for your desired areas.
To reduce the acquired depths with Proudman’s height of tides:
Left click.
Left click Databases, Tidal Streams and then Proudman to select YES.
Right click to exit the Databases menu and then left click 2D-3D and Depths
corrections to select Reduced with Proudman into square brackets.

• With a tide station. This consultation is free of charge, but it is not as easy to use as
the previous one. A unique depth value is obtained from the tide graph of a tide station
that has been chosen by the user. As this value is given for a unique point, it could be
useful to change regularly the tide station.
To reduce the acquired depths with the tide stations:
Left click.
Left click Databases, and then Tide stations to select YES.
Right click to exit the Databases menu and then left click 2D-3D and Depths
corrections to select Reduced using tide station into square brackets.
Left click the CURSOR command and display the tide graph of your desired tide
station selecting it (left click on it) and middle clicking.
In the bottom of the screen, the tide graph of the tide station is displayed. The more
remote the tide station is, the less accurate the acquired depth is.

The acquired depth reductions are updated every 5 minutes.

The acquired and reduced depth values are displayed in the second headband, on
the Depth and Reduced fields (see 1.3.2: The Headbands (Information Bars),
p. 18).
• Using tide interpolation, which consists in simulating how tide evolves by dividing
the time between high tide and low tide by six time unites; water level varies by about

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

1/12 during the first time unit, 2/12 for the second one, and then 3/12, 3/12, 2/12 and
1/12. For example, when applied to the first high tide of the 4th of February, in Saint
Malo, the results are as follows:
Low tide time: 5h53; High tide time: 11h16 i.e. 323 minutes. Each sixth will
last 54 minutes.
Height of tide in low tide: 2.25 m; height of tide in high tide: 11.3 m. The
difference is 9.05 meter. The twelfth is 75.42 cm.
To reduce the acquired depths with tide interpolation:
Left click.
Left click 2D – 3D, and then Tide height interpolation.
Specify the values of the low tide and high tide times, and their height.
Right click to go back to the 2D – 3D database menu , click Depths correction
and then Reduced using tide interpolation.

3.5. Configuring the Ship

The ship’s features are specified:

• Automatically via the AIS, and/or
• Manually by entering some parameters in Turbowin.

When opening TurboWin ship’s configuration window, the window displays a set of
parameters transmitted by the AIS. TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 82 / 223

Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

To view and/or configure the ship’s features:

Access the ship’s configuration window: Menu / Configuration / Ship / Ship

Enter or modify the ship’s features in the Ship characteristics tab.

You can also modify the visual parameters in the Dimensions and picture tab.
Save the parameters by clicking Close or,
Send your modifications to the AIS by clicking Send to AIS. The window closes.
Check that the message has been sent correctly.
⇒ In the table listing messages and targets (shortcut key: L), a status message indicates
if the message has correctly been sent and/or received (available for addressed

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

TurboWin allows you to configure some details concerning the ship, through the MENU
To configure the ship:
Left click MENU, Configuration and Ship.
The Ship menu gives you the possibility to configure some of the ship details. They are as
Speed’s reference Defines the way the ship appears on the screen. If it is inferior
to the ship’s SOG, the advance mode will be defined for this
ship and there will be more distance ahead the ship. If the
ship’s SOG is inferior to the reference speed, it will be
To configure the speed’s reference:
Left click this field and enter a value in the blank field
displaying at the top of the screen.

Ground vector Allows to set the period of time during which ship’s ground
vector will be displayed. You can decide not to display a
vector by selecting None, or display a vector from 20 seconds
to 30 minutes. The length of the vector will depend on the
time of display of the vector and the of the speed of the ship.

Headline The headline indicates the axis of the ship.

To assign a headline:
In the Ship menu, left click the Headline field to select
YES or NO.

Ship area This field allows to set the display of an area around the ship.

Ship mode This option allows you to choose between two modes for the
ship’s display in relation with the chart.
• In true motion mode, the ship moves on screen. It is
reloaded when reaching the edge of the centring area
that depends on reference speed.
• In relative motion mode, the ship doesn’t move on
screen and the chart scrolls.
To choose a ship mode:
In the Ship menu, left click the Ship mode field to select
Relative motion or True motion. TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 84 / 223

Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

Shape You can assign two different kind of shapes.

To assign a shape:
In the Ship menu, left click the Shape field to select
Triangle or Simplified outline or True outline.
If you have selected Simplified outline, click
Measurements to display a new menu allowing you to enter
the following information about your ship size:
• Ship length
• Ship width
• GPS X lateral axis offset
• GPS Y longitudinal axis offset
If you have selected True outline, select one of the ship’s
silhouette file with the True outline field:

Name You can give a name to the ship. This name will be displayed
with the information about your ship if you select it.
To assign a name to the ship:
In the Ship menu, left click the Name field, enter a name
in the blank field above the screen and left click.

Owner You can assign an owner to your ship. The name will be
displayed when you will consult the information relative to
your ship.
To assign an owner to the ship:
In the Ship menu, left click the Owner field, enter a name
in the blank field above the screen and left click.

Registration You can assign a registration to your ship. The name will be
displayed when you will consult the information relative to
your ship.
To assign a registration to the ship:
In the Ship menu, left click the Registration field, enter a
name in the blank field above the screen and left click.

Call sign You can assign a call sign to your ship. The name will be
displayed when you will consult the information relative to
your ship.
To assign an call sign to the ship:
In the Ship menu, left click the Call sign field, enter a

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

name in the blank field above the screen and left click.

Jpeg picture
To assign a jpeg picture to the ship:
In the Ship menu, left click the Jpeg picture field and in
the list of pictures displaying, left click your desired image
and click OK. The image must be in Jpeg or Bmp format.

3.6. Entering and transmitting journey data

To complete the ship description, you may enter and transmit information about the journey.

To use this functionality:

Activate this functionality. 2 possibilities:

Enter complementary information such as:

⇒ Destination: enter your destination.
⇒ ETA: estimated time of arrival. You can also enter the estimated time by using
information provided with the active route (ETA from active route)
⇒ Navigation status
⇒ Ship category
⇒ Persons onboard
Transmit the message.
⇒ Click on Send to AIS. The window closes. TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 86 / 223

Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

Check that the message has been sent correctly.

⇒ In the table listing messages and targets (shortcut key: L), a status message indicates
if the message has correctly been sent and/or received (available for addressed

The Image tab allows you to add and display the picture of the ship.

3.7. Relative and True Motions

The control type is defined by a comparison between ship’s SOG and reference speed values.
If the reference speed is inferior to SOG, the ship is in true motion (advance mode), i.e. it is
located on the corner opposite to its COG. In SOG is inferior to the reference speed, the ship
is in relative motion, it centred and controlled by the chart area. However, if the ship quits this
central position, the control status is also removed. You will have to centre it on the chart for
it to be controlled once again.

3.8. RECKONING Command

The RECKONING command allows you to enter information about your speed and direction
if you’re not in acquisition mode.
Here is the menu that is displayed when you left click the RECKONING command.

To estimate a dead-reckoned piece of information:

Left click this parameter, middle click, type a new value for this parameter and left click to
To change the location of the ship:
Do one of the following:
• Left click MOVE SHIP and click the new location of the ship in the main view
• Left click MOVE SHIP, middle click, enter the new position of the ship and left

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

3.9. Slave and Target Ships

You can acquire information about other mobiles (slave ships, target ships, trawls) than your
ship in the chart. You cannot operate them in the same way as your ship. However, for both
types of ships you can make a track and acquire the position.
To make a track of a slave or a target ship:
Left click.
Left click Configuration, Slave (or Target) and then Track.

Left click Active to select YES and

begin the track and left click Virtual to
select YES if you do not want your track
to be saved.
Enter a name, a comment, and then
select a line style and a colour in the
corresponding fields.
Left click Parameters and the
different parameters you want to save
with the track. So when you will consult a
point of the track (with the CURSOR
command), the value of the left clicked
parameters will be indicated.

You can also acquire the position of the slave or target ship left clicking
Configuration, Slave (or Target), Acquisition and then Position (see 3.3:
Acquisition and Transmission, p. 79 to learn how to acquire a position).

3.10. Management of main/secondary ships

When your ship is equipped with 2 GPS systems, you can follow your ship’s journey by
displaying the data transmitted by two captors:
• The master sensor
• The slave sensor connected to the secondary (slave) ship
The application gives the ability to switch instantaneously the ship’s acquisition between the
master and the slave sensor. In that case the main ship takes the position of the secondary
ship and vice versa. TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 88 / 223

Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

Main Ship/Secondary Ship – Before switching

Main Ship/Secodnary Ship – After switching

3.10.1.Activating the secondary ship

To activate and/or start the secondary (slave) ship’s track, you must activate the mode of data
acquisition (position).

To start the secondary ship’s track:

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

Activate the track Menu / Configuration / Slave / Track

⇒ Left-click to select YES.
Enter the track’s parameters ⇒ Enter a name, a comment.
⇒ Select a line style and color.
⇒ Click on Parameters and on the different
parameters you want to save with the track. These
track’s parameters values will display each time you
consult (with the CURSOR command) a point of the

You can also acquire the position of the secondary ship by clicking Configuration,
Slave, Acquisition and then Position. TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 90 / 223

Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

3.10.2.Switching the GPS systems

The [Switch main and slave GPS] option has been designed to toggle instantaneously the
ship’s acquisition between the main and the slave sensor, as well as return to the previous
state in the same way.

To use this option, you must have first activated the slave ship.

The slave ship is activated.

Menu / Configuration / Switch main and slave GPS

⇒ Left-click to select YES.

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

After a few seconds, the new position of both ships displays. TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 92 / 223

Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

3.11. AIS and ARPA Targets

AIS and ARPA targets allow to show on the screen mobiles that could be considered as
dangerous, and prevent any collision risk.
• ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid) allows to acquire targets, to analyse them
and provide information about them.
• AIS (Automatic Information System) is an automated message exchange system
between ships. With it, neighbour ships can have information on their journey. A
mobile is considered as AIS whenever it is associated with the MMSI piece of
information (that consists of nine figures). That’s why an AIS target is identified by
its MMSI number on screen – this number can be hidden on the screen. You can
display in an upper headband the following pieces of information about AIS targets:
MMSI number, name, type, call sign, nationality, speed, course, CPA and TCPA.

3.11.1. Managing detected targets

The application allows you to display, in a table, messages as well as target mobiles
(AIS/ARPA/EBL marks). For each detected mobile, you can perform a set of actions such as
researching, questioning, focusing, etc.

To use this functionality:

Access the information table:

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

Manage AIS Targets

Possible Action(s) How

Filtering the display of messages Click the column header on which performing
the sorting of data.

Searching a target Enter a name or a MMSI and click the

MMSI/NAME Search button.

Displaying the target’s characteristics Select the target.

⇒ The selected target’s characteristics display
on left of the buttons area.
Centering the cartography on the target

Activating the track Click on OR

In the Information window, click on TRACK
Displaying the flag, the characteristics and the Click on
alert messages linked to the AIS. TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 94 / 223

Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

Accessing to the database Click on

For further details on the database,

see the chapter [AIS database].

Manage ARPA targets

Possible Action(s) How

Filtering the display of messages Click the column header on which performing
the sorting of data.

Displaying the target’s characteristics Select the target.

⇒ The target’s characteristics display on left of
the buttons area.
Renaming a target Select a target, enter a name and click Rename.

Centering the cartography on the target

Activating the target Click on OR

In the Information window, click on TRACK
Displaying the flag, the characteristics and the Click on
alert messages linked to the AIS.

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

3.11.2.Configuring some of the target parameters

To access to the configuration window:

Click To
CPA alarm Configure the maximum value of TCPA
and CPA between the ship and each
TCPA alarm
Sound headband alarm Define whether an alarm will sound when
a danger will occur
Sound file Configure the alarm’s sound file.
AIS range detection Configure the radius around the ship, to
detect AIS targets. AIS targets outside this
circle will not be detected.
Show AIS range Display the detection circle whose radius
has been defined. Even if not displayed, it
is still working.
AIS warning on listed MMSI Define whether an alarm will sound when
a target whose MMSI number has been
listed in the TvswMMSI.ini file is TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 96 / 223

Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

AIS warning on high speed targets When AIS warning on high speed
targets is set to YES, you can define a
AIS warning speed
speed that will generate a warning when
exceeded by an AIS target.
Display target info window Display targets’ window, either
automatically when a target is detected, or
manually when being required by the
Display AIS on window Display in the targets’ window either all
AIS target or only the targets that have
generated an alarm.
Display ARPA on window Display in the targets’ window either all
ARPA target or only the targets that have
generated an alarm.

3.11.3. Configuring targets’ display:

Left click.
Click Configuration and then Targets.
In the Targets (Ais, Arpa) menu, configure the CPA and TCPA entering a value in the
corresponding lines.
Select YES or NO in Show label, depending on whether you wish to display AIS’s MMSI
numbers or target’s name.
To configure MMSI numbers:
In your explorer, open the TvswMMSI.ini file that is located in the TurboWin\Zsystem
In this file, press Enter to edit a line, enter the desired MMSI number, followed with the =
sign and a comment about the target (e.g.: dangerous target). This comment will be displayed
on targets’ window.
In TurboWin, access the targets’ configuration menu. To do so, click MENU,
Configuration, Targets (Ais, Arpa), and then select Yes in AIS warning on listed MMSI.

You can receive information about your ship. To do so you must acquire the VDO
sentence (clicking MENU Configuration Ship Acquisition Position
and selecting VDO in Sentence) and then enable the transmission by selecting
YES in the Active line of the Position menu.

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

3.11.4. Entering and sending AIS messages

Use the [AIS Text Message] functionality to send a text message to a ship or to a fleet.

Use the functionality in 4 steps:

Activate the functionality. 2 possibilities: TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 98 / 223

Chapter 2 : 1BThe Charts

Configure the message:

⇒ Send type: select the type to send it to the fleet (Broadcast) or to a ship (Adressed).
⇒ MMSI: identification number (9 figures) of the ship receiving the message. Parameter
to be entered only when using a message of Broadcast type.
⇒ Message type: it may be a merely informative message (normal) or a more important
message (safety) regarding security.
⇒ Channel(s): enter the emission channel.
⇒ Text message: enter your text.
AIS - Type A AIS - Type B
Addressed 151 characters 43 characters
Broadcast 156 characters 48 characters

Transmitt the message.

⇒ Click Send to AIS. The window closes.

Check that the message has been sent correctly.

⇒ In the table listing messages and targets (shortcut key: L), a status message indicates
if the message has correctly been sent and/or received (available for addressed

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Chapter 2 : The Charts

3.11.5. AIS Database

The database has been designed to collect and store all detected AIS targets.
The database information accessible and updated in real time, can be consulted each time the
system detects a new target. TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 100 / 223

Chapter 3 : 2BShips and Targets

To use the database:

Opening the database window:

Customizing stored AIS targets:

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Chapter 3 : 2BShips and Targets

Possible action(s) How

Customizing one or several AIS To select several AIS targets:
targets simultaneously. - Use the Ctrl key to select several targets.
- Click the Select All button to select all the targets at
Linking an alert and/or activating the Select the option to be activated.

Click Apply and Save to validate your selection. TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 102 / 223

Chapter 3 : 2BShips and Targets

Possible action(s) How

Linking a comment Enter the comment that will display in the target’s
information window.

Customizing the target’s display - Select a symbol to represent the AIS.

- Assign an image and/or a video to the AIS (Picture /

Video tabs).

Company name Enter the company name. You can then use the name as
a filter.

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Chapter 3 : 2BShips and Targets

Filtering / Searching a target or a Proceed as follows to find a target:

group of targets - Enter the AIS name or MMSI and click on Search…
- Launch the search process by selecting a country (flag)
and/or a category and/or a company (parameter that you
may have previously entered).
Importing data To import data from a database file, click the
button. TurboWin Nouvelles Fonctionnalités V8 - 104 / 223

Chapter 4 : 3BThe Folders

4. The Folders

A computer is like a cupboard in which you stock information. It can contain lots of
folders (or directories), which can be compared to drawers. It could be very useful for
you to manage adequately your folders. In fact, imagine you want to stock your
fishing data by month. In this case, you could attribute one folder for one month and
another folder for another month. You would then have organised archive of your
work and you could find easily any element of your folders.

4.1. Defining Folders

Main folder

Secondary folders


In TurboWin, there are different types of folders:

• The main folder is the folder in which the data you create (tracks, events,
etc.) is stored or saved. It can be compared to a tracing paper superimposed
on the chart layer. There is only one main folder.
• The secondary folders define the folders in which you can consult or
change objects, but not create them. They can be compared to tracing
papers inserted between the main folder and the chart. You can assign
several folders as secondary folder. The Secondary (ies) entry of the
Folder’s management menu tells how many secondary folders there are.
The Reset 2nd entry allows you to remove the secondary status to all
concerned folders.
Only data from main and secondary folders can be displayed on screen. We advise
you to divide your work into folders (e.g. a folder a month, a campaign or a fishing
area). So you will find more easily your objects.

4.2. Creating a Folder

Right click.
Left click.
Left click.

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Chapter 4 : 3BThe Folders

Left click Folder and then Name.

In the blank box, type the name of the
folder and left click.
Optionally, left click Comment and
type a comment.
Left click End of entry.

D The Biscaye folder has been created. It is stored in the list of folders (see the
following page).

4.3. Assigning Folders the Main or Secondary Folder Status

Deciding to give a folder the main or secondary folder status allows you to give it
specific characteristics. At TurboWin’s first launch, R_Turbow is defined as the
main folder and there isn’t any secondary folder. But you are certainly interested in
changing the main folder. For example, imagine that it is June the 1st and you want
to create a new main folder for the month of June. Do the following steps:
Left click.

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Chapter 4 : 3BThe Folders

Left click Folders, Main and then

Complete list.

TurboWin’s folders appear on screen.

Right click the folder you want to define as the main folder. If you left click, a pop-
up explains you that you must right click or press the space bar to select a line.
You can print the list of the folders left clicking Print.
Left click OK. If you re-open the list, Main is indicated in green in the Type
The R_June folder has been defined as the main folder. Note that the name of each
folder is preceded with “R_”.

To change the main folder, no track should be recording.

You can sort the folders by name, type, date, datum or size. To do so, left click the
name of any column of the folder list.

To assign a folder the secondary folder status:

Do the same thing as in the previous procedure, but:
• In , instead of left clicking Main, left click Secondary (ies).
• In , you can select as many folders as possible.
You can delete all secondary folder status if you left click Reset 2nd.
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Chapter 4 : 3BThe Folders

4.4. Repairing and Optimizing Folders

Repairing and optimizing user folders allow to correct errors of empty and invalid
user objects. The objects are deleted if it is not possible to correct them.
Before repairing process, a .zip file for each folder is created in the Backup directory.
You can repair a folder in Turbo Dos format. This folder will then be converted into
TurboWin, while being repaired. The T20Convert conversion file is then generated.
Once repairing achieved, a file is created. The syntax of this file is:
Repairyyyymmdd, where y is the year, m is the month and d is the month. If an error
occurs while checking data, a report is displayed on the screen. If not, a message is
displayed in the top bar. This message notices the name of the generated file.

To repair and optimize folders:

Left click.
Click Folders.
Do one of the following:
• To repair TurboDos folders, click Repair TurboDos and then select Repair
and convert to TurboWin.
• To avoid repairing Turbo Dos folders, click Not repair in Repair Turbo
Dos. Then it will not be possible to select TurboDos folder for them to be
repaired, as they will be greyed.
Click Repair and optimize, right click to select the desired folders, and click OK.
Messages are displayed on the screen, showing you the operation progress. Please
wait until a message specifies the location of the report.

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Chapter 4 : 3BThe Folders

4.5. Doing the Backup of Folders and Restoring Them

A computer is a machine, and like any machine it can be damaged. That’s why we
advise you to save regularly your main folder on a diskette (or another storage
support), i.e. to backup it into a diskette.

To backup a folder:
Left click.

Left click Folders.

Optionally configure the backup path
(where you want to backup your folders)
clicking Backup path, browsing to your
desired folder and clicking OK. The
backup default disk is A:/.
Left click Backup.

TurboWin’s folders appear on

Right click the folder(s) you want to
You can print the list of the folders
left clicking Print.
Left click OK.

You can sort the folders by name, type, date, datum or size. To do so, click the
name of a column.

The information bar indicates how

many diskettes you need.
Insert one diskette into the diskette drive.
Left click (Validate) and follow the yellow help messages on screen until
obtaining a message indicating that a folder has been saved on your diskette.
If a problem has occurred on your machine and you cannot open a folder that you
have already backed-up on a diskette, you can restore it (i.e. export it from the
diskette to your machine).

To restore a folder, follow the same steps as for the backup of a folder,
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Chapter 4 : 3BThe Folders

Instead of selecting Backup, select Restore.
Insert your diskette just after and follow the instructions on screen.

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5. The User Layer

With TurboWin, you can manage various elements you will use in your everyday
fishing habits. These elements are called user objects.

5.1. Managing User Objects

5.1.1. Modifying a User Object

To modify a user object:

Left click.
Left click.
Do one of the following procedures
• Point the cursor (which presently is a square) on the user object you want
to modify and left click.
Middle click to access the menu allowing changing objects.
Change your desired information and left click the record field.

• Middle click to access the MODIFY: Objects menu and select the user
object type you want to modify.
In the Identification menu, you can either:
- Select with the cursor the object left clicking Cursor
- Choose the object to modify left clicking Complete list, selecting
your desired user object in the list right clicking it and left clicking
- Choose the number of the user object to modify left clicking
Number, entering the number of the user object you want to
modify and pressing Enter.
Change your desired information and left click the record field.

5.1.2. Adjusting a User Object

Adjusting a user object consists in centring in on the chart displayed on screen. When
you try to adjust a route or a track, the chart will be centred on the first waypoint or
To adjust a user object:
Left click.
Left click.
In the ADJUST : Objects menu, select the type of object you want to adjust left
clicking it.

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In the Identification menu, do one of the following:

• Choose the object to adjust left clicking Complete list, selecting your
desired user object in the list right clicking it and left clicking OK
• Choose the number of the user object to modify left clicking Number,
entering the number of the user object you want to modify and pressing

5.1.3. Shifting a User Object

Shifting a user object allows you to give a latitude and/or longitude correction to any
user object.
If the objects belonging to a folder have been saved with an incorrect datum, you can
change it. Do not change individual objects in folders because you wouldn’t know
later its real position in relation with its initial datum.
To shift a user object:
Left click.
Left click.
On the SHIFT : Objects, select the type of object you want to shift clicking it. If
you select Folder, all the objects of a folder will be shifted.

On the Geographic corrections window, enter the differences for the latitude
and/or longitude between the current location of the object and the new one.
Left click Data selection, and then select the objects you wish to shift with one of
the proposed way.
To change the datum of a folder:
Left click.
Left click.
On the SHIFT : Objects menu, select Folder.
On the Geographic corrections window, left click Source if your objects are
saved with a different datum from the default one (WGS84), right click the datum of
the objects, and then left click OK.
Do the same thing for the Destination field, indicating the new datum you want to
assign to the folder.

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5.1.4. Deleting a User Object

If the objects you have created are outdated, you may want to delete some of them.
When you delete an object, it is deleted for good. So we advise you to make this
operation very carefully.

To delete a user object:

Left click.
Left click.
Do one of the following:
• Place the cursor (which presently is a square) on the user object you want
to delete and left click.
Middle click to delete the object.

• Middle click to access the DELETE : Objects menu and select the user
object you want to modify.
In the Identification menu, you can either:
- Select with the cursor the object left clicking Cursor and middle
clicking to delete the object
- Delete the type of user object you have selected that are inside a
window left clicking Adjustable window, dragging a window in
the chart and middle clicking
- Choose the object to delete left clicking Complete list, selecting
your desired user objects in the list right clicking it (them) and left
clicking OK
- Delete all the items of the type of user objects you have selected
left clicking All items and Yes in the Delete all Items message
- Choose the number of the user object to modify left clicking
Number, entering the number of the user object you want to
modify and pressing Enter.

5.1.5. Converting a User Object

Converting user objects consists in selecting and filtering objects that share common
characteristics, and applying to them another appearance. This operation can only be
made on user objects in the main folder.
The configuration is made on several steps:
• The selection of the characteristics of the objects to be converted.
• The selection of the date of creation of these objects
• The selection of the new characteristics of the objects to which the
conversion is made.
• The selection of the objects concerned by the conversion process.

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To convert a user object:

Left click.
Left click.
In the Batch conversion menu, select a pattern and a colour for the objects to be
In From 1st date and To 2nd date, select the period in which you want to convert
Click the Reset line to reset the related configuration.
In the Convert to… part, select a new pattern and a new colour. You can reset the
configuration clicking on a Reset line. The related configuration will then be the same
as the source.
Click Apply to and then do one of the following:
• Click Adjustable window, select with your cursor a part of the screen and
then middle click to apply the configuration of the display to a specific area.
• Click All items to apply your configuration to all objects of the main folder.
Confirm the conversion clicking Yes in the menu that displays.

5.1.6. Configuring User Object Display

You can configure how to display marks, tracks, and zones. This operation implies
several configuration processes:
• Hiding objects with specific criteria
• Displaying objects with specific criteria only
• Adding objects with specific criteria to the display that has already been
The three operations are made with three criteria:

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• Symbol (marks), type of line (plans and tracks and filling (zone),
• Colour
• Date of creation or modification
You can hide a type of object in a particular area you can select with the cursor, or for
all loaded user objects.

All objects are displayed is filtered with a is hidden

resizable window

To configure the object display:

Left click.
Click Database, and then Marks, Tracks or Areas depending on which type of
object you want to configure.
Select YES in the first line of the menu, to display all the objects of this type.
Do one of the following:
• To hide an object from display, click Hide from display
• To display only an object, click Only show on display
• To add an object to the display, click Add to display
Whenever you choose to display or hide an object, a colour, you can go back to the
previous configuration clicking the associated Reset command.
Once configured the object, do one of the following:
Click Apply to adjustable window, select with your cursor a part of the screen
and then middle click to apply the configuration of the display to a specific area.
Click Apply to all to apply your configuration to all loaded objects
To delete the configuration and return to the first one, select NO in the first line of
the menu (Marks, Tracks and Areas) and then click once again on it to display
all objects without any filter. The last configuration is saved in the corresponding

5.1.7. Exporting a User Object

Imagine you know that one of your user objects could interest a colleague. For him
to import the track on his machine, you should save your track on a diskette (export
it into a diskette) for example and give your colleague the floppy disk.
Note that while exporting or importing a folder, a log file is generated. This file is
generated by day and by task, in the Logfiles folder of software’s installation folder,
with the following syntax: xyyyymmdd, where x is the process (importing or
exporting), y is the year, m is the month and d is the day.. So a different file will be
generated depending on the process and the day of processing. If an error occurs
during operation, the report is displayed on the screen.
In the following example, we will export a track to a diskette (You could export it
to your machine as well).
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To export a user object:

Insert a floppy disk into the diskette drive.
Left click.
Left click.

You can only export user objects

from the main folder.

You will have to choose the folder

to which you want to export your

Left click the user object you want to export (Track in the example) and Path

Left click several times the two

dots until obtaining a figure
looking like the one below.

[A:\], [C:\] and [D:\] are the disks.

[A:\] represents the diskettes and
[C:\] represents the machine.
Do not export anything to the CD-
ROM drive ([D:\] in most cases).

Left click (the letter for

the diskettes) and then OK.

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Left click New folder to create a

new folder in the diskette (you will
copy your track in this folder).
• If you want to use a folder
already existing in the
diskette, left click Name
and select the folder.
If you have created a new folder,
type the name of the folder in the
blank box and left click.

The name of the folder is written in

the Name and New folder fields.

Left click Data selection, Complete

list and then right click the track or
tracks you want to export.

You can print the list of the folders left clicking Print. Left click OK.
The tracks have been exported to the diskette.

5.1.8. Importing a User Object

You may import a user object when you want to save in your machine a track that a
colleague has given to you. You can import either user objects or whole object
folders. The data of these folders originate from :

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• TurboWin in itself,
• Turbo Dos,
• Maxsea,
• Penta,
• Quodfish,
• Mps PC,
• FishMaster.
To import a user object from a diskette to the main folder of your machine, you
must follow the same steps as for the exportation, except that you must left click
on .

5.2. Tracks

5.2.1. Creating a Track

To create a track:
Left click.
Left click.
Left click Track and then Position
[Screen center].
Do one of the following:
• Left click Cursor to insert
manually your track.
• Left click Geographic to type
the position of the first point of
the track in the blank box (to
skip to the longitude, press
Enter, and once again Enter to
enter another point’s position).

Do the same thing for each point of the track. When your track is created, the
following command bar is displayed:

Inserts a new point in the track.

Deletes a point of the track.

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Moves a point of the track.

Quits without saving.

Creates a new track.

Quits saving the track on the main folder.

5.2.2. Enabling the Auto-Pilot for a Track

If you have ever created a track you want to follow, you can enable the autopilot for
this track.

To enable the autopilot on a track:

Right click.
Left click.
Left click.

The cursor is now a square looking like .

Left click the track you want to follow and then middle click.
The track is now enabled. This track is associated with a XTE and an approach
circle. You can configure them in MENU Configuration Pilot. When the ship
reaches a waypoint or crosses the XTE, a message is displayed.

5.2.3. Displaying / Hiding the Profile for a Parameter of a Track

The profile for a parameter of a track is the evolution of this parameter as the ship
• To display the profile of a track:
Right click. or
Left click. Press F1.
Left click.

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The profile window is displayed.

D Depth has been defined as the active filter.

D The profile’s and track’s colour vary with

the depth.

The profile of seabed quality is quite different

from the others. On the right, you can see the
seabed quality data. On the bottom, two
profiles are displayed, the first one representing
hardness and the second one roughness.

• To hide the profile window:

Left click.
Left click.
Left click.

• To display again the profile window:

Left click.
Left click.
Left click.

• To stop tracking:
Left click. or
Left click. Press F2.

5.2.4. Multicolour Track Filters

Multicolour track filters allow you to configure, for a specific parameter, a palette of
colours that will be taken into account when you will start a track. For example, if you
configure the code of colour for the depth, the colours of the track will change as the
track’s depth changes.
You will need to assign a multicolour filter for a track to make this filter active.
TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 120
Chapter 6: 5BEBL & VRM a Multicolour Track Filter

To create a multicolour track filter:
Left click.
Left click.

In the CREATE : Objects menu,

Left click Multicolor filter, and then
the parameter you want to assign a
filter to. In the present procedure, we
will take the depth parameter as an
example Depth.
Insert a name (compulsory) and a
comment (optional) by left clicking
these fields, filling in the blank box
displaying and left clicking again.
When finished, left click Multicolor

The following window is displayed.

Changes the code of colours.

Reverses the colours of the palette.

Palette of colours.

Changes the minimum depth taken

into account in the code of colours.
Changes interval in meters between
each colour.

Once configured your palette of colours, left click OK, and then End of entry.
Seabed quality multicolour filter (optional)
There are two filters allowing to measure seabed: Bottom discrimination and Seabed
quality. The first one acquires values from JRC devices whereas editing the second
one requires to draw rectangles for any listed material. Also, some buttons allow you
to reduce the range of values to make a zoom on a specific part of the seabed window.

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To insert a rectangle:
Left click the colour representing a material.
Left click Add and draw your rectangle in the blank box.
When finished, right click to leave this box.
To delete or modify a rectangle, left click Delete or Modify and left click one
angle of the rectangle.
Optionally change the maximum and minimum scales by clicking the specific
buttons, in the upper part of the window.
Once the changes made, click OK. default track and profile filters

You can assign a default filter for all the tracks you will follow and for the profiles
you will consult.
To assign a default filter for the tracks:
Left click.
Left click Configuration and then Multicolor filters.
In the Multicolor filters menu, left click Multicolor track filter (or Multicolor
profile filter) and then the parameter you want to assign as the default filter for the
tracks or profiles. A new window is displayed with all the filters configured for the
selected parameter.
Right click the filter you want to assign and left click OK. You can print the list of
the filters left clicking Print.
In the Multicolor filters menu, you can edit the active filter left clicking Edit

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active track filter (or Edit active profile filter) and following the same procedure as
previously explained for creating a multicolour track filter.

If you select Manual as the active track filter, you will be able to change the colour of
the track, pressing F9, while displaying its profile. This function allows you to change
the colour of the track when you decide to do it. It can be useful if you want to use
colours according to your special needs.

5.2.5. Configuring the Ship or Slave Track (Optional)

You can display tracks for several ships, including the ship’s track and the slave’s
track. Before enabling one of these tracks, you can configure some of their related

Left click.

Left click Configuration, Ship

and then Track.
D The Track menu opens.
Virtual: YES means that the
track will not be saved when you
will stop it. If you want your
track to be saved, left click so
that NO is selected.
Name, Comment, Line style,
Color: You can indicate a name,
a comment, and select a line
style and a colour by left
clicking these fields.

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Sample rate: it is the frequency

of points of the track. When
you select Automatic, the
frequency of points is adapted to
the speed and direction of your
To select a special sample:
Left click Sample rate, Based
on time or Based on distance if
you want to base the sample from
the time or distance, and select the
sample in the new menu.
D In the above example, a point will be saved on the track each time that
0,50nm will be run.
• Parameters: left click the parameters you want to save with the track. So
when you will consult a point of the track (with the Cursor command), the
information you have left clicked will be indicated. If you have left clicked
Manual, the colour of the track will be indicated.
You can configure the same way
the track for a slave ship, but:
• the sample will be the
same as this defined for
the ship’s track.
• you can’t fill the fields
relative to filters.

5.2.6. Deleting a Point and Cutting a Track

You delete a point in a track when you consider that this point is not useful. This is
removed from the screen and both previous and following points are linked together.
Of course it is only possible to use this command if track is assigned to parameters.
You cut a point in a track to cut the track in two. This point now is the last point of the
first track and the first point of the second track.
To delete a point in a track:
Left click.
Left click.
Select the track you wish to change (left click), and then middle click to open the
track change menu.
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Click the Position field, and then click Cursor or Geographic to display the
command bar that allows to edit a point.
Do one of the following:
• To delete a point, click DELETE POINT and then click the point to be
• To cut the track in two, click CUT and then select a point. The following
points and this point make a new track
Click QUIT & SAVE.

5.3. Marks

If you find on your way an interesting point, you may be interested in inserting a
mark or an event, to remember it for the future.

• Marks can be inserted wherever you want.

• Events can only be inserted in the current ship’s position (they are used
when a quick decision must be taken).

5.3.1. Creating a Mark

To create a mark:
Left click.
Left click.
Left click Mark.
Optionally enter a name, a comment and a depth with the visual keypad or
Assign a pattern and a colour to the mark left clicking the fields and then the
pattern and the colour in the list displaying.

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You can add an extra note left clicking this field and entering your extra note.
When you insert an extra note, it is given a file name, which becomes the name of the
mark itself and it is not possible anymore to assign a picture to it.
You can insert a picture left clicking the Picture field, browsing to the desired
folder file in the new window displaying and left clicking OK. When you insert a
picture it is not possible anymore to insert an extra note.
Left click Position [Screen center].
• Cursor: left click the chart to insert your mark.
• Geographic (or F10): type the position in the blank box.
Left click Record mark to record the mark.
If you have assigned an extra note or a picture to a mark, you will be able to consult
them later. The consultation of one of them follows the same procedure.
To consult a picture or an extra note:
Left click.
Select the mark left clicking it.
When the mark is selected, middle click. The image or extra note is displayed on
the screen.

5.3.2. Mark Patterns Mark Patterns

TurboWin allows you to make a choice between different mark patterns that will be
used when creating a mark.
To assign a new mark pattern:
Left click.
Left click Layout Properties and then Marks Patterns.
The list of mark patterns is displayed. Left click your desired mark pattern and then
OK. or Changing the Default Mark Pattern

TurboWin is provided with files that gathers mark symbols. Some of those files
belong to previous TurboWin’s versions and allow you to display the marks with the
same initial symbols. For each file, it is possible to add or change symbols. To do so,
a utility program is provided with TurboWin.
We advise you not to use this functionality if you are not a TurboWin experienced
user. Do not try to change the default mark symbols if you have any doubt about
the procedure to follow.

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To change the symbol size:

Left click Start, Programs, Sodena, TurboWin Tools and TvswPatterns. The
TvswPatterns program is launched.
In the Pattern window, left click the file you wish to change.
In the Symbol drawing window, each symbol is drawn up into a grid that
corresponds to its size. This grid allows you to create or modify its appearance. The x
character allows you to “switch on” a pixel of the colour symbol and the 0 character
“switches on” a pixel in black. VRM marks

A VRM mark defines a mark around which equidistant points are computed in great
circle. You can use VRM marks to define a fishing area.
To create a VRM mark:
Left click
Left click

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Left click Mark. In the menu allowing you to create marks, left click Pattern and
select the VRM symbol, as shown above.
Once selected the symbol, the new field VRM radius is displayed. Enter a value
for this field.
Choose to fill the VRM or keep it empty (VRM filled). When the VRM is filled,
you can see better the circle.
Left click the Position field, and then do one of the following:
• Left click Cursor to insert manually the mark.
• Left click Geographic to enter in the blank box the position for the first
point (to skip from the latitude to the longitude, left click, and then do it
once again to go back to the menu allowing you to create a mark).
To end the mark creation process, left click Record mark.

5.4. Events

To create or delete an event, you must follow the same steps as for creating or
deleting a mark. When opening for the first time the window allowing you to create
an event, the properties of the main event are set by default to the currently created

To access the event creation menu:

Do one of the following:
• Left click

• Left click LIBRARY, CREATE and then Event.

Some events are pre-configured because they are liable to be used frequently or they
need to be edited quickly. That’s why each one of them is associated to a function key
(F3, F5, F6).

To access the definition of these events:

Left click.

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Left click Configuration and then


In cursor mode, main, secondary and

urgent events are inserted where the
cursor is. Otherwise, they are inserted
where the ship is.

You can modify each one of these

events by left clicking Marker (begin
& end), MOB & EBL or EBL.

Main (F3): to insert a begin and an end

marker, press twice F3.

Secondary (F5): used for any type of


Urgent (F6): used when the event of a

men over board occurs.

Geographic (F10): type the position of

the event on the blank box displaying.

5.5. Routes

To create a route:
Right click.
Left click.
Left click.

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Left-click where you want your

route to begin and drag the trackball.
Left click again at the end of the

To start a route:
Left click.
Left click to select a route.
Middle click to enable the route.
To hide or display routes on the screen:
Left click.
Left click Database and then Routes depending on the fact you want to display or
hide the routes. For the routes to be hidden, NO must be indicated. For the routes to
be displayed YES must be indicated.

To manage a route:
The [Check dangers] option, available only with the use of S57 ENC charts, has been
designed to report any danger detected on a route depending on route’s information,
cartographic and security parameters.
The principle is simple: if the application detects one or several dangers when
creating, modifying or activating a route, the Dangers window displays listing the
detected dangers with their characteristics. The cartographic display focuses on the
selected danger.

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To activate the [Check dangers] option:

Menu / Database / Routes / Check dangers

⇒ Left-click to select YES.

5.6. Managing the messages

The application allows you to display, in a table, messages as well as target mobiles
(AIS/ARPA/EBL marks). For each detected mobile, you can perform a set of actions
such as researching, questioning, focusing, etc.

To use this functionality:

Access the information table:

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Manage the MESSAGES

Possible Action(s) How

Filtering the display of messages Click the column header on which carrying out
the sorting of data.

Selecting the types of messages to display Check/uncheck the box(es) of the area listing
all types of messages.
Each displayed message is tagged with a
triangle indicating the message status:

Deleting all the messages Click on Clear All.

Collision alarms are temporarily

deleted and automatically display
again after a few seconds.

Deleting a message Select a message and click on Acknowledge.

Saving and exporting the list of messages into a Click Save / Export

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6. EBL & VRM

6.1. Creating EBL and VRM

6.1.1. Creating an EBL from the Ship to a Remote Point

Imagine you want to estimate the distance and bearing from your ship to a special
point in the main view. You must use the EBL & VRM command.

Left click.
Left click.
Do one of the following:
• Move the trackball until the
cross-shaped cursor touches the
• Right click and enter the
distance between the ship and
the point.
Left click.

A line is displayed between your

ship and the point. This line indicates
into a tool tip the distance and bearing
between them. The distance and
bearing change as your ship moves.

You can disable the tool tips’ display or display them transparently with the chart. To
do so, left click MENU, Layout properties and Cursor tool tip.

6.1.2. Creating an EBL between two Remote Points

Left click.
Left click.

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Drag the trackball until the cross

touches the first point.
Left click.

The distance and bearing have been


Drag the trackball until the cross

touches the second point.

You can see the distance and bearing

between both points.

Left click.
A line between your ship and the
second point is displayed, as well as a
tool tip that gives the distance and
bearing between them. The distance
and bearing change as your ship

You can disable the tool tip display

or display them transparently with
the chart. To do so, left click
MENU, Layout properties and
Cursor tool tip.

If the transmission (APA, APB or BWR) is active but no route is active,

transmission is then made with the EBL.

6.1.3. Creating a VRM (Variable Range Marker)

To create a VRM:
Left click.
Left click.
Do one of the following:
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• Move the cross until obtaining the desired VRM.

• Right click and enter the radius of the VRM.
Left click. A VRM is created all around the ship.
To stop a VRM:
Left click.
Left click.

6.2. EBL Marks

EBL marks are user-defined marks -or events- you can follow the progression from
the ship.

6.2.1. Automatic and Manual Marks

EBL marks can be either automatic or manual. An automatic EBL mark is

automatically tracked because it is displayed on the “nearest target circle”, whereas
a manual mark is only tracked if you decide to track it. So before tracking
automatically EBL marks, you will configure the radius of the circle around the
ship, and if you wish to track an EBL mark manually, you will select it.
To track all marks automatically:
Left click.
Left click Layout Properties, EBL marks, and then Automatic nearest marks
so YES is displayed.
In the Range for nearest marks field, which is not greyed anymore, enter a value
distance from the ship on which you want to track the marks.
After a few seconds, all the marks inside the radius are automatically tracked. You
can decide not to track some of them or to track them manually (see the next
To track manually a mark:
Left click.
Left click.
Do one of the following:
• If a mark is already automatically tracked, left click and then middle click.
• If a mark is not tracked, skip directly to the step .
Left click and then middle click to define the mark as a manual mark.
Normally, each mark tracked manually is linked to the ship with an EBL. Besides
this line, the heading and distance between the mark and the ship are displayed. They
can either be transparent or be displayed in a tool tip. To make them transparent, left
click MENU, Layout Properties, EBL Marks, and then Fill EBL tool tip so that
NO is selected.
To delete the EBL linking the ship to a manual mark, left click Link ship to
manual marks so that NO is selected.

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Chapter 6: 5BEBL & VRM

6.2.2. The EBL Window

The EBL window lists, on the right of the screen, the ten last automatic and EBL
marks, and information about them. So you can permanently see marks’ progress in
relation with the ship. As the number of marks this window can list is limited, you can
display manual and/or automatic marks as desired. You can also decide to display this
window only if EBL marks are present. By default, this window is automatically
displayed and only manual marks are displayed. Activating EBL mark display

In the EBL marks window (MENU, Database, Marks, EBL marks), do one of
the following:
• To hide the manual marks, select NO in Manual marks in EBL window
• To hide ship’s nearest automatic marks, select NO in Nearest marks in
EBL window.

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Chapter 6: 5BEBL & VRM EBL properties

Y The application allows you to display, in a table, messages as well as target
mobiles (AIS/ARPA/EBL marks). For each detected mobile, you can perform a set of
actions such as researching, questioning, focusing, etc.

To use this functionality:

Access the information table:

Manage the MESSAGES

Possible Action(s) How

Filtering the display of messages Click the column header on which carrying out
the sorting of data.

Selecting the types of messages to display Check/uncheck the box(es) of the area listing
all types of messages.

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Chapter 6: 5BEBL & VRM

Each displayed message is tagged with a

triangle indicating the message status:

Deleting all the messages Click on Clear All.

Collision alarms are temporarily

deleted and automatically display
again after a few seconds.

Deleting a message Select a message and click on Acknowledge.

Saving and exporting the list of messages into a Click Save / Export

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

7. Configuration

7.1. Databases

The Databases menu allows you to display and/or configure the sets of data added by
the user (user objects) or already existing in TurboWin (tidal stations, wrecks, etc).
To open the Databases menu:
Left click.

Left click Database.

The opposite menu is displayed. If

you left click one NO, it becomes YES
and inversely.

This menu contains the following options:

Chart Allows you to choose the type of chart (C-MAP
NT+/CMAX or SODENA) you want to display and to

Marks Allows you to display or hide marks depending on their

pattern and/or their colour. See .

Tracks Allows you to display or hide tracks depending on their

pattern and/or their colour.

Areas Allows you to display or hide areas depending on their

pattern and/or their colour.

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

Routes Selects the routes you want to display.

Grib Allows you to display wind information (see 9: Grib

Option, p. 167).
Tidal stations Displays tidal stations, which allows you to display their
tidal gauges (see 7.1.1: Tides and Tidal Streams, p. 141).

Tidal streams Displays the tidal streams (see 7.1.1: Tides and Tidal
Streams, p. 141).

Infomar wrecks Displays the wreck database by Infomar.

Wrecks Displays the wreck database.

King Fisher Accesses the King Fisher database.

Bathymetry Accesses the Bathymetry option. (See 12: The

Bathymetry, p. 185).

Sediments Accesses the Sediments option. See 10: Sediment Option,

p. 169.

7.1.1. Tides and Tidal Streams

If you want to display the tidal

streams, left click Tidal Streams. If
you have bought the SHOM tidal
stream database (optional), the data of
tidal streams will be much more
accurate on the French coast.
• If you want to display information
about tides, left click Tides.

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

If you have clicked Tides, you can display tide graphs.

To display tide graphs:
Left click the CURSOR command, a
tide graph symbol and then middle click
(option Tide Graph).
The tide graph displays will change
depending on the chart scale.

The tide graph display symbols differ depending on the chart scale
• The tide graphs are displayed with the following symbol if the chart
scale is equal or superior to 1/1 500 000 for the reference stations and
1/500 000 for the secondary stations.
• Above those scales, the tide graphs of the reference stations are
displayed with the symbol and those of the secondary stations with the

If you have clicked Tidal

streams, you can see a legend,
of all the tidal streams
represented on the screen.
Colours are fixed for each
stream speed. On the chart, the
stream speed and height of tide
(when it is possible to calculate
it) are displayed near each

When the tidal streams and/or the tides are displayed, a new command bar is
To access this command bar:
Right click.
Right click.
The following command bar displays. This bar allows you to change the local
date and time relative to the tidal streams and tide graphs. You can enter a specific
date and time or change it by 10-minutes, 1-hour or 1-day steps.

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

In the legend, Automatic is displayed when streams change every 5 minutes,

depending on the local date and time. To go back to this mode, left click LOCAL
TIME. As you use another command, Manual is displayed in the legend and the
tidal streams stop changing. They are still displayed for the date and time relative to
the legend.
Goes back to the local time. Computation is made
every 5 minutes.
Allows you to type with the keyboard the date and
time for which you would like to see the speed and
bearing of the tidal streams. Tidal streams are not
refreshed anymore every 5 minutes.

Allows you to change manually the date and time

with the trackball. Progress of date and time are
displayed on the right of the screen. Tidal streams
are not refreshed anymore every 5 minutes.

7.2. Layout Properties

The Layout Properties’ menu allows you to change some data relative to the
display of TurboWin and configure your workspace.
To open the Layout Properties menu:
Left click.

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

Layout Properties menu

Password Allows to create a password to disable some functions of the software. See 7.2.1:
Updating Date and Time
Several headbands display the local time and the universal time. You can update the
local time with the keyboard<
You can also update date and time by way of acquisition. This acquisition is either
performed automatically or manually. In the latter case, a warning displays to ask you
whether you wish to validate the new date and time.
Acquisition is performed through your GPS sentences. The GGA, GLL and RMC
sentences specify the universal time; the ZDA sentence also specify the date.
To acquire the date and time, you should first let this parameter be configured.
To acquire date and time:
Left click.
Click Configuration, Ship and Acquisition.
In the Acquisition menu, click Date time.
Set any piece of information. When you decide to acquire information (you set SET
in the Active field), the red light before the piece of information, in the Acquisition
menu, becomes green.
To update date and time:
TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 144
Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

Left click.
Click Layout properties, Date time, and then Update Time UT.
Select None, Manual or Automatic depending on the desired update mode.
If you selected Manual, a message displays. Validate the message to update time.
Passwords, p. 149.

Local date Allows you to change your current date and time.
& time
To change the local date and time:
Left click this field, enter with the keyboard the date and time and left click to

Screen Changes the screen brightness, to fit outdoor conditions. There are three types of
brightness brightness: day, twilight and night.

Datum Allows you to choose the type of geodetic system. TurboWin uses WGS84 as the
default geodetic reference.
The [Datum] option allows you to:
• Display in the main menu an option enabling to switch instantaneously
between the two datum systems the most frequently used: ED50 / WGS84.
• Select and display another datum system.

To use the [Datum] system in the main menu:

Steps Menu - Action
Make available in the Menu / Layout Properties / Navigation View
main menu in main menu
⇒ Left-click to select YES/NO.
Display Menu / Datum
⇒ Click the menu one or several times in
order to display one of the datum systems
previously selected.

To select another datum system:

Steps Menu - Action
Select one or several Menu / Layout properties / Datum
datum systems ⇒ Select a system, and click OK.

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

Display ⇒ The selected datum system is mentioned on

top and left of the interface.

Datum in Allows you to insert the datum information directly in the Menu. So if you select YES
main menu in this field, the Datum field will be indicated when you left click MENU.

Mercator Allows you to display the Mercator grid.

Depth unit Configures the unit for depth.

Distance Configures the unit for distance.


Geoid Configures the Geoid representation (Spheroid or Ellipsoid).

Network This is a positioning system. Locations of stations all over the world define a network
of hyperbolas that can give you your position. On the screen, the hyperbolas are
represented with the form of straight lines.
To configure a network:
Left click MENU, Layout Properties and Network.
In the Network configuration menu, left click a type of network and then the zone
where you would like to use hyperbolas.
If you have chosen Toran or Decca, choose in the Network menu your desired
In the Corrections menu, optionally enter corrections for your hyperbolas and left
click End of entry.
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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

The hyperbolas are displayed on screen. You can hide them left clicking MENU,
Layout properties and Hyperbolas so that YES is set.

Hyperbolae Indicates whether you wish to take into account the hyperbolas’ network you have
chosen. This menu may be filled if no network has been chosen.

UTM Configures the display of position and UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) grid.

Marks Allows you to change the set of symbols used to create marks or events.

Messaging Configures an access path for incoming messages.

Setup C- Allows to install, or re-install, C-Map V3 module and eToken.
Map V3
Advance Allows to access software’s advanced configuration options.
Advanced parameters menu
About Shows several system and software related information:
• Software’s version,
• HASP key code,
• Serial number,
• The processor of your machine,
• Physical memory (RAM),
• Free memory (remaining RAM memory),
• Screen resolution.

Read the user manual Those two fields allows to choose the format of the user
manual file you want to read, and to launch it.
User manual file
To read TurboWin’s user manual:
Click User manual file.
In the new window, select the file you want to read right
clicking it and then left clicking OK.
The file name is now written into the square brackets. To
open it, left click Read the user manual.
Language Allows to change software’s menu and submenu
To change software language:
Click MENU, Layout properties, Advance
parameters, and then Language.
In the new window, select the new language right
clicking. The Comment column shows whether this
language is available or not.

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

Headbands Allows you to configure the headbands, at the top of the

screen. See 1.3.2: The Headbands (Information Bars),
p. 18.

Sound files Allows you to select a sound file for each type of
To configure a sound file:
Left click this option, and the type of operation the sound
of which you want to configure.
A list of sound files is displayed. Right click the sound
file to which you want this operation to be assigned.
Left click OK, and right click several times to leave the

Cursor tool tip Allows you to configure the tool tips that are displayed
when inserting EBL marks or consulting bathymetry
depth spots, for example.

Monitor If a user has several monitor, this command allows him to

select the one to be used by the software. In case he has
only one monitor, this command is greyed.

Screen height Allows you to configure the height of your screen to

obtain a display as well proportioned as possible.
To configure the height of the screen:
Measure the height of your screen.
Left click Screen height.
On the blank box, on top of screen, type the height you
have measured.
This option isn’t displayed with C-MAP NT+/CMAX
Print screen Allows you to make a copy of the current screen, either
printing it in your default printer or copying it into a
bitmap or jpeg file (the jpeg format needs less space but
the resolution is less accurate than the bitmap format).
This could very useful if you want to have a concrete idea
of your screen.
To print your screen:
Left click Print screen in order to select Default
printer, Jpeg file or Bitmap file.
When you want to print your screen, press the key.
• If you have selected Default printer, your current
screen is printed in the printer defined as the
default printer for your machine.
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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

• If you have selected Bitmap file or Jpeg file, a file

representing your current screen is created in the
TurboWin’s CaptureScreen folder

Relief text Allows you to highlight the texts that are displayed in the
chart area. This not only concerns the user object depths
and comments but also the chart object ones. This
submenu slows down the displays and improves the text
look on the screen. If you disable it, the performances of
the software will be better.

Geographical input Allows you to choose which format you want to use when
entering position: decimal or cardinal degrees.
EBL input Allows to select the format to be used while entering an
Visual keypad Allows you to configure if you want to display the on-
screen keypad whenever you must type text in any
TurboWin’s operation.

7.2.1. Updating Date and Time

Several headbands display the local time and the universal time. You can update the
local time with the keyboard<
You can also update date and time by way of acquisition. This acquisition is either
performed automatically or manually. In the latter case, a warning displays to ask you
whether you wish to validate the new date and time.
Acquisition is performed through your GPS sentences. The GGA, GLL and RMC
sentences specify the universal time; the ZDA sentence also specify the date.
To acquire the date and time, you should first let this parameter be configured.
To acquire date and time:
Left click.
Click Configuration, Ship and Acquisition.
In the Acquisition menu, click Date time.
Set any piece of information. When you decide to acquire information (you set
SET in the Active field), the red light before the piece of information, in the
Acquisition menu, becomes green.
To update date and time:
Left click.
Click Layout properties, Date time, and then Update Time UT.
Select None, Manual or Automatic depending on the desired update mode.
If you selected Manual, a message displays. Validate the message to update time.

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

7.2.2. Passwords

Some of the software’s commands are especially important. An error in manipulating

them may be quite dangerous. That’s why you can protect them with an access code
so that they cannot be opened. After enabling an access code for a command, it won’t
be possible anymore to launch this command until the access code is disabled. Please
note that enabling or disabling a command remains true even after closing the
You can protect up to four commands:
• Save/restore settings (see 7.2.3: Saving/Restoring Settings, p. 150),
• Acquisition (see 3.3: Acquisition and Transmission, p. 79 and
5.1.8: Importing a User Object, p. 117),
• Opening the menu allowing to manage folders (see 4: The Folders, p. 105).
To enable an access code for one or several commands:
Click MENU, Layout properties and then Access code.
Click Create password, enter the password and validate.
In the Password lock access zone of the Password window, select the command
you want to protect clicking them.
Click Enable password and then enter the password you created in step . All
other commands are greyed. If the access code is different from the one expected, you
are prompted to re-enter a new one.
Once the access code enabled, you won’t be able to use the selected commands.
To disable the access code, click Enable password and then enter the new
password. You will then be able to change again the commands to be protected.
You can optionally modify the password. To do so, click Modify password and
then enter a new password.

7.2.3. Saving/Restoring Settings

The software contains several options. Moreover, while using the software, the user
will make some configurations (e.g. screen height). Those things are stored into .ini
files. In a few words, we could say that those files gather the characteristics of the
software, at a specific time. There are five files:
• Tvsw.ini,
• TvswCom.ini,
• TvswFilter.ini,
• TvswOptions.ini,
• TvswOptions.cfg.
It is possible to save and restore them. Once saved, they are compressed into a .zip
file, which is stored in the ZSystem\SaveSettings folder of the software’s install
folder ; the name of this file is the following :,
where y is the year, m is the month, d is the day and x is the version number.
So if you save one .zip file into a floppy disk, you will be able to find a previous
software’s configuration.
To save settings:
Click MENU, Layout properties and then Save settings.
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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

Do one of the following:

• To substitute settings which have already been stored for new ones, click
Overwrite existing backup
• To save new settings, click Create new backup and then enter the name of
the new backup.
If you select Overwrite existing backup and no configuration has been saved,
settings won’t be saved.

To restore a backup:
Click Restore settings.
The list of all backups is displayed. Select a backup right clicking, and then click
You must close and re-launch the software for your changes to be applied.

7.2.4. UTM Coordinates

UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates are an alternative to geographical

coordinates (Latitude/Longitude). This system includes 60 zones, each of them
covering a 6° longitude sector. UTM coordinates change with the current vector.
The zone can be automatically selected – depending on the position of your ship – but
you can also select it manually, in case your ship would be located in the middle of
two zones.
You can also display the UTM grid.

To configure UTM:
Click MENU, Layout properties and then UTM.
To display the UTM grid, click UTM grid.
Do one of the following:
• To get UTM zones automatically selected, click Automatic to select YES.
• To select manually the UTM zone, click Automatic to select NO, click
Zone and then enter the number of the new zone

7.3. Configuration

7.3.1. Serial Ports and Networks

Acquisition and transmission can be performed via communication ports or the

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

network. Depending on the select acquisition mode, configuration will be different. Ports
Your serial port default configuration follows the NMEA 183 standard configuration.
However, it is possible to configure it another way, which may improve the
performance of your machine.

To configure a COM port:

Left click.
Left click Configuration and then Serial ports.
In the Serial ports menu, the list of all the serial ports of your machine is
Left click the COM port you want to configure. You can configure four main
pieces of information:
• Baud rate (the speed at which a COM port communicates)
• Parity
• Data bits
• Stop bits
Optionally enable the RTS (Ready to send) field; this is an RTS bit update to 1
when you transmit data to a RS422 converter as an output.
If you have changed a piece of information and you do not want anymore to take
this into account, left click Reset to NMEA 183 to go back to the default values.
You can change the configuration of the serial ports even if acquisition of
transmission has been enabled. TurboWin will dynamically take into account the
changes. Network
TurboWin allows you to send or receive data via the UDP protocol. The connection
offered by this protocol is fast but it is less reliable than other protocols. However, it
is possible to broadcast information to several machines. So this protocol is used
TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 152
Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

when transmitting big sentences, which are sent so often that losing data wouldn’t be
To launch acquisition, you must enter the number of the input IP port. To launch
transmission, you must enter the IP address, or name, of the machine to which you
want to transmit, and the output IP port, which equals to the input IP port of the first
machine. If you enter 0 as a port number, transmission or acquisition will not be
enabled. If you enter another number, you will be able to transmit or receive
sentences, provided the same number has been configured in the machine that
receives or transmits them. So if 1001 is entered for an input port, you will be able to
read sentences from machines that have been set 1001 for the output port.
To configure a network stream:
Click MENU, Configuration and Network.
To receive sentences, enter in Input IP port the number of the Output IP port of
the machine that sends sentences.
To send sentences, enter in Output IP port the number of the Input IP port of the
machine that receives sentences.
You can check input or output data of your machine by clicking Check network
If you are in acquisition process, start acquisition for your desired type of mobile
(main ship, trawl, etc.) and information (position, depth, etc.). Data of a Stream

The ports’ or network’s configuration menu allows you to check directly in TurboWin
that the communication port acquisition is correct on your machine. (this functionality
was previously supported by an external program, TvswComtest). You can save the
data into a text file, with the following syntax: COMx_yyyymmdd.txt, where x is the
number of the serial port, y is the year, m the month and d the day. For a network
stream, the syntax is: NET1_yyyymmdd.txt, where x is the number of the serial port,
a is the year, m is the month and d is the day. To take an example, the file
checking the 2 serial port that was generated the 20th January, 2003, will bear the

following name: COM2_20030120.txt. All the files that you will generate that way
will be saved in the …/Sodena/TurboWin/LogFiles directory.

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

To check data acquired by a port:

Access the configuration menu of your desired communication port, and then left
click Check input. A window scrolls the sentences the communication port receives.
You can temporarily stop the sentence scrolling if you left click the Pause button.
Pause is replaced by Play.
To make the sentences scroll again, left click Play.
To create a file text from the acquired data, left click Save and stop check. To
stop the process without generating a file, left click Stop check.

7.3.2. Network

TurboWin allows to send or receive data via two types of network streams:
• UDP (or NET),
• TCP.

The UDP Stream

UDP offers a connection faster than TCP, with less reliability. However this protocol
allows to broadcast information on several machines. So the UDP protocol will be
preferred with big-sized sentences that are sent so often that it wouldn’t be important
to lose some of them.
To make acquisition, you should specify an input port. This port will be the same as
the output port of the machine you are communicating with.
To make transmission, you should specify an output port. This port will be the same
as the input port of the machine you are communicating with. If the output network
address end with 255, this means you are in broadcasting mode.
For example, if 1001 is entered for an input port, you will be able to read the
sentences coming from the users that would have set 1001 for their output port.

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

Figure 7-1: Configuring an UDP Stream for Reception

Figure 7-2: Configuring an UDP Stream for Transmission

To configure a net stream:

Left click.
Click Configuration, Network and UDP.
Fill the correct information.
If you click Check UDP acquisition input and output data of the remote machine
is displayed. For more details about this window, please see 7.3.1: Serial Ports and
Networks, p. 151.

The TCP Stream

TCP is a protocol that allows to connect a transmitter and a receiver. This is a direct
connection between two machines. So, the sentences that will be sent to several
machines will have to be sent once for each machine. The advantage of this protocol
is that data is completely transmitted; if data is missing or erroneous, messages are
transmitted once again. TCP is then used if it is important to receive data.
To make acquisition, you should specify an input port. This port will be the same as
the output port of the machine you are communicating with.
To make transmission, you should specify an output port. This port will be the same
as the input port of the machine you are communicating with.

Figure 7-3: Configuring a TCP Stream to a Network Stream’s IP Address

To use a TCP Stream:

Left click.
Clck Configuration, Network, and then TCP.
Fil the required information..
If you click Check UDP acquisition input and output data of the remote machine
is displayed. For more details about this window, please see 7.3.1: Serial Ports and
Networks, p. 151.

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

7.3.3. Messaging Path

You can receive data files that will be processed directly by TurboWin. You just
need to configure an access path. So anytime a file will be added to the specified
folder, it will be automatically read and processed by TurboWin. A message will
warm you that the file has been copied into the folder.
To configure the message path to check:
Left click.
Left click Layout Properties and then Messaging in the Layout Properties
In the Messaging menu, left click the Path to check field, browse to your desired
folder, select it and click OK.
Left clicking Reset messaging, you can cancel the path to check. TurboWin will
then stop to check for new files until a new path is set.

7.3.4. The Logbook

The logbook allows you to generate text files that contain the history of all occurred
events, information on ship’s position and events. A new file is generated every
month, with the following syntax: Bookyyyymm.txt, where y is the year and m is the
month. For example, the logbook for November 2002 will bear the following name:
Book200211.txt. The files that are generated are saved into the TurboWin/Logbook
You can edit this file in three ways:
• when you create an event (see 5.4: Events, p. 128); information is displayed
about the event: type of event (ship or cursor), folder, date, position, datum,
• When you define a display sampling for ship’s positions. You can decide to
display at regular intervals information about the ship, i.e. date, position,
datum, SOG, COG, SOW, COW, and depth and wind (if acquired);
• When you decide to insert a comment. At any time, you can edit the logbook
with your own information.

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Chapter 7: 6BConfiguration

To edit manually the logbook:

Left click.
Left click Configuration, Logbook, and Edit.
The logbook edition window is displayed. Edit your desired information, and left
click OK.
If you don’t want to save your information, left click Cancel. You can also go back
to this window and remove manually your information.
To define a sampling for ship’s positions:
Go to the Logbook, and then left click Sample rate.
Select a sample value.
Each time the selected value is passed, ship’s positional information are
automatically displayed into the logbook edit window.
To stop to display automatically ship’s information, select None as a sample value.

The log file, lists the UT, ship’s position and current datum. Each week, a file is
created, with the following syntax: logyyyyww, where yyyy is the year and ww is the
number of the week in the year. A sample rate allows to define the time interval
between each received data. To edit this file in TurboWin, you must first stop
receiving data.
To edit the log file:
Click MENU, Configuration and then Log file.
Optionally set a sample.

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Chapter 8: 7BTrawl

8. Trawl

The trawl option allows you to acquire or dead reckon information about a trawl, to
display this information in a specific window and to start trawl’s track. In the chart
area, the trawl is associated with a position sensor, which is represented by a black

8.1. Characteristics of Trawl’s Options for Easwin or TurboWin

Depending on your software’s configuration, the options that are available for trawls
will change. Amongst other things, acquisition may not be available, in case you just
need dead reckoning.

• If you order Dead reckoning option with EasWin configuration, you will
be able to dead reckon and use tracks
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Chapter 8: 7BTrawl

• If you order the Dead reckoning option with TurboWin configuration you
will also be able to configure the launch of trawl’s track and to display the
trawl window.
• If you order the Dead reckoning and Acquisition options with the
TurboWin configuration, you will also be able to access the trawl’s
acquisition menu

8.2. Configuring and Acquiring Trawl’s Information

You can configure two kinds of information for the trawl:

• Static information that describes its characteristics. They are the trawl length
(defaults to 100 m), the ground cable (defaults to 10 m) and the warp tension
alarm (defaults to 1500 kg).
• Dynamic information that changes while trawling. Some of them can only
be acquired (Water T°, Filling, Port and Starboard Warp tension, shoal
distance), others can be dead reckoned and acquired (Position) or computed
and acquired (Submersion, Vertical spread, Horizontal spread, Warp
The number of pieces of information that can be dead reckoned or acquired will
increase if you decide to use a twin rig trawl; Filling, Vertical Spread, Horizontal
spread, Water T° and Submersion will not only be counted for starboard side but
also for port side.
To configure the type of trawl:
Left click.
Click Configuration, Trawl and then Trawl rig.
Choose your desired type of trawl.
To configure static information:
Left click.
Left click Configuration, and Trawl.
On the Trawl menu, left click the information you want to change and then enter a
new value.
To configure dynamic information:
Left click.
Left click Configuration, Trawl and then Acquisition.
In the new menu, left click your desired information, and then Active to select
Left click the Port field, and then specify whether you want to acquire the
information (selecting a port) or either calculate or estimate it (selecting Estimate).
If you decide to estimate the position of your trawl, left click the RECKON
command, in the second command bar, and then left click MOVE TRAWL.
Do one of the following:
• Left click in the chart area where you want to locate the trawl.
• Middle click and then enter the bearing between the trawl and the ship in the
blank box.
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Chapter 8: 7BTrawl

Acquiring a trawl is the same kind of process as acquiring a ship (see 2.2: C-
MAP NT+/CMax Charts, p. 28).

8.3. Configuring Trawl’s Track

A trawl has a wire on the port side and another one on the starboard side. You can
configure a track for each one of them. These track are independent. If you use a twin
rig trawl, only exterior wires will be taken into account to generate tracks.
To configure a trawl’s track:
Left click.
Left click Configuration and Trawl.
Click Port track or Starboard track depending on the track you wish to create.
The Track menu is displayed. Left click the Active field and select YES in the
Virtual field if you do not want your track to be saved after closing TurboWin.
Optionally enter a Name and a Comment left clicking these fields, entering your
text in the top blank field and left clicking once again.
Optionally left click the Line style and Color fields to select a line style and colour
for the track.
Left click Parameters and select all the parameters you want to save with the
track. So when you will consult a point of the track (with the CURSOR Command),
the value of the selected parameters will be displayed.

8.4. Trawl Information Window

The trawl information window allows you to follow trawl’s pieces of information as
you acquire them. Two views are displayed. They give two different representations
of the trawl: a top view and a front view. In the top view, a bar graph indicates how
much the trawl is filled. Also, if the warp tension is superior to the warp alarm tension
that has already been defined, the value (1200kg in the example below) will be
displayed in red.

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Chapter 8: 7BTrawl

To display the trawl window:

Access the second command bar (right clicking if the first command bar is
Left click the INFO WINDOW command and SHOW TRAWL in the new
command bar.
To hide the trawl window:
Access the second command bar (right clicking if the first command bar is
Left click the INFO WINDOW command and HIDE TRAWL in the new
command bar.

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Chapter 8: 7BTrawl

8.5. GEONET Sensors

Geonet sensors can be interfaced with TurboWin to specify data about trawl, such as
filling or vectical spread. A and B sensors are automatically managed by TurboWin,
but you can specify which data is acquired by C and D sensors.
To set the acquisition of C and D sensors:
Left click.
Click Configuration, Trawl, Geonet sensors, and then the desired sensor.
Select the data that is acquired with this sensor.

8.6. How to Dead Reckon Easily the Trawl Position with the Wire

The following should be performed to dead reckon easily the trawl position with the
wire length:
• Trawl position must be dead reckoned
• Trawl submersion must be acquired or dead reckoned.
• Trawl horizontal spread must be acquired or dead reckoned.
• Wire length must be acquired or dead reckoned. If the wire length is dead
reckoned, the dead reckoning menu bar can be used to enter the length and
shift offset in degrees from vessel center line (value is displayed near the
cursor). To open this menu bar, click RECKON in the second menu bar.
For better result the ground cable must be entered.

• cursor). To open this menu bar, click RECKON in the second menu bar.

8.7. Pair Trawling

Pair trawling allows to navigate with a trawl net dragged by two trawlers. Both ships
should sail on the same level for them to use the same cable length and prevent loss of
Pair trawling implies several steps:
• The main ship (which acts as a server) is connected to the network
• The partner ship is connected to the main ship
• The main ship creates an EBL ship, which will be used as a planned route;
information about the route is received by the ship.
• The main and partner ships open the pair trawling window
• Fishing can begin; the main and the partner ships can exchange messages in
a chat window

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Chapter 8: 7BTrawl

8.7.1. Connecting the Main Ship to the Network

For the main ship to be connected, its machine should be set as the main ship. The
main ship will then act as a server, i.e. it will receive data coming from the partner
ship, by awaiting for them.
To connect the main ship to the network:
Left click.
Click Configuration and then Pair trawling.
In Role, select Main Ship.
Click Configuration to set distance alarm and behind/ahead alarms.

8.7.2. Connecting the Partner Ship to the Main Ship

For the partner ship to be connected, the main ship should send data to the server (the
main ship) that will sent it back its own data. So the ships, the trawl net and all
associated information will be displayed at the same time on both screens. The size
and the colour of your ship will be the same as usual; on the contrary, the partner ship
will be displayed in magenta and its size will be smaller than your ship.

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Chapter 8: 7BTrawl

To connect the partner ship to the main ship:

Left click.
Click Configuration, and the Pair trawling.
In Role, select Partner ship.
Click Configuration, and then Server Address to specify the IP address of the
main ship machine. You also can set distance alarm and behind/ahead alarms.

8.7.3. Creating a Ship EBL for the Main Ship

Creating a ship EBL let you enable a two-point route. When the main ship creates an
EBL, the partner ship also receives the route, which goes from it and is parallel to the
main ship’s EBL.
For the main and partner ships’ routes be automatically enabled, you should first
enable the display of manual marks in EBL window (Database Marks EBL
Marks Manual Marks in EBL Window).

8.7.4. Opening the Pair Trawling Window

The pair trawling window includes:

• Buttons that allow you to manage the window display and the connection to
the other machine.
• TTG and XTE information that relates to the enabled route
• A comparative table of the information (SOG, COG, Depth, Water T°) of
both ships
• Distance between both ships and the distance who misses or is over for both
ships be on the same line to drag the net; this information should be equal to

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Chapter 8: 7BTrawl

To display the pair trawling information window:

Right click.
Left click.
Left click.

8.7.5. Sending Messages

During pair trawling, it is possible to send instant messages to the other ship. This
operation is performed through a chat window, which looks like the chat windows
you can find on Internet sites. The only difference is that the messages you send are
displayed in the chat window of the other ship, but not on yours.

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Chapter 8: 7BTrawl

To send an instant message:

Open the pair trawling information window.
In the blank area, below the window, enter your message, and then click Send.
Your message is displayed on the chat window of the other ship. When this ship
send you a message, this message will display on your chat window.

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Chapter 9: 8BGrib Option

9. Grib Option

The Grib option allows you to display information about wind. This information is
available with meteorological data files.
Once selected, the data you receive is decrypted and then displayed on TurboWin.
The feathers are represented as follows:

To configure and receive Grib files:

Left click.
Left click Database and then Grib.
Left click Grib once again to authorize to display the Grib files.
If you wish the files you receive in a directory (configured by yourself) to be
automatically decrypted and displayed when receiving them, left click Automatic
decoding. For example, when you select C:\Data for the access path to be checked, if
you select YES on Automatic decoding, the wind files you will receive in this folder
will be automatically decrypted and displayed.
Left click Load file, right click a data file and left click OK.
Right click until displaying TurboWin screen.
To download Grib files:
Left click.
Left click Database and then Grib.
Click Download Grib files.
If you have an Internet connection, an Internet page of Sodena’s website opens.
You can download Grib files in this page.
Click the Grib file you wish to download.
In the new dialog box, click OK.
Browse to your desired folder, and click Open.
You can download a zip file. This kind of file will be unzipped in the folder into
which it has been opened, and then it will be deleted.
When you use a Grib file, the screen is centred on the location of the wind file. A
colour wedge is also displayed on the left, giving you the legend of the feathers’
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Chapter 9: 8BGrib Option

colours and the force of the wind, as well as the corresponding date and time. The
below command bar is also displayed. To access it, right click one or more times.

Displays the previous date for which data is available.

Displays the next date for which data is available.

Displays the first date for which data is available.

Displays the last date for which data is available.

For each date, the corresponding date and time are displayed on screen, below the
wind colour wedge.

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Chapter 10: Sediment Option

10. Sediment Option

The sediment option allows you to display the seabed quality data. Those data are
provided either by the BGS (Britannic Geographical Survey) or the SHOM. You can
display 25 different types of sediments.
If the scale is not over zoomed enough to see sediment data, a cross-ruling is
displayed on the screen, which allows you to locate the areas with sediments.
Note that the sediments layer is displayed transparently. So you can see chart details
as well.

To configure the sediments display:

Left click.
Left click Database and then Sediments.
To display the sediments on screen, in the Sediments menu, left click Display so
that YES is selected
You can left click each one of the entries (gravel, corral, Chippings, etc.)
depending on the type of seabed you want to see.

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

11. The Radar

The Radar option has been designed to display videos transmitted by a radar
connected to a standard Ethernet network.

To get information about hardware prerequisite, radar wiring and connexion

parameters, refer to the following manuals:
• When using a NetRadar device: FI-RADAR-NETRADAR
• When using a NetRadar JRC device: FI-RADAR-NETRADARJRC
• When using a Koden device: FI-RADAR-KODEN

To install the TurboWin software, refer to the TurboWin user guide.

To use the radar option with TurboWin, proceed as follows:

Selecting the type of radar
Starting the radar device and displaying radar data
Adjusting the radar settings

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

11.1. Selecting the type of radar

You can get radar information via two types of radar:

• Radars operating in master mode such as Koden and NetRadarJRC
devices. This mode ensures the control of both the antenna and the data
• Radars operating in slave mode such as NetRadar connected to the
antenna with no control on the antenna and on the transferred data.

To select the radar (data source):

1. Click Menu in the command bar of the application:

2. click Configuration and then Radar to display all available types of


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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

11.2. Starting the radar and displaying radar data

11.2.1.Starting the radar

To display radar data, you must first start the radar:

When starting a NetRadar or a NetRadar JRC for the first time, you must enter the IP
address of the device which is by default: []

- Once entered, the IP address is saved

and does not require to be entered again.
- If the PC is on two networks, you may
modify the default IP address.

11.2.2.Displaying data

Two modes of radar data display are available in the application:

• By applying radar data on the screen displaying cartographic information,
• Or, on the same screen but in a different view or on different screens. Indeed
if you are using two screens, it is possible to display radar data in one of
them while keeping TurboWin traditional display in the other screen.

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

After starting the radar, the command bar displays on the screen:

Settings Accesses the radar data configuration window whose content depends on
the selected radar.

Target Plot Allows you to follow the selected targets. For further details, refer to the
chapter Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable..

Show/Hide Display or hide radar information overlaid on cartographic information.

Show/Hide Display or hide radar information in a view other than the one for
Radar cartographic information.

To switch from the radar view to the traditional TurboWin view,

you can also press the R key of your keyboard.

Stop Radar Stop the radar as well as the antenna.

When clicking this button, the following warning message displays:
* NetRadarJRC

* Koden

To hide radar data without stopping the radar transmission, use the button
Hide Radar.

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

11.3. Adjusting the radar settings

Adjusting the radar settings is done, whatever the selected radar type, in the radar
configuration window that displays by clicking the Settings menu:

Right click

Left click

Left click
The configuration window dedicated to the selected radar displays. You can now
proceed to adjusting the radar settings.

11.3.1.Using a Koden radar

The configuration window of a Koden radar is the following:

Close Close the window.

Back Back to the application’s main command bar.

TX / Standby Launch or stop radar data transmission.

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

OK / Warm up When starting the radar, the antenna is activated and the command is in
Warm up status.

Once the antenna is active, the command displays the radar name followed by

While warming up, the configuration window’s commands are


Range (NM) Define the radar capacities in terms of distance.

For each available range, Gain / FTC / STC / Pulse length / Speed
Rotation / Calm Sea and Rough Sea parameters are pre-saved and
do not require to be configured when selecting another range.

Gain (%) Define the video gain (signal intensity), which is the amplification given to a
signal by the receiver.
This control can be compared to the volume control on an audio amplifier.
The higher this value is, the more intense the signal is.
Calm Sea Activate the Calm Sea automatic mode.
Mode impacting parameters such as:
* STC Sea and FTC Rain
* Calm Sea of the STC Preset menu

Parameters are displayed relating to the selected range.

Rough Sea Activate the Rough Sea automatic mode.

Mode impacting parameters such as:
* STC Sea and FTC Rain
* Rough Sea of the STC Preset menu

Parameters are displayed relating to the selected range.

Manual Activate the manual configuration of the following parameters:

* STC Sea and FTC Rain
* Manual of the STC Preset menu

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

Harbor Activate the Harbor automatic mode:

Menu Parameter Configuration
STC/FTC Automatic mode
STC Preset Harbor Activated and adjusted only if
the selected range ≤ 1NM
TOP Unit Target Expansion Off
Pulse Short (compulsory parameter
for a range ≤ 1NM)
Rotation Fast (compulsory parameter for
a range ≤ 1NM)

STC SEA (%) Define the sea filtering in order to reduce echoes produced by targets close to
your ship.
Reduces the gain of the radar receiver automatically when receiving echoes or
replies from close range (where maximum sensitivity is not generally
required), and allows more gain to be applied to data coming from farther
ranges where more sensitivity is required. This increases the possibility to
detect far-range small targets.
FTC RAIN (%) Define the rain filtering in order to reduce echoes produced by far-range

EBL 1 (°)
Electronic Bearing Line / Variable Range Marker
VRM 1 (nm)
Define the course and distance between your own ship and
EBL 2 (°) a specific target in the main view.

VRM 2 (nm)

North Up/ Orient radar data according to the ship, i.e. to the top of
Head Up the screen (Head-up), or to the North (North-up).
AIS Display AIS/ARPA and rings (set of fixed circles whose
centre is the Own Ship or the radar scanning origin and
that allows to have a rough idea of the distance between
Rings the Own Ship and an object (target, user object, etc.)).

Transparent Display radar data in a transparent way so that it is

possible to see chart contours.
Color Set radar data display with color scales.

Refresh rate Adapt the refresh rate according to your PC technical


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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

Automatic Activate the automatic or manual configuration of data

Tune acquisition tuning (coarse and fine).


Activate the tuning automatic configuration.


Activate the manual configuration of tuning parameters:

general, coarse and fine.

Calm Sea Display and adjust STC (sea clutter) data related to the
parameter: Calm Sea
Rough Sea Display and adjust STC (sea clutter) data related to the
parameter: Rough Sea
Manual Modify STC data manually.

Harbor Display and adjust STC data related to the parameter:


Auto Gain Activate the automatic or manual configuration of the

video gain (i.e. the amplification given to a signal by the
Values are given in percentage and range from 0 to 127.
A Gain Preset Available when Auto Gain is activated :
Displays the Gain value related to the selected range.
M Gain Preset Available when Auto Gain is desactivated:
Activate the manual configuration of Gain including the
following parameters: Rejection / Pulse / Rotation / Target
Rejection Delete interferences generated by radars running in the
same environment (wavelength).
Pulse Define the duration of the radar pulse: short/long.
The pulse width value is pre-configured according to the
radar range.

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

Rotation Define the rotation speed of the antenna: slow or fast.

Target Increase the echoes size but decrease the precision of

Expansion length measurement.

Trigger delay Reduce the waiting period if the cable linking the radar
(%) transmitter and the display unit is long. Check the radar
image to see if it is necessary to give a correction. If the
straight lines are not straight, you must enter a correction.
Hdg offset Adjust the head-up orientation of the radar image if it
doesn’t correspond to the head-up orientation of the radar.
Values can be comprised between -180 and 180.
STC slope Change the slope of the STC curve. The bigger the value
of this field is, the more important the attenuation is
performed on a long distance.

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

11.3.2.Using a NetRadar and/or NetRadar JRC radar

The configuration window of a NetRadar/NetRadarJRC radar is almost identical with

an additional option (Top Unit and TUNING) for the NetRadarJRC:
NetRadar NetRadarJRC

Close Close the window.

Back Back to the application’s main command bar.

TX / Standby Launch or stop radar data transmission.

Ready/Warm up * For NetRadar JRC, or radar in « Master » mode

When starting the radar, the antenna is activated and the
command is in Warm up status.

Once the antenna is active, the command displays the radar name
followed by OK.

While warming up, the configuration window’s commands

are unavailable.

* For NetRadar, or radar in « Slave » mode

The antenna, not controlled by the radar, is automatically available
when the radar is starting.

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

Range (nm) Define the radar capacities in terms of distance.

For each available range, the Gain / FTC / STC / Pulse length
et Speed Rotation parameters are pre-saved and do not require
to be configured when selecting another range.

Gain (%) Define the video gain (signal intensity), which is the amplification
given to a signal by the receiver.
This control can be compared to the volume control on an audio
amplifier. The higher this value is, the more intense the signal is.
Manual STC/FTC Activate the automatic or manual configuration of filtering.

STC SEA (%) Define the sea filtering in order to reduce echoes produced by targets
close to your ship.
Reduces the gain of the radar receiver automatically when receiving
echoes or replies from close range (where maximum sensitivity is not
generally required), and allows more gain to be applied to data coming
from farther ranges where more sensitivity is required. This increases
the possibility to detect far-range small targets.
FTC RAIN (%) Define the rain filtering in order to reduce echoes produced by far-
range targets.

EBL 1 (°)
Electronic Bearing Line / Variable Range Marker
VRM 1 (nm)
Define the course and distance between your own ship and
EBL 2 (°) a specific target in the main view.

VRM 2 (nm)

Head-Up / Orient radar data according to the ship, i.e. to the top of the
North-Up screen (Head-up), or to the North (North-up).
AIS Display AIS/ARPA and rings (set of fixed circles whose
centre is the Own Ship or the radar scanning origin and that
allows to have a rough idea of the distance between the
Rings Own Ship and an object (target, user object, etc.)).

Transparent Display radar data in a transparent way so that it is possible

to see chart contours.
Color Set radar data display with color scales.

Refresh rate Adapt the refresh rate according to your PC technical


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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

Persistence If a target is for a long time at the same place, its pixel
value increases. Persistence allows you to configure how
long pixels will flicker, via a list of parameters:
None: keep the same shading
Linear inverted: pixels with a low value flicker less long
than pixels with a high value.
Logarithmic inverted: Pixels with a low value flicker
longer than pixels with a high value.

Trail Time Define the duration a past track (tracking targets) remains
(mn) visible.
When the trail time value is 0mn, past tracks are
deactivated and its power consumption is none.

Trigger delay Reduce the waiting period if the cable linking the radar
(%) transmitter and the display unit is long. Check the radar
image to see if it is necessary to give a correction. If the
straight lines are not straight, you must enter a correction.

Hdg offset Adjust the head-up orientation of the radar image if it

doesn’t correspond to the head-up orientation of the radar.
Values can be comprised between -180 and 180.
ADVANCED default
parameters depend on STC slope Change the slope of the STC curve. The bigger the value
the antenna’s technical (%) of this field is, the more important the attenuation is
features. performed on a long distance.

CFAR (%) Constant False Alarm Rate

Removes automatically all types of noise produced by sea
or rain for a better target recognition.

Video Adjust the level of video signals. If the radar’s video

attenuation signal is too strong (the image saturates or it is difficult to
(%) control the gain), you can set it with this option. Select
the value that gives you the best result.
4 values: 0% / 33% / 67% / 100%

Video Positive or negative video.


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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

TUNING and TOP UNIT options of NetRadarJRC configuration window:

Automatic / Activate the automatic configuration of tuning for data

Manual Tune acquisition.

Tuning (%) Adjust tuning values.

Tune (%) Indicateur de la valeur courante.

Pulse Define the duration (and the range) of the radar pulse.
short or long

Ranges with different pulse durations are defined

in the Internet Explorer when configuring the
For further details, refer to the configuration

Vitesse Define the rotation speed of the antenna.

Magnetron (%) Indicator of power consumption for the antenna.

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

11.4. Tracking Targets and managing risks

11.4.1.Tracking Targets

Tracking targets allows you to save echo courses in the radar image and calculate
CPA, TCPA, speed and bearing for it, when it is inside your radar range. Once
selected the target, it is displayed with a vector that gives its speed and bearing.
There are three states for a target. Those states are represented by different symbols
and colours. It is possible to display or hide an information window on the right of the
screen. This window gives information about each target currently tracked.

To track a target:
Select a radar source and switch your radar.
Left click.
Left click.
The cursor now is displayed as a square. Locate a target to be tracked and left click
to select it.
A few seconds later, the target is displayed as a green circle. Its name is made of a
letter and its order of creation (e.g.: G1 for the first target).

You can display targets in a window that lists all targets. This window gives the
following information for each target:
• Its order of creation
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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

• Its state
• Its speed and route
• Its CPA and TCPA from the ship.
To display targets’ window:
Left click.
Left click.

To hide targets’ window:

Left click.
Left click.

11.4.2.Managing collision risks

When detected, collision risks are reported via two types of alarm independent of one
• A sound alarm, and/or
• A visual alarm. As soon as a collision risk is detected, a message noticing
the collision risk and the type of the detected target.

This message automatically disappears when the danger is eliminated

(according to the target’s CPA and TCPA parameters).


Targets in red are considered highly

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

When the detected target is of AIS type, the displayed message indicates also the name
of the target.

12. The Bathymetry

The bathymetry allows to measure the depth at which the bottom and objects on it lie
below the surface. You can configure two kinds of bathymetric representations, which
are included at different places of the software:
• Coloured isolines. Those isolines connect depths with the same value, with
a colour wedge that ranges from red to green. Maximum and minimum
depths can be set – the colour wedge will take into account those depths.
Coloured isolines are only available in some areas.
• Coloured surface that allows to represent depths with a coloured texture
from green (shallowest depths) to blue (deepest depths). The surface can be
shown in a dark or a transparent way. The latter allows to display chart and
user data. Contrary to isolines, this bathymetry representation can be
displayed on many places on Earth, provided that you have the
corresponding data files.

Coloured Isolines Coloured Surface

12.1. Using Bathymetry with Coloured Isolines

To use bathymetry with coloured isolines :

Left click.
Click Database and then 2D/3D in the Database display menu and then
To display bathymetry on screen, click Display in the Bathymetry window to
select YES.
Configure the other fields of the Bathymetry menu, with your needs.

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

Scale filter If the value of this field is YES, a filter is applied to the
bathymetry so that less isolines is displayed.
Color Fixes the display of bathymetry colours.
Color profile Defines whether the bathymetry values of the screen will be
these of the screen (Automatic) or changed on your own.
Profile min and Define the maximum and minimum values of the bathymetry
Profile max in the screen.

12.2. Using Bathymetry with Texture

12.2.1.User and Commercial Databases

Texture bathymetry can be obtained with user and commercial databases:.

• User databases gather all soundings that are acquired by your own devices.
You can then create your own depth databases – a database is really created
when containing at least one sounding point.
• Commercial databases offer you to choose between databases that already
exist and gather sounding spots that have already been acquired by
Hydrographic offices.
Those two kinds of databases can be used as providers for 2D and 3D display. For
each one of them, you can decide whether or not you want to take into consideration
its soundings.

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

Active Allows to define whether or not depth recording is enabled. If

NO is selected, depth is not recorded anymore at each defined
sample rate. If no depth sounder is connected to your machine
and acquisition is not enabled, it will not be possible to set this
field to YES. If desired you can press the * key to replace this
field to enable and disable depth recording.
Name The name of the database. Defaults to User Database.
Sample rate Defines the frequency soundings points will be recorded on the
current database.
Show acquired Configures whether the acquired depths are displayed or not
depth on the screen. When a database is being recorded, the last 50
acquired values are displayed on the screen.
Depths correction See 3.4: Reducing Depth Acquisition, p. 81.

To create a user database:

Left click.
Click 2D-3D.
Click the Name line and then click Name once again.
Enter the name of the new user database and click to validate. This is now the
current database in which all new soundings will be saved.
To change the current database, you just have to enter a new name for another

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

To define a sample rate for a user database:

In the 2D-3D database menu, click Sample rate.
Click either Based on time or Based on distance to select a sample rate based on
time or distance.
Select the desired value
To enable a database to be displayed in 2D and/or 3D:
In the 2D-3D database menu, click User or Commercial depending on the type of
database you want to enable.
In the new menu, select the database and click to set its value to YES.

12.2.2.Modifying and Deleting Depths in User Databases

Modifying a user database consists in applying simultaneously an offset to some of its

depths in a certain range (in meters) and/or a period.
Besides modifying depths, you can delete some of them, applying the same kinds of
criteria as in the modification process.
It is only possible to change depths when the user database is disabled, as described
just above. When indicating a criterion for the modification or deletion processes, the
sounding spots that are concerned are displayed in green and the other ones are
displayed in red. After the modification or deletion, the former sounding database is
saved in the hard disk in a .zip file. This file is located in the following path:
…\TurboWin\Database\Backupname of the database. Anytime you modify or
delete soundings in a database, the former one is saved in the same way.

All depths are green. They Depths are green and red. Depths in purple define the
are all available for The green ones still define depths that have been
modification or deletion the depths that can be modified or deleted
because no filter has been modified or deleted and the because they were included
defined or the filter that has red ones define depths that in the filter. So only green
been defined includes all are not included in the depths can become purple.
depths. filter.

To modify or delete depths in a user database:

Left click.
Left click.
Middle click to open the MODIFY: Objects menu, and then click Bathymetric
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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

Click Complete list, select your desired database in the list of user databases and
click OK.
Do one of the following:
• To modify depths, click Modify depths
• To delete depths, click Delete depths
Select the ranges in depth and date in which you want to modify depths. You can
click the Reset line to cancel the related configuration.
Optionally select a depth adjustment (see 3.4: Reducing Depth Acquisition, p.
Click Offset and then enter an offset value that will be taken into consideration for
all depths in the ranges.
Click Apply to and then do one of the following:
• Click Adjustable window, select with your cursor a part of the screen and
then middle click to apply the configuration of the display to a specific area.
• Click All items to apply your configuration to all objects of the main folder.
Confirm the conversion clicking Yes in the menu that displays, and then click End
of entry.

12.2.3.Configuration of Bathymetric Display

Isolines Allows to choose whether you want to display or not the


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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

Compute step When Automatic is selected, the software automatically

computes the isolines’ step depending on chart scale. If
Manual is selected, it is possible to set the step with the
Step field.

Step This field allows you to choose yourself the isolines’ step.
The step is the depth difference (in meters) between each
isoline. For example, if you select 10 m for this field, a new
isoline will be drawn on the chart when the depth varies 10
This field is only enabled if you select NO in the
Automatic step field.
Surface Displays the 2D view with a colour representation.
Transparent Allows you to display the 2D in a transparent way. When
this option is checked, it is possible to keep watching the
chart details.
3D color scheme This field lets you decide whether you want to use the same
colour scheme for 2D and 3D.

Color profile Allows you to configure the way the scale of the colours
that represent the 2D display. You can display them
automatically as designed by the machine or manually with
the Upper limit 2D and Lower limit 2D fields.

Upper/Lower limit 2D When the Color profile field is set to Manual, you can
change the values of these fields. They are the minimum
and maximum values that will be taken into account for the
representation of the 2D colour scale.

Interpolation Defines whether you want to configure or not the

interpolation limit (Manual mode). If Automatic is
selected, the interpolation limit will be automatically
defined, depending on the frequency of sounding spots on
the screen.
Interpolation limit Allows you to define the range that will be defined around
each depth point. The depth is interpolated on this range
depending on the depth of the point. The higher the range
will be, the fuller the main view will look like.

To access the menu allowing to configure bathymetry by texture :

Left click.
Click Database and then 2D / 3D.

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Chapter 12: The Bathymetry

To configure data to be taken into account:

In the menu allowing to configure bathymetry, configure the isoline and surface
It is possible to enable a depth domain, i.e. define maximum and minimum depths
below and above which depth soundings are not taken into account. To do so, click
Use domain limits and then enter a value in the Upper limit and Lower limit fields.
To configure isoline display:
Click Isolines to select YES.
In Computes step, either select Manual to configure a fixed space gap between
isolines or Automatic for the isolines’ step to fit to data that are currently displayed
on screen.
If you have selected Manual as the step computation, click Step to select a value.
To configure the surface display:
Click Surface to select YES.
Optionally click Transparent to select the surface in a transparent way.
In Color profile, select Automatic for the 2D colour wedge to be customized to
the scale of depth values in the chart area. Select Manual to enter your own values.
In Compute spread, select Automatic to let the software automatically compute
interpolation around every depth spot.
If you have selected Manual for spread computing, click Spread radius and then
select a value.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

13. The 3D

The 3D view allows you to display the chart area in a three-dimensional view basis.
TurboWin’s main view – the chart area – displays charts with latitudes and
longitudes. The 3D also takes into consideration depth, which lies on all available
depth spots in the chart, marks and tracks for which a depth has been defined, or in
additional depth databases.
The 3D view is easy to use. You can do your most common tasks in a click or just by
opening a dialog box. It also allows you to display other objects, such as the ship, and
optionally the trawl.
Moreover you can create or load colour schemes, to display the 3D view with a
specific colour scheme.
Before using the 3D view, you must first configure the 2D/3D menu of the
software for it to be displayed.

13.1. The 3D View Display

13.1.1.The 3D Display Menu

The 3D display menu allows you to display the 3D view, to choose its display mode
and which objects you want to display.
The 3D view can be either in floating or in docked mode. The floating mode allows
to move the 3D View window independently from TurboWin’s window, by dragging
its blue title bar. This window is hidden if you click outside in the screen. The floating
display fits with a multi-screen configuration. The Docked mode also allows to move
the 3D View window, but when TurboWin’s window is moved, both windows move.
By default, this window is docked in the upper right corner of the screen.
You can also hide the following elements of the display in the 3D view :
• chart,
• EBL and marks,
• tracks, routes and zones,
• tides, tidal streams and the Mercator grid.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

Figure 13-1 : Menu d'affichage de la 3D

Click To
Display Display the 3D view.
Display settings Manage the display of some elements in the 3D view.
Vue Select the 3D display mode: Docked or Floating.
Use domain limits Enable the Upper limit and Lower limit fields.
Upper limit / Lower Specify a maximum and minimum sounding value that
limit indicates the sounding limits used to draw the 3D. For
example, if Upper limit is set to 30 and Lower limit to 500,
only the values between 30 to 500 metres will be
represented in the 3D view. The values between 0 and 30
metres will be represented with the same colour shade, as
well as the values above 500 metres.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

Click To
2D Overlay Paste the chart that is currently displayed onto the chart
area of the 3D view. All chart objects are reproduced,
except the radar layer and the Mercator grid. If you enable
this option, it will further be possible to display or hide the
chart, the marks, the tracks and areas, and the tide and
Chart Display the chart data.
Marks Manage the display of the objects that have been created, or
added, by the user.
Tracks, Areas
Tide, Current
Cursor update Move the cursor in the 3D view and the chart area at the
same time – when the cursor flies over the 3D.
Object layers … VRM Display several objects, such as the targets or the ARPA
tracks symbols.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

To open the 3D display menu:

Left click.
Click Database and then 2D/3D in the Database display menu.

13.1.2.The 3D View Representation

The 3D view can be represented in different ways to fit the best your seamanship,
specific sailing cases or the visual quality. You can either configure the appearance of
the 3D view or chart data in itself.
You can change the 3D view appearance in the 3D view Configuration dialog box.
To access this dialog box, you just have to double click on the 3D view. You can:
• change perspective (Isometric projection): Isometric projection contrasts
with conical projection. The latter allows to see the 3D view as it would be
seen with a human’s eye: objects on the foreground are bigger than those in
the background. With the conical projection, the 3D is represented as a
trapezium. The isometric projection allows to view the 3D as a box.
Contrary to the conical projection, the size of the volume does not change at
any time. So this projection is the most faithful to the 2D.
• Change the background (Black Background): By default the background of
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Chapter 13: The 3D

the 3D view is the same as defined for a Windows-type window. Left

clicking this check box, you can configure a black background for the 3D
view, so 3D is accentuated.
• Hide information: This allows to display complementary information in a
yellow headband in the upper part of the 3D view, as well as a compass, the
elevation and the zoom on both sides of the lower part of the 3D view.
• Display the borders of the main view: when this box is checked, borders are
displayed to fill holes resulting from depth gaps. Also, if 2D Clipping is not
checked, the borders of the 2D view are specified by a rectangle.
• Display the water surface: this checkbox allows you to display the water
surface, which is the representation of the water level (0). So you can have a
better representation of depth.
• Display the 2D clipping: this checkbox allows you to hide in the 3D view
the surface which is not included in the chart area
• Display the 2D chart: in the 3D view, you can add as a layer the chart that is
currently displayed in the chart area. All objects are reproduced, except other
mobiles than your ship, the radar layer and the Mercator grid.
You can also display three different surface rendering: monochrome, automatic and
colour scheme. The Monochrome mode allows to display chart in black and white;
only bumps in the relief can be observed. This mode allows to improve the
performance of your machine. The default Automatic mode allows to take a
previously defined range of colours that goes from green, for higher values, to blue,
for lower values; land (depth > 0) is displayed in brown. The Colour Scheme mode
allows to create a custom scheme, provided with as many colour shades as desired.
To take an example of all possible configurations, the 3D view below shows a conical
projection on a white background. Water surface is displayed, as well as borders and
information. The surface rendering is monochrome and the 2D chart is displayed.

The 3D view is made of several elements:

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Chapter 13: The 3D

Information In the upper part of this view, information is displayed. You

can choose whether to display it or not in the 3D View
Configuration. The information is as follows:
• Z/X: See 13.1.5: The vertical
exaggeration, p. 202.
• Projection of the 3D view, in an icon
• Z Max: The maximum depth of the chart area.
• Z Min: The minimum depth of the chart area.
Chart area In the 3D view, a white-contoured rectangle symbolizes the
chart area. The surface around this rectangle represents the
region around the chart area. This rectangle is displayed if
you have disabled the 2D Clipping checkbox in the 3D View
Configuration dialog box.
Ship The Ship (see 13.1.4: Displaying the Ship, p. 200).
Water surface The water surface is represented in blue with a transparent
Cursor Location When you move the cursor on the chart area, you can see it
on the water surface and the seabed of the 3D view.
Orientation In the lower right part of the view there is a compass. The
blue side of this compass stands for the geographical north.
Please note that when the 3D viewing angle is located under
water, orientation changes by 180°, in such a way that North
becomes South and inversely.
Elevation In the lower left part of the view the viewing angle of the
camera compared to the horizontal line is displayed.
Elevation is symbolised by an eye. The direction to which the
eye looks indicates the angle from which the view is seen.
Zoom The 3D zoom can be compared to this of a digital camera. A
bar graph allows to estimate the zoom value. The bar graph is
filled as the zoom rises. This zoom works independently from
the view of the chart area.
Cursor’s depth When the cursor is located in the chart area, a tool tip
specifies the depth in the same location in the 3D view.
The 3D view also allows to display sediments, independently from the chart area.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

Figure 13-2: Displaying Sediments

To display sediments in the 3D view:

Left click.
Click Database and then Sediments.
In the Sediments menu, click Display, and then select YES in 3D.

13.1.3.The 3D Camera Modes

For you to understand what is called 3D camera, let’s compare the 3D view with a
movie. When you see a movie, cameras are located on different places and give
different point of views of the current scene – a camera may show a general view of
the scene, and another one may replace a character’s eyes to make the audience feel as
if they were this character, with the same point of view.
The 3D view is provided with six different cameras – each one gives a different point
of view.
The modes and their characteristics are as follows:
Global View Gives a general point of view of the 3D view. This mode
allows you to control the 3D view. By default, this view
is oriented to the North, centred on the same location as
the chart area and its elevation is 45°. The parameters are
not reset if you have previously defined other ones in
another view.

Immersive View Allows to immerse yourself in the 3D view. You are free
to move the camera anywhere in this window by pressing
the Shift or Ctrl key while using the trackball and / or
pressing other keys of the keyboard. This view does not
allow to select the isometric projection (see 13.2.4: Using
the 3D View Configuration Dialog Box, p. 210).
As this view allows you to use freely the 3D view,
you might move it in such a way that it does not
correspond to what you wanted to be displayed. For
example, the display can be completely white. If this
occurs, we advise you to reset all parameters by
right clicking the 3D view and clicking Reset All

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Chapter 13: The 3D

To Ship View The camera points to the ship, to follow it constantly.

This mode can only be selected if the ship is present in
the chart area.

From Ship View The camera is located on the ship, as if you would be
present on the ship. With this view you cannot select the
isometric projection.
This mode can only be selected if the ship is present in
the chart area.

To Trawl View The camera points to the trawl, to follow it constantly.

This mode can only be selected if the ship is present in
the chart area. With this view you cannot select the
isometric projection.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

From Trawl View The camera is located on the ship, as if you would be
present on the ship.

The global view, the view to ship and the view to trawl allow to assign the centre
of the 3D view as the centre of the chart area, as the ship and as the trawl. The
immersive view, the view from ship and the view from trawl allow to locate the
camera as desired.

13.1.4.Displaying the Ship

In the chart area, your vessel is sometimes represented with a trawl and other ships
(slave ship, targets, etc.). The 3D view allows to display the main ship and / or the
trawl, and even any of them.
The ship can either be displayed at a fixed size or fit scale. If displayed at a fixed size,
its size will always be the same, even if you zoom in the chart area. Five fixed sizes
are available in a slider.

Figure 13-3: Configuring the Ship and the Trawl

When fitting scale, the ship’s size will be proportional to the distances that are
represented in the 3D view. So the more zoomed in the chart area, the bigger the size
of the ship. Besides its horizontal size, the Vertical Scale checkbox allows you to
make the ship’s height proportional to depth. This allows to proportionate the ship
toward the environment

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Chapter 13: The 3D

Without a vertical scale, the ship seems to have plenty of leeway towards the seabed.
When applying the vertical scale, you can realize that the leeway is tight. In the present
case, the vertical size of the ship has been multiplied by 22.5.

TurboWin is provided with several ship templates you can insert in the 3D view. This
template can then correspond to your work. The sizes you have specified when
configuring ship’s information are reproduced.
The different kinds of ships are as follows:
Ferry • Submarine

Fishing boats Sailing boat

Frigate Yacht

• Race boat

The ship can also be represented as a

• triangle.

If in north-up, the orientation of the ship can be modified afterwards, but if in

head-up, a triangle appears in the lower right part of the 3D view and it is not
possible anymore to change it.

To insert a ship in the 3D view:

Open the 3D View Configuration dialog box by double clicking the 3D view.
Click Advanced Parameters…
To display the ship of the trawl, check the corresponding box (es).
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Chapter 13: The 3D

Select your desired ship in the scrolling list.

Select a fixed ship size in the slider, and then select whether you wish the ship to
be displayed with a fixed size or to fit scale.
If the ship fits scale, you can click Vertical Scale for the vertical scale to be
proportional as well.

13.1.5.The vertical exaggeration

The 3D view shows three dimensions: length, width and height. The distance of
length and with is often counted in miles whereas height reaches at most several
thousands of metres. So if the 3D view should be faithful to the three of them, height
would very often be hardly visible on the screen.
The vertical exaggeration – the Z/X ratio – allows to increase depth to accentuate how
differences in depth display. Z/X scales range from 1:1 to 5000:1. At a scale of 1:1,
there is no vertical exaggeration, and the ratio between height, on the first part, and
length and width, on the other part, is faithful to reality. If the first figure rises, depth
factor increases on screen. So, a 10:1 Z/X will have a depth ten more important than a
1:1 Z/X.
You can select a Z/X scale in three ways:
• With an automatic scale,
• With a type of slope,
• With a specific scale.
When Z/X is automatic, its value automatically changes, depending on the values of
the 2D view. So it might be difficult to compare data at different locations.

Figure 13-4: Automatic Z/X Scale

Selecting a slope is an intermediate solution. This allows to assign a scale in the list of
available scales; this scale is liable to change if 2D depth spots change. There are
three different slopes: sleep, medium and gentle. The sleep slope assigns the next
scale up the automatic Z/X scale, in the list of available scales. The medium slope is
the nearer scale. The gentle slope is the next scale down.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

Gentle slope Medium slope Sleep slope

When selecting a specific Z/X scale, this one is always applied to the 3D, whatever
changes in depth are applied to the chart area. This makes it easy to compare data. It
can be useful to have the same scale at any time if you move in a region in which the
relief does not change steeply.

Z/X Scale: 1/1 Z/X Scale: 200/1

To define Z/X:
Open the 3D view.
Do one of the following:
• Right click, point to Z/X, and then click your desired value.
• Double click in the 3D view and then select a value in Z/X.
The Z/X change is automatically applied.

13.1.6.Improving 3D Performance

Some video boards might make the 3D view unstable. If this occurs, check the
Generic Driver box, in Quality / Performance. The Windows icon is then
displayed in the upper part of the 3D view, inside the projection icon.
The Generic driver box can seriously damage performance but checking it very
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Chapter 13: The 3D

often solves problems when the 3D works improperly and TurboWin crashes.
Depending on your machine capacity, the 3D view can be more or less efficient. If the
machine is slow, the 3D image is jerky while you zoom in or out or you make the 3D
view rotate, for example; the cursor might also be hourglass-shaped very often.
In case you notice performance faults, you can change some display settings. Display
settings are as follows:
• Detail level: allows to define the number of depth spots to be taken into
account. You can choose to display all of them, one out of two, out of three
and out of four. The smallest the detail level, the less accurate the relief, but
the more efficient the display.

All depth spots are displayed One spot out of four is displayed

• Back Wireframe: allows to remove from display the wire frame that is
located below in the 3D display. In some circumstances, the back wire frame
allows to notice the relief more easily. This parameter might seriously
damage performance with some video boards.

In certain circumstances, the relief might not be visible without the back wire

• High Quality – 2D Texture: allows to display clearly the chart (see

13.1.2: The 3D View Representation, p. 195), and especially texts.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

Low quality - texture 2D High Quality – 2D Texture

• High Quality – Colour: when this box is checked, there are 1 024 available
colours in the range of colours, whereas there are only 256 colours if not
checked. In other words, if the image is full of different shades of colours,
this box allows to reproduce them perfectly. This option should not really
have an impact on the performance of your machine.
• High Quality – Triangulation: this option allows to have a better and more
faithful rendering of slopes in the 3D and allows to avoid displaying the
surface as a wire netting.
• High Quality – Shading: allows to display a smooth 3D view.

Low-Quality Shading High-Quality Shading

To change the display parameters:
Open the 3D View Configuration dialog box double clicking the 3D view.
Click Advanced Parameters.
In Quality / Performance, select your desired settings.
To see your changes without closing the dialog box, click Apply.
Before using the 3D, we advise you to setup the last driver of your video board.
For more details, please read the documentation of your video board.

13.2. Controlling the 3D View

To make it easier to use, the 3D view can be used in several ways:

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Chapter 13: The 3D

• With the trackball

• With the keyboard
• With a pop-up menu
• With a 3D view control dialog box
To use the 3D view, you first have to make it the active window. By default a
Windows®-based window is active when its title bar is displayed with a blue colour
shade. To activate a window, you just have to click on it.

13.2.1.Using the Trackball

Many operations of the 3D view configuration can be performed with the trackball.
You can also perform them with the keyboard, a pop-up menu or the 3D View
Configuration dialog box. The trackball can be used in the following way:
Left button When you hold down the left button while moving the
trackball from the right to the left, you change the
orientation of the 3D view.
When you hold down the left button while moving the
trackball upwards or downwards, you change the elevation
of the 3D view.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

Wheel When you roll the wheel, you change the zoom of the 3D
After activating the [Mouse wheel zoom] functionality, you
can zoom in or out by using the mouse wheel.

To activate this functionality:

Menu / Layout properties / Advanced properties
⇒ Left-click to select YES.

Right click When you right click, a pop-up menu is displayed.

With the immersive mode:
Left click + Shift or Moves the camera on the left or on the right, forward or
Ctrl backward.
Wheel + Shift or Ctrl Takes the camera up or down.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

13.2.2.Using the Keyboard

Using the keyboard you may replace and complete the trackball handling. The
keyboard shortcuts are as follows. See 13.2.4: Using the 3D View Configuration
Dialog Box, p. 210 for any further information about the different notions implied by
the 3D.
Press To

Turn the view to the right and left (orientation).


Change the elevation.


Change the zoom.


Orient the 3D view to the North.

Skip the 3D view to the top view (90° elevation).

Skips the 3D view at the sea level (0° elevation).

Resets all the parameters.

0 Skip to the isometric projection.
1 Display the black background.
2 Display information in the 3D view.
3 Display the borders of the 2D view.
4 Display the water surface.
5 Display the 2D clipping.
6 Display the 2D chart.
With the immersive mode:
Press To

Move the camera on the left and on the right.

and + Ctrl or
Move the cameras backward and forward.
and + Ctrl or

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Chapter 13: The 3D

Take the camera up or down.

and + Ctrl or

Orient the view to the North.

13.2.3.Using the pop-up menu

The pop-up menu allows you to use fast and with a single click the 3D main
functionalities. To display this menu, right click in the 3D view. See 13.2.4: Using
the 3D View Configuration Dialog Box, p. 210 for more information about the
different notions implied by the 3D.

Click To

North-Up View Orient the 3D view to the North.

Head-Up View Control the ship to the 3D view.
Top View Locate the 3D view above the ship.
Z/X Adjust the vertical exaggeration.
Global View Define the type of view to be used in the 3D.
Immersive View
To Ship View
From Ship View
To Trawl View
From Trawl View
Reset All Parameters Reset all the parameters, as defined by default.
Control Window… Open the 3D View Configuration dialog box.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

13.2.4.Using the 3D View Configuration Dialog Box

The 3D View Configuration dialog box allows you to control some parameters of the
3D View window.
This dialog box allows you to change settings in the 3D. Most of them can be
performed with the keyboard, the trackball or the pop-up menu, but some of them,
like the configuration of the ship, may only be performed with this dialog box.

To open the 3D View Configuration dialog box:

Do one of the following:
• Double click the 3D view
• Right click the 3D view and then click Control Window… in the pop-up
To configure the 3D View Configuration dialog box:
Access the 3D View Configuration dialog box doing one of the following:
• In the 3D View window, left-click twice.
• Right click the 3D View window and then left-click Control Window… in
the pop-up menu.
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Chapter 13: The 3D

Following the list of parameters, set all the parameters using the trackball, the
keyboard, the pop-up menu or the 3D View Configuration dialog box.
Select the 3D ship to be displayed with the Ship Model scrolling list.
Click Close. You can also click Reset All Parameters or press the key if you
do not want anymore to take into account the configuration you have just made.

13.3. Colour Schemes

In the bathymetric view of the chart area and the 3D view the differences in depths
and are shown by colours in colour schemes.
When you click on the Colour Scheme button, in the dialog box that allows to
configure the 3D view, you open a dialog box in which the default colour scheme is
defined. If desired, you can however create a new scheme or load an existing one, to
be further modified.
To modify a colour scheme, you can:
• Create a new marker
• Change the colour of a marker
• Change the depth of a marker
• Change the step between two shades of colours

13.3.1.Creating a Colour Scheme

To create a colour scheme:

In the 3D view Configuration dialog box, click Colour Scheme.
In the middle of the Colour Scheme dialog box, you can see a bar with a gradation
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Chapter 13: The 3D

of colours. Several coloured markers are represented in a vertical line, on the left of
the bar.
To create a new colour scheme, click New.
Change the step (see Changing the Step of the Whole Colour
Scheme, p. 213).
Add new markers into the line of colour markers (see Inserting a Colour
Marker into the Colour Bar, p. 212). When you select a marker by clicking on it, its
colour and depth are specified in the Marker zone.
Optionally change the colours assigned to the markers (see Changing the
Colour of a Depth Marker, p. 212).
When finished configuring the colour scheme, click OK. Inserting a Colour Marker into the Colour Bar

Colour markers are located along a bar that allows to assign depths to colours. It is
possible to create as many markers as possible. The more your create markers, the
more there will be possible colour shades.
When adding a marker with the button, this marker is displayed right at the
bottom of the line of depth markers.
To create a new color marker:
In the Colour Scheme dialog box, do one of the following:
• Double click the line of colour markers, in the location in which you wish to
insert a new marker.
• Click . A new marker is displayed right at the bottom of the line of depth
You can change the marker or delete it by selecting it and clicking on . Changing the Colour of a Depth Marker

The colours that are assigned to markers are reported in the colour bar. A marker can
be assigned to one or two colours. If assigned to a single colour, this colour is shown
above and below the depth that is assigned to the marker. On the other hang, if
assigned to two colours, the first colour is defined above the marker and the second

Figure 5: Changing a Colour

To change the colour of a depth marker.

Do one of the following:
• Double click the marker
• In Marker, click the highest coloured box
Change the colour (see 13.3.3: Defining a Custom Colour, p. 214)

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Chapter 13: The 3D

Optionally check the 2nd colour box, click the coloured rectangle in front of it,
and change the colour. Changing the Step of the Whole Colour Scheme

A colour scheme includes several colour shades. The result can be either a gradation
of colours or a sum of different shades. With the gradation of colours, the shades
cannot be clearly distinguished. The size of the step is used to define the depth, in
meters, of each shade. To take an example, let’s say that the difference between two
markers is 30 meters. If the step is set to 10 meters, then three shades will be
If the size of the step is 0 meter, the colour scheme will be a gradation.

No step 10-meter step

To change the step:

Do one of the following:
• In Step Size, enter a value
• Move the slider below Step Size
As you change the step size, the colour bar changes.

13.3.2.Loading a Colour Scheme

The most direct way to get a colour scheme is to create it. However, you can load
colour schemes you have previously created from other systems. This way, you are
provided with a first draft to create a new scheme, or the same scenario as the one
belonging to the system from which it is copied.
It will further be able to change the colour scheme, as any other scheme.
To load a colour scheme, you just have to copy the .csh file into the TurboWin folder
gathering all colour schemes, i.e. …\ TurboWin\ZLibrary\3d.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

Figure 6: List of Available Colour Schemes

To load a range of colours:

Close the Colour Scheme dialog box.

Open the Windows Explorer by pressing the keys + E at the same time.
Go to the directory that gathers the colour schemes, and then select the ones you
want to be copied.
Right click on the schemes, and then click Copy.
Go to the …\ TurboWin\ZLibrary\3d folder and then paste the file (s).
Open the Colour Scheme dialog box. When you open the Scheme Name scrolling
list, the list of the new schemes is displayed.
You won’t be able to load a colour scheme if you have not previously saved it.

13.3.3.Defining a Custom Colour

Figure 7: Dialog Box Allowing to Configure Custom Colours

To define a custom colour:
In the 3D view Configuration dialog box, click Colour Scheme.

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Chapter 13: The 3D

If you double click on a marker or you click on one of the coloured boxes, the
Colours dialog box opens.
Do one of the following
• From the Basic Colors grid, click the basic colour closest to the one you want
to create.
• Click anywhere in the window of colours, in the upper right part of the dialog
• In the Red, Green, and Blue fields, specify colour values by entering numbers
between 0 and 255 (where 0 removes all traces of the colour and 255 adds the
colour completely).
• In the Hue, Saturation, and Luminosity fields, define the corresponding
attributes by entering numbers between 0 and 255.
Move the sliding triangle up or down to set the luminosity value. The Color/Solid
box displays the dithered and solid colours that correspond to your selection.
Optionally click Add to Custom Colors and then OK.
To apply again a custom colour to a marker, double click on it, click the new
colour from the Custom Colors: zone and then click OK.

13.4. Troubleshooting

If you encounter some failures while using the 3D, please do the following:
Check the Generic Driver box. To find this box, click Advanced Parameters in
the 3D configuration dialog box.
If the 3D works improperly, uncheck all boxes in Quality / Performance (except
Generic Driver), as well as the Ship and Trawl boxes. Also uncheck Brders and 2D
Chart boxes in the Display group zone of the 3D configuration dialog box.
Now the 3D should work much better . Re-check all the boxes you have just
unchecked. Pay especially attention to the following boxes, which are the most likely
to damage performance:
• Back Wireframe
• High Quality – 2D Texture
• High Quality - Triangulation

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Chapter 14: Yachtsmen Option

14. Yachtsmen Option

14.1. Polars

You need one thing to know the performances of your ship: its optimum speed
depending on the speed of true wind and the angles relative to the wind. Polars allow
to express graphically ship’s performances in a meaningful way.
Polar values are given in .pol files. To have a polar, you must first load one of these
To load a polar file:
Left click.
Left click Layout properties and then Polar.
The contents of the Polar folder (which is located in TurboWin folder’s) is
displayed. Right clicking, select the polar file you wish to display.
Once selected the file, left click OK, and then right click several times to exit the
various menus and view the polar.
An example of polar follows:

The green pointer indicates the on the wind speed, the black pointer gives the target
speed and the red pointer gives the before the wind speed. So in the above example, if
the wind value is 13 knots and the ship’s angle 90 degrees, the optimum speed will be
10.7 knots.
You can change the speed and position of the target speed on the polar with the polar
command bar.

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Chapter 14: Yachtsmen Option

To display the polar command bar:

Right click.
Left click.
Left click
Left click.
The following command bar displays

Reduces the true wind.

Rises the true wind.

Reduces the ship’s angle.

Rises the ship’s angle.

14.2. Wind option

As soon as you have started the software, the application starts recording the wind
speed and direction.

1. Activate the Wind option:

Menu / Configuration / Ship / Acquisition / Wind
⇒ In the Active field, select YES by left-clicking. Configure the other settings if

2. Display the Wind window:

⇒ Click Info window and then Show wind:

Use the F11 shortcut key to display the two Wind windows one after another.

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 2

Chapter 14: Yachtsmen Option

3. Use the Wind window:

True wind data are displayed in graphs of the wind

information window.
The average of data is represented by the horizontal line (and
next to it the value of this average). This line may vary
according to the transmitted data.
You may also change the intervals between scales.

To modify the graphs scales:

1. Click CTRL WIND

2. The wind angle values displayed in red can be modified by

using the Up and Down keys of your keyboard. Click Enter
to save your modifications.
3. Repeat the steps to adjust the other axis.

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Appendix: Dedicated equipment sold by SODENA

SODENA is also selling equipment that could help you using TurboWin.

Optocoupler RS422 RS232

This optocoupler prevents any overload

that could occur, especially if several
machines are connected at the same
Isolates the PC input (serial port) and
converts the connected equipment if it
is RS 422.


This keypad can replace a traditional

keyboard while using TurboWin.
Connect it to your computer the same
way as a traditional keyboard.
Be careful, this keyboard can’t be used
with traditional Windows®

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 4

Available Options for TurboWin
• Parameter configuration for tracks,
• Arpa,
• Radar,
• Databases (tidal streams, bathymetry, wrecks, sediments),
• Seabed quality,
• Loran C, Decca, Toran.

In case you have bought EasWin version…

If you have bought other versions based on TurboWin, some functions will not be
included. The restrictions concerning EasWin are the following:

• No SOW – COW acquisition,

• No selection of Geoid,
• Autopilot APA or APB transmit only available,
• Automatic sampling rate only available,
• No virtual track,
• MOB (Man Over Board) as a command,
• No image associated with the marks,
• No display filters on user objects,
• No second GPS input.

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acquisition, 76 marks patterns, 123
adding messaging path, 132
UDP stream, 131 mix levels, 25, 27
bathymetry, 159 multicolour filter
call sign, 81 palette of colours, 102
cell seabed quality, 102
compilation scale, 34, 64 navigational usage, 33, 64
edition number, 33 network, 122
issue date, 34 PC Radar, 146
Chart, 25 Presentation Library, 40
chart database, 32, 63 print screen, 124
chart filter, 26 radar, 146
chart layer, 17 controls, 147
chart path, 25 overlay, 147
C-MAP® NT, 27 PC Radar, 146
C-MAP® R2, 25 range of colours
COG, 19, 20 creating, 179
color scheme, 179 régatier (option), 1
colour scheme registration, 81
loading, 181 screen, 17
command bar, 21 screen brightness, 122
configuring screen height, 124
UDP stream, 131 seabed quality, 101, 145
cursor, 23 seamark filter, 26
custom colour, 182 secondary folders, 86
datum, 122 security, 41, 68
dedicated equipment, 3 safe mode, 41, 69
EBL mark, 114 sedimentology, 145
automatic and manual, 114 ship
EBL window, 115 acquisition, 76
ENC call sign, 81
database content, 32, 63 configuring, 79
ERBL, 20 Jpeg picture, 81
ETA, 20 name, 80
events owner, 81
predefined, 109, 110 registration, 81
folder shape, 80
creation, 86 transmission, 77
main, 86 ship layer, 17
restoration, 90 ship mode, 80
secondary, 86 Shortcut keys, 8
headband, 18 slave ship
headline, 79 acquisition, 82, 90
keypad, 11 configuring the track, 105
layout properties, 14, 96, 120 track, 82
leg, 111 SOG, 19, 20
local date & time, 122 speed's reference, 79
main folder, 86 stream
marks pattern, 107 TCP, 131
6 TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1.
UDP, 131 trawl
target ship information window, 136
acquisition, 82, 90 track, 136
track, 82 TTG, 20
TCP, 131 TurboWin
tidal streams, 118 opening, 15
command bar, 119 UDP, 130
legend of colours, 119 UDP stream, 130
tide graph, 119 user layer, 17
tides, 119 UT, 20
command bar, 119 visual keypad, 11
track VRM, 113, 114
stopping, 100, 101 XTE, 20
transmission, 77

TurboWin User Manual 7.0.1. 7

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